Prayer: What to Pray in Times of Despair

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Sovereign King, gentle Savior, I come to You in prayer today, completely at lost for words. You know my struggles and the battles I face daily. I’m so stressed, I don’t know what to pray.

I feel so drained, tired and weak. Be my strength, Oh Father. Be my comfort in these treacherous times.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

What To Pray: Confused And Baffled

The difficulties I am facing today baffles me. Yet, they cannot compare to the promise I have in You. For You have never failed me and I will completely put my trust in You.

God, You know my heart. You know my thoughts. So, when words fail, search me, Oh merciful one. Hear my humble cry. Grant me peace within my soul and heal and save me and make me whole.

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

1 John 4:16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

Lord, What Is Your Will For Me?

Lord, I find myself asking, “What is Your will for me?” I stand before You, my heart wholly open to Your divine blueprint for my life. I seek Your guidance, imploring You to navigate my path. Assume the helm of my life, steering me onto the unambiguous path of righteousness.

I entreat You to manifest Your will in my life. Unveil my purpose, that I may fulfill my divine destiny. In my moments of deep longing and spiritual yearning, draw near, Oh merciful Savior.

“What to Pray?” is my plea as I fervently yearn for Your holy presence. I hunger and thirst for an encounter with You, my source of life and peace.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

When I Can’t Explain What I’m Going Through

At times, I find it difficult to articulate what I am experiencing. The emotions and struggles are too complex, too deep for words. I find myself asking, “What to Pray?”

But I know that You understand. You perceive the depths of my heart, the trials I’ve endured, and the extent of my reliance on Your grace.

Father, even though my words may falter, Your love never does. It’s an unquenchable, infinite, and unending flame that illuminates the darkest corners of my life.

Despite the uncertainty, I find solace knowing that I am cradled in Your tender, caring hands. I pray that as I struggle to find the right words, You will hear the sincere cries of my heart instead.

For in situations where words fail, the language of the heart speaks volumes. In the mighty name of Jesus, I present this prayer. I will rest assured, knowing You hold me in the palm of Your tender hands. I pray that You will listen to the beat of my heart today, for words have surely failed. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!

1 John 4:16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Prayer for when I don't know what to Pray

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  1. God search my heart and mind.
    I know you never fail me.
    Lord don’t leave me and let your ways be my ways.

    1. Thank you Lord for the restoration, peace,deliverance healing and love in my family in Jesus Christ name amen

  2. FATHER GOD thank you for today . As we fall asleep this night protect me and my family from evil and give heavenly dreams in JaeSUS name amen thank you FATHER GOD I love you ❤️

  3. Father God, I am coming before asking you to show me my purpose. Lord what is your will for my life. Guide me Lord accordingly to your will. I am completely open to your plan for my life. Lord lead me on a plain righteousness path. You know what I been through. You know what I need and what I dont need. Lord draw me closer to you

  4. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise and give You thanks for all the graces You have given me this day and the many blessings I have receive today and always. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You are meeting all of my need today and everyday.
    Lord Jesus,I know You always stay with me and You also know everything about me,You know my heart and You know my thoughts.
    Especially when I don’t know what to pray.I failed my words to say something in my prayer.
    I ask You,Lord Jesus,please give me the strength to go on,and please listen to the beat of my heart. Amen.
    So today,I can do all things through Christ Jesus,who strengthens me.
    Thank You Lord,for You lead me to walking in Your way of righteousness all of the days of my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  5. Dear God,
    I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for You are always being there for me.
    Lord Jesus,If You are for me,with me,You also know everything about me.You know my heart and You know my thoughts.
    Especially during the times when I don’t know what to pray.
    If I failed my words to say something in my prayer.
    Please listen to the beat of my heart,give me the strength to go on. Amen.
    So today,I can do all things through Christ Jesus,who give me the strength to go on. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You are always being here for me.
    I have a great God be by my side.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  6. God you is always on time. I pray for restoration in my family. I pray that God can help my family back together. I pray that i can have a sister and brother bond with my siblings. God,i prayed that our family relationship is renewed and restore.Respect, honor and love will reign and be restored within our family! God i pray that you cast out all any obstacles that is not of you, to be torn down and cast out deep in the sea. In Jesus name Amen

  7. My names are evangelist Mrs Roseline Christian,admin pls since I joined ur prayer I hv more faith each and every day,and this week it’s all abt me that you are given prayer points on,am grateful to God by finding this page,may God bless you Amen,pls I need prayers on my 2daughters ,they are really going astray .my resquest is that God shld touch them to know they right path and to return bck frm their bad behaviors .pls post and hide my identity. Pls am a widow don’t have any other help. .

  8. Dear Father God.
    I thank You Father,to give me the strength to go on,to throughout my day. Amen.
    Dear God,You know everything I have been through.If You are for me,with me,who can be against me.
    I pray that today,dear God.
    I ask You,Father.
    Please help me to pray more fervently,especially during the times when I don’t know what to pray.
    If I failed my word to say something in my prayer.please help me,give me the strength to go on. Amen.
    I can do all things through Christ Jesus.who strengthens me.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,that You will guide me and teach me,that I may have the strength to go on.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

    1. Dear father of the fatherless, I thank u again this morning,even though I don’t have strength today,I feel so exhausted n helpless,bt I know that ur a God who made heaven n earth,u promise me that ull never leave me or forsake me,thank u for loving me. Amen

  9. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me the strength, courage and wisdom to face my present battles and those ahead.
    I love You dear Father God.
    I want You always be with me, wherever I go. Amen.
    I know that, what I ask in my prayer, I will received. Amen
    Please give me the opportunity to show those around me, that I belong to You, dear Father, Amen.

    Dear God,
    If I failed my word to say something in my prayer, dear God, please help me. Give me the strength to go on.
    I know that, my dear Lord God, will listen to the best of my heart.
    You know everything I have been through.
    Thank You Lord Jesus, for You hold me in the palm of Your tender hands.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. Father God, good morning. I love you so much and I thank you Lord for getting me through some of the trials and troublesome days that I’ve struggled with.

    Through prayer I made it through and I thank you Lord Jesus for your love and kindness and Your Grace.

    Mercy bless your name this day and every day. Praying for my family, my friends and all my surroundings, those on the highways and the byways. I love you. In your name I pray this prayer, amen.

  11. Thank you for prayers sent daily. They speak to my current situation. I have had ill-health and went through four major operations.
    God saw me through when my hope was gone. He healed me.
    Now I need prayers for my employers to assist me to move closer to my family for support as I still need support during my recovery.

    It has been a difficult process and very draining but the daily prayers have strengthened my faith and I know God has done it. Every blessing to you all.

  12. I praise and give You thanks my eternal everlasting Father,for bring me safe from all harm and spiritual attacks.
    I declare that today,
    I can do all things through Christ Jesus,who strengthens me.
    I pray that today,
    If I failed my word to says something in my prayer,dear God,please help me,give me the strength to go on.
    Knowing that You hold me in the palm of Your tender hands.
    Dear Father God,if You are for me, who can be against me.
    Every trial I face today,bring me closer to You dear God. Amen.
    Thank you Lord,for You grant me strength,bring me peace to go on.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Even before i open my mouth to speak, you alone oh Lord knows what i want to say to you. Thank you my Father for your everlasting love. Amen.

  14. I praise you Lord and give you thanks. Never fail me and guide me when I’m desperate and lose hope. Don’t be discourage God will guide us all. Amen.

    1. Heavenly Father,our Father, I thank you so much for this prayer. You know me inside out and I am very gracious to you. In fact today I feel so anxious for the fulfilment of my request ,so much that I don’t know what to say again. I know you are faithful and your timing is the best so strengthen my faith whilst I wait for your plans for me but Father do not delay for it is written that;hope differed makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.Pr.13:12.I pray in the precious name of Jesus.

  15. I praise You and give You many thanks my dear eternal,everlasting Father,my Lord God Jesus Christ.
    For I knowing that You hold me in the palm of Your tender hands.
    I pray that today,If I failed my word to pray,to say something.
    I know that,my dear God will listen to the beat of my heart,You know everything I have been through.
    I cannot go on without You. Amen.
    Thank you Lord,for You bring me peace and keep me safe from all harm and spiritual attacks.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  16. These prayers are Awesome!! Thank you sooo much!!! These prayers are motivational, inspirational, encouraging!!! They give me hope and strength to face life’s moments!

  17. Thank you Dear Lord and Arch Angel Michael for protecting us and keeping us safely together. You see the pain of an innocent child and the struggles He and I face day to day. Please continue to protect us and guide me to make the right decisions not only for my baby, but myself as well. CONTINUE to guide my feet on thr path I am to go. In Jesus name, Lord hear my prayers. Amen.

  18. I thank you to my dear Lord Jesus for this Saturday morning beautiful blessed day.Dear Lord,guide me with Your love and give me Your joy..I give my lives today to You and thank you for the very lovely prayers that strengthen us every morning.For You have never failed me and I will completely put my trust in You.Thank you Lord.In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  19. Please Keep me in prayer as I am writing my final exam on Monday the 20th November and I have to hand in my final research assignment the next day Tuesday the 21st November. I have a problem where I keep blanking out while writing my exams and I pray that I will go into that exam room and come out smiling knowing that I have achieved my prayer to fulfill the greater glory of God In Jesus Name Amen.

  20. I’m in a sad and heartbreaking place right now. These prayers really help me to get out to God even though I don’t know what to pray right now. Thank you!

  21. These prayers are helpful and encouraging. My grandchildren are feuding so I pray these prayers several times throughout the day.