Prayer for Breaking Curses and Against Evil

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Heavenly Most Gracious Father, you are omnipotent and you reign over all the earth. There is no evil or curse in this world that could hinder or defeat your mighty power. Evil may try to test me in the most tempting of ways, but you, Oh Father, never leave my side, especially in times of desperation.

Oh Lord, I ask your protection over my family, just as a mother guards and watches over her newborn baby. Wrap us in your tender loving arms, Oh Lord.

Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Overcoming Evil

Almighty Father, there may be evil forces around me that I cannot battle on my own. But by Your strength and your power, I am saved, and I am an over-comer.

There are people, Oh Lord that do not wish me well. Every day, they hope to see me fail or fall by the wayside.

But I declare that every chain of evil words spoken against me is now broken. I am the head, never the tail, above never beneath. I have wisdom and divine strategies.

Psalm 138:7 – Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.

Proverbs 19:23 – The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm.

Break Every Curse

I break every curse that is set upon me and my family. The dark forces that attempt to lurk in every corner of this beautiful land, will disintegrate at the sound of your great name.

I proclaim and declare that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).

I declare Satan has no hold over me now through curses or occult practices, through sacrifices, or any ritual of any kind. Through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, I have been set free and I remain free.

James 4:7 – Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Prayer To Break Financial Curses

In the powerful name of Jesus, I break all generational curses placed upon my life and my family. I break all curses that are affecting my finances, my mind, my relationships, and my emotions, in Jesus’ name.

Your word says in Philippians 4:19 that “My God will meet my needs, according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus”. And Lord, I trust that Your word will be honored and manifested in my life.

As Your Word states in Psalm 34:10, “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” I seek your face, day and night. Your provision is mine. I will lack no good thing.

Give me strength, Oh Lord, to fight these battles, for with you all things are possible. In Jesus’ most precious name I pray, AMEN!!

2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.

Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Prayer against curses and evil

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  1. Please Father, bring your righteousness and power to remove demons, curses and all evil from my life. Please let me be fruitful in accordance with your will and let me know you better. I am lost without you and am sliding into the abyss without your guidance and protection. No good will come into my life without you. No good will come from my life without your blessing. Lord, be my Father and let me be Your Child. Amen.

  2. Thank you Lord for breaking every curse upon our lives in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ i thank you so much Amen

  3. Am Mike Garza from Sanger , California . I have faith n trust n believe in Jesus Christ that his help is guiding and helping me with all my situation’s right now thank you father I love you , Mike

  4. Hallelujah, Glory be to God and the pulling down of strongholds, thank you for breaking every chains in my Life and my Family’s Life , no soul tie, Thank you for setting me free, your word says be not entangled in the Yoke of bondage, Thank You,

  5. I pray as of today in the name of Jesus financial favour,financial blessings, breakthrough shall be my portion in the name of Jesus Amen

  6. By the powers in the blood of our lord Jesus I degree an declare I canceled and distroy every curese spoken against my life, destiny, my finances, the goodworks of my hand, my family, my favour, business, blessings, my wife, my marriage, my relationship In the mighty name of Jesus christ Amen

  7. I pray for my daughter that she will be blessed with good health by your mercy n grace Lord and that it there are any curses n spells or evil upon her I pray all these are broken in your mighty name n by your precious blood she us set free from all these bondages. Lord bless us financially as she needs to get treatment for her illnesses Lord. Lord have mercy on us n bless us. Thank you for all you have done for us. Thank you for so many answered prayers. All glory and honour is Yours Lord….in Your Mighty Name I pray all these….Amen.

  8. Please Join your faith in Prayer with me that my family and I receive a financial breakthrough… We’re trusting the Lord for my own home ….and financial stability

  9. I pray for all enfants children and kids, that the wicked evil be destroy away from them in Jesus Name Amen ????

  10. I pray for my teenage son. May every curse weapon against him shall not prosper and that blessings are showered upon him and that his dream may come true. Glory to God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  11. my name is James Lazarus please pry for me i need financial breakthrough to help my family and others and I need deliverance prayer to rebuke the cause of basket hand in my life

  12. I thank you Lord for the salvation of my soul,and i pray to you Lord Jesus to hear my cry and take away my sorrow in Jesus name.

  13. I speak Isaiah 53:5 Isaiah 54:17 Jeremiah 33:6 Psalms 91 Psalms 23 Psalms 103 1 2 3 Psalms 107 20 the blessings of Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph. Wisdom of Solomon. By the blood of Jesus every curse sickness disease and infirmity are destroyed off my life.

    1. I thank you Lord for all you have done for us. I come before you today because We are in financial crisis. We need a lot of money to repay debts and for relocation. Lord you are might and with you all things are possible Lord. Thank you for always hearing our cry and always helping us in Jesus name. Amen

  14. Amen Father GOD I thank you for another day of life. I worship you LORD FATHER. Thank you for every area of my life and my families life. Wash us daily with the blood of your precious son JESUS CHRIST. Protect and guide us always in JESUS name amen amen amen, so it is. thank you FATHER GOD. For listening to my prayers I love you.

