Prayer For Divine Direction For My Life Today

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Dearest Heavenly Father, Lord of all Heaven and Earth, I come humbly to Your feet at this time to ask for Your divine guidance and Your loving direction in my life.

You already know Lord why I come to Your feet as You know everything about me and nothing can be hidden from Your loving sight. Father, please guide me because I have lost my direction.

Help me to navigate my way through the labyrinth of my personal relationships and along Your path ahead. Dear Lord, lead me through the way I must walk.

Guide my footsteps each day, so I will not stray from the direction You have set for me, Your child. Father, please show me where You want me to be and not where I would like to be.

I cannot do this on my own, I cannot work out my problems on my own. Please grant me wisdom and discernment so I may know right from wrong, as I do not wish to stray from Your loving way.

John 16:13 – When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones. You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Praying For Divine Guidance And Direction

Lord God, I give in to Your divine hands the health, peace, and direction of my life and ask for Your divine guidance. With so much noise in this world today Father, it is hard to really listen and hear Your voice.

Loving Father God, please illuminate my feet with Your holy light which will enable me to walk in Your mighty courage and to stand strong in the many faces of adversity that are being placed in my path by the evil one.

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 23:1-3 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

Protect, Sustain, And Satisfy

Father, sometimes I am consumed with fear. Please protect, sustain, and satisfy me throughout the days that I can serve You. Take me in the correct direction, along the path that is of Your divine and holy choosing.

Heavenly Father, You are my High Rock, my Fortress and Strong-tower, for You are my God, my Savior, and my Protector. Without You, I can do nothing.

I ask You these things, Father God, in the Beautiful Name of Your Son, Our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Gal 5:16 – So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. The you will not be doing what your sinful nature craves.

Prayer for Divine Direction for My Life Today

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  1. Father God, you said in your word that you will never leave us or forsake us, so we will hold on to your promise. In today’s world more than ever we recognize that we need you every hour, we cannot live without you. So Father God we surrender our lives to you. Take control. Guide us, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. We are weak but thou art mighty; hold us with your powerful hand. Amen.

  2. Good afternoon Father God. Thank you for this prayer today. Father God help me to be better and better for your glory. Give me the godly spirit to handle people and tasks to care and love in my heart. Transform me father god let your holt spirit guide me and my family always. Father god give us your Devine protection and guidance daily. Deliver us always from the enemy and anything that is not send by you. Father abba, pls give us discernment and wisdom to make the right decisions in Jesus Christ mighty name I pray amen amen amen

  3. Thank you father god thank you for your night protection. Thank you for protecting me and loving me along with my family I love you so much keep working on us for your glory in jests name I pray amen

  4. All i can say is a multiple AMEN it’s a wonderful prayers to ask for GOD guidance in everything we do and to put God first in every aspects of our life I’ve always craved for God’s guidance and divine direction in all i do i thank you for bringing up this prayer points is wonderful thanks alot for bringing us close to our Father’s presence in His word and promises to awaken our spiritual life on a daily basis God blesses your ministry AMEN

  5. Dear Heavenly Father.
    I want to thank God for this day.Thank you Lord God for this wonderful day You have gave for me.Help and guide me God Jesus that I will walk in the right way,right path,proclaiming and glorifying You through out my life. And thank you for this beautiful morning prayers.Thank you.In Jesus minghty name. Amen.

  6. I’m not merely flesh and bone, I was made for something more 🙂 Thy will be done. Lord, make me know Your ways. Teach me Your paths. Amen.

  7. I am so happy and blessed I found this site. It is helping me use more words to describe my feelings when praying to God for my self and others. This site has come into my life at the perfect time, there are so many things hanging in the balance between work, family, and everyday struggles of life. It’s helping me fight the good fight in Jesus name!. The prayer updates are so refreshing. I am thank full to God for this beautiful prayer site with all it’s content, the contributors, and nice people in the comments section. These prayers have helped me come through a very challenging time right now what a blessing you have no idea. The reminder of God’s presence In my life from my phone is amazing.

