Powerful Prayers Command And Declare Healing

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Prayer: Command and Declare Healing

Abba Father, I come to You in the wonderful and majestic name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I thank You for the new mercies that I see each and every day. Thanks for the honor and privilege You have given me to come before Your glorious throne of grace, where I can obtain mercy.

I give You all the praise that is due to Your name, Oh Lord. Thank You for the many blessings You continue to bestow upon me. You are the great I AM, the ALPHA and the OMEGA. You are the BEGINNING and the END!

Father God, as I continue to give You all the glory, I declare that I will bless Your name at all times. Your praise will continually be in my mouth. You are my refuge and my strength, in You I have my being.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Exodus 15:2 The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.

My Declarations: I Declare Healing

JEHOVAH RAPHA, my HEALER, I glorify the matchless name of Jesus Christ. I declare that every stronghold over my life is broken.

Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is torn down and cast into the sea.

Every mountain, Lord, is removed through the working power of the GODHEAD (the Trinity) – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Command all illnesses to leave

I command all sickness, all diseases, all pain to leave my body right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

  • I declare healing. Heavenly Father, You are my HEALER. And, at the sound of Your name, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth.
  • I decree and declare that I hunger and thirst for Your healing touch, Lord and that rivers of living water will flow through my veins, my arteries and my blood.
  • By the BLOOD OF Jesus CHRIST I am healed! I am delivered! Thank you Lord, I am set free! I AM ETERNALLY RELEASED!

Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Father, Your Word declares that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

I believe, that as I continue to trust and have faith in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I will see the manifestation of Your healing power.

Since the body cannot go where the mind has not gone, I will look to the future and see my victory.

All these mercies I ask in Your name, I claim it and I receive it! SO BE IT! AMEN and AMEN!

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Prayer for One Suffering with Back Pain

Heavenly Father, We thank You for Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior and Mediator. He is our Great Physician, Healer of all diseases and Comforter in all afflictions.

Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name and we offer our brother/sister, who is suffering with pain on his back. Look with favour upon Your servant, Lord, who remains in faith and prayer and in confidence that You will come and renew him in body. Free him from all aches.

We pray and we ask You, Lord, to be there with his doctors as they suggest methods to ease his pain. Touch him with Your healing hands. Fill him with Your Holy Spirit to bear with Your perfect timing in healing.

We pray for his wife and children, that they may understand his time of pain and understand his moments of not being able to help with home affairs.

As pain can affect a person’s emotions, we pray that he be guided in Your perfect love and in Your spirit to be calm, ever trusting in Your healing power and in Your restoration. Amen!

Cancer Prayer: Total Healing & Restorations From Cancer In My Body

I am praying for this foul disease cancer to permanently go away from my body. I command the foul cancerous cells to wither, die and be killed at their very roots permanently, along with this horrible pain from this foul disease cancer in my body, from head to toe, inside and out, never to return.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen. I praise God and thank God for my permanent healing from cancer with full restoration. “By his stripes I am healed“.

Prayers for healing

Heavenly Father, we come to you humbly asking for healing. We know you have our days out in front of you and what would take a doctor years to heal, you can do it in seconds.

So Lord, we bow our heads right now and ask you to touch us, from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet lord. Speak healing right now Lord. We plead the blood for healing, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

You (insert name) are special and you are truly loved by God and myself. I plead the blood over your life. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

I decree over your life, in agreement with the word of God that says We shall decree a thing and it shall be established in heaven.

In the name of Jesus, receive your healing as the word of God is being manifested in your body, in your cells, in your organs and systems.

His word said he sent his word and it healed our diseases. You are healed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Prayer: Command and Declare Healing

A Prayer Against Disease

Lord, your scripture says that you heal all diseases and whoever believes in you will not perish but have an everlasting life. Strengthen me, Lord, in this time of illness. Sustain him as he lays sick in his bed. When you were on Earth, you did all things good and healed all kinds of sickness.

