Praying For A Financial Miracle

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Heavenly Father, in the mighty and unshakeable name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, we come before You today, humbly asking for a financial breakthrough, a financial miracle that seems beyond our reach.

Our hearts are burdened with the pressing needs of securing a home and a car—basic necessities that will provide stability and safety for our family.

In addition, we lay before You the deep desire for our business to find its footing again, to generate revenue, and to flourish, supporting not only our family but also contributing to the community and Your kingdom.

Lord, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over all creation, Your unmatched power, and Your boundless grace, which you freely bestow upon us, especially in our times of dire need. Your faithfulness is our shield and strength.

Psalm 77:14 You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.

We stand in awe of Your might, O Lord, and in the assurance of Your promises. We believe with unwavering faith that there is nothing beyond Your capability, that You can indeed make a way, a miracle, where there seems to be no way.

We trust in Your word, confident that You will withhold no good thing from those who walk uprightly and love You with all their heart.

Lord, we love You, we honor You, and we exalt Your name, not only for what You have done in our lives but more so for who You are—our Creator, our Provider, and our loving Father, who cherishes us far beyond our own understanding or deserving.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Believing For A Financial Miracle

We come together in true faith, joining hearts and hands, believing that You, O God, are our source and sustainer. In agreement, we seek Your divine intervention for a financial miracle, trusting that You will open doors no man can shut, and provide resources from unexpected sources.

Let Your favor and blessing flow, not just in meeting our immediate needs but also in laying a foundation for future stability and success. We pray for wisdom to manage the blessings You provide, that we might use them wisely and generously, reflecting Your love and generosity to others.

Lord, as we wait on You, strengthen our faith, fill us with peace and patience, and remind us of Your eternal promise to provide for every need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

May our lives testify to Your goodness and mercy, encouraging others to trust in You for their needs as well. Agree with us in true faith, believing in the depths of our hearts that God will provide, for He is faithful, and His love endures forever. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

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  1. Hello
    My name is Alihuseyn. My surname is Agazade.Greencard results will be available in two weeks. I ask you to pray for me to get a green card in a very short time this year and become an American citizen in a very short time. My biggest dream is to live in America, to be a citizen there, to work there. Pray for me many times that this year I will be able to get a green card and become an American citizen in a very short time

  2. Please pray for me, I have to move an I don t have enough funds to pay for the rent where I’m living, they will be going up on my rent, I’m retired, an living on a fixed income, my health is not the greatest, my husband an I are separated, an he left me with lots of Bill’s, please help lord, I have faith an I know you’re with me lord , please place me in a safe place, an the funds that I need to move, an I pray to you in Jesus name, amen

  3. God’s blessings to you all. My Father God, I want to thank you for all that you had done and all that you are doing. I truly believe that You will help me through this financial crisis and that all of my debts will be paid. I believe this in Jesus name. Amen ??

  4. Shalom of our LORD Jesus CHRIST be with you all.
    Please pray for my job and financial crisis. Also pray for my remaining ( END OF SERVICE ) MONEY from Saudi oger Ltd. Company in Saudi Arabia

  5. Three mouths a go I loss my work I want to open workshop of my own I need God to provide me money to pay for shop and buy tools to start my own shop thanks

  6. Father God please bless me financially to get my son out of prison before his birthday and the holidays please Father God.Bless me so i can purchase a car and help others as well please hear my cries Oh Lord in the mighty name of Jesus i pray. Amen.

  7. I’m not working right now and I need help we have one income but God is on our side me and my husband are struggling with bills rent sometime food and sometimes household things but we’re praying holding on to God’s unchanging hand knowing that he’s going to bring us out and you pray for us as we need good jobs open the door for us to be who God needs us to be on our job in our church and at our home pray peace in my home piece everywhere we go we need peace and armor our car needs to be fixed amen the people who live up stairs make Al kinds of nosie drug party s the chant some kind of Prayer not godly help us pray for us

    1. Standing in prayer with you.May God supplies all your needs and you and your husband find good paying jobs and be debt free in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    2. In the mighty Name of God, I pray that you receive a rare visitation of Christ in your home. You are redeemed by The Blood of Jesus. Receive your miracle now in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord… Amen!

  8. I lost everything about 2 years ago house, job, kids, car, savings, etc. It has been a year on this your journey of restoration. I am living from pay check to pay check as I rebuild a home for me and my children. It has been a daunting process and the weight of this financial lack has me in need of payer. It was ok in the first year but now I am ready for a surplus in my fiances however God chooses to give to me. He must know that I am a willing participant. I have always live in abundance always willing to share. I need the windows of heaven to open a pour into my life. Please touch and agree that shall walk in abundance and rebuke the lack in my life. There so many people around me that need blessings