  15. I pray for God’s blessings, favour and financial breakthrough.Financial indebtedness shall not be my portion as we match into the new year in jesus name

  16. Father Lord, I pray for good health for my husband, I come against every sickness and disease for all of my household and family members. I pray for success and prosperity in our property and water business, bring order to our businesses with the right people to make us excel and prosper, remove every hindrance and evil plan from our paths, protect snd bless our children. Bring them godly husbands and wives with blessed and protected lives blessed with prosperity, children, love, joy and laughter. Also the same for me snd my husband. I pray for long life and joy for my mum and aunts and uncles, peace, unity and love for our family’s. Thank you Lord… order our steps let us walk in your light and far away from danger and darkness. I glorify you father. Thank you for bring with us. Never leave us father we surrender ourselves and our lives onto you take absolute control. We declare we are the head snd not the tail, we are leaders and not followers, our property business shall be successful beyond our dreams we shall be prosperous so we can help others. Thank you Lord.

  17. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, you have kept me, provided for me and my family. Thank you for prospering me during the COVID and favoring me at my workplace snd in life. Thank you for my children and husband and businesses. I surrender all to you always. Thank you Lord I am grateful

  18. Pray 4 SAMRELLA an Charell Evil person Around us We pray god removed Evil spirit an pray God keep us stay from harm…

  19. Thank you god for this prayer. Thank you fir your protection guidance and blessings that are coming in my life . I am grateful that you are always with me and my family . Father god pls I need you in this time even more . Please hear my prayers . Send me Devine helpers in my life so I can move forward in my life . Put me in better financial position so I can help people better. Take away stress anxiety and fear out of my life and replace it with your strath faith courage love and peace in Jesus Christ majestic name I pray amen amen amen . Thank you father for hearing my prayers . I love you . Good night god

  20. Thank you Lord for all your mercies and grace. You are my Saviour, my Healer my God whom I trust.
    My Mother is falling sick very often Lord. She gets filled with anxiety and worry over things which she does not understand and has no control over. There are days where she feels fine but most of the days , there is always some illness affecting her life.
    Almighty Father, there may be evil forces around her that she cannot battle on her own. But by Your strength and your power my mother is saved and she can be an over-comer.
    I declare that every chain of evil words spoken against me, my mother, my brother, my husband, my children is now broken. No weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper, for I and my family have you.
    My Mother and brother who is recovering well are healed by the blood by the stripes of Jesus, I rebuke those evil forces that has hindered my family restoration I claim.
    Psalm 138:7 – Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.
    I break every curse that is set upon me and my family. The dark forces that attempt to lurk in every corner of this beautiful land, will disintegrate at the sound of your great name.
    I proclaim and declare that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).
    I declare Satan has no hold over me, my mother, brother, husband and children now through curses or occult practices, through sacrifices or any ritual of any kind. Through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, I and my family have been set free and I and my family remain free.
    I thank you, I worship you and I adore you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Amen and Amen

    1. My daughter is hearing voices an need help I need help to be a better Christian need transformation of my mind body an spirit .financial , help need a home to call my own .for my children to give their life to christ

  21. I’m in so much pain
    I’m in so much trouble
    I’m weak
    I’m tired
    My faith is so weak
    I can’t breathe
    I make too much mistakes
    I bring my family pain
    I cause too much worry
    I need God more than ever
    I need help
    I need a friend in Jesus
    I can’t speak out
    I cry a lot

  22. I need special prayer for a job I have applied and need to start December 2020. And also all my family problems and finances should end in Jesus name.

  23. Thank you Jesus for the journey of financial breakthrough am now taking. Break all the curses of poverty that have held me hostage for years. I believe through your blood Jesus am free and to God be the glory

  24. Pray that God will deliver me from every form of bewitchment. I had a dream where an old woman said I should give her a bottle from the ground as I was handling it over to her she said to me from today onwards that it is anything she comanads me to do is what I must do. Immediately I had a shocking sensation from the palm of my right hand up to my hand.pray that every program of the enemy over my destiny should be destroyed.

  25. Please pray for our nation ask God who he truly wants to be our next President. Please pray for me i feel like there’s something evil inside me. I’m fighting demons that are trying to control me. Please help me find the voice of God to cast out the demons.

  26. Please pray for my husband and I. Been together 45 years and he has been having an affair for the past 2 years or more. Please pray strongholds taken from him for this woman and bring him back to God and back to me in Jesus name. Amen

  27. Please pray for me and the father of my child to passed out next board examinations. And to be free from any curse someone has done to us.

  28. Please pray for me for total deliverance from generational curses, familiar and monitoring spirits. Pray also for my family and God should lift me up again and change my financial position in Jesus name, Amen.

  29. Please pray for my daughter who, I did not know till a few months ago, was into the psychic network and also now has her own website. She has been in church since one yr old. I don’t understand this…

    Please pray for Kristen f.

