Prayer For Better Relationships

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Heavenly Father, You are three and yet one, and it is a mystery. But Father, this one thing we know, that out of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You created us to be loved by You and to share in Your divine relationship.

We were created to fellowship with you and others, just as it is your nature that Three can become one.

Even so, Lord, you have blessed us in the realms of the earth to have those human connections with one another, for us to experience being husbands and wives, parents and children, co-laborers and friends.

These relationships are a blessing to us, and we thank You that we can connect with people in these various ways, and express our friendship and love through these relationships.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Better Relationships Between Parents And Children

Father, we thank you for the relationships of parents and children, that we can experience the care-free living of being totally dependent on our parents, to grow up and then know what it is to be on the other side, as you Father, have cared for us as a loving parent.

Oh what a wonderful window into the Heart of God has been revealed in the relationship between parents and children.

For the children, we pray that their hearts will be full to receive the love, instruction of their parents, in an environment of trust and free from fear. For the parents, we release wisdom and discernment in the way they should raise their children.

We bless the relationships of parents and children. May great joy and peace continue to abound in the hearts of all that make up this family.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Better Relationships Between Husband And Wife

Oh Heavenly Father, we thank you for the union of husbands and wives. Lord, you say this is a great mystery, that two shall become one, and be joined together by you.

Father, we bless those who have entered into marriage. We speak abundant peace, love, and joy over their union, may they grow ever deeper in intimacy with each other.

We speak divine protection over them, from those who would seek to do them harm or bring division. Guide their steps along the way, as they grow and mature in the knowledge of each other and in your Grace, O God.

Psalms 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”

Better Relationships Between Friends And Loved Ones

Thank you, O God, for the company of our friends and loved ones. How blessed it is that we can find communities of like-mind and like-Spirit to share and express ourselves, and share this life with.

Thank you, Father, for those who listen in times of need, and for them that offer counsel when trouble comes.

Thank you, Father, for every soft word spoken at the right time, every embrace that has held us together, and every shoulder we have cried upon when in time of need.

Father, we thank you for the people who have been a blessing to our lives. We give thanks for those who we have had the privilege to be a blessing in their lives.

Thank you, Lord, that you would share the fellowship you experience in the Godhead, through these little glimpses of expression we have in our relationships here on earth. Amen.

John 17:22 And the glory which you gave me, I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Proverbs 3:3-4 “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

Praying for someone, or a family? Why not add his/her name and condition below so that we can join you in prayer…

Do you have a testimony or Bible verse? Share it below..

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  1. I am praying for a very impossible situation to come right. A husband is the head of his home when he allows the rest of the family to have the privilege to live their lives individually and as a family. Each member of the family is the body of Christ. Christ has a plan and purpose for each one. How can it be in some families that a husband lives the opposite way and thinks that every time they make a mistake they come to God with repentance and that they are allowed to do wrong. Lord I ask that you humbly create repentance so that these kind of husbands become more understanding towards their wives. Cultivate in them a deeper understanding of it and that the family grows in faith and abundance when God’s spirit is allowed to make those powerful decisions in our lives.

    This is my humble prayer to you. Amen.

  2. Praying to restore my family connection with my children and husband. Sending prayers to my father as he is transitioning to be with the lord. I claim victory over my family and I acknowledge I will be the one to break these generational curses. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  3. Praise be God for His deliverance in my work dot from a demoness manager and jealous co-worker. Heavenly Father rescued me from all their false assassinations against me.
    Promise; all things are possible with God. I’m so amazed by the Lord How He loves me!!!!

  4. Please lord I pray over my 5 children , for you father god to keep them safe and protect them at all times while I can’t , ohhh lord fill their lives with pure love , happiness and safety wrap your loving arms around them oh lord and protect them from all evil , I pray for you to watch over my beautiful little mum who I’ve hurt and tortured for years I stole her peace oh lord but now nearly a year clean from addiction lord my mum is now finding her peace of mind back lord I want to Thankyou for carrying me guiding me and showing me your direction helping me to live on your will and not my own to lean on you and not my own understanding , I Thankyou father god for your strength courage wisdom knowledge faith hope belief love peace freedom and also your forgiveness , keep tight hold of my 5 beautiful kids and my living mum ad I pray lord for my broken sister with no way to turn she has no faith , no hope and no direction she’s in denial lord she is in the darkness father I’m asking you to lift my sister your daughter up into the light wrap your loving arms around her and step in lord help her please show her the way put your people in her path to put her in safety and her 6 kids and to find a new way of life help her to see you lord I pray that she finds you lord and changes her ways out of the darkness and into the light remove the enemy away from her lord , and just a BIG Thankyou for everything you have done for me keeping me clean another day putting beautiful strong women in my path to give me the message of hope strength and determination to carry on stepping forward and never look back please lord tonight give me your righteousness lord give me yours I love you , in Jesus name I pray AMEN 🙏xxx Thankyou for my clean fresh bed the food I have received and for being safe ,, I pray for all my loved ones to be safe happy and loved AMEN 🙏 xxx

