A Worker’s Prayer Against Retrenchment And Job Loss

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Wouldn’t it be a great honor if we were able to run to Jesus every time something wasn’t right? Instead of running to social media or to other people to vent, what if we adopted a lifestyle of running as fast as we can to reason with God in prayer?

Facing employment retrenchment, or a reduction in work hours, can indeed be very stressful. But our Heavenly Father has assured us that we can bring it all to Him in prayer.

We have been assured that we would win every single battle facing us. What are you going through today that has become a hindrance in communing with God? He says come and let us reason together.

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Prayer against Retrenchment and Job Loss

Glorious Father in the Mighty name of Jesus. I thank You Jesus for this day. The spirit that lives in me is all because of Your beautiful sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.

It is me again knocking at the mercy of Your holy throne. When I am troubled You are my only refuge, my place of peace and great counsel.

So, I come to You like a little child needing Your guidance, wisdom and strength. Rid me, Lord, of the burden of facing possible retrenchment.

Psalm 103 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Facing Trying Times – Threat Of Job Loss

Although I am faced with trying times, I am surely reminded of these scriptures. “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall Your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Father God, I ask You by faith and having complete trust in You, to do what only You are able to do. I declare as a child of the most high God, that my name shall not be demoted, retrenched or come to harm in any way.

You have already gone ahead and will lay a table in front of my enemies. That I and my family shall not be disgraced. Nor will we be touched by any economic down turn. Be we shall soar like eagles.

Psalms 27 The LORD is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.

Speaking life in every dead situation

I will meditate day and night of Your great promises that “the Lord God gives good and perfect gives”. So will I put my trust in You.

Lord, I know that Your Spirit is here every step I take. You will see me through this period and furthermore each day. And so, I will rely on my Father for unmeasurable favour and blessings always no matter what I’m faced with.

I boldly speak to those dead bones to rise in every area of my career, my finances, my family, my job, my health, my marital life.

But most important, that my spiritual walk goes from strength to strength and glory to glory, in Jesus Mighty name.

Ezekiel 37 God told Ezekiel, “Prophesy to these dry bones. And say to them, O you dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones. Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you. And you shall live. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

Removing Ungodly Limits

I pray that whatever that is not of God’s spirit, that limits me in any way, be rendered useless in Jesus name.

I pray that the Spirit of the living God overshadows the enemy’s attacks that are commissioned to touch my divine purpose. Because I serve a God of more. A God that is not limited by anything. A mighty God who is great in battle and a great God called “I AM”.

In You, I find comfort and great love. Nothing can detour me from the promises you have for me.

No news of retrenchment can shake or instill any fear in me. Because I have heard of Your great deeds. Therefore I have come to know You and I have tried You myself.

And I have discovered that You are loving, reliable, dependable, merciful, kind, wonderful, generous. Thus You have become my ALL in ALL.

Laying Your Retrenchment/Job Situation Before the Lord

Therefore, Jesus I have humbly brought my job situation before Your faithful altar with full assurance that the moment I open my mouth and ask, that You will surely answer.

And I will live to testify of Your goodness and grace. I declare that, retrenchment, job loss, or not, my Lord will take care of me and my family.

Oh what a beautiful thing it is to worship and praise at Your feet! You alone deserve all the praise and glory. I thank You Jesus, I glorify Your Holy name. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Workers’ Prayer against Retrenchment, Job Loss, and Under-employment

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  1. Thank you for the inspirational words and prayer. Also lord help us not to be retrenched… rather our jobs be restructured to work even 3 days a week.

    Thank you lord

  2. Take the pain away, Take the stress away, I Love you Lord Jesus, I can not do anything without you Holy Father
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  3. everything our lord Jesus has seen at the beginning of time and knew what trials laid before us that he laid down his life for us so that we can live life more abundantly, when there seems to be no way he is the way, the truth and the life, all we need to do is trust him for he is so worthy, our lives are in your hands and I know you will never let us be put to shame, no weapon formed against us shall prosper every tongue that rises up against shall be put to shame indeed and we thank you for it, be blessed in the mighty name of Jesus amen and amen

  4. Heavenly Father you are always there for us. We will adore you forever and give praise to you for you deserve it. We kindly wish that you bless everyone abundantly and let your super natural power be sent from above to do the impossible. In Jesus mighty name we glorify you, Amen

    1. I have prayed the above powerful prayer for joblessness. I have been out of employment since July 2019, I I feel the devil has a hand in this through some family competition issues.
      I have never lost a job mysteriously like this.
      Please pray with me

  5. Powerful prayer indeed, I am believing God for my miracle now because I have been terminated from my job since may 2019 and I am still looking for a replacement and never been placed yet. So I key to this prayer for job stagnation to end immediately.

  6. Glory!!! I just joined this WhatsApp group yesterday and this prayer against retrenchment is the first I have received and retrenchment is presently going on in my place of work and those who will be retrenched will be given their letters by the end of October.

    1. Hello, am also in this situation, our organization is planning to exit other staff members due to global economic crisis.
      I have already started prayers using the prayers in this forum.
      Please help to add me in your group.

  7. Dear Father God.
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for this day,for the gift of this life,still can see the sun comes up in the morning.
    Dear Lord Jesus,
    I surrender my life into Your hands. Amen.
    When i am troubled You are my only refuge,my place of peace and great counsel.
    I declare that today,
    I am a child of the most high God.
    He will give me a way out in my trying times.
    I pray that today,
    My God is able to do impossible things,to give me a way out to through out these times. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bless me with Your great love.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  8. Amen.. what a great and powerful God we serve you are awesome and I pray that I will continue to praise you in all that i do n say..to God be the glory amen.