Powerful Prayer Against Nightmares And Bad Dreams

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It is surely a beautiful gift to dream, especially when the dreams are filled with beautiful embraces and the presence of our Lord Jesus. And especially when they are filled with hope, guidance through difficult situations or simply embracing our maker through worship and praise. What a wonderful experience!

But it can also become tiring, and absolutely confusing, when dreams become a battleground of terror, when they turn into nightmares.

It is evidently so that our heavenly Father speaks to us via different mediums, especially through our dreams. God has chosen many times to speak to many great men of God in the Bible through their dreams.

But at times, the evil one finds a way to taunt us through our dream with nightmares. It’s his attempt to derail us from our divine God-given destinies, by giving us unbearable, frighteningly bad dreams.

This prayer is for anyone who has been experiencing strange dreams or nightmares. May the Lord God see you through and grant you courage to take your sword and destroy every seed the enemy has planted in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Against Nightmares

My heavenly, wonderful, loving Father, I thank You and I glorify Your Holy name, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank You for the access You have given me to lay all my worries. I can leave them at Your feet, fully trusting and believing that they will come to an end, because “nothing is impossible with God”.

Proverbs 3:24 – When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Psalm 91:1-2 – Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’

Asking Boldly For God’s Intervention

My Lord, You have taught us to ask in prayer without ceasing for whatever our hearts desires. Therefore, I come before Your throne, to cast my burdens of terrible nightmares that I’ve been experiencing.

Some are repetitive, frightening, threatening. And some dreams would simply keep me up all night. In the morning I’m still left to wonder the meaning of these dreams and in the process my mind gets tired.

I know it’s the devil’s work! So help me Lord in my distress. I humbly ask You to cover me under Your blood.

James 1:6 – But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Recognizing And Bringing Forth All My Worries

You are a good, good Father who gives only great gifts. And I know that these terrifying nightmares of being chased, harassed, losing my wallet, going back to my former house or school whereby I would write a test and fail, are all lies from the father of lies.

I know that these awful dreams are the enemy’s tactics that he uses to steal, kill and destroy many people’s divine destinies.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Asking For My Turn Around

O Lord Jesus, go ahead of me as I lay me down. May my dreams be filled with divine supernatural messages, and angelic visitations, accompanied with powerful praise and worship.

Even as I dream, send your blessings, accompanied by a great touch and upliftment in my Spirit to seek Your face more and more each day.

I believe that it’s Your will, just as it is written in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

You are a God of great signs and wonders. It is my desire to dream about Your will in my life, to dream about supernatural things only You O Lord are able to grant. And grant me the grace to fully understand my dreams.

Silence all my enemies, O Jesus, who chase me and are at great speed to attempt to take my life.

Lord, they are trying to instill a spirit of fear, which I rebuke in the Mighty name of Jesus. Because I rightfully know that God hath not given us the spirit of fear. But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

By your very powerful word, I believe that I am set apart. And nothing can ever defeat Your mercy and grace.

Psalm 73:26 God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Prayer Against Nightmares And Bad Dreams

Creasing All Nightmares

Father God in Jesus name, I pray that not only I, but also others experiencing dreadful nightmares, are all covered under the shadow of Your Mighty wings.

That You, O Lord, give us access to Your powerful sword to triumphant over every enemy of our salvation that dares to interrupt our peaceful dreams.

Kings 8:56Blessed be the LORD, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised; not one word has failed of all His good promise, which He promised through Moses His servant.

Nightmares Are Over

Your will be done, Jesus. May all that has been causing us to experience nightmares be exposed, bind, arrested. And may it wither with tire as from tonight in Jesus Mighty name as we read the powerful protection prayer in Psalms 91.

Father our trust and hope is only in You to restore our dream life and walk in Your will. I thank You for the answered prayer King of King’s and Lord of Lords.

I thank You that the awful nightmares I’ve been experiencing are over and that Your mercy and wonderful grace shall take me over in Jesus Mighty name I pray and shout out loud Hallelujah. Amen and Amen and Amen.

Psalm 4:8 I will both lie down in peace and sleep. For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

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  1. Heavenly father U thank you for your loving care, and words, I honor you Lord, give thanks!
    Amen and Amen!

    1. Give thanks to the Most High, the King of Physicians, the Alpha and Omega. In my protection from all life’s struggles, I praise Your holy name, Jesus of Nazareth. Thank you for Your word and truth, indeed. Amen.

  2. Iam always so scared by terrible nightmares i experience every momment i get to bed…and as i try to pray iam becoming to weak and not even able to say a single word…i really need prayers..pray for me good people.

    1. Thank you Lord what you have done on the Cross for me and thanks the Most High God raise Jess my Lord, my God from the dead. My God is my victory. In Jesus’ Mighty name, 🙏 Amen!

  3. I have been experiencing terrible nightmares up till now and would like someone to please lift me up in Prayers.

  4. God our Father I appreciate you for the gift of my daughter as she marks the date of her birth. Father Lord bless ,protect, favour and grant all her secret prayers and heart desires.
    I specifically pray for that God loving and responsible husband to locate her.
    Thank you almighty God for answering my supplication

  5. Thank you god for this day and life and all my blessings. Please forgive my sins
    Please make my dreams come true and. build on my marriage, business and finances, and health. Please let me have more sales and make more money everyday at work. AMEN

    1. Amen Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
      Protect me in my dreams from nightmares, by divine will, let it be so, wherever I lay my head I can fully rest peacefully and with ease of mind and heart, knowing You are looking over me and taking care of all worries and fear.
      That my dreams will be full of wonders and divine guidance for the waking state, where my real dreams become reality through Your will and guided by the highest of angels.

