Uplifted – Fulfilling God’s Promises In Your Life

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When you are going through your rough and tough times, do you wonder if God’s promises are being fulfilled in your life? Or has He forgotten you? Are you struggling to feel uplifted? Be still and know in your heart, mind, body and Spirit that He is God.

He wants you to be still and not act in the flesh, so that He can do His work in you, through you and for you for HIS name to be exalted in heaven and on Earth.

Don’t go looking for something that you want. Thank Him and let Him bestow it upon you. Remember, wants and needs are two different things. Have you ever thought of what a big responsibility that is, to just be still and let Him be, for His glory?

Going From Strength To Strength

In the Psalms it says “Blessed are those whose strength is in You… They go from strength to strength till each appears before God in Zion.If we go from strength to strength, this means we must constantly be challenged and changed to grow and gain our strength.

Be blessed by allowing God’s supernatural growth and His promises to happen in your life. He has already equipped you with all you need. And that includes all the strength you need.

Here is a promise to claim in Psalm 84: “Look with favor on your anointed one.” That’s you and me.

It also says “For the Lord is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one WHO TRUSTS IN YOU.

When was the last time you asked God to fulfill His promises in your life, while you walk blamelessly towards Him and trust Him? Ask and it will be given unto you.

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in the step of the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.

It also says the one who meditates on his law (Word), day and night, whatever they do prospers. Amen! With whom are you walking and what are you meditating on?

What Season Are You In?

What season are you in? So many people feel as if they are just sowing, sowing, sowing. Are you sowing what is required of you?

The great news is, you cannot reap, if you do not sow! Sow from the Spirit, sow cheerfully, even it is your last thing, your last dollar and even if it feels like your last ounce of spiritual energy!

Without it, you have nothing coming to you. Think of what you have asked of God and know that He is preparing you to be able to receive what you’ve asked of Him.

Don’t Forget Your Heavenly Angels!

Finally, don’t forget your heavenly angels, in Psalm 91: He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

(Here is an unusual promise, which shows the power that God has given you): You WILL tread on the lion and cobra; you WILL trample the great lion and the serpent.

Don’t forget to ask for your angels to be with you and always around you every day of your life. Yes, He will send His angels concerning you, but put them to work. They are there to help and protect you along the way.

Prayer – Fulfilling God’s Promises

In Jesus’ precious name, we thank you for your Word, Heavenly Father. Thank you for fulfilling these promises in our lives and even more promises that come from You which we are not yet aware of. Please make them come to pass for us, starting now and forever more, with and through Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen.

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Be Uplifted

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  1. Good morning Father God thank you for another day thank you for your protection at night . Pls lord as you go on about my day go before me and bless my path guide me and protect me and my family from anything that wasn’t sent by you in Jesus mighty name amen…

  2. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven,for You are so great and greatly to be prased.
    I thank God for the gift of this life and for His promised.
    Whatever He has promised He will surely fulfilled. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for Your word.
    Thank You for fulfilling Your promises in my lives and even more promises that comes from You,Amen.
    So today,My focus is I sincerely want to go closer to You and spend time with You.
    I give it all to You,It’s depend on You,what’s You want me to be.
    I know You will give what’s the best for me.
    Lord Jesus,You are The Way,The Truth and The Life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  3. Good Day

    Thank you very much for the uplifting prayers. I am blessed to receive this messages. I have prayer request for myself. Please pray for me, I’m looking for another job and I’m struggling to complete my matric. I still need to write my home language Afrikaans to obtain my senior certificate. I also need my licence and a husband from God. A God fearing man, not a chancer someone that will love me for me and be a father to my children

  4. I surrender all to You Father, I know Your love for me and I know You will never leave or forsake me .

  5. Great is our God and greatly to be praised. I thank God for the gift of life and for His protection, I look up to Him for I know whatever He has promised He will surely fulfill. May the name of the Lord be praised forever and ever, Amen!

  6. Dear Father God,
    Lord Jesus,I ask You today that You take over my life and lift me up just as You have promised in Your word,dear God.
    Oh Lord,You know my heart,You know I sincerely want to go closer to You and spend time with You.
    I love You,Lord Jesus,I give it all to You.It’s depend on You,what’s You want me to be.Because I know You will give what’s the best for me.
    Lord Jesus,I ask this day for Your love,help me ,oh Lord,to start over again,for all is possible when I place my faith and trust in You,my Saving God.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Kindly pray for me so that God will open the door of blessing that we will received the grade pay that we have fight for so long and have won a court case but the ministry have not given us till date though it was due to be released by november as the court order.

  8. I thank the Almighty for an answered prayer
    Thank you Lord for giving me my request for someone to get a job.
    So this way he does not have To stay away from his family.
    Thank you Lord so much.

  9. Praised the great master builder for doing such a construction in my life daily he has done so much for me I couldn’t tell it all

  10. I will continue to fight the good fight of FAITH! Because I know NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER!!
    Thank you Precious Lord Jesus.
    Amen & Amen ??❤❤

  11. Praise God… Just what was required of me today, remembering to sow in His name. I pray Psalm 91 – “He will command His angels to guard you in all your ways;” everyday for my family, my friends, strangers and myself. I pray this in the car, at home, doing laundry, at my desk, on a mountain top… Wonderful article.