Powerful Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

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Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Lord God, I boldly approach your throne of grace, covered in the shed blood of your Son. In Jesus’ mighty name, I ask you to cut any, ungodly soul ties between myself and anyone else.

Cut all ungodly soul ties created by any relationship, sexual or otherwise, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten. Dear Jesus, You have already paid the price with Your own blood for me to be totally free.

1 Corinthians 6:17-18 For it is said, “The two will become one flesh”. But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.

Wherever You Lead Me I Will Follow

Father, please guide my footsteps to take the right path in this journey called life. Let every step I take lead me a step closer to You. Walk beside me, Lord and, as You never leave nor forsake me, help me not to go astray.

Father, as life may sometimes take me to places I may not want to be, I meet new individuals and new souls, and every event that occurs happens for a reason.

Maybe You placed me there to learn from mistakes, to change my life, or even to be a blessing to another. But wherever You lead me, I will follow. For I believe that you make all things work together for my good.

2 Corinthians 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:15 And what concord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has he that believes with an infidel?

Breaking Chains of the Past

Mighty Deliverer, there are memories, past experiences, or relationships that sometimes haunt me, holding me captive in a cycle of regret, guilt, or sorrow. I understand that for me to fully walk in the purpose You have set, I need to break free from these chains.

I ask, O God, that You illuminate any hidden soul ties that I might not be aware of and grant me the strength and discernment to break free. Every connection that is not founded on godly principles, I renounce today, declaring that my spirit is intertwined solely with Yours.

I pray against any negative influences or spirits that might be operating through these ungodly soul ties. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I declare victory over every bondage, knowing that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.

Every chain of the past, every lingering sentiment, and every emotional or spiritual bondage, I submit them under the authority of Christ, proclaiming liberty and freedom.

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Prayer To Rebuke Ungodly Soul Ties

Father, as I encounter new individuals daily, my soul may become entwined with another, causing me to idolize that individual and to lose sight of Your great plan and purpose for my life.

I may even lose who I really am and who You created me to be. Father, I rebuke every ungodly soul tie that attempts to come my way.

As I completely commit and fully trust my life to You, I ask that You grant me discernment to recognize these ties that are not of You. Father, break every chain that joins these ungodly soul ties to me, that have been formed out of past relationships.

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

2 Corinthians 6:14 – Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what communion has light with darkness?

Cutting Unhealthy Bonds

Heavenly Father, I may have formed connections and bonds that were not orchestrated by You. I recognize that not every relationship, attachment, or bond brings honor to Your name. Today, I seek freedom from those ungodly soul ties that may be holding me back from the abundant life you’ve promised.

You know the depths of my heart, Lord, and the ties that are not of You. I ask that by Your divine power, these ties be severed, and my spirit be liberated from any chains of the past.

There are instances, O Lord, where I might have unknowingly formed these ungodly ties, allowing my soul to be entwined with things or individuals that lead me away from Your path.

The weight of these connections might sometimes be burdensome, clouding my judgment, influencing my decisions, or causing spiritual blockages. I yearn for a heart and spirit that is solely anchored to You, free from any distractions or entanglements that don’t align with Your will for my life.

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

Establishing Godly Connections

Benevolent Father, as I seek release from ungodly soul ties, I also pray for guidance in establishing connections that reflect Your love, righteousness, and wisdom. Lead me towards relationships and bonds that edify, uplift, and draw me closer to You.

Guard my heart, Lord, from forming attachments that are not in alignment with Your divine will, and grant me the wisdom to discern the ties that honor You. Fill my heart with Your love, so I may connect with others in a manner that glorifies Your name.

Let every relationship, association, or bond I form be centered around Christ, fostering spiritual growth, mutual respect, and godly values. As I navigate the journey of life, may Your Holy Spirit guide my interactions, ensuring that every soul tie I establish brings glory and honor to Your name.

Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’

Deliverance Prayer To Break Every Chain And Soul Tie

In Jesus’ mighty name, I break the power of any commitments, contracts, covenants, agreements, dedications, and vows made over me and my family. I cast out any demonic forces which may have come into my life by ungodly soul ties or any other sin.

Heavenly Father, break and release me from any and all negative and evil soul ties and spiritual and mental agreements and covenants with my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. This bond with me is now broken completely. Deliver me completely from these previous spiritual holds on my life. I thank you for doing this, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

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  1. Thank you Lord for healing me from my past soul ties that hindered my success and my connection to you.

    For you being for me is more than the world being against me, I am healed revived and willing to serve you as my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.I take heed of your word and accept your will that you died on the cross for my sins.

    Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


  2. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for drawing me to this webpage this evening in response to my question: “How do I break free from my exes?”. The prayers and Bible passages used in this article have lifted the heaviness on my soul, my countenance, and I feel ready to enter into your arms so as to have peaceful, unmedicated rest.
    I humbly ask that the contents of the article be a blessing to others who were also led to this page, and relieve them of the burdens of soul ties encountered in their own lives.
    These things I humbly thank you for as having been granted, through Jesus Christ our Lord – Amen.

  3. amen thank you father God for breaking this soul tie between me and my husband ernest hudson i thank you for showing me the true light and i ask you to guide me though i thank you for not leaving me in this storm and i no you have a plan for my life better than my own i follow your will and i give you me
    Lord i thank you fo even when i’m broken because you build me to be better each and every day Amen

  4. Thank you Jesus for delivering me from ungodly soul ties. Please don’t give up on my family? Put the fear of God on them like you did me to change them. Amen

  5. Thank you Jesus for breaking every single soul tie that has come against me and my husband to destroy our Godly marriage which is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus name I pray Amen Amen and Amen!!! I decree and declare that all soul ties against my husband and I are broken today in Jesus name Amen!!!

  6. Good night blessings my brother’s and sister’s, to share the word of GOD is so amazing…it motivates others…who doesn’t know CHRIST as yet…also it let we as the follower of CHRIST…keep the fire burning in our soul…because we cannot get luk warm…Blessings

  7. ABBA, “Father”:

    I come to you with a repented heart, and ask for you to release your kingdom of childern from all evil soul ties. ABBA “YAHWEH” please give place your childern in the right time and place to meet their one true soulmate who will fight for them and truly understand what it means to be two become one in the kingdom of HEAVEN! Give your kingdom the knowledge, guidance, discernment, and wisdom to decipher what is right and wrong and to see through the manipulation of this ungodly world. YAHWEH please sit in throne on your kindgoms hearts and give then endurance to run this race and keep fighting the fight in the spiritual realm. ???? I ask that you empower your kingdom in the confidence to know that with your son dying on the cross we gained the authority to fight and win against all evil ???? schemes of Lucifer, Jezabel, AHAB, the legion, Leviathan and the rest of the evil spirits out there trying to take our destiny. Power and might are in your hand and your son had already overcome this world. Please transform our minds and help us fight this spiritual war. With much love and respect to you and your Saints I pray this prayer with love and gratitude.

    A MEN we are with the I AM

  8. My daughter-in-law is threatening to leave my son because he goes to church. She has become an unbeliever. They have two children that my son wants to raise in church. We need God to miraculously soften her heart and open her eyes to see God and believe.

  9. I would like to say a deliverance prayer for two different couples who are contemplating marriage but might not be in right relationship with each other are blood relatives ?

  10. My husband of 24 years engaged in a young married woman 30 yes. She’s threatening me for telling her husband the truth. Pray that this spirit leaves my husband who’s spending on her

  11. Dear Father, I am completely heartbroken on so many levels. I am thankful for this opportunity to open my heart, send you my love and attention, and to also pray for my now ex. My soulmate and beautiful partner and woman Jenny officially left me today after being in a 5 year relationship.
    We are soulmates who have a childlike beautiful youthful relationship and over the years we have been facing spiritual warfare for most of our relationship and there would be times I would act out of my higher self and true self and it has afflicted the ones I love deeply. I’ve hurt her at times but loved her unconditionally the rest of the times and I only want to fill her life with joy, love, respect, and care and only to this woman for the rest of my life.
    She means everything to me and I put my faith in you to fill yourself into our relationship and purge whatever has been afflicting our relationship. My Father and Brother died because of this darkness, it was in rooted deep in the family and this woman has helped me during my darkest times when my brother passed away. Now that my dad recently passed, I am feeling incredibly lost with my soulmate leaving me as we had each other’s back through everything.
    Please heal Jenny emotionally and physically. She is the highest angel and beautiful being I’ve ever met and I pray that she opens her heart again and restore the beautiful relationship that we share. We are like a childlike couple who has endured so much spiritual warfare we would even wake up with bloody scratches and nightmares at 3am.
    I’m beyond tired of all of the demonic attempts to ruin this beautiful relationship. We have both encountered possessions where she would say things she wouldn’t mean and for me to say hurtful things and to myself too.
    We have been through so much together, I love this woman with all my heart. Thank you God for humbling me, healing me, purifying our relationship and for your wisdom to heal this relationship with Jenny and I. I seek that we have better communication, open up deeply about each other, have a deep soul check with one another as life pushed us and pushed us without having time to really sit down with ourselves.
    We love each other unconditionally but as of lately, the devil finally got what he wanted after years of suffering, after years of waking up with blood and scratches all over our bodies, she said she doesn’t love me at all, doesn’t care about me and doesn’t want anything to do with me in her life ever again. We have fought demonic battles and darkness and have always used our love as a stronghold to fight off anything bad because we loved each other and we were so close.
    Please God I am grateful for everything in this life that you have blessed us with, my life, for meeting this beautiful amazing woman. I was told by some reader that I would have another wife in the future aside from Jenny and I always resented that man for saying that because I know that is another form of the demons trick to put that in your mind. Jenny and I always had a beautiful relationship, I pray God that we have another chance to heal, to become stronger than before, to be the best couple to each other and as individuals as possible.
    I will honor you, God and Jenny for the rest of my life and wish nothing but happiness, healing and peace to her and pray for the biggest miracle. I lost my Dad, my brother, I cannot lose this woman I serve you God with everything and anything in this life and to always do your work to those in need in multitude of ways physically or emotionally.
    Please God may you restore the beautiful relationship we once had and I pray for a miracle. I put my faith, trust, heart and my all in you that healing will happen and a miracle that I would sacrifice my life and more to you to bless our relationship and heal the wounds that have been afflicted for so long within our relationship and the ones casted by multiple sources of demons and evil.
    I am so heartbroken God, I will do my best to take care of myself even though I haven’t been for days and now that it officially happened I’m a mess. God fill me with yourself and heal me. Thank you for everyone in this forum, I appreciate you all and thank you God and Jenny my love, my soulmate.

