Counting The Cost Of Success

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There are times that God allows us to go through situations to test our faith and character. We’re no different from His children in Bible days. Great men, like Joseph and Job, come to mind when I think of testing of character. In our decision-making, as Christians, we should always count the cost.

Not very long ago, I had an ‘opportunity’ that was questionable. Someone in a higher position was being transferred to a different location. That afforded me an opportunity to act in their position until that person was replaced.

On the surface, it would appear to a great opportunity, as any upward movement in a large organization is great for one’s career.

However, there was an issue. In our organization, seniority still tips the scale over education, so sometimes the best combination of both is used.

There is an employee who is much older and is accustomed to acting in that level. But it would seem that they didn’t want to offer the acting job to her. She isn’t one of the best performers.

The call, the offer

The acting position was actually offered to a friend of mine. She’s around the same age and length of employment as me. We spoke about it. She had found out that the other employee was turned down and she really wanted the acting position. My friend hated the acted position and turned it down.

After she turned down the acting, I received a telephone call. Oh no, they were not calling to offer me the job! I couldn’t believe that they did that, especially learning from my friend that the other employee was having issues with people being offered the acting over her. She was the senior person after all, and she was accustomed to the acting.

Counting the cost

It was then that I called my friend, to let her know what had happened. Could she speak with the Manager and let her know how we both felt (as I was already acting, though my acting was going to end soon)? I said to her I will not take any acting position that displaces someone else. Though it will look good on my resume, someone’s life is being affected by it.

Also, we needed to show the ‘powers that be’ that we will not become pawns in their games and allow people to use us for their benefit while others get hurt. She was of the same opinion and went and spoke to the Manager.

Colossians 3:15 – And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.

Although it may have been a difficult decision to take, I knew that I was doing the right thing and that God would be pleased. Eventually, I got another acting position that was better suited to me and the acting period was longer than this one. I knew God had rewarded my faith in Him.

Are you counting the cost? It is better to believe that God can bless you with all that you need, instead of taking crumbs from man, which come with a cost. Keep trusting that God can take care of everything that concerns you today, Amen.