7 Powerful Prayers for New Job, Employment

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Praying When Worried About Finding Suitable Work Or Employment

We all need a job to survive. Without it, we feel worried because we cannot provide our basic needs. It is important to put your trust in God. In times like these, when the world is becoming so difficult to live in, prayer is a powerful option for Christians.

Also, we know that the children of God are highly favored, so why worry? Put your trust in God and not man. Let us pray.

Praying For The Right Job

Heavenly Father, I ask that you provide a job suited for my needs this day. Lead me to a job that will accommodate me without hesitation. You are the rock on which I stand. I ask that You provide me with a job that is both stable and without shaky grounds.

I ask that my talents, skills, abilities and education will be put into practical use. That way, I can have sufficient to pay my bills and credit cards, and place bread on my table for myself and my family. May I also be able to give back what is due to You.

Lord, You command blessings upon me in my barns and in all that I put my hands to do, and You will bless me in the land which You give me. Right now, I proclaim that I will receive many job opportunities that will allow me to perform at my best, remembering You in all that I do.

I speak that doors will be opened to me in every direction I turn, because Your light shines upon me. I decree and declare that unemployment is of the past and will be no more. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen!

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;”

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Prayer – Removing All Barriers And Blockage Of Gaining Employment

Lord, for too long I have waited, and I am weary of being unemployed. Today, I cast my anxiety and worry unto You because You are the God that cares. I am tired of being unwanted.

Lord, let my race, gender, faith, family background and status be irrelevant to the employer. Let them choose me because Your goodwill is upon my life. No more will I beg of bread but it will be given abundantly to me in the name of Jesus.

Lord, Your word says that the same God who takes care of me will supply all my needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. This I believe, and I rebuke all racism, unfairness, injustice, favoritism and prejudice in the name of Jesus. I speak prosperity in my life.

I pray against the devil who came to kill steal and destroy. Satan has kept me back from my blessings for too long, and I say no more! No more will his hands tamper with my mind.

But I will trust in the Lord of heaven and earth for my breakthrough. Lord, You have done it all on the cross for me and no longer will I suffer the trouble of unemployment, in Jesus name. Amen!

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Prayer When Applying, Seeking Employment

Heavenly Father, I come before You seeking Your help in this time of desperate need. Lord, You said to ask and it shall be given to me, seek and I will find, knock and doors shall be opened for me.

Abba Father, this day You know my needs, you know my struggles. Lord, You know the crisis I face each day and you are not a God of confusion but a God who hears and answers.

Jehovah Jireh, my provider, you will never let Your children go a day without bread. I plead for a breakthrough in my life and I trust in You because victory is mine, in Jesus name.

As I am about to apply for a job, I pray for your favor upon my resume. I pray that you would cover and shield my resume under your blood. Whoever reads my resume will acknowledge it, and not only acknowledge it, but I will be hired. Through You Lord, these applications will be highly considered and favor will be mine.

Shower Your blessing upon me this day so that wherever my applications go, it will not be rejected but will be acknowledged. My resume will not be void but I will get many opportunities, for You are the God who gives. I plead your light upon my resume and I receive your blessings and believe it is already done. In no other name but in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

Effective Prayers when seeking a job, employment

Praying For A Great Job Interview

Jesus Christ who died for me. I bow before you begging for your guidance in my job interview. I pray for your protection and covering over me with your blood. Lord, when I walk through that door, they will see your light shining in me. There will be no doubts in their mind that I am the desired person for the job.

They will see only decency and ambition, honesty and integrity, determination and perseverance in me because you are the head of my life and I choose to do the right things.

Lord, help me to wear your amour so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Help me stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

In addition to all this, help me take up the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God so that if I do these things, they have no choice but to take me because You are all they see.

I pray that as seek out effective employment, that I will speak only as you lead and nothing shall be on my own. Let my conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Lord, help me to say the right things at the right time pleasing you in every way. I pray that my appearance, speech, attitude, and behavior be in a manner of humbleness and not greed. Guide my steps today lord as I prepare for this interview in Jesus name, Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.’”

Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”

Prayer When Waiting To Be Employed

Lord I will trust in you. I acknowledge you and I know that you are working out big, great plans for me. Your timing is the best timing and I will wait for the time when you bless me with a job.

I thank you, Jesus for answering my prayer. I believe the job is already waiting for me and it is only possible through you. Whatever is for me will be for me. It does not matter if I don’t see a way out right now. I know that I serve a big God that is working things out for me.

You are a God of Your word and, as I pray, I know that no prayer of mine will be unanswered. Wherever you lead me I will follow Jesus. I thank you because my job will be soon coming in Jesus name. Amen.

Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.

Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

We Serve A Big God!

Jobs may be difficult to find in times like these. The world is getting harder to survive in. Many times there is an unfair selection of employees and this causes us to become victims of unemployment.

Many times your status and appearance influence if they choose you or not. Racism and religion are factors that contribute to whether you get a job or not.

Enough is enough! No more, my friends! We serve a bigger God. A God that is bigger than any company/organization. He’s bigger than any employer. Our God is greater than those who want to bring you down. He is just and not unfair. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then all things are possible.