You healed those who had diseases. You died and rose for our sins and that we may have eternal life, Lord. I believe in my heart that you are here with us today and that with your most holy power will remove all sicknesses and evils that roam the earth.

Let it be done in your glory, Lord. I declare healing, total and complete, in the name of Jesus. We praise and glorify your name, Amen.

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  1. Please pray for my mother, she is in so much pain, the CT scan showed that her liver and kidneys are inflamed. And the is water on the lungs, and she has a very painful waist. She is scheduled for a biopsy. We are trusting God for her total healing by his stripes🙏

  2. Please pray for my daughtet who is expecting the baby. Please pray that God cover her and protect her and the baby until she delivers the baby. Agree with us in prayer of faith that she will get a healthy baby in Jesus name. Amen

  3. Please pray for my 32 year old daughter Samantha who has cancer and we don’t have money to pay her surgery and treatment in Zimbabwe. She is in so much pain and is loosing hope. But I believe that nothing is impossible to God. He is our healer and provider.

    Please stand with me in prayer.

    God bless you ❤

  4. Please pray for me. Doctors have discovered a mass on my right kidney. I am red flagged for ct scan within two weeks. Please pray I get good news as I am in pain. Thank you and God bless.

  5. I am suffering from chest pains, palpitations and stomach cramps
    I’ve been to doctors and they can’t see what the problem is as x-rays and blood shows I’m healthy .
    The pains are too much and I’m always feeling weak. Please do pray for me .I need deliverance and healing.

  6. Lord Jesus, I pray for my mother’s healing. She has been discharged from the hospital but has become very weak. Her mouth has developed blisters due to antibiotics. She feels breathless and suddenly develops fever. Her oxygen levels fluctuate. We don’t understand why Lord, but you know everything.

    By your stripes my mother is healed. Yeshua, please cover my mother with your precious blood and protect her from every harm and danger. I have faith and hope that your healing touch will release her of every illness and discomfort. Through your mercy and grace, my mother will regain her lost strength.
    Let us rejoice once again as she claims victory over her health. She will never fail to glorify you and spread the word in your name.
    Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen

    1. This sounds almost exactly like my moms situation
      I pray for your mother that she be close to Christ.

  7. I pray in the gracious name of our Lord and Saviour healing from dry mouth, anxiety and depression. I claim it inthe Holy name of Jesus.

  8. Lord Jesus, I seek your healing touch over my mother. She is in the ICU as her oxygen levels had gone low. She has respiratory issues. I pray that all strongholds over my mother be broken in your name. I pray that by Lord Jesus’s stripes my mother is healed. May her body be restored to good health
    and she be completely healed in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. Amen.

  9. Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you that my mother is progressing well and I pray that she will be out of ICU soon. I pray that she is spiritually renewed in body mind and spirit and her faith in you Jesus grows stronger each day. I thank you for your mercy, grace and compassion and your blessings each and every day. We adore you, we praise you and we love in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Amen.

  10. Prayers for my mother who is in ICU for asthma problems and high blood pressure. I pray to Lord Jesus to heal her from all sickness and pain and strengthen her body, mind and spirit. I pray in the name of Jesus that every strongholds against her to be broken and cast away in to the sea. I pray for her healing and successful recovery in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. I pray by Jesus’s stripes my mother is healed. Help her Lord Jesus. With you everything is possible. I thank you Lord, I adore you and I praise you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Amen

  11. I am really sick. I need a healing prayer to restore my body to good health. I believe that Jesus is the saviour and can heal me just by putting His hands on my body.

  12. Doctor says I have thyroid
    I get rest less, fatigue back pain and pain on my shoulders an arms.
    Sleep lessness
    Short tempered

  13. My dad by the name of tan poh bin diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. His blood counts are very low & the doctors are unable to find where it was bleeding in his body which might be the caused of his low blood count.

