Powerful Prayer of Gratitude – Giving Thanks

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We have a choice to live a life full of thanksgiving and gratitude to the LORD ALL MIGHTY. After all, HE is ever-loving, ever-faithful, ever-present. And HE is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

We don’t only worship God because of what HE can give us. No! We come to HIM full of boldness knowing that HE is a good Father. And it is HIS nature to be loving and merciful towards us, His children. Yes, even when we don’t deserve HIS mercy.

For that very reason, it is important to always come into HIS presence with thanksgiving. Both in good and bad times alike. Always look back with gratitude and proclaim the name of God for the good Father HE is. Let’s stand in agreement with the word of God today as we pray to our Lord.

Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be … in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done.

Prayer of Gratitude: Acknowledging God For Everything

Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus, I come to YOU today with a heart full of thanksgiving, a heart full of praise and worship because, without YOU, I am nothing.

In the past, I have searched all over for help in my times of distress and nothing, or no one else, could lift the burden that I had.

But the day I confessed YOU as my Lord and personal Savior, my life has never been the same again. I thank the Lord that even if I go through challenges now, I always come out victorious. For you are ever-present in my life guiding me through the counselor, the HOLY SPIRIT and giving me victory over my enemies.

I thank YOU today for my past, because it is the very past that made me seek YOU and I have come to know the goodness of YOUR Holiness. O’ how I love YOU Father, Jesus I love YOU and I am nothing without YOUR love.

Forgive me for not thanking YOU as often as I should and for sometimes taking for granted what I possess as there are those who don’t experience YOUR sweet embrace, and have never experienced the joy and freedom found in YOUR presence.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving. And his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good. His steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Psalms. 100:4-5

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness. And I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” Psalms. 7:17

Gratitude For God’s Grace

I pray, with thanksgiving in my heart Glorious Father, that everyone begins to experience and know YOU and YOUR loving embrace.

I pray that YOU grant them the grace to seek YOU in every situation in their lives. May we ALL have a heart full of gratitude. And may we all remain hopeful in the knowledge of your word, as written in Hebrews 11:6 that “God is a rewarder of whoever seeks HIM diligently with faith”.

I thank YOU, LORD, for the faith YOU have bestowed upon my life, knowing that greater is HE that is in me than the one that is in the world. O’ how I love YOUR wonderful creation.

Thank You for the grace to love and be kind to others. Thank YOU for the grace of generosity.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40, 45

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

“Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:18

Giving Thanks For Today

Grant us grace to walk, more and more, in YOUR will and not our own. I thank YOU Jesus for this very day that You have blessed us with. WE are just mere human beings. Who are we to deserve all this love?

But because YOU ARE THE GREAT “I AM”, nothing is impossible and Your love is GREAT. It is who YOU are, Sweet Jesus. I thank YOU Father, for everything, in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.

Powerful Prayer Of Gratitude – Giving Thanks

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  1. Father God thank I give you praise 👏 for speared life I wouldn’t if it were not for you thank you Lord just because i m still here on the land of the living where my crooked ways can be made straight and my straights made right I m so grateful to you Jesus and I so much appreciated everything you have done for me and what you are about to do I know sometimes I don’t deserve you or the things you do for me but it shows me how much you love ❤️ and care about your children thank you, Jesus

    ❤️ ❤️

  2. Dear people at Christiantt your presence has helped me in ways you will never know. You have been a glorious source leading me back to God in a time of my deepest loss and loss and sorrow. Thank you. I have always been private about these things. However I think God has put it on my heart to let you know how helpful you have been

  3. Thank you God for everything today.
    Financial blessing, healing,protection, wisdom,knowledge,patience,peace and more you are my Provider.

  4. Dear Lord Jesus, I am filled with gratitude and thank you Lord Jesus for this day where my brother Nelson has been transferred to a better hospital for his treatment. I trust and have faith that through your mercy and grace this is being done.

    So today I keep believing and keep having faith that victory is on the way and Nelson will be completely healed in body mind and soul. I ask for protection for Nelson, Mummy, my husband, my children and me from any negative and evil forces which are directed towards us to be rebuked rejected and cast away in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. I seek protection from the Holy Spirit to cover us with the blood of Jesus.

    I agree and receive and believe in every word in Jesus name. Bless protect every member of my family. I pray for healing and truth to be revealed where there are lies and negative talk against my family in Jesus name Amen!!

