A Prayer For Tenants

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Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You know that I love you, but I know You love me so much more! A lot of things in my life have not worked out the way I’ve planned. Oh Lord, even as tenants, we face so many issues. But I believe Your plan for me is always beautiful and greater than I can imagine.

Philippians 1:2 Goodwill and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are yours!

Lord, I am ever so grateful for the home that I have for myself and my family. Although this is not my house as yet, I’m thankful that you continue to take care of me.

God, I represent all tenants who live in a rented house, leasing and living by someone else. Hear us, O Lord. We believe you put us here to fulfill a purpose.

Let me be a great tenant, O Lord, such that when it’s time for me to move on, the Landlord will be sad to see me go. May I always demonstrate your love to them that they too would be drawn to you.

2 Samuel 7:29 Now, please, bless my family. Let them stand before you and serve you forever. Lord God, you yourself said these things. You yourself blessed my family with a blessing that will continue forever.

Blessing the Home of Tenants

Bless this home, O Lord. Fill it with your love, mercy, health, kindness, and joy. May we be drawn closer together as a family.

May we never lack but prosper and grow in grace and joy. You are the head of our House, your presence is Heaven to us. We are always safe by Your side. Please help to support our mind, body, and soul. So where we were, we could always testify about your Name.

Isaiah 32:18 My people will be safe in their homes and in their calm, peaceful fields

Prayer For Favor With Landlord

We ask that you would grant us favor in the eyes of our landlord, that they may see our sincere efforts to be good tenants and faithful stewards of their property.

We pray that you would open doors of communication and understanding, that we may resolve any issues with kindness and respect.

Bless our landlord with wisdom and discernment, that they may make just and fair decisions in their role as a landlord. We pray that they would be gracious and compassionate, especially during times of hardship or difficulty.

Blessing Landlords

God bless my landlord. Bless those who have given us the opportunity to live here. Bless also where we live.

Protect our home and cover it with the blood of Jesus. Keep us safe at all times. Lord, You know the cry of our hearts.

We want to have our own place one day. But we know your timing is perfect. Thank God for this wonderful time. Thank you for still listening to us. Only in Thy name we pray and give thanks. Amen.

A Prayer for Tenants

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  1. I love this. I was just down in my spirit due to my landlord charging everyone he has to do a repair. Recently he requested that I pay $95 for a refrigerator light bulb. Their only means of communication is a email address they don’t have an off rental office. So I left a message requesting a receipt so that I could return the $95 light bulb. I have never had a landlord handle business in this type of way.

    1. I also have a problem with my landlord, that’s claiming, money s that I don’t know him,I pray that God almighty Will bless him and his family, with good health and one day he will come to the Lord.