Prayer For Breaking The Spirit Of Fear

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Are you overwhelmed by a feeling of dread and a spirit of fear? Are you living constantly afraid and worried? Proverbs 15:15 says: All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances] (AMPC).

An ‘evil foreboding” is the fear of something bad happening when nothing was going wrong.

Instead of allowing that spirit of fear to take control of your life, look forward in joyful expectations to what the Lord has to offer! The Lord is on your side. Who can be against you?

Prayer for Breaking the Spirit of Fear

Heavenly Father, I come before You today to seek Your strength and guidance in overcoming the spirit of fear that seeks to engulf my life. You are the Almighty, the Prince of Peace, and in Your presence, there is no room for fear.

I acknowledge Your sovereignty over all things, including my fears and anxieties. Help me to lean on Your understanding, not my own, as I navigate through these times of uncertainty.

In the midst of my fears, remind me of Your unwavering love and protection. Your word says that perfect love casts out fear, and in You, I find that perfect love.

Grant me the courage to face my fears, not in my strength, but in the power of Your Spirit. Help me to trust in Your plans for me, plans for a future and a hope, not for disaster.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Seeking Peace And Deliverance From Anxiety And Fear

Lord, in Your mercy, grant me peace that surpasses all understanding. My heart is often troubled, and anxiety seeks to take hold of my mind. In these moments, I look to You, the author and finisher of my faith.

Let Your peace, which transcends human logic, guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Replace my anxious thoughts with the assurance of Your presence and promises.

Deliver me, O God, from the grip of fear and anxiety. Let me rest in the shelter of Your wings, where I am safe and secure. Teach me to cast all my anxieties on You, knowing You care for me deeply. In the calm of Your presence, let me find the strength to stand firm against the tides of fear and worry.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Trusting In God

Grant me peace, Oh Heavenly Father. Let this fear just fall away, as my heart desires to seek You. For You are the rock of my life, my fortress, and my strength, even when I am weak.

Help me to be confident in all situations, knowing that You hold the future and trusting that everything works together for my good.

Joel 2:21 Fear not, O land. Be glad and rejoice, for the LORD has done marvelous things!

Hebrews 13:6 So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

Embracing God’s Love and Strength in Overcoming Fear

Lord, Your love is powerful and conquering. As I seek to break free from the chains of fear, let Your love be my guiding force. In the warmth of Your embrace, let me find the strength and confidence to overcome my fears.

Your love is not passive but active and powerful, capable of breaking down the strongest of barriers, including the barrier of fear. Empower me, O God, with Your Spirit, that I may face each day with boldness and assurance.

Let me not be swayed by the fears of this world but be anchored in the reality of Your love and strength. In You, I find the courage to rise above my fears and to live a life of freedom and victory.

Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Prayer – I Will Not Fear

Don’t allow this spirit of fear to get the better of me. Break that chain, oh merciful Savior, for the devil cannot win this battle within my mind.

With You I am strong and I will overcome. Take control, guide my thoughts and my actions. In Your mighty name, I pray, fear will be destroyed, Amen and Amen!

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Romans 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”

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  1. Dear God,
    We come to you today, seeking your peace and comfort. We confess that we have been feeling afraid, overwhelmed, and uncertain. We know that fear is not from you, but from the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.
    Lord, we ask that you would cast out all fear from our hearts and minds. We know that you are greater than any challenge we face, and that you have already overcome the world. We trust in your love and faithfulness, and we know that you are always with us.
    We pray that you would fill us with your peace, which surpasses all understanding. Help us to remember that you are our refuge and our strength, and that you will never leave us or forsake us.
    Lord, we choose to trust in your goodness and faithfulness, even when we don’t understand what is happening. We know that you have a plan for our lives, and that you are working all things together for our good.
    Thank you, Lord, for being our source of hope and strength. We love you and praise you, now and forever.
    In Jesus’ name, we pray.

  2. Abba Father i come unto you praying that you may break the spirit of fear over me and my children. I pray this trusting and believing through the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

  3. Heavenly Father. I thank you this bright new day. For the gift of Life and for good health. I pray that you will guide and protect me and my family today.
    Lord I bring befor you Tiza Bridal and Pure Water. May you bless these businesses. May you open doors for us and enlarge our territory. Lord send us an abundance of sales. Send us customers heavenly father. Make our businesses flourish and be successful. Lord you said ask and you shall be given. I humbly ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen ????

