Prayer For Healing: By His Stripes I Am Healed

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God said this about healing in the Bible: I will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you, but I will take all sickness away from you (Deuteronomy. 7:15).

I heal all your diseases (Psalms 103:3). I bore your sickness (Isaiah. 53:4). With My stripes, you are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Matthew 10:1 & Luke 9:1).

This powerful healing prayer is for anyone who is experiencing any illness or ailment and needs the hope and prayer of the Almighty. For the daughter or son of the Most High who is struggling with pain.

For the Child of God suffering and desperate for the pain to end.The silent cry for relief and help that has been echoing in your head and heart, and has been heard.

Healing Prayer

Lord Jesus, You are the Great Healer, Dear Lord. I bind and rebuke any spirit of infirmity over this person Lord, in Jesus’ name. Heal this son or daughter of Yours and renew their cells with Your life force.

Flood their body with the blood of Your son Jesus and send a flow of Your healing light through the cells, organs, and tissues of the living body that You created.

Fill this body with the peace and understanding that they are healed in Jesus’ name! You sacrificed Your son Lord so that we will be free of sin and sickness.

Jehovah-Rapha, remove any weapon formed against this person and send any future attacks back to hell where they belong. Cleanse this person of sickness and make them whole again Lord Jesus!! In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Faith and Trust in God’s Will

Increase our faith, O Lord, that we may see beyond our current circumstances to the reality of Your power and love. Help us to trust in Your will for our lives, knowing that You work all things together for the good of those who love You.

Even as we seek healing, let us surrender to Your perfect plan, confident that whether in sickness or in health, You are with us, and Your grace is sufficient.

In moments of doubt, bolster our faith; in moments of weakness, be our strength. Let us cling to the truth of Your Word, which promises healing and restoration. In Jesus name, Amen.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Prayer In Gratitude and Hope

I thank You, Father, for the promise of healing and the hope we have in Jesus Christ. I thank You for the cross, where He bore our sicknesses and carried our pains.

With hearts full of gratitude, we look to You for the manifestation of Your healing in our lives, trusting in Your timing and Your unfailing love.

May our testimony of healing bring glory to Your name and hope to others who are in need of Your touch. We declare, by faith, that by His stripes, we are healed. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Psalm 107:20 He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: By His Stripes I am Healed pin

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  1. I thank you for the words and words of healing just now 10/28/2023 came across this website.
    I like to ask prayer upon my lil princess my daughter Nathalia Leigh Frances Booker, she’s been in the hospital for awhile dealing with vomiting and Gastritis inflammatory and I know that she is healed by Jesus Christ stripes and I hope that together and agreement in prayer for not just my daughter but for all that are ill today and I again thank you.

  2. Thank you for your website. I believe by God’s favor toward me, I am healed through my Savior Jesus. I truly don’t deserve healing by my merit. Rather by my mistakes I deserve the pain that I have. Because of Jesus, I have been made righteous! And now I recieve the blessings of a righteous person. Thank you so much for my healing God by the stripes of your Son. The stripes that were meant for me. Thank you Jesus, my substitute.

  3. Thank You Sarah for the efforts you have taken to create this webpage/site.

    Many of us in the church seek healing and wait believing in what was done by Jesus for our healing. I am believing for my wife’s healing, caused by a hospital carelessness with what was a minor stroke. It’s been 16 months . God’s healing is the only way. I heard Andrew Wommack say christians can shorten the manifestation time. Are you familiar or have a feel for what he means?

  4. I am a sinner!! I haven’t always made the best choices. In life but i do love my lord!! With breath in my body!! He always been there for me. Even when I was too selfie to want to see it. He never left me! I was always the one walking away!! I love the lord so much!! He my everything without him. I wouldn’t be here! Thank lord for never giving up on me when I gave up on myself so long ago!!! Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. I’m praying for complete healing off gallstones I haven’t come right at these government hospitals so I ask please By the stripes off Jesus I’m am completely healed off anything that not meant to be in my body this I ask in Jesus mighty name

  5. My mother is suffering from asthma since the last 11 years. We pray for Lord Jesus to touch and heal her.

  6. I need prayers of healing from my entire health issues.
    Stroke, diabetes, kidney, Sleep Apnea.
    I know that I will be heal through prayers from the body of Christ and believers of God healings.