  5. Please pray for my husband and marriage restoration, my husband is living an adulterous lifestyle I need him to go back to God, let God convict his heart so he can come to repentance.

  6. Pray for my children to grow in strength and have a relationship with God. May they find their way and purpose in life through our Father. Thank you for your support.

  7. Please pray for my friend Kendall he and his family are going through some tough times financially things has not been good for a while and pray against the spirit of lies and stagnation in his life thank you in advance

  8. Please pray for my husband and marriage restoration peace love joy happiness. His salvation family friends world. Him family sat free of alcohol addiction. In Jesus Name Amen

  9. Prayers for my younger brother George, that the good Lord will be kind to him in all his endeavours and deliver him from the hands of the wicked one who has tried to frustrate his life at any given circumstance,Lord set him free and give him peace of mind..l declare an increase of blessings..wisdom..understanding and knowledge into his life..l declare success..victory and the permanent presence of the Holy spirit in his life in the name of our mighty Lord Jesus Christ…Amen.

    1. Father as you know today is past a month since this prayer request. However, you know all things and you know if Maritza or any other person is still going through these health problems. I hope and Pray lord that you heal them fully, In the name of Jesus Amen.


  11. Prayers for my family please. That we could finally come together in truth & mercy. That justice, understanding, and love may fill each of our hearts. May God renew each of us in this life so that He can call each of us with joy & peace to His glory when our time comes. I know that we are all already saved through Jesus Christ, our loving & ever merciful Redeemer. But we pray that God may please fill each of us with the faith & resistance to claim it. God knows each of the hearts every man, and I pray that He heal us soon, as He knows how deep each of us has struggled. Therefore God will not forsake or overlook us; but we pray that He may redeem us in time to come. If it be of His most gracious will, I pray with all my heart as my deepest desire, please my God, do not let us fall into the hands of the enemy. My Father, do not allow the enemy to victorious over the lives of your children. My Father, may separation & iniquity plague us no longer, but may we find peace and bring our hearts to the foot of your cross. Please Almighty God, as nothing is impossible for, You my God, then please do not ignore the affliction of Your servant! Please Father, by the blood of the cross, the tears of the Lamb, and the wounds of the heart, my Father; please I beg of You, redeem us from the enemy who has been triumphant & deceptive, feeding off of our pain. I beg of You, our Father; please we pray overlook Your anger and remember the innocence of Your children, understand our pain, and call us back to you in renewal, redemption, and forgiveness. Do not allow the enemy to steal us from You, nor be victorious in taking hold of us. But call us back to You, my Father, that we may together feel true peace once more again; and return within Your permanent grounds in servitude as Your servants & children that we are to share Your great love for many others to be saved, Amen. All to Your glory, Amen. My Father, we do not pray for revenge but we pray for justice & love, and in any case may love override justice, because You Yourself said that love was greater than them all. By love we are saved, by love created, and by love please redeem each one of us my Father, if it be of Your most gracious will then I beg. Amen. Thank You my God for all You have done, and for all that ever shall be. To Your Glory always, Amen.
    Prayers for all those families facing conflict. For all those silenced wondering self-doubtingly about justice. For all those faithful to out Father with faith not in any certain outcome they want, but faith in Who God is- our Redeemer, Faithful, never leaving His children in the dark but in Who’s timing is always more perfect than ours. To all of our brothers & sisters here on this earth that we share with, for God will redeem us from out struggles & discord, pain & conflict. Blessings to those who struggle to find peace in war. For those who keep fighting in the name of Jesus Christ, regardless the cost. Because the enemy is plentiful on this earth, and the war is great. But Jesus has already conquered the enemy and through Him we are more than conquerers, the enemy knows his time is not long. Therefore, prayers we may hold fast to God, stay close to God always. We are all saved. Redeemed. My God, remind those who have forgotten, including ourselves. And all glory & all thanks be to God, our loving Creator, Redeemer, and Father. Amen. I’ll stop typing so much now. 🙂 Happy New Year 2023! God bless.