  6. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I give You many thanks,for always being here for me.Bless my everyday life with peace of God that passes all understanding and comfort me with Your love,and release Your peace into my life,into my heart,into my mind,body and soul.
    I thank You Lord,for You always take care me,in good times and in bad times.Deliver me from all evil. Amen.
    Tonight,with You,my Lord Jesus be by my side.I will lie down in restful and peaceful sleep. Amen.
    I pray for tonight,dear God,
    Please give me a restful and peaceful sleep. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for save me from unclean spirit and the darkness of this world.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

    1. What a powerful prayer and I thank God I came across this article! It has really been helpful to me.Thank you and may God continue to bless you more and more!! Amen

  7. I will lay down in peace and sleep for you alone Lord, Are the Alpha the Omega, The beginning the end
    All that is good and true are in that is in me
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  8. Thank you for uplifting messages and prayers, my challenges are I dream nightmares and most of the time in the morning I tend to forget most of my dreams, I hardly sleep.

  9. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I love You,Lord Jesus,all I want is be with You,all day long. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for always being here for me.
    Bless my everyday life,in good times and in bad times.
    I know that You are the God knows everything about me,never blind to see my tears,never silent to see my pain
    He always knows everything.
    He sees,He hears,and thank You Lord Jesus,for deliver me from all evil. Amen.
    So tonight,I will lie down in peaceful sleep with You,Lord Jesus,be by my side,Amen
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for always being here for me,bless me with the peace of God that passes all understanding and comfort me with Your love,and release Your peace into my life,into my heart,into my mind,body and soul.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  10. Praise Him we all cast out into the Sea, the evil one who has brought nightmares and terrors, by the precious blood of Jesus, come in agreement with me precious sisters and brothers
    Thy will be done!
    I will both lay down in Peace and Sleep, For you alone Lord Jesus brings Peace, Perfect Peace with surpasses all understanding
    Amen & Amen ❤❤

  11. Thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers over bad dreams. I pray that the last I have dreamt of any bad dream will be the last in Jesus name. Amen. Lord I cover myself, my husband and my children with your precious blood in Jesus name. Amen.

    1. all glory will be in Thy name, as I thank you for the end of this tyranny at night, as this was the final prayer to bring forth Peace during night and sleeping time. From now on I can fully enjoy the Joy and sweetness of these times. Amen.

  12. Thank you for this teaching , I awakened in total confusion this morning from what I dreamt last night.

    Father I am so confused and exhausted from these dreams that are taking over my sleep that I cannot make any sense out of. Father I am surrendering all of this to You and asking for Your peace when I lay me head and if I be guilty of anything that is displeasing to You bring it forth so that I repent and ask forgivnessin Your Mighty Name I Pray ~ AMEN

    1. Amen brother,
      Thank you sister for posting this powerful blog. I feel this is helping brother and sister be a unity in defeating the evil one. Also full filling the Lords economy.
      I had a horrible dream a week ago, that lead me to fear going to sleep, and it was very vivid and real. I woke up and something very negative was holding me down and preventing me to talk. Since my mouth was being covered, I was trying to mumble “oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus!!! And instantly, I was released from the negative energy. The scary thing from that was not being able to speak the Lords name. Now I am always speaking the Lords name when I can. Lord I am grateful to worship you, and cover us all with your blood and supply us all with your strength, courage and endurance to defeat the evil one. We humbly ask You to make us warriors of light and give us a sword that we may fight the wicked.

    2. Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you died for my sins on the cross of Calvary
      And all my sins are forgiven
      Lord Jesus accept me again
      As your daughter
      Feel me forever more with the sanctions of the holy spirit
      All these I ask in your name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
      It’s settled

  13. Heavenly Father,

    In the name of Jesus, we boldly come against sleep paralysis and Nightmares. We ask Abba that You place a hedge of protection around us as we rest securely in Your Powerful arms. We know that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We thank You that You will keep us in perfect peace because our minds are stayed on You. We magnify Your name and thank You for blessing our sleep to be sweet all the days of our lives. For it is in Jesus’ name that we pray amen

  14. Amen! Thanks once again for these timely prayers. May our Good Lord continue to uphold you in his hand as his biro/pen to write prayers to save all humanity across the globe. God Bless!

    1. A very powerful prayer. I’m joining you to pray for those who are bound. May God set them free. “If the son set you free you are free indeed”, John 8:36

  15. Your love Father God is more than sufficient upon our lives,you always come through for us.thank you for your love, protection and grace upon our lives ,you are God almighty you deserve all the praise.

  16. Dear Father God,
    I thank You, Lord Jesus, for always being here for me, to calm the storm in my life.
    Bring peace in my heart and show me the way I should go.
    Dear God, I know that You are the God, never blind to see my tears, never silent to see my pain.
    Because He sees, He hears, and He will deliver me from all evil.
    I thank You, dear Father God, for You give me a bless peaceful sleep every night.
    I will lie down in peaceful sleep, with You, Lord, be by my side. Amen.
    Bless my everyday life and always be with me, in good times and in bad times. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus, for You are my refuge and my strength. My hope is in You all day day long.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Your will be done, Jesus. May all that has been causing me to experience nightmares be exposed, bind, arrested, in Jesus Name. Amen!

  17. Thanks a lot for this site has taught me how to pray, especially against nightmares. I believe and trust that I will begin having peaceful nights, Amen.

    1. The devil is a liar, he has no place in my house, he has no place in my house and my yard. If he thinks that he will pit the spirit of fear in us, he has another thing coming. We are children of the living God, the Lord that has promised to never leave nor forsake us. The one that has protected Meshach, Abednego and Shadrack. The Lord of our forefather, the one who took out the children of Israel to their promised land.