21 Powerful Declarations Against Coronavirus

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As the world struggles to come to terms with the high death rate caused by the Coronavirus, COVID-19, it is important to remain steadfast in the Lord. These 21 declarations will not only restore your faith, but it will keep you focused on the problem solver Jesus Christ while defeating thoughts of despair, fear, frustration, and doubt.

21 Declarations Against Coronavirus

There is no sickness, diseases Jesus cannot heal. My body is the temple of God and I rebuke coronavirus in Jesus’ name.

No virus or illness fashioned against me and my family shall prosper because the Greater one within me is my shield.

I decree and declare that no media coverage shall instill worry or fear within me. I am mightily protected by the blood of Jesus.

Everywhere I am, my heart is awakened with prayer as I plead for God’s mercy upon my fellow-countrymen directly affected and infected by illness.

It is written that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall not fear. This is my declaration for my entire family.

Walking in Victory

I will continuously praise the Lord as I know this pandemic shall pass too.

My trust is in the Lord. No matter what I see in the natural, the blood of Jesus is my ever-dependable strong tower.

Today and forevermore, I plead the blood of Jesus for wisdom. As the world goes in a panic, I shall not be moved nor shaken.

You coronavirus, I stand against you as a child of God and I declare that you shall pass on without touching a single member of my family.

My body is the temple of God. I walk in the victory of good health. I am a conqueror, I fear only God.

My Redeemer Heals

I only need to trust and obey. The Holy Spirit shall guide, and counsel me, in Jesus’ name.

I choose to live a life of complete victory. I am not of this world and I will continue soaring because I call upon the name of Jesus

Nothing my Redeemer cannot heal, nothing my Saviour cannot do. I am mightily vindicated.

I am blessed to serve a Mighty faithful God who is concerned about my life and keeps me from harm.

Just as in the ancient of days when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the furnace, my God is a miraculous working God.

Prayer over coronavirus

When distraction and worldly tribulations knock on my door, my only way out is on my knees as I uproot and cancel every distraction by pleading the blood of Jesus over every challenge.

There is power in the name of Jesus, power to overcome whatever the illness has destroyed. All I need is Jesus Christ.

Mercy, O Lord, I shall plead for my country. Lord have mercy.

My hands shall be lifted up in prayer day and night, as I thank God for another day of protection.

There is no other God like Jesus, therefore I will rejoice for His faithfulness is unshakeable.

The same power that resurrected Jesus on the cross, is the same power that I plead upon my life, in the name of Jesus.

21 Powerful Declarations Against Coronavirus

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  1. Father please bring healing to my husband of Corona virus,God you are mightier than the Corona virus!Lord draw our family under the blood of Jesus Mighty name.I pray Psalm 91 over my family.I ask ,believe and receive all of these in the Mighty name of Jesus! Amen and Amen!!!!!!!

  2. May you help me to pray for my sister and her family. Corona has attack them. May the good Lord heal them, in Jesus name

  3. Dear Father God,
    Today, I am in Christ Jesus.
    I am a child of the Living Most High God.
    I am mightily protected by the blood of Jesus.
    My body is the temple of God.
    No virus or illness fashioned against me and my family shall prosper, Amen.
    There is no sickness, diseases, our Lord Jesus cannot heal.
    I pray today, dear God,
    May this coronavirus diseases shall pass away go to in the lake of fire, without touching a single member of my family. Amen.
    My declaration today,
    It is written that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall not fear.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, I know this epidemic shall pass away, go into the lake of fire.
    So today, I walk in the victory of good health. I am a conqueror.
    I fear only the Almighty God.
    In Jesus mighty name,
    Amen and Amen..

  4. Though I walk thru the valley of the shawdow of death, I shall fear no evil
    Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
    This covid 19 pandemic is gone
    I claim by the precious blood of Jesus
    No weapon formed against Mr or my family shall prosper
    The great redeemer is my healer
    Thank you Lord Jesus
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen