Prayer: Walking In God’s Grace

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Walking In God’s Grace

El Shaddai, God Almighty, You are great and Your grace and mercy are everlasting. You are the creator of the universe and nothing is too difficult for You to handle.

Nothing can compare to Your love, Father. You are my all-sufficient God, worthy of all praise and honor. Hallelujah to You, my Redeemer, my Strong-tower, My All in All!

James 4:6 – But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Romans 5:1-2 – Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Overcoming Trials And Tribulations

Abba Father, whatever trials and tribulations are placed at my feet, thank You for always being there: to pick me up, to turn me around, to restore me, and to make me whole. I am complete in Your boundless love as I walk in Your never-ending grace.

You are my comforter Lord, whenever I need You. You are my strength when I am weak. God’s grace empowers me. Thank You for renewing me to the place to which You have called me. I am honored to have the privilege of walking in God’s Grace.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Ephesians 4:7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

I Am Covered By Your Grace

Lord, remind me that I am covered by Your grace. In my failings, in my weaknesses, and in my sins, Your grace reaches me. There is nothing I can do to earn it; it is Your precious gift, a testament of Your unfathomable love.

Heavenly Father, guide me to walk each day in Your grace. In my words, actions, and thoughts, let Your grace be my guide. Help me to extend this grace to others, as a reflection of Your love and mercy. Remind me always, Lord, that I am saved by Your grace and kept by Your love.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.

Teach Me To Walk In Your Grace

Lord, teach me to walk in Your grace. Show me how to extend that same grace to others, that my life may be a living testament of Your love. Help me to understand that just as Your grace is freely given to me, so should I freely give grace to those around me.

Jesus, my Redeemer, I confess that I am often wayward, yet I am constantly drawn back to the path by the magnetic pull of Your mercy. I need Your hand to hold, Your voice to guide, as I journey along this life, aiming to reflect Your love and grace.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Standing On The Promises

Heavenly Father, I am so blessed and fortunate to be able to stand on Your promises and declare that my life is complete in You. As I look around Lord Jesus, I see Your fullness, Your grace, and Your mercy.

Your grace is sufficient for me. I pray that You will continue to watch over me as I walk with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, SO BE IT…AMEN and Amen!

2 Corinthians 12:8-9 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Prayer: Walking In God's Grace

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  1. Good evening Loving Father , I am grateful for your love ,grace and Might .I thank you that I am safe , that my parents are safe that you have stayed with me and read this business law paper since day one ,despite my eyes hurting you stay around and watch me win ,win with me ,I am grateful that Jesse has finished his paper and passed it .I pray for your wisdom ,knowledge,guidance leadeth ,understanding whatever I read remembering ,reading ,choosing right answers and options in my business law paper .I pray that on 29th I enter with you in the paper ,do each and every question with you come out victorious,happy and blessed .I am grateful Almighty King ,Father and healer of my life .excel and pass this paper .please heal my eyes LORD .I pray that I am able to manage my duties home we’ll with reading and preparing for the business law paper in your Loving name I pray .Amen.Thank you my Father GOD .Amen.i trust in you Loving GOD .I pray you keep my mother and father sober ,blessed ,healthy ,long life ,loving,strengthened ,blessed ,guided ,loved and blessed forever .Amen .Thank you my GOD a good evening to you my GOD .Amen.

  2. Good morning blessed father I thank you for waking me up to see another wonderful day, my day be full of peace love and prosperity, I trust you will guide and protected me in everything I do, every where I go, and to connect with the right people of this world, in Jesus Almighty Name Amen, 🙏 ❤️ SO BE IT!!🙌

  3. My beloved father LORD JESUS, on a serious not i love you soo very much but i know you love me more. Thank you for loving me Monica, thank u for your love, assistance, your protection and guidance to me and my husband, my 3 kids and my entire family (my mom, my siblings and their kids) i love you abundantly.

    I am here before you just asking for your mercy and grace walking by me. I need your mercy and grace to lift me, to help me, to cover me and to protect me. Shower your mercy and grace upon me, hold me with your hands walk by me. Help me ooh LORD JESUS. Do not forsake leave me. Let your grace walk with my husband and my kids. Let your grace walk by my mom and my siblings. I love you Lord , I love you my father.
    I have prayed all of this in your name. Aamen

  4. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray steadfastly for my wayward partner. For lies, stealing, violence, manipulation! God this comes from him being exposed in a new situation to negative influences. And from not having even the slightest bit of education which limits his understanding. That his not knowing anything else but the streets.
    Dear lord anything is possible with you. His age may also affect the situation, happening now!
    Oh God if you could just harness the situation and encourage him.
    Please also grant us Financial Stability,Lord. You are the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient one for which there is nothing impossible but all things possible. I believe, I receive, in Jesus Mighty Matchless name I pray!

  5. Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for this bright new day which I know is filled with countless blessings. Thank you for the life in me and for all that you have planned for me.
    Father I come to you to ask that you help my husband with his alcohol addiction. Lord give him strength to fight it and get over it in the name of Jesus. Dear God I know and believe that nothing is impossible for you to do.
    I place Tiza Bridal and Purewater businesses in your hands and I pray that you would bless them, open doors that no man can shut and enlarge our territory. Bless us Bless us Oh Lord.
    I pray that you will protect everyone in this family and this compound that we come back home safely after our days work and errands.
    Thank you Lord for always hearing my prayers and for always keeping your promises concerning me.
    I Jesus name I pray. Amen ????