  7. Good morning God. Thank You for everything. I’m standing in the gap for one of your favorite son’s, G. O. Wesley. He is fighting for his life because You said he could. He believes that every trace of cancer can be removed from his body by the Master. He is suffering, yet holding on to promises about miracles.
    He ran the promises by me and I know that You can do it cause You raised people from the dead in the Bible days and have healed many others since. The doctors keep talking about statistics, but God WE are standing on your word and your reputation.
    God specializes in things impossible. God is a healer. God is love. I’m so grateful for the times You’ve done a good work before. It assures me that it can be done again if it is in Your will.
    I have faith in God. G. O. Wesley has big big faith in God and he shared a blueprint of what was next for him. Why would You provide him vision if you didn’t plan for him to live it?

    So again, I lay myself before the throne on behalf of G. O. Wesley to declare that by Jesus stripes, all traces of cancer are removed from the crown of Mr. Wesley’s head to the soles of his feet. I pray this prayer today and ask for God’s people to pray it out loud in agreement for G. O. Wesley.

    I want people to witness God be God in G. O. Wesley’s life so that they can bear witness to just how wonderful God is. We all need to be reminded of what prayer can do. God please release Your healing angels to comfort his mind and body while You provide the healing. In Jesus name, amen.

  8. Father I come before you crying out for healing of my lungs I have emphysema and asthma and am so dad has dementia end stage they have given him weeks to live. Plesse Father God heal him

  9. Praise the lord. please touch and agree with me that in the mighty name of
    Jesus our savior heals Javon body complete of ALL SICKNESS & DISEASES and
    makes me Whole. im in need of Supernatural Miracle. My wife is also
    dealing with infirmity in her body. i have made my request known to God
    and petitioned him to do it. God who forgiveth all thine iniquities who
    healeth ALL thine DISEASES. Behold the lord is God of ALL flesh. Nothing is too hard for him. He sent his WORD and HEALED. Glory to God. where 2 or 3 touch & agree he will be in the
    midst. i know he is able. i take all limits off of God. For with God
    NOTHING shall be IMPOSSIBLE. I know all things work together for good.
    thank you. i love you. im praying for you that Our father will bless u and
    your family and your ministry. In Jesus mighty name. Amen! Im also believing God
    to release a financial blessing that i can be a blessing to kingdom

    1. I’ and my son have been through domestic abuse me for 17 yrs & my son for verbal & emotional abuse 5 years & then physical abuse & that ended the marriage ! he’s been with so many people for sex, & rehearses the scriptures for his defense, We are divorced since 2016 but that has not stopped him and I have total custody & have permanent order of protection, it feels like the spirit of Saul with David & the world titles it narcissism! We’ve lost everything again hiding from him & it’s been hard starting all over again and getting a job & my son with different schools even trying to get government help it’s not confidential any case worker can see ! I’m really depending on God’s help and his people that haven’t bowed down to the devil to help us and I’m not the only one please pray that the peoples that are going through this get the FUNDS & Real Godly help and Freedom & Peace Of Mind & Wisdom & Strength they need to be able to move on & have a Real Beginning & still believe that theres still real Godly men out there, I know they’re other countries suffering but shouldn’t we help this country that has fought for us in Gods (Jesus) name so we can be free shouldn’t we help others, I really believe that ’love our neighbor’ meant our families first & then our country, theirs allot of needs emotionally & specially spiritually! God never said it would be easy right? specially as a real Christ living Child of God ,I pray I didn’t offend anyone, my heart has just been so heavy burden on these subjects! thank you! God bless your ministry! I will never give up on hope (God)as long as Jesus lives ! Amen!

  10. Dear Father God.
    I thank You Father,for Your grace to stand strong,no matter what I am facing.
    I choose to stay in faith.
    I believe that,with the power of my Lord Jesus Christ,I am healed by God’s Mercy and by His stripes.
    I rebuke all sickness within me with the power of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
    I thank You Lord Jesus Christ,for my Lord is always good to healed all my sickness and diseases,and filled my heart with His love. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for this early rising Morning Prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  11. Praise to you FatherGod, i am your daughter. Please heal me of my mental depression.
    Please bring my sons and grand children come close and heal my heart. No one knows the time or place. Please Father God heal my body, Soul and Spirit.
    I love you and beg your powerful amazing gifts, please pour your precious blood all over me inside and out. Give me peace
    I pray for my friends and myself.
    Praise to you Father God. Amen

  12. By the stripes of Jesus my heart, my home, my body, my marriage, my husband, my family, my business, my finance is healed in Jesus name. Amen ???