  4. Thank you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for assuring me that you have taking away fear from me and therefore has made me a conqueror. Amen.

  5. Good morning father god thank you for another day of life thank you for your night protection . Thank you for my family our health and our spiritual evolution . Help us to always do great things in Jesus name amen hell us father god to stay away from things and people who don’t serve our highest good . Change us make us Just like Jesus was . Give us a new spirit and mind wash us with your precious blood of Jesus Christ father god . Deliver us always from evil and give us our daily great in Jesus name amen amen and amen thank you abba father for always listening to my prayer in Jesus name amen

  6. Ohh Lord I come to you broken and burden Asking you to forgive me and to repent from All that that doesn’t line up to your spirit .have no more strength to carry on. I have allowed the flesh to consume I wait
    To be liberated for one’s and for all Lord Jesus I begged you with supplication and thankiving i need you my Lord Jesus rescue me from my own self please . I can’t go on like those any More with out your. I pray in yours precious name Jesus.

  7. I praise and give You many thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ,,for You give me the strength to have faith and trust in You. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,help me to break The Spirit of Fear and set me free. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,with You on my side,I am not fear for everything.
    If God is for me,with me,who can be against me. Amen.
    Today,I am strong and I will ivercome. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for show me Your ways and guide me in Your truth,to follow Your word to start my everyday life.
    I believe and trust in You,Lord Jesus,wherever You lead me,I will follow.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  8. Thank you so much for this, i will never forget that the lord has promised to always be there for me and i should not be afraid,,,, whenever I have this scary thoughts, I’ll remember this… My heart is at peace?

  9. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I pray that,dear God,
    Please help me to break the spirit of fear and set me free. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,with You,on my side,I am not fear for everthing.
    I am strong and I will overcome. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for bring peace in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. Thank you ABBA father,you are always there for us with out stretched arms ,thank you Lord for your everlasting love you shower us!
    Thank you for your faithfulness ,you never fail
    None your promises have failed .
    We thank you ,honour you and we praise you ABBA father

  11. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    The Lord is my light and my salvation,whom shall I fear ?
    The Lord is the strength of my life,of whom shall I be afraid.(Psalm 27 : 1).
    Lord Jesus,I believe and trust You,that You hold my future and trusting that everything work together for my good.
    The Lord is my helper,I will not fear,who can be against me.
    I pray today,dear God,
    Please help me to break the spirit of fear and set me free. Amen..
    Lord Jesus,with You on my side.I am strong and I will overcome.
    The spirit of fear is gone,by the precious blood of Jesus.
    Thank You Lord,for bless me with Your peace and with Your unending love in my daily life.
    No Weapon formed against me shall prosper.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  12. i greet you all in the name of my savior Jesus Christ who died for me. I’m sending a prayer request for my son. He is 13 years old and started high school this year. I’m praying for his protection from the dangers and harm of the world. I pray that GOD guides him and leads him. I’m also praying for him to find GODLY friends. I’m so worried about him and the new company that he’s keeping. I’m worried that he might to drugs or smoking and drinking, trying to fit in. He’s not coping in the new environment (new school, new area and friends). Father please be with him, watch over him and shine your face unto him and his path.
    I surrender him to you father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

  13. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I praise and seek You in my first morning.
    Lord Jesus,You are my life,You are the rock of my life,my fortress,and my strength,of whom shall I be afraid.
    The Lord is on my side.
    I am not fear of anything.
    Who can be against me.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Lord Jesus,please help me break the spirit of fear and set me free. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,with You,I am strong and I will overcome.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You take control of my life.
    I love You,Lord Jesus,
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  14. Dear L.rd you are my fortress and my light the spirit of fear is gone, by the precious blood of Jesus
    I claim peace
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thank you Lord
    I Love you I need you I praise you all the day long
    Pray without ceasing
    Amen & Amen

  15. I have a very important job interview this Tuesday and Wednesday for a ministry job in Cleveland that I have felt called to for months. I not only feel the Lord leading me to this Church, but my wife and kids feel the same way. Plus my finally growing in faith daughter can stay at her Christian school.

    With so much going on I am dealing with fear and anxiety that I will blow it. I had an interview with the other Pastors last week, and while it seemed to go well, my mind is obsessing that I blew it.

    Please pray that my spirit of fear is taken from me and that I am able to focus on the Lord and truly trust Him who has brought us this far.