Psalm 90:17 “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.”

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  1. Lord, mighty and righteous Lord, I have been seeking your favor for quite some time now. I am asking for your intervention into my finances, as my debts are too much for me to handle. Please send me good paying work that I am suited for, work that I enjoy, and work that I can be an asset to. I am seeking immediate work Lord, as I have applied many places. I patiently wait for your response. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

  2. I have been unemployed for nearly a year and I want to transition into different kinds of work than I have been doing. Lord,in Jesus Christ’s name I pray for an interview and a job soon.

  3. Thank you, God, for giving Miss Goldie, skills, talents, and qualifications. Thank you for blessing me Miss Goldie with success. Thank you for helping her achieve her financial goals in her new job. I praise you God in your grace and goodness

  4. Lord Thank you in advance for my position that’s on the way. Thank you for the prayers, they really meant a lot. I pray that everyone seeking employment will receive it. When the day comes, I will come back with a Praise. GOD BLESS!

  5. Lord Jesus,…. I surrender to your feet, remove the greed from me.. sorry jesus, many time I just forgive you in me, and act as if am supreme… but when i realise am zero,without your support,… I get self shame… am sorry jesus…. i come back to you running…pls forgive my mistake and bless my life…AMEN AMEN AMEN..

  6. I am praying oh mighty Jesus tat you place me lord god on a job I am ready lord prayer for me as I put applications

  7. Praying through this season of transition. I pray to find a job that is fulfilling in all ways, and helping people in all ways. 🙏🏾 amen!

  8. In Jesus name Amen. The above prayers points are really useful made.me feel to be confident and motivated in the days to come.

  9. Praying for a great teaching job with students who want to learn and a friendly staff. Prayers for my future appreciated. Thank you!

  10. Hello, I am a degree holder in computer science. Since I graduated from the university year 2019, I have been struggling to get a job but to no avail. Please your prayers can help me in this situation.
    I’m really down, please I need help.

  11. I thank God for his finished work and its in this faith that he is gonna bless me with a good job that suits my heavenly purpose on earth. I am blessed to be a blessing. Thank you jesus. In Christ’s name. Amen

  12. Requesting for credible and intercessory prayer for healing after my surgery and finding permanent employment to execute my parental obligation to my boys as a single mother so help God.In Jesus’s might name I’ve prayed.

  13. Requesting intercessory prayers to get a permanent job to support my elderly parents and my family. I am currently unemployed.
    In Jesus name. Amen.

  14. Father lord, I pray to have a decent paid job so that I can be able to put bread on my table and assist my siblings and everyone who will need my help. Oh lord, you say who seek will find, who ask shall be given and who knocks the doors shall be open. Father Lord I pray. Amen

  15. I have Prayed, will continue to do so, will leave all of my worrying in God’s hands. I will not stress because God and Jesus have always taken care of me, and I know his timing is in my plan.

    May God continue to bless me with interviews, and jobs that he may see fit. May I be able to land a job that is both fit for me and my family, and lets me devote all my time and energy in a stable environment.
    In Jesus name I Pray Amen.

  16. And now I pray for employment in a very difficult time, Lord your words have been the only comfort I have in getting a meaningful job. I desperately need an income to feed my family and pay my expenses The past six months have been debilitating and I am exhausted. Lord you say ask and its given, look and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened. I believe that with all my heart and mind, Lord have mercy on me! and help me find what I seek.
    With respect.

    1. Love this am in the same book God is faithful and he will bless us. We are weak and weary now but when we are weak God is strong. So I walk in agreement with you on this prayer.

      In Jesus powerful name I pray


  17. Please special pray for me I need a job. I’m really hurt because everyone hurt I haven’t a job 😭. So please remember me in yours own pray 🙏. Jesus Christ bless all of you. Ameen 🙏

    1. Heavenly Father, I know you have already answered my prayers. I believe you’ve already done it. I will come back to share my testimony in Jesus name Amen.

      1. Would you also please pray for I need a better job our company is retrenching employees though I have worked with this company I have been oppressed for many years I need a better job so that I can be able to support my family and support my studies I believe in God and the power of prayer

  18. Lord I am praying not only for a successful interview on tomorrow but a job offer. The company is really close to home, offers great benefits, pays decently and hybrid. I thank you for your favor and love.

    1. I was here on 10th of October to pray these prayer for Job. I had several interviews but wanted a particular one. 1st week of November I got the Job and I signed my work contract last week. All glory to God. Praise God.

  19. Dear Lord
    Will you please bless me with a new job ASAP, Lord you know the situation that , I have at my current job Lord you know the manager is unfair to me, Lord you know she favor one employee and gives that employee more hours and the manager agree with this employee 100%, Lord you know this is unfair and each employee should be treated the save. Lord Will please intervene into this situation and please bless me with a New Job ASAP a full time job with great benefits.
    Thanks and amen

  20. Dear Jesus,
    I pray I find a job today, to support my family and pay the bills. Lord, I want to work where I can be of help and service. I just want a chance Lord, to provide for my family, to be a good role model, to be able to work. Lord, Jesus please I ask in your name. Amen

  21. Dear God, please allow me to find my new job very soon. My last day is February 25. Please find me this new job in the next day or two. I love you God and I believe in you, the Virgin Mary and all the saints.