  12. I am praying for De’Marrius, Jordan and Myrika. I pray that they will come to acceptance of Jesus Christ over their lives and come into relationship with Him and walk in obedience. I pray for the family members of my grand daughter London Star. That God would move on their hearts to be opened to receive His Word and His goodness and allow me to have a relationship with my granddaughter who is now 7 months old and I haven’t seen her since she was 11 days old. Thank you all and God bless and keep you.
    Two of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct they paths.
    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declared the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  13. Dear Heavenly father, we have lived solely on our own since my divorce and my son was only aged 7. Lord he has no father or anyone to guide him and throughout the troubles of life you bought him back to pastures new. He needs his Heavenly father to help him, oh Lord would you grant him wisdom, knowledge and help with the troubles he is facing. Father he needs to pass his car test and work is pressing him, his train journeys are 4 hours daily. Heavenly father can you please show him your with him thoughout these trials. I pray and ask this in the precious name of jesus christ amen amen

  14. I greet you all in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. My prayer request is on behalf of a friend by the name of Mawethu Zondi. He is going through some challenges in his life though I don’t have deeper details but things seems not to be working neither going the right way in his life in all areas of his life. He is losing hope about life. Please join me and pray for him and his situation to change and that he may give his life fully to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  15. Plz remember me and beloved family in prayers let God help us to get closer more then b4 I’m too far from my wife and children . Wife name Noral

  16. Thank you god for everything . Father god lately I have being feeling lost confused in the dark . Father pls take away my fear darkness from my life and my family life . Pls guide us we need financial blessings from heaven godly people to help us achieve our assiment fir your glory in Jesus majestic name I pray amen

  17. Dear God I thank you for the unit, togetherness and love that I share with my husband. May you continue to sustain our marriage in your unending love.
    I surrender relationship between me , my parents and siblings. May you renew it every day.

    Thank you for all the great friends you have put in my life.
    Continue to protect and provide for them all that they deserve.
    Sustain all of us in your amazing Grace.
    I thank you and worship you lord lord.

    Thank you Martin for sharing this message and wishing your people happy relationships.
    May God bless you more and continue to sustain this website.
    Amen and Amen

  18. Good morning Father God thank you for your night protection for me and my family , I thank you Father God for another blessed day I praise you Father God I worship you in the name of Jesus Christ our lord ,,, pls I need prayers for my mother who is in questionable circumstances thank you .. god bless all amen…

  19. Dear God,
    I love You,my dear Lord Jesus Christ,with all my heart and with all my soul.
    Today,my first focus is my relationship with You,my dear Father in Heavenly place. Amen.
    All I want is with You,Father,
    I will follow You all of the days in my life. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,bless me to have a good relationship with my family,with my brothers and sisters and with my friends,and with everyone all around me.
    May my relationship with all of them will be flourish. Amen.
    These relationship are the blessing for us all.
    Thank You,Father,for always be with me,lead me to walking in Your way of righteousness,in Your way of truth,to do good to follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  20. I want prayer for a financial blessing to buy a home and get out of debt. I need a blessing for my Son and Daughter to have a loving relationship. A prayer for my Son and his Dad to have a better relationship. A prayer for family intervention. A prayer that God will continue to mold me into his image. To always be Christlike, and to love everyone for God is love. Thank you for praying for me and my family. Amen.

  21. Praying my marriage be bless, and my son and daughter have a better relationship, with God and their father in Jesus I pray Amen.