  8. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise and seek You first in my morning.I love You forever. Amen.
    I thank You,to teach me Your way,Your Divine Guidance and Your loving direction in my life.
    I may live boldly and confidently for You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    I declare that today,
    God is my strength and ever present help in times of troubles !
    I stand on His promises.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,I can do all things,who strengthens me. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for directing my steps and keeping me close to You.
    And thank you for loving me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  9. I am so happy i found this site. I don’t even remember how i found it. I look forward every Monday night when i receive the email with the beautiful greeting followed with the prayers.
    I try to read each of the prayer.
    I’m resting in the love of Christ.
    I’m waiting for the directions God has planned for me.
    His purpose for my life. In every way now.
    I have gone through the furnace. To heal and he brought a lot of things in me that no longer served me.
    I’m ready and moving forward in the Love and Power of my Lord.
    Thank you again for this beautiful site.

  10. Thank u for the wonderful prayer. Sometimes i feel lost and confused not knowing what to do or which direction to go. The prayers gives me hope and strengh.

  11. Please help me how to be close to God..I dont know how to pray..
    I’m seeking you Lord God…
    I’m lost in my everyday life..
    Help me Lord to find the right path…Thankyou Lord.. Amen.

  12. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I come to You,this morning with my humble heart.
    I have found You and Your grace.I praise You,I will glorify Your name forever and I may fear Your name,Amen.
    I thank You,Father,to teach me Your way,Your divine guidance and Your loving direction in my life. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,show me Your way,where You want me to be and grant me the wisdom and discernment so I may know the right from wrong.
    Be my guide and my comforter and protect me wherever I may go.
    Lord Jesus,I pray this day for strength.May You being my strength,when I am lonely and tired. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for lead me into the right direction,and for all the blessing in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Father I have learned the hard way that my life is so much better when You are in it. As I lean on You daily to guide my steps and keep me safe I am feeling so blessed by these daily prayers & devotions. Praise be to You Father for leading me here as I can find prayer for every situation in my life and I am given peace about all situations. Thank You for being in control Lord. I am growing daily thru Your grace & mercy.. AMEN

    1. I am a former university professor.I was displaced along with 400 thousands native Kurds from their home towns and villages in Afrin, northwest of Syria after Turkish forces and their extremist islamists occupied our predominantly Kurdish enclave of Afrin. There were about 5 thousand protestant Kurds who had converted to Christianity from Islam. Here in displacement camps and towns north of Aleppo, we rebuilt our church, The Good Shepherd Church, instead of the former one which was desecrated , looted and turned into a headquarter for Turkey- backed former ISIS fighters. Since I converted to Christ, my life has completey changed: a new life was injected into my family despite the plight of displacement. We have discovered that Christianity is love, joy , hope and peace.

  14. My Lord and my God, at this very moment and for the rest of my life I need your guidance and direction only, I don’t want to do anything of myself anymore. I have failed several times and I have always started again. I know at those moments I have only relied in my wisdom but going forward I want to rely on you only. I beg thee Oh Lord let me not be put to shame in Jesus Name

  15. thanking God for the gift of life,,, father bless my family ….I came to this world is by your grace I glorify your name…. give me more of you and take more of me

    1. Lord Jesus you are my light and my strong tower, Guide me, show me, teach me
      Give me the peace and joy only you can give
      No weapon formed against me shall prosper
      I Love you , I need you
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

      1. I praise you my Heavenly Father. I surrender myself to you Heavenly Father. Let your holy spirit use me and guide me. My Almighty Heavenly Father order my steps in your word. Father lead me in the direction where you want to go.
        Father show me your will, not my will but yours. Father i prayed that you give me guidance, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, love and happiness. Help to become a better woman. Help me Father to able to help others in a time of need. My Almighty Father i prayed that you break every chain and blockage that is hindering in my life and family life. Father i know i have done wrong by trying to fixed my own problems instead of turning to you. I realize Father i can’t do it own my own. I have tried so many times but i fail.
        Father, i am turning to you. Help me Father.
        Please grant me wisdom and discernment so I may know the right from wrong as I do not wish to stray from Your loving way.Lord God, I give in to Your divine hands the health, peace and direction of my life and ask for Your divine guidance.
        Loving Father God, please illuminate my feet with Your holy light which will enable me to walk in Your mighty courage and to stand strong in the many faces of adversity that are being placed in my path by the evil one.
        Father i am consumed with fear. Please protect, sustain, and satisfy me throughout the days that I can serve You. Take me in the correct direction, along the path that is of Your divine and holy choosing. Heavenly Father, You are my High Rock, my Fortress and Strong-tower, for You are my God, my Savior and my Protector. Without You, I can do nothing. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I love you Father and I need you. In Jesus mighty name.
        Amen and Amen..