    1. Lester I understand this is none of my business but your situation sounds much like mine. I prayed for discernment, salvation for both of our souls. He has narcissistic personality disorder. After the 5 year mark things only became worse to eventually he tried to take my life, I am so thankful for God divine intervention. Please pray for Discernment, Divine Intervention, Breaking Soul ties. God loves you he would not remove a true soulmate. It’s a rough path but I promise you will be given the strength to get through it. The lessons I hard learned from all of it has only brought me closer to God and hopefully the path meant for me. Blessings for courage and strength

  12. Asking for prayers to rebuke any negative spirits, evil or satan’s schemes of strongholds, downfalls, self pity, financial burdens, negligence or narcistic alcoholic spouse, anything that steals joy in my life or that of my children’s life ! I believe in the power of God of Heaven and his holy word and grace over my life and my children’s life. I trust in Jesus my Redeemer my rock. I ask for his forgiveness and that he sends his grace and mercy and blessings over my life as I adjust my life out of a bad toxic relationship. I ask the Lord to take this spouse and send him away to get help and lead him to prayer to deepen faith in God and to move on in his own life. I ask God to be with me as I live out my purpose and plan for my life and then for my children to keep positive and to be disciples for the Lord, In his holy name Jesus

  13. Please prayer for me to get the strength and courage to get out of my relationship with a narcissist. I am co-dependent and I am trying really hard to talk with myself and tell myself that I can live without him…all I need is my God, my parents and my child….

    Please prayer for me ….I am drowning in this relationship….

  14. Heavenly Father, givers of all lives, source of all blessings, the God that can do all things. God I pray that u break every soul ties between me and femi and every other men and restore my stolen glory from them. I keep my body for you Lord hence not for any man

  15. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I give You many thanks,for always being here for me,help me,guide me,give me the strength to live by faith to do Your will and to follow Your word in my daily life. Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Please help me to break every chain,every ungodly soul tie that attempts to come my way,Amen.
    Today,I am blessed and I am set free from all evil forces.
    Lord Jesus,I choose to follow You,and rest in the comfort of Your word.
    I am in Christ Jesus,my Lord and my Savior.
    Thank You Lord,for You are always on my side,You are enough for me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. Please faithfuls, pray for me to break free from this ungodly soul tie that has made me feel in bondage of sin. I have two sons out of this relationship. I love my son’s so much. Please please everyone pray for me to break free and be disconnected completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ from the father of my sons who really did not want me to get kids because he didn’t want to marry me. The relationship has been toxic and do ungodly. I need to break free completely. I need prayers

  17. Thank you so much! I don’t know you, and I have never seen you. Apart from this platform to which I’ve subscribed, I don’t believe we have any other contact. Hence, I can safely conclude that you are a God-sent angel to my family and me. The ungodly soul ties that held our entire family, our children, us as parents, and our 37-year-old marriage in captivity are broken today. I cherish your occasional short messages and your prayers twice a day. You truly have been sent by God! Thank you. Please continue to pray for the recovery, restoration, and repair of everything that the enemy and the devil have taken from us through ungodly soul ties. Once again, thank you, and may God bless your ministry. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

  18. Thank you for taking the time to post these prayers. They are a life saver to believing Christians. We should all acknowledge the daily prayers.
    I pray that all who reads these prayers will be greatly assisted by our lord and savior Jesus Christ and may we all be covered with his precious blood.