    I have a few other jobs that I am interviewing for, but none feel as right as this one does. This also plays into my fear that we will either have to go somewhere else or I wont find a new job.

    I feel like I am in a battle for my mind… may Jesus overwhelm me with Hus presence.

    Thank you for praying.


    1. Heavenly Father You did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. I am asking You to help my brother to release all his Aniston into Your hands. Help him to stand on the promises which You have given to us in Your Word, which is whatsoever we ask in Your name, according to Your will You Heavenly Father will give it to us. He feels that You are calling him to this place of ministry so I ask of You to calm his fears and ease his doubts so that he can totally completely stand in You knowing that You have already worked it out. Remind him of the many ways You have made for him and the promises You kept. You are well able to sustain him even in this and whatever you have designed for his life, it shall come to pass. We stand in agreement that he has this position and calling in Jesus Name. Amen! And it is so stamped by the blood of Jesus. Fear is torment and has no place in the child of God.

    2. The Lord is faithful He will lead you to it. Praying you get the job so you can get settled where God leads you! Amen?

  16. I would like to give thanks to the almighty Jesus Christ. I am praying that Jesus Christ help through this fear and anxiety and worried. I have decided to move. I am starting back over with finding a job and trying to get in school. I feel like i am ready for my new journey but other times i am worried and full fear. Jesus Christ you are my rock, fortress, protector, father i know you are going to guide on the right path. Lord Jesus i am asking for your help.

  17. Dear lord please help me i suffer from depression and anxiety an fear all I want is to be free to enjoy Christmas with my family. I’m also suffering from grief an a broken heart as our one an only grandaughter went to heaven last Christmas aged 5.. Please God heal my broken heart an set me free from this torment I feel so forsaken an lost an i cant find God anywhere im mentally and physically exhausted fighting this depression anxiety i need God to help me now I can’t go on like this no more…… please in Jesus holy name help me AMEN

    1. Father I know that You can heal from depression, anxiety and fear. Fear comes to torment, depression comes to cloud our minds and thoughts and anxiety comes to leave us bewildered, but You have all power to deliver us from the hands and the clutch of the enemy. You have come to set us free from all sickness, diseases, and illness therefore there is nothing to hard for You. I pray that my sister has found peace, a job, a new place and that her spirit, soul, emotions are totally healed on this day in Jesus Name. Amen!

  18. Lord you are my saving Grace, My hiding place, I claim the spirit of Fear is gone cast out into the sea I have thrown it off the mountain top, By your Love, Grace, I am healed!
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  19. I thank God for all that He has done for me, there are times when I felt like I am at the end of my rope and there is no hope. I am the way, the truth and the light always reminds me that God has me in the palm of His hands. Please help me to pray for my daughter that she will put Jesus first in all she does.

  20. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for You my God is my rock,my fortress and my whom I find protection.He is my shield that saves me,and my peace of safety.
    The Lord is my light and my Salvation;whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the strength of my life,of whom shall I be a afraid.(Psalm 27:1).
    The Lord is on my side.
    I am not fear of anything.
    Who can be against me
    I pray that today,dear God.
    May You help me break the spirit of fear and set me free from the spirit of fear Amen.
    Yes Lord Jesus,with You,I am strong and I will overcome.
    I will be confident in all situation,and knowing that You,Lord,will hold the future and trusting that everything works together for my good.
    Thank You Lord,for You take control and guide my thoughts and my actions.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  21. Help me oh Lord for a problem in my classroom with a gossip about a girl, and now she is aggressive. It was my fault to tell her what the other one said about her. I declare that no weapons formed against me shall prosper. Amen

  22. Please I need God’s intervention , I’m deeply in fear and worried of failing to succeed . Please pray for me to get my passport renewal and get my wife safe plus our event in January a success.
    In Jesus name I pray Amen

    1. We are always fear of that we haven seen put your hope in the lord and not man trust in God and all of this will come to pass Aman

  23. Dear Father God.
    I thank You Father,for grant me peace in my heart,in my mind and in my soul.
    I am not fear for anything because I have a great God be with me,my dear Lord Jesus.
    He is my helper,I will not fear for everything.I I pray that today,
    My God has not given me a spirit of fear,but the power of love from the Father of light.
    I am set free from the spirit of fear.
    I break the spirit of fear.
    Help me ,Lord overcome and fight fear.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  24. i will like to get notifications from you people everyday i will really need your prayers because i am suffering from spirit of fear

    1. Please I really need your reply. I have this spirit of fear in me that whenever I sit and think of my health, I am just scared. Please pray for my health and for strength to overcome this spirit.