  6. Thank you abba father for always being a present help in times of need . Father god I ask humbly to remove people out of my life and my family life’s that aren’t good for our evolution takers and users pls block them from coming and distorting lives . Father god I ask you humbly in prayer through Jesus Christ our lord to please bring the right godly people in our lives to help us and to be there for us o hell us serve you for your glory . Take away all the distractions noises and replace them with your discipline and focus only on your word father god . I pray this prayer in Jesus name amen amen amen

    1. Please my people I need help please help me for prayer am having attack of money , please you people should help me add me in prayer my enemies is more than me.them have still all my money away my business has fail

  7. Thank you lord for this day and life. Please forgive my sins. Please give me a peaceful day, and a lot of sales. I pray that all my burdens are placed at your feet and guide me to my future life. Make this situation with k happen and may be make a life for each other. AMEN

  8. Dear God,
    Today,I am so blessed and fortunate to be able to walking in Your never ending grace. Amen.
    My dear God is never blind to see my tears,never deaf to my prayers and never silent to my pain.He sees,he hears and he will deliver me.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You continue to protect and watch over me as I walk with You,Lord Jesus. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for Your grace is sufficient for me.
    And by Your grace I have been saved.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  9. Dear Father God,
    Today,I just want to give thanks to God for the gift of life,to be alive,still can see the sun rises in the morning.
    I am completely in Yourboundless love,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    I am honoured to have the privilege of walking in God Grace.
    I thank you,Father,for Your great plan for my life,always is the best for me.
    I give my life into Your precious hands.
    Thank you dear Father,for giving me the grace to face every situation in my life
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for always being there for me,to pick me up,to turn me around,to restore me and to make me whole.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. Thanks so much for the lovely prayer. I feel desperate God because of what my son is doing. He’s treating me badly. Help me Lord. Amen

  11. Dear Father God.
    I am so thankful dear God,for everything You have in store for me,and may I honor You with my life.
    Today,I just want to thank God for the gift of life,to be alive. Amen.
    Please teach me Your way dear Lord,and I will walk in Your truth.
    I am completely in Your boundless love,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    I trust that Your plan for my life is the best for me.
    I place my faith and trust in You,for giving me the grace to face my trials times,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for reminding me to trust You with my life.
    Thank you so much for the wonderful Declaration. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  12. Abba Father thank you for your grace and mercy thank you for giving me life on earth as it is in haven thank you Father in Jesus name I pray Amen

  13. Amen. Thank you for the wonderful prayer. Reminds me that God never forsake us. He helps us and strengthen us for every battles. Thank you for the awesome declaration. Today I chose to be a victor not a victim. ?

  14. Thanks dear Lord for your amazing Grace,thanks for another day, Continue to bless and keep us safe cleanse us with your Royal blood,love peace and unity in family,success in business .in Jesus name Amen

  15. I praise You my dear eternal Almighty God,my dear Heavenly Father.,my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    The creator of Heaven and earth.
    You are my all Sufficient God.
    I will continue to put my trust in You dear God,and know that You are the one True Living God.
    I thank you for always being there for me,and watch over me,to help me throughout my day,in this trials times.
    I trust You dear Father God,You will heal me,and my suffering will end today.
    I know that You make all things work together for my good.
    Thank you Lord,for giving me the grace to face my trials times,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. By your Precious Grace I am healed, make me whole Lord Jesus
      Lift me up to soar like the eagle
      Set me free
      Amen & Amen

  16. Pray for me Prayer Warriors! I started the task of going back to school after 28 years to get a Business Degree only to be told that my High school diploma is NOT recognized in the State of Florida, though I could attend College I would need my GED before Graduation. I’m overwhelmed with trying to do both. I’m a Middle aged Man, So this is tough. I’ve petitioned to God for help in achieving both my High school diploma, and College Degree at the same time, but I have so much doubt in my head that I’ll be able to do this. I’m overwhelmed, and I need your Help. Continue to Pray for me as I embark on this Journey. I need the strength of the Lord our God to Bless me with the ability to get this done. Thank you Prayer Warriors for your prayer, and support AMEN AND AMEN!

  17. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven.
    Dear Fathet God,
    I thank you for You are always being there for me.I know that You are the God can hears and sees everything.
    Thank you Lord,for giving me the grace to face every situasions in my daily life,as I walk in Your never ending grace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  18. I praise you dear Heavenly Father.I love You, I adore You,You are my all,my everything.
    Dear God ,We place our lives in Your powerful hands,as we walk with You through this world,and depend on You to help us stand.
    I am honoured to have the privilege of walking in God’s grace.
    Thank you Lord,for You are always being there for me,to restore me and to make me whole.
    Thank you so much for this beautiful prayer,full of God’s
    word and full of God’s Grace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  19. We lift up our heads and give you praise dear Lord for your Saving Grace and Mercy please wash away our sins and all that we have done wrong,protect us from all evil forces in Jesus name,Amen

  20. Dear Heavenly Father.
    I thank you for Your Everlasting love.Hallelujah. And thank you for this beautiful morning prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  21. Amen! Beautiful prayer Bevjoy. Thanks and God bless you.
    Thank you Martin Forgenie for a week filled with prayer that brings us in wake of our weaknesses and strengths.

    Almighty Father,
    I thank You abundantly for the privilege
    To be a child of God Holy and Infinite
    In gratitude I pray to walk always
    Beautiful and graceful in Your ways.

    1. You are welcomed, Geevetha. I’m happy that the prayers and articles have been a blessing to you!

    1. In the face of my problems Lord, I sometimes feel so hopeless and alone. Then I remember: I am only hopeless if I lose my Hope In You. I am only alone if I shut You out.