  30. Onceupon a time I was a idle worshiper now I accepted Jesus Christ is my saviour But the courses r not breaking from my life .

  31. I give You thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for protect me from the evil one and fill me with life and power to overcome the darkness.
    Thank You Lord,for give me the strength and peace for today,as I battle the evil forces around me.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Please help me to break every chain of evil words spoken against me. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for You always be with me,though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
    I will fear no evil,for thou art with me,thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    (Psalm 23 :4 ).
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  32. Please pray for my family and I,i recently been in a hit and run car accident and lost one of my twin girls a week before getting induced and I feel like someone has put a generational curse on my family because my moms first daughter was murdered at 1 years old and my sister lost her first daughter in a car accident and I tried my best to prevent it from happening to me but you just can’t control what happens and I lost one of my daughters and I just don’t want it to happen to my daughter when she has a daughter one day so I’m just asking for prayer to hopefully remove this evil being that keep causing this to happen and all around I’m just very sad in life and I pray everyday but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right I just want god to hear me and I want to give him my all and I just want him to know I need him

  33. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I surrender my all to You.
    I give my life into Your hands.
    You are my all my everything.
    Psalm 32:7- You are my hiding place,You will protect me from trouble and surround me with song of deliverance.
    Lord Jesus,I want to let You know.There are people,oh Lord,that do not wish us well.
    Everyday they hope to see us fail or fall by the way side.
    Today,In the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.I declare that every chain of evil words spoken against me is now broken.I am the head. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for protect me from the evil one and fill me with life and power to overcome the darkness.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for give me Your strength and peace for I battle the evil forces around me. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  34. Please I need serious prayers for my wife Mrs Comfort Arthur Bonful She has been ill for some months now and the Doctors can’t find anything in the various tests they have done
    She is experiencing severe discomfort in her body She has lost appetite and reducing weight can’t sleep in the night Get up in the middle of the night complaining of discomfort in her body fear and anxiety
    I think there’s a curse somewhere we need to break it in Jesus Name

  35. Dear sir god all mighty there traps and snares in life .people in families unUnited after deaths of parents.The siblings curse each other without knowing there there only cursing themselves.

  36. Amen and Amen I truly whole heartedly appreciate this powerful generational curses prayer by faith every chains of curses are broken please October third is my birthday I will need your support in prayer for me since I was born and fully grown into this my late forties I can say that is one’s I have ever celebrated my birthday with friends please pray for me to have a financial stability and for God to make provision for my needs in Jesus matchless name Amen

  37. Dear Father God.
    I believe in You,Lord,no matter how dark things may seen,You are my shining light of hope.Everything I do is under Your control and guidance,every step I take is ordered by You.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
    I am set free from all evil forces around me.
    I am made whole by faith.
    Through You,Lord Jesus,and Your love,everything that happens to me will make me stronger. Amen
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for I am healed and set free by You.
    I am made whole.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen..

  38. I ask the Lord to bless my marriage also to hedge protection around my husband’s head to keep this woman away from my family. She is no good for our family. She’s like the devil here to destroy. He is a good family man but she is trying to stray him from his children and me. No weapons formed. He wants to leave us and go to her. he has sent money to her. It all needs to stop. She is wicked in ways I ask she stay in her place. in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Jesus.

  39. Thank you Lord. I need prayers for my children’s to help them in their studies. God bless my family. Bless my work. I have so many enemies at school (work). They hate my son and my life is so complicated as I’m a teacher at the same school. Help me lord.

    1. Father God in heaven
      I pray for this lady a dauhgter of yours
      Bless her Lord and her and her son.
      I declaire of your promises upon them.
      No weapon form against them.will rossper. Charge your angels watch over them. Glorify her and her household..make them.rhe head not the tail. Bless her and the fruit of her Jesus mighty name i pray.

  40. thank you lord for u are on my side and i will victoriously win this battle ,everything that was stolen from me by the evil,the joy in my marriage,my business,i declare and decree it will come back in 10 times better in the name of Jesus christ

    1. I have been hated by so many people because of a witch and a wizard. They are telling everyone who lives around me that I am working witchcraft which I have never done in my life. People always been oppressing me from a long time but rather I would not say anything and walk away. I am always afraid of trouble and evil and now it’s on my life, inside of my head, crawling up and down on top of my head and stomach.
      I was prayed for but was not delivered and these people who does this, they sit and watch and torment me daily. I would feel like fiery heat enter into my body but I never give up on praising God and worshipping and I pray all the time. Even now they watch me. I could feel the water pouring on top of my head.

  41. Good morning I love theses scripture look forward to reading them they’re so convenient.
    Thank keep up the good work in the mighty name of Jesus.

    1. Thank you always for your prayers. God bless you all. In mighty Jesus pray that all the barriers that withstand my way will break down. Though I walk the valley of shadow of death I fear no evil. Amen