  25. To:whom it may concern

    I just read the wrote out prayers to over my fear and fear is to overcome addictive health related issues so I can become healthy again and to be able to have the drive and focus to get done what’s needed to fulfill the emptiness I’m feeling on day by day ordeal.For who ever sees this thread I ask with all kindness to please say a prayer for me and by all means reply with good intentions on ways that helped you overcome your inner mindful ,emotional ,fear



  26. Please pray for me to find a place to live in peace
    I need to go far away out of queens…i want to go upstate ny.
    Lord please help me make that move please in Jesus christ amen amen
    Love you Jesus

  27. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and May the Lords face shine upon you all and be gracious to you and bring you peace:) Amen..and thank you for this prayer in Peace today, I needed it very much and please pray for financial freedom for me and also, bringing my children back home from the enemy, my loved ones and family broke free from strongholds and bondage as well. Thank you very much and much love and respect!
    In Christ,
    Corinne Byom

  28. Proverbs 3 vs 5, 6 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart ,and lean not on your own understanding .In all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths.

  29. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father,for You are my rock,my fortress, and my strength.
    I thank you for grant me peace in my heart,in my mind,and help me to be confident in all situation.
    I pray that today,for my God have not given me a spirit of fear,but the power of love from above the Father of light.
    This fear in my mind will be destroyed.
    My Lord Jesus is my helper,I will nor fear for everything.
    I am strong and I am overcome.
    I declare that today,I am set free from the spirit of fear.
    I break the spirit of fear.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen.and Amen

  30. Thank you for this message are very up lifting n has help my spiritual walk tremendously thank you very much for his prayers for his replies for everything.God is really moving in my life emotionally mentally and physically thank you thank you Lord amen

  31. Dear Lord I ask forgiveness for letting fear overwhelm me, o child the faith of mustard seed, take this fear PTSD away of this Bipolar disease that consumers me.
    Oh Merci full father, I love you, I feel as if a child again, wrap your loving wonderoys arms around me and keep me safe from harm. I ask this all in your precious name, and claim this by the blood of Jesus.

  32. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ, for today I pray that God have not given me, a spirit of fear, but the power of love from above the Father of light.
    Grant me peace,oh Heavenly Father, let this fear just fall away as my heart desires to seek You.
    So we may boldly say,The Lord is my helper.
    I will not fear,what can man do to me.
    With You I am strong and I will overcome.
    Thank you Lord,Take control,guide my thoughts and my actions.I pray that fear will
    be destroyed.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  33. Dear Heavenly Father.
    I thank you this morning and evening prayers. I pray these prayers right after I wake up and it gives me that joy in my heart through out the day. Thank you so much. May God blessed you today and always.
    In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  34. Lord That Devil fights me daily.
    But he needs to get under me and behind me by the blood Of Jesus, I am healed by YOUR blood and stripes. I claim this
    Amen & Amen

  35. I pray that God have not given me , A spirit of fear but of power love and A sound mind. For I can do all things. Through. Jesus who strength me!

    1. Father before Patticia calls You will answer;while she is till speaking You will hear. Amen

  36. Lord I claim breaking the bondage of fear, you Father God and your Angels guard and protect me, I claim this by the blood of Jesus!!
    Amen & Amen

  37. Please help me! I don’t know what to do anymore. Lately I have been feeling heaviness on my neck and chest and I don’t know what’s happening. I’ve been fighting this fear and anxiety for a few years now. I’ve prayed and I believe God’s helping me but it seems to come back stronger. There’ll be a break in between but it just keeps coming. I have this strong determination of coming out of my shell and being who God wants me to be. But I always back slide. My mom told me that it could be the Satan sees what God has for me to do so he attacks to make sure I stay in my shell. I want to come out so bad but it’s hard and I need help and encouragement. There are times when I feel alone. I just want it to stop. I have a very sensitive spirit and it’s hard! Please…I need pray. I need deliverance. I need God. Please pray for me.

    1. Krystal, honey, my dear beloved sister in Christ! How my heart breaks as I sense your pain, anxiety, worries and fear! Being a person who has and is experiencing exactly what you are right now, I am praying for you sweetheart! Satan attacks those who God has great plans for, because Satan fears us! The love we have for God, and the fire within our souls as we seek to do His will, that’s what Satan wants to stop!