  13. I am completely healed.In Jesus’ name.This is my declaration..Every sickness and pain is gone in the Mighty Name of Jesus.By His stripes, I am healed.Thank You, Father God. Amen and Amen!!

  14. Please pray for my mom Carmencita Francisco she has double vision, headache and was diagnosed with probable diplopia. She is required to go through MRI and nerve test for her brain. I pray with all my heart for Jesus healing touch, life force and miracle be upon my mom. I pray that her result is normal and good from all her medical test in Jesus’ name. I pray for strength and good health for her always in the mighty name of Jesus.

  15. Lord I have lung function test coming up in May testing for copd. I know you have told me it is just asthma. Can I ask that you heal my lungs and mind as depression is setting in. This I know is the devil at work as I am now fearful..Lord please heal my lungs and my mind please father I am so weary.
    My sister also has health issue and is struggling with depression. Father heal her chest eyes and mind. Father please

  16. My name is Patrick Chileshe messaging you from Zambia, Africa. I am under attack spiritually and for this reason my life has not been easy, even today. I have tried to get rid of these spiritual obstacles for so long but I could not get delivered. Does this means that I have little faith? Is that the reason why my life moves forward slowly like a snail? I feel discouraged, and there is no doubt that I am losing opportunities and time because of the evil attack I am going through. I know Christ Jesus has given us power and authority over unclean forces or serpents, to conquer them and that maybe I don’t know how to take advantage of the privilege. Am I wrong? What do you think?

    1. Patrick, I would trust in the Lord and turn your eyes to Him. Every time you are under attack Praise Jesus. Thank Him for His salvation and know He is fighting for you. Pray to cover yourself in the Blood of Jesus and ask for a hedge of spiritual protection around you. Rebuke the attacks in Jesus Name and saw His Name every time you feel discouraged or tired. We are only attacked when the darkness knows we are light. So have faith and know you are not alone. All around you are angels and most importantly He is with you.. ALWAYS! Go in peace brother and God bless you. Lord we ask that You bless Patrick with peace and the knowledge of how to use the Word as the shield and the sword. Lord protect him please and fill Patrick with You Jesus. Shine the light so bright that all who see him knows he is the son of the true King!!! Thank You Jesus, Amen.

  17. Please help me in prayers to rebuke the spirits of high blood pressure and blood sugar. I have a lot of stress for not been able to find a job. I trust God , I know He is able. Please pray for me. God bless you.

    1. Praying for complete and total healing in Jesus Mighty Name Maryleen. I also ask Lord if You will bless my sister in Christ and provide her a job if You have not already done so. Fill her with Your love, peace, and glory Jesus! Remove and rebuke the spirit of stress and anxiety and replace it with You. Thank You Jesus , in Jesus Name Amen

  18. I have had two rotator cuff surgeries on my right shoulder, still painful for many years after. Unfortunately I now need my left shoulder operated on February 13,2019. Please, I need healing prayers for both shoulders! I surrender my pain up to Jesus, may it be his will to heal me! Thank you and God bless you all for the prayers.

    1. Spirit of pain on her shoulder,

      hey cast out now in Jesus Name.

      you have no authority in that body. Jesus healed her.

      By the stripes of Jesus she was healed.

  19. My sister Pam is critically ill. Her heart is extremely weak and is not pumping enough blood to her body. She needs healing prayers. By the stripes of Jesus Pam’s heart is healed. He took her sickness. He carried her pain. I believe it is the will of God for Pam’s heart to be healed.
    Please pray for Pam.

    1. spirit of connected sin and spirit of infirmities in that body of Pam.

      the LORD release His Fire against you.

      Fire, fire in Jesus Name.

      HEALED IN Jesus NAME!L

      and to GOD be the Glory!


  20. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 ductal carcinoma cancer, it started in my parotid gland and spread to my L2 spine and right side under my chin. I need healing and prayers in Jesus’s name. Please and thank you

    1. Lord we come before You and ask for supernatural healing in Your Name Lord Jesus. Cover Tamara with Your blood and fill her body with Your lifeblood Lord. Allow the people in her life to witness her miraculous healing and be touched by You Lord . Allow her to be filled with peace, love , and Your blessings. Thank You Lord for answered prayer. Thank You Thank You

  21. Dear sister Sarah.
    Thank you for the strong prayer you posted. After saying this healing prayer you posted I received instant healing from the pain I was feeling in my liver. I no longer feel any pain.
    Thank you so much sister Sarah.
    May God bless and may the Holy spirit continue using you.