  22. Dear heavenly father, Please don’t forget me. As I move through a new chapter in my personal life I ask you please help me find my purpose. The job that I currently have is not fulfilling my purpose and I can feel the heavy burden. Please dear Lord help me find a position that fulfills my life and is able to sustain my kids and expenses at home. I pray that you don’t forget me. I am needing a bigger purpose and I can not find it with out you. Amen

  23. Please pray for me today as I wait upon the Lord to open the right door for employment. I pray that one of the two jobs I’m waiting on will open for me today so the I can use my talents, skills and education will be put to the best use. I trust in God through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior that the job that calls today is where I need to be so that I can provide for my wife and family and to help others.

  24. Lord you know all the persecution that my family has endured. You have seen us struggle. I pray for my family. I know you can do the impossible. Lord you can bring beauty out of these ashes. You can bring my dream job to me so I do not have to travel 3 1/2 hours away. I know you are working in our favor and I am trusting you. Thank you for all you do for us. We love you. We give you praise and we speak blessings over those that are lying and being deceitful in our lives. You will help us, give us peace and strength in Jesus name. Amen

  25. Please pray that the lord will favor me with this job that I have applied for, today I had and interview please pray the they will choose me because I need that Job.

  26. Thank you Heavenly Father for these encouraging words! I ask for ,my son Kevin ,for a mechanical engineering job will come his way in your own timeline,I thank you for providing a job for him, that all his hard work in college will pay off! I pray for everyone here searching for employment father god ! Amen

  27. Really encouraged me. I’m going through a situation. Please keep me in prayer. Lord, help me find a job. The job I had let me go. It wasn’t my fault they didn’t have my paperwork right.

  28. As l await for the results of my interview, Lord l ask you to deal with whoever is making the decision so that in their eyes l am the best candidate for this position.
    Go thee before me Lord and prepare a table before my enemies.
    Let negative energies dissappear in my life Lord.
    May you Lord be the one to make the last and final decision Lord.
    You know how much l love to have this new job, may you help me to get it.
    You know how much l am going through, may you open new doors for me Lord.
    You know the desires of my heart, may they be fulfilled in Jesus’ name.
    At the right time l know that you Lord will grant my wishes.

    Grant the wishes of all who seek employment Lord.

    Thank you Lord l pray.

  29. Dear Lord, Please help me find the right job for me and my son, I pray he gets a job that does not hurt his back and gains confidence in himself. He is not sure if he should get a back operations for a condition he was born with. Please steer us in the right directions. I pray for all who are searching for a job that you answer their payers. Love you Lord.

  30. please pray for me to get the rights stable new job , in my field of marketing with the right company , I trust in God, Psalms 2:8 ” whatever you ask of me , I will give you the inheritance of your Nations and the ends of the earth shall be in your possession ” Nothing is impossible with Lord our provider ” Phil 4:19

  31. Please pray for my son Russell that he gets a job in finance he got a recent DUI which should not be a barrier in him procuring employment. Please Lord bless him in Jesus name. Amen

  32. I praise God for blessing me with a new job. I have prayed so hard the past several weeks and He answered my prayers. I pray for those seeking employment that God will lead you to the right kind of job. May God bless you wholly and abundantly. God loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you. God will find a way. Have faith, even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, ” you will say to the mountain – move from here to there – and it will move” Matthew 17:20

  33. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven,for You always be with me,for me,in me,bless me to have a good job in my life.
    I pray for everyone in need of work to having a good job. Amen.
    Father,I need You today and everyday,every minute,every hour.I am nothing without You.
    Thank You Lord,for Your great plans for my life and answers my prayers.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  34. Dear Lord, thank you for allowing me to have a job currently, however, a better job opportunity has opened up with the company that I work for and I would love to have the chance to work at this new job. When you make this happen, I will praise you always. If it be you will, help me to get this new job in Jesus name I pray

  35. Dear Lord, thank you for allowing me to have a job currently, however, you know the place where I am is very toxic and hostile. I would love the opportunity to do something else that I have discussed with you before. When you make this happen for me, I WILL GIVE YOU ALL OF THE GLORY!!! I will claim it in Jesus name! Thank you Lord! I will not disappoint you remove me from here.


  36. Amen. Thank You Lord. Thank you Lord for giving us jobs. Thank you Lord for giving us talents, skills and qualifications. Thank you Lord for the opportunities and open doors. Lord, bless me with strength, wisdom and joy on my job application. Lord guide me on the right job. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    1. Dear lord bless me with a new job that I have applied today… I believe and trust that I will get that job… I want to put bread on table feed my family help my parents and my brother and sister.. Nad whoever needs my help.. I carry a heavy load that needs a well paying job… Bless me father… I believe I have the job already in Jesus name.. When I get it I will come here and testify u have done it. Lord.. Thank you for u have never leave me alone… Please walk with me….. Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