    May our Lord Jesus Christ the saviour & rescuer to cure him & prepare him good doctors with wisdoms to find out what & where it went wrong in his body.

    Cease his pain in his body especially his ribs & back! STOP the cancer cells from spreading in his body! Protect his body with God’s armour so that no formed of cancer cells will be able to attack his body.

    Pray for our family to be more united with more communication during this difficult time! Pray for wisdoms & do the Right thing at the Right time! Be more sensitive towards my dad’s needs rather than our own.

    Thank you my Lord Jesus! On the most high at HIS throne. In HIS most precious name I humbly pray… Amen!

  14. Shalom in the Name of Yeshua. Thank you for the prayers and declarations. Please if you could pray for my nephew he is confused right now, he needs repentance and a relationship with our Lord Jesus and with his mother. We claimed that God has a plan for his life and use him for God’s glory. And we also seek prayers for God’s glory in our lives and to pay our debts/loans please.
    Thank you for your time and praying for us and the lost world.
    Yahweh blessings.
    In Jesus grace and love.
    Janice sister in Christ.

  15. I believe in Declare By his stripe Heal. Thank you God that your DNA full to my DNA By Jesus Christ stripes I am Totally heal. No sickness no disease has no authority over me by the precious blood of Jesus I am Healed. Power in the name of Jesus healing in the name of Jesus delivers in the name of Jesus Victory in the name of Jesus

  16. I am a son of God in need of prayer to heal my Barretts esophagus and osteoporosis stage 4.2 my bones are deteriorating my spine fractures easy I’m in bad pain,and sad I Eliut paredes still love my lord Jesus Christ.

  17. I have been diagnosed with weak cervix and told my baby of 23 weeks would have to be induced. I refuse it because I know Jesus Christ is my healer and by His stripes I’m healed.. pls remember me in your prayers friends

  18. Lord you are my healer, I cast the old out into the sea, I pray for favorable Grace to get me thru this storm
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  19. please pray for my healing from bone cancer taking chemo 3 years
    and liver problem now last week my feet got so swollen suddenly
    to many medical issues pain weakness i need the Lord’s healing
    please also prayer for my nephew and his family. his daughter
    got the CO-19 from school now he has it and also his wife. 14 days
    quarantine. Jesus same yesterday, today and forever AMEN
    thank you so much

    1. hello read healing scriptures over yourself and the family out loud twice a day I did pray for you and your family

    2. Lord we know that by Jesus stripes we have already been healed and we just have to receive that healing by faith. Lord I pray that Lupe Davila and her family receives their healing in Jesus name. Amen!

  20. I thank You Heavenly Father that by Jesus’ stripes my liver has been healed. I praise You my Heavenly Father and my Lord Jesus. Amen!

  21. No one is so powerful than Christ Jesus therefore kidlly surrender all your services to him and you will rejoice.
    No I need a prayer to heal me from joint pain.

  22. Jesus Christ please see my contrite heart and obtain healing over my husband Frans who has been suffering and enduring cancer for 4 years please Jesus pour your pure blood into my husband Frans liver and lungs Shrink and devour all his cancer cells by your greatest might we have faith Jesus that by your stripes and the your shoulder wound my husband Frans Will be healed holy spirit perform your blessings into the body of my husband Frans please have compassion towards him so that Frans can give praise and sing Allelluhia

  23. Dear God,
    I thank You Lord,for the new mercies that I see each and everyday.
    Lord Jesus,You are my refuge and strength,in.You I have my being.
    Lord Jesus,I hunger and thirst for Your healing touch.
    Today,I declare healing in my body right now.
    By The Blood of Jesus Christ,I am healed and I am set free.
    I am Eternally Released.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May I always be in health and prosper in all things. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for You always take care me,and be by my side. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Dear Father God, I come before you asking for your forgiveness. I repent for all my sins. Father God i am so thankful for your mercies i see every day. Father God you are refuge, my fortress, my healer, my provider, and my everything. Father I hunger and thirst for your healing touch. Today Father I declared healing in my body from the pain and all diseases. By the blood of Jesus Christ and his stripes I am healed and set free. Father God you are the beginning and the end. Father there is nothing to big for you. Father God i know you will see me through the pain i am having in my stomach and my knees and legs. Father God give me the strength to make through. I am blessed.
      I am healed.
      I am delivered.
      I am set free.
      I am eternally released. Father God I give you all the glory and praise. I love you Father God. In your name i pray Amen???