      The attacks come from all sides, dear…I know, because I am going through the same thing. Plus, I too am Sensitive, very sensitive! It’s a precious gift sweetheart, but at the same time, I sometimes feel like it’s also a curse. Keep fighting honey, and please never stop praying! It is through our weaknesses, that He strengthens us,and His mighty power is manifested! And know that I am truly going to be praying for you, so tell Satan to get thee behind you…you are a child of the most high God!

      A princess daughter of a Omnipotent God! May the richness of our beloved Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, encircle you, and cover you with His mantle of Grace. God bless you abundantly, Krystal!
      Your sister in Christ,

      1. God Bless you Sally for your heartfelt words to your dear sister. I hold you both up in strong prayer today and ask the Lord Jesus Himself to bless and provide for you everything you both need each day. Fear is an awful thing but we can fight it with help from our Heavenly Father who wants us to lead happy, healthy and joy filled lives. I to am sensitive and sometime weak and full of fear, and calling out the name of ‘Jesus’ helps me…

    2. I’ve been through the same exact thing. My grandma told me the same thing. satan knows that God has a great plan for you. He’s trying to keep you from that. I tell you, God is always with you, even when you are weak. Pray to him about your fear. Keep reading the word. I suggest you sing to the Lord, pour heart and soul into a song. TRUST AND BELIEVE IN THE LORD HE WILL DELIVER YOU.

      1. You are right emond…the Lord loves to hear you sing to Him….praise and give Him all the Glory…the evil one will do anything he can to stop you on your path to happiness, joy and good health…do not let him….stand strong and take back everything Jesus died to give you. God Bless.

    3. Ones with a sensitive spirit like myself are affected but way too much. You must try to focus on day to day. Step by step. Goal by goal. Don’t worry about back-sliding. God knows his plan for you. You are only gaining more and more experience the more you endure. There is cognitive behavioral therapy that helps manage many symptoms. Pray, seek God and never, ever be ashamed of your shortcomings.

    4. You Lord are my Lamp;turning my darkness into light.

      Dear One…you are never alone because your Holy Father walks with you where ever you go. He stands by your side…He sits with you and stands by your bed at night….He watches over you every moment of the day you are safe in His Holy Hands.
      Try to ignore the evil ones tricks who places thoughts in your mind which worry and make you anxious…tell him to “begone in the name of Jesus” and that ” you are a child of God and the evil one may not touch you” the evil one cannot stay around at the calling of the name “Jesus Christ”. Prayer is STRONG Krystal so pray often to your Heavenly Father…He hears your every word…please continue to ask for deliverance…we are all praying for you…….please stand strong my dear. Satan does not want you to have all the good things that are coming to you…he does not want you to be happy..but stand firm and fight for everything Jesus died to give you. God loves you honey…..and so do I. Yvonne.

  38. Fear is a False Expectation Appearing Real. We come against it in the mighty name Of Jesus! Praise God thanks for sharing.

  39. Yes have fears to overcome my Lord Jesus Christ I pray for your blessings to overcome them and be happy in my life. I thank you Lord for all the blessings I have been blessed with and thank you Lord for another day on this earth. Amen!

  40. Lord, I break the spirit of fear and anything associated with it, anxiety,depression, loneliness, rejection, sickness, doubt,anger,fear of the unknown in the name of Jesus.For I know fear is not from you lord…remove anything from us that may hinder any progress because of fear,according to your will and promises for us.In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.

  41. Amen! Thank you Cheryce. God bless you
    You have blessed me with much potential
    To move in high spirits in all goodness
    Help me Lord overcome and fight fear
    Help me be bold and face all in Your power

    1. Father, i come you to with open arms and praying that you grant peace. Father removed all this fear and anxiety out of my life as my heart seeks you. Father you are my Savior, my rock, my fortress, my everything when i am weak and going through things. Father i know you will make a way out of no way. Father I know you hold my future and I know all things work together for the good. I rebuke the devil trying to put fear in my heart and in my mind. I will not let the devil win this battle. Father I know fear did not come from you. Father remove anything from me that may hinder any progress because of fear according to your will and promises for me. Father I know you are by my side. Father walk with me on this journey as I decide to let go and give it over to you. I surrender myself Father. Help me to become a better person. Father I love you. In Jesus Name Amen