  5. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I give You thanks for this day,that You have blessed me with many blessings come down from heaven.
    I praise You,I adore You,I worship You.
    I always love You,Amen.
    I pray this day for thanksgiving in my heart,in my mind and in my soul,Amen.
    I thank You Father,for show me Your ways and understand to Your truth.
    I choose to set my heart and my mind on Your Word and listen as You speak Your truth to my heart. Amen.
    I believe and trusting Your care and love for me.
    I place myself completely in Your hands.
    I shall follow You all day long in my life.
    Thank You Lord,for bless me with Your strength,Your joy and keep me under Your watchful eye the entire day,ever ready to help me and offer me comfort.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen.and Amen..

  6. I praise and give You thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for You are the one who always being here for me when I need You,Amen.
    I love Lord Jesus,I am nothing without You,Amen
    I pray today dear God,
    May my Lord Jesus,bless me with His love,as I walk through this life,that You have given me,Amen.
    So today,I keep believing and keep praying,knowing that victory is on the way,through my Lord Jesus Christ.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bring me through it all safety.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Thank you God for good words that you have teach us today.
    I praise you Lord everything you have been doing to me and my family.
    I worship you forever.

  8. Thank you Lord Almighty for having made me to discover this link that is quite inspiring and full of your Word. Thank you all for wonderful prayers and praise to our Most High Father, ABBA.

    God bless you good people. Amen

    1. I really thank God for this website that I discovered not too long ago. When I am down and weary, I visit this site because I can pour out my desire to seek the Lord and commune with Him through all these prayers that are so uplifting.
      I am free to pray about anything that my life is facing, knowing people who read my prayers will agree with me for God’s blessing and receive His answers with gratefulness of my heart. I believe that God cares for His children and our lives matter to Him for He is the reason we are here!

      May we always focus our hearts and minds to Him, our beloved God, through our Lord Jesus who will show us the way to our loving graceful ABBA Father God almighty sovereign.

      God, I cannot thank you enough for your goodness and mercy. Even as I am in my most trying and difficult time, I still want to praise and thank you, knowing you know what I am going through and I await your expected answer according to your living will Lord. Guide me through Lord. In Jesus mighty name I fervently pray. Amen!

  9. Thanks to Jesus for your blessings I will stay focused in the lords word and continue to love and believe in and receive the the Lords teachings all the days of my life.

    1. I want to take the time to thank you for your prayer it is uplifting for me and it keep me thinking positive and my head up and I feel that I am going in the right direction of the Lord thank you Jesus amen

      1. Oh Lord Jesus I praise you I Thank you
        I Love you
        This is a new week a new month in this year if 2020, May I help those who are lost to find you, for when they look in my eyes they see you Lord Jesus
        No weapon formed against me or my family shall prosper
        But Obedience, Love, Peace , Joy, Faith , Forgiveness, health and happiness are mine and my families
        By the precious blood of Jesus
        Thy will be done
        Amen & Amen

  10. Good Morning All! I really enjoy all of the comments of blessings that God has sent to all of us. May God continue to bless you. I am so thankful for all of his daily blessings. I try daily to always acknowledge him and thank him.

    1. Almighty Father God I come to you in reverence in the mighty name of Jesus to thank you for All your loving grace and mercy you bestow upon me and my family from day to day. Thank you even to whatever challenges we face today you are with us in spirit guiding us through every step of the way. Please help us to be more focused on you and enable us to grow more in our faith and trust you even more for every little thing or big things come from you because you love us and that is who you are. O’ father sometimes I dont know what to say but Lord you know it all! I need your presence to manifest in our lives ever more. Bless your Holy name God almighty! In your name I pray with lots of love and thanksgiving! Amen!

  11. Thank you for all these wonderful devotionals. They enlighten me and lift my spirits! I am amazed of how they seem to come at the right time every time!! I truly love them and look forward to receiving them! I seek them throughout my day for comfort and strength as well as hope! Thank you for brightening and enlightening our days and prayers! God bless and yes, to God be all the Glory!! Amen ? Hallelujah ?

  12. Dear Father God.
    I thank You Father,for loving me.Prepare me for the coming another new day.
    Thank you for always being with me,working for my good.
    Teach me to understand the meaning of this life.
    I thank You Lord Jesus,that You are the one who guide my steps today.
    As I walk through this life that You have given me. Amen
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May Your love flow through me and may I embrace every opportunity.
    To share Your love with others. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,that Your hands protect and carry me.
    And Your love prosper and complete me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. DRA.LILY DAHLIA, your prayers are always so inspiring and from the heart. May God continue to bless and keep you dear!

  13. Just what I needed. Wow. Thank you, Oh Lord for guiding me here this beautiful Monday morning and thank you for whom made this possible.

  14. I really enjoy every prayer that is sent. Motivating, inspiring, teaching us about our great love and thankfulness to our Almighty Lord.

    1. Thank you Cynthia. I pray that the prayers, devotionals and testimonies continue to be an inspiration and blessing!