    1. Frank,
      I am so happy to hear this brother!!! I pray you have perfect health and many blessings from our Heavenly Father. Thank you for your prayers and keep turning your eyes to Him. He hears you and your pleas to Him. Bless you brother.
      Sister Sarah

  22. Pray for my mom who has COPD an congested heart. Pray against fear.
    She is born again an has suffered abuse from family an needs to forgive.

    1. Praying for complete and total healing sister for your mother. Lord we ask You heal Teresa’s mother from her COPD and from any emotional trauma from her past. Break the chains of abuse Lord and allow her heart, mind, and soul to heal from the pain and trauma and allow her to realize this is not who she is. Let her know her worth and forgive those who hurt her, let her mind realize it was not them, it was the demonic forces from hell behind it. You were there Lord loving her the whole time and I pray that she feels that. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill her with hope, love, and peace in Your Holy Name. Thank You Jesus. Thank You

  23. Please pray for me for I have pain in my lower left abdomen and the doctors are not helping, can’t deal with this pain anymore. they can’t find what it is but god knows what it is.

    1. Sonia,
      I apologize for not seeing this sooner. Lord we come to You and ask for complete and total healing for Sonia Lord. Allow her body to be renewed to the state of when You created her Lord. You went to the cross for sickness so she would not have to suffer. We ask that You release her from this Jesus and cover her with Your blood. From the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet we ask for renewal. Please Jesus we lift this woman up to You and ask for blessings and miracles. Fill her with the Holy Spirit and let her feel You. Send a hedge of protection around her Lord to protect her. Thank You Lord for this answered prayer. In Your Mighty Name, Amen

  24. Needing prayers over some results i’m awaiting. Please pray. I rebuke the spirit of sickness and diseases. By his wounds I am healed. I will not declare sickness on myself. God gave me the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

  25. Dear Heavenly Father.
    I give You praise and glory.
    I blessed Your Holy Name
    I thank you dear Father God, to healed me from all sickness and disease.
    I rebuke all sickness and disease within me with the power of my Lord Jesus Christ.
    And by His stripes I am healed.
    So today I am blessed and healthy in the Mighty Name of my Lord Jesus Savior.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. I pray God infuse ur mother with healing that was purchased for her at Calvery. Lord bring healing to this mother on the wings of your spirit.

  26. Amen Amen Amen Brothers and Sisters in Christ,Blessed Day to All Of US.Many Many Many

  27. I thank you Dear Heavenly Father, to heal all our diseases and bore all our sickness, with Your Stripes. And I thank you for early morning’s rising prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name.

  28. Yes Lord I claim by the blood and the stripes of Jesus, I AM HEALED! ALL PRAISE AND GLORY I GIVE TO YOU LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.

  29. I want to give thanks to Our Lord God Jesus Christ,who is in Heaven,for He is good,to healed all my sickness and diseases,and filled my heart with His love.
    I believe I am healed by God’s
    Mercy and by His stripes.
    I rebuke all sickness with the power of Our Lord.
    I am healed by the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen.and Amen

  30. I love Jesus i am waiting for him to answer my prayers for healing for my anxiety, depression and the daily pain in my right foot from the 6 surgeries i have been through lost 2 toes and numeros bones i can use prayers from any one that wants to pray for me Praise The Lord!! I will never lose Faith in The Lord!