  24. I just wanna thank God for always being there In the darkest moments when I felt so alone. I have always taught the worst about myself. And at times I still do lord. I have always felt I didn’t deserved to be loved by no one. Am so ashamed of what I have done and the way I have let people down specially you oh Lord! Sometimes I wonder how the God of all creation can love me. But I am thankful father because without you I don’t know where I’d be. All I ask if for you to help me each and every day to help me be more and more like you.

  25. I call the ministry Yvonne MarieMiller to pray healing prayer o my husband Frans who is suffering from Cancer spreading through his body please pray for him through the stripes and precious blood of Jesus Christ wipeout all cancer cells in Jesus name please pray for him thank you

  26. After 12 months of suffering I have been healed by my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, all Praise and Glory be to Him who binds up the Brokenhearted.
    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. Philippians 4:6 God is Faithful and He hears every prayer, therefore pray to your Holy Father and be joyfully expectant.

  27. What a wonderful prayer. Let all who declare in sweet Jesus name these word’s be lifted up cleansed and healed. Because Jesus died so that we may live in our Father’s House and He gave us power over our health. These words have Power. Words have the power of life and Death to build up or put down. I sincerely declare in Jesus name that I am healed from the inside out of all my illnesses and I will once more know the Joy and Peace that my blessed Saviour died to give me.
    God bless all my Brothers and Sister’s working hard to keep this amazing site running. I know how hard you work. Yvonne Miller..

  28. Dear Geevetha, I hold up your loved one in strong prayer to ask that our good Lord to cover him with His healing touch, knowing that just like in Bible times Jesus is still able to heal the sick and pour His Holy ease and Peace over every situation of pain and despair. We ask for Healing Father in the name of Your Son, Our Savor, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Matthew 18:19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (The prayer of agreement is powerful, to have someone agree with you for your healing)

  29. Dear Father God Lord of all Heaven and Earth…..
    Richard and I come humbly before You tonight to ask for Your Loving and Divine Healing Intervention in his life.
    Lord, You already know why he comes to Your feet as You know everything about him, because nothing can be hidden from Your Loving Sight.
    Father God, please be Richard’s Light and his Hope,as he turns to Your Merciful arms when his heart is fearful, please do not turn away.
    Richard knows that You alone are his Divine Doctor and Loving Healer, and the Comforter of all those in heavy need.
    You know the depths of this man’s being and with a single word You can in Your Mercy, Miraculously heal him from every infirmity.
    Please Father, reach down, right now, as Richard reads this prayer and pour into him Your Divine Healing and Peace out of Your Never-Ending Spring of Love, please send Healing Father so that Richard and his family may know, that just like in Bible times,You are still able to Heal the Sick and pour Your Perfect Peace upon the stormy waters of every Distressing Situation.

    Father God, “In Jesus name” please thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking to work though health and other many issues.
    We ask You this Father in the Beautiful Name of Your Son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

    But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they that walk shall not be faint. ISAIAH 40:20

    1. Dear Richard, I have just posted a Personal Prayer for you.

      I used to be a Prayer Counselor for many years for a Ministry called Guidepost and then I went on to have my own Ministry which I retired from because of health issues. I then found ChristiansTT which has been a wonderful blessing in my life and has awakened my fire for Prayer. I agree with you in Healing and pray the Lord will lift you and heal you and you will know and feel God’s hand on your life very soon. Take Care. Yvonne Marie Miller.