  22. My dear Father in Heaven,
    I thank You for teach me,guide me,lead me walking in You way of righteousness.
    Thank You Father,for bless me to have a good relationship with everyone all around me.
    My family,my brothers and sisters and with my friends.
    These relationships are blessing for us all. Amen.
    Today,my first focus is my relationship with You,my dear Father in Heavenly place. Amen.
    All I want is with You,Father.
    I will follow Your will and Your word to do everything in my life. Amen.
    Let Your will be done in my life as it is in Heaven.
    Thank You Lord,for You always lead me,guide me to walking in Your way,to do good to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  23. Lord
    A personal prayer I lift up to You
    Help me better myself with relationships for good
    My aged mother who demands her ways
    To understand my children in their growing age

    The good friends I cherish in heart
    My colleagues who come from different walks of life
    May I grow in understanding and respect towards all
    May I love them in the way You have loved me too

  24. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise You,I give You thanks,I worship You,I love You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    Today,I just want to thank God,for the gift of life.
    I am happy to have a good relationship with You,Lord Jesus. All I want is You,Lord Jesus. Amen.
    I will follow You,Lord Jesus,all of the days of my life. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You bless me to have a good relationship with my family,with my brothers and sisters and with my friends,and with everyone all around me. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May my relationship with my family,with my brothers and sisters,with my friends,and with everyone will be flourish. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for bless me have a good relationship with everyone.
    These relationships are blessing for us all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  25. Lord I thank you for the free gift of love, I thank you for Becky my best friend and I pray you send me a man that I will share a love that you ordained in Jesus Name I pray Amen

  26. Please keep my son Dylan in prayer, he’s is addicted to drugs. I don’t know where or how he is but I can feel he is alive. We have tried to get him into rehabilitation but he is angry with God and will not go because the programs are Christian. Pray that someone, somewhere reaches him and softens his rebellious spirit and he becomes clean. We serve a Mighty God and I know he loves my boy …

    1. Could you help me pray for myself and my family we are so decided especially my daughter that is so cold hearted towards me keeping my grand kids away from me she only come s around when she needs something I gets so depress some times but there is nothing I can do my financial struggles with medical Bill’s I’d getting to me

    1. Please Pray For My Daughter Mikaelas Salvation And Deliverance.That She Would Get The Help She Needs To Regain Custody Of Her 2 Children.Pray For My Son Amilio,He’s Depressed,Needs To Obtain His To Obtain Better Job Opportunities.Pray For My Son Giovanni To Have A Calm Spirit.

  27. Dear God,
    I give You thanks,my dear Lord Jesus,for my good relationship with my family,with my brothers and sisters and with my friends.
    Live at peace with everyone all around me. Amen.
    These relationship are blessing to us all.
    We hope that our relationship with everyone will be flourish.
    I thank You,Father,especially my relationship with my Lord Jesus,is my first focus.
    So today,I just want to thank God for the gift of live.
    No complaints,No requests,
    just thankful to be alife,have a good relationship with everyone. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.



    1. We all join hands in praying for the total deliverance of you and your family….in The Mighty Name of Lord Jesus… Amen

    2. Pour it out, Let your Love wonder by the precious blood of Jesus.
      Love one another
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

    1. A prayer for my sister Lerato Leso. She is unemployed and going through a lot of financial difficulties since her emploment contract ended.

      1. Lord and Father we all believe that only You are The Provider.. please Mercy and Grace this sister and approve her a good and stable job…in Your Holy Name we pray…. Amen

  29. Lord please touch my husband heart & mind to come back home. Please deliver him from his evil ways so that he can repent his life to you. Please Lord fill his heart with good & wise spirits from you so that he can take care of his family that you have already been blessed with. Lord remove all the hatred inside him & lead him to your righteous path. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.Thank you Jesus

    1. Lord Jesus You are The Restorer… please Bless this sister and restore her family.. in Your Mighty Name we pray… Amen

      1. Let Love and Goodness abound you
        Bound them round your neck and never let go
        I praise you father
        Please help me to find my way and my Son Zackary no more blocked blessings
        Show him the way
        I cast out all the old and bring in the new glory and grace that only you can give
        Thy will be done
        Amen & Amen

  30. Please pray for my dear beloved daughter Hannah, who is going through a separation in her marriage, for God to restore her home.

    She was recently diagnosed with a tumour and I want you to please pray for divine healing in her health.

    1. Pray and ask God what His will is for you! I was impressed to comment that! When Christians come to God….everything else fall into place! Shalom!

    2. Lord and Father I lift up sister Hannah at your Mercy in my prayers….we believe that in our weakness Your Strength is manifested…Lord please heal this sister and restore her family…in The Mighty Name of Lord Jesus… Amen