    1. Hi Lamont
      I pray to our Lord to heal you physically emotionally and spiritually. I too suffered for 12 years from anxieties and struggled every day; it finally got so bad I could barely leave the house and driving to work was almost to much to bare. I was was on all kinds of prescription drugs paxil and zanex and I was at the end of my rope. I looked up every passage on the bible about anxiety and depression and read them over and over. I didn’t get much sleep and I was praying to God to help me over come this mental crippling disorder. Everyday i’d ask God to help me and one sleepless night around 2 o’clock in the morning I was flipping channels and came crossed an infomercial and it was all about a system to help people learn how to deal with anxiety and depression. The ladies name is Lucinda Bassett with the Midwest Center I paid under $400.00 for the course. She lived through and experienced the same problems that you and I share. Any way I called and ordered her video’s and I listed to everyone of them over and over again. She made me realize that we are constantly bombarding ourselves with hundreds negative thoughts and constantly are beating ourselves up that we eventually destroy our self confidence, and through her video’s and the scriptures and God’s love and talking with others in our bible study classes I finally realized that I had to retrain my brain to be positive and I gradually broke myself of all those bad habits and now have been able to regain my life back. Don’t be afraid to talk with your friends and family about your experiences and pray about it constantly and think positively be kind to yourself. Now lucinda isn’t the only one out there teaching this information but, i’m sure she has lived it she is a Christian and she over came it just like you can. Just remember through all of the things that you’ve been experiencing that none of it can harm you physically in any way it is all mental, and you can over come it and get your life back. Praise God Thanks Mike O

  31. Please join me in prayers for a close friend’s daughter-in-law who is diagnosed with breast cancer at 41 years.
    Many thanks in advance and God bless you all.

  32. Thank you Sarah,for ur inspiring message, I really need some healing been going through some sickness and bacteria infections, I also want healing for my children,and Pray no sickness shall befall them,help me Pray,I Believe by Gods mercy I’m healed.

    1. I’m going through the same. We need to be strong and keep our eyes on Jesus. He and only he is the answer of healing. We need believe these scriptures By his stripes we are healed. Fear no for I am with you.

    2. Clara,
      I pray you and your children are healed in the Name of Jesus. Lord Jesus cover them with Your blood Lord. Fill their cells, their tissues, and their souls with You Lord Jesus and we declare healing in Your Name. Thank You Jesus for Your answered prayer. In Your Mighty Name Amen.

  33. Let us all pray for our Mother Emily Motsoane who is fighting for life in hospital. May the Lord give all the Doctors wisdom to know exactly what to do to save her. By His stripes she is healed through her blood and veins. Jesus bore her pain on the cross and we thank Him for our mother’s continous healing, in Jesus name Amen

  34. Denise praying for you sister! ? May God fill you with His Grace and blessings, in Jesus Name We Pray, Amen

    1. Sarah Boisvert please pray for my total healing. I have migraine glaucoma thyroid and BP. I need to go back to my strong Prayer life.

  35. I boldly claim that I am already healed form my every infirmity, I rebuke and bind firmly the spirit of all sickness in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. Yes Yvonne! Jesus already took all of your sickness on the cross and suffered for it so you may be free. You are healed in the name and blood of Jesus! God bless you sister ?

    2. Yes Yvonne! You are healed in the name of Jesus! We rebuke and bind all spirits of infirmity in Your Name Lord Jesus and send them into the lakes of fire so they may never return. Thank you Jesus for your complete and total healing of Yvonne in Jesus name I pray, Amen ?

  36. I thank you Dear Heavenly Father, to heal all our diseases and bore all our sickness, with Your Stripes. And I thank you for early morning’s rising prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name.

  37. I rebuke all sickness within me with the power of Lord Jesus Christ right now. I am healed of all infirmities.
    Thank you Lord for showing the path to Humility.

    1. Yes Lord Jesus! We ask that you rebuke and remove any spirits of infirmity that are attached to Desmond. Bind them and throw them under Your feet Lord! We thank you Jesus for healing him in Your blood! By your stripes we are healed Lord!! In Jesus Mighty Name we pray, Amen. God bless you Desmond and may God bestow healing, love , and blessings on you . ?

    1. Yes Denise! We thank you Lord Jesus for healing Denise in Your Name and filling her with Your grace, love, and hope Lord Jesus! Cover her with Your blood Jesus and allow continuous healing in Your Name! Thank you Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray, Amen ? God bless

    1. Yes Jeanelle! He already suffered for our sins and sickness on the cross so we would not have to. Praying that the Lord fills you with His blessings and we thank you Lord for Your healing of Jeanelle. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray, Amen

    2. Yes Jenelle! He has already taken all of our sin and sickness to the cross. It is not His will for us to suffer from any infirmities. Lord we thank you for flooding Jenelle with Your healing and removing any spirits trying to attack her with sickness. We bind and rebuke any attacks against her Lord and send them under Your feet. Thank you Jesus for your blessing upon her, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!.