Devotional – When Bad Things Happen (To Good People)

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The last week was real tough for a few friends of mine. It is too sad to talk about. Suffice to say it had to do with the loss of life.

There are some bad things that happen that causes you to question life, question God and be mad with the world. You wonder what is wrong with you. Or, what wrong you have done so that evil came knocking at your door.

When Evil Happens to God’s People

When evil happens to bad people, you think to yourself that you’re sorry but they looked for it. Because, you reap what you sow. I mean, it’s in the Bible, so it must be true.

But…when you see good people, who serve God faithfully and are always there for others and bad things happen to them, or tragedy strikes their family or life in some way – how do you rationalize then?

When I have No Answers

I have learned that, when I have no answers, I can always go to God and His Word, for comfort and wisdom to deal with the situations in life.

Last week was really difficult to swallow. It wasn’t just one thing happening to one person, but several things happened to several people all at once.

I wanted to ask God why. The question was burning in me. But I knew that God heard my heart.

Suddenly people from the Bible kept popping into my head and I knew the Holy Spirit was answering my question without me asking it. Great men like Job, Daniel, Joseph and women such as Ruth and Esther.

When Tragedy Strikes Great People

The one thing all of these people had in common was that tragedy knocked at their doors (especially Job and Joseph). They were all great people, doing good, living for God.

Then, all of a sudden, such evil and difficulty befell them that it had them whirling, and it took a lot out of them to continue to praise and trust God.

In Job 1: 20 – 22 the Bible says that “Job stood up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground to worship. He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God.”

The most significant part of Job’s difficulty had to do with the devil making false accusations against Job. Job was tested for his faithfulness.

I realize that even when God blessed Job, in the latter, with more than he had in the former – he still wasn’t aware why tragedy had struck him.

When Bad Things Come Our Way

Now I know that it is when bad things and difficulty comes our way it’s then God wants us to trust Him ever more and lean on Him ever more. The most important truth to remember is that God still sits on His throne.

He still reigns on high and He loves you more than you’ll ever know.

At the end of it all, once you keep trusting in God and keep your faith in Him, then no matter how bad things appear, no matter how painful or inexpiable, God can bring beauty out of it all.

James 1:2-3Trials and Temptations – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Today I encourage you to keep trusting in the Lord with all your heart. In His time, He will take your ashes and give you beauty, Amen.

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  1. Father God, thank you for waking me up every day. The trials and tribulations I am going thru right now I know God will make a way for me. Father God no matter, I learn how to put all my Truth and Faith in You. Father God, I understand that I can’t fixed on my situations I have to rely on you. Father I know you hear my cries and my prayers. I surrender myself to You. I know these,trials is test of my Faith and Trust in You. Father I give,it all to You. I know what I am going through it turn into blessings. I will follow You Father all the,days of my life. Father I know this,part of my journey. Father God,please give me the strength to get through these hard times. I love You Father. You will never me nor forsake me. In Your Mighty Name I Pray, Amen??

  2. “when bad things happen” Thank you God for being faithful to me cause I feel I am one of them who have gone through one temptation after the other and its my pray that all will be well Amen and Amen.

  3. Good morning
    I have learned that faith and endurance to a Christian is the greatest gift God has give, we just do not use it to the fullest but now my questions at heart have been fully answered.. These few wise words of wisdom have brought me joy, peace and hope…. Amen

  4. When bad things happen our faith is being tested
    Walk by faith, not by sight
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  5. I have been in trials and temptation almost everyday but God is a faithful God. He never failed to forgive me everytime I made sin and not pleasing Him. He free my mind from evil thought and give me peace that I need. So surrender fully your heart and mind, let Him purify your soul and let Him lead you only to glorify His name in whatever you do in your life. Just trust in the Lord withall your heart and mind.

    1. He will take your ashes and give you beauty
      Thank you Jesus
      Favorable Grace
      Thy will be done
      I love you soo
      Thank you for you first loved me
      Amen & Amen

  6. I Thank God for this each and every morning this for me because of my trials I’m facing today

      1. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,I love You with all my heart.I will follow You,all of the days in my life. Amen.
        Lord Jesus,If today I face many kinds trials in my life.
        I have to remember,these trials are the testing to grow my faith.
        I surrender my all to You,Lord Jesus.
        I can always go to God and His word,for comfort and wisdom to deal with the situation in my life.
        I believe and trust in You,Lord Jesus,that the day will come when all these trials I am facing right now,will turn into blessing.
        Lord Jesus,please give me the strength,to through it all these trying times.
        Because I know that this is just a part of my journey.
        Today,I give it all to You my life,Amen.
        Thank You Lord,for encourage and strengthens me.
        In Jesus mighty name I pray.
        Amen and Amen.

  7. This message was just in time as my tears are ready to fall down because my son with special needs has been shouting for hours. Thank you God, Thank you Jesus for letting me feel your presence.

  8. We praise You dear Heavenly Father, for You are our Lord.
    We love You and we trust You with all our heart.
    We know that,if we face trials of many kinds in our lives.We have to remember to give it all to our Lord God Jesus Christ.
    We all have to remember ,these trials are the testing to grow our faith.
    Thank you Lord,for everything You have gives to us all and help us all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  9. Thank you for this Zoe, it brings up a lot of things about tragedies that people have a really hard time understanding that “why” question, and even after 10 years of being a Christian one of those people is me, but I am still trying to trust in my Savior and know that ALL things happen for a reason, even the bad one’s. Please Lord God increase my Faith. Amen.

  10. This really is a word in due season. In 2014 I was going through what I thought then was severe persecution ,compared to what I am going through now it was child’s play. In deep sleep one day I suddenly heard,” next time they come against you ,say thank you.” In anguish I asked “why” and He replied, “that I counted you worthy to share in my suffering.” It wasn’t easy but I learnt how to. I am still learning.

    1. Adeloa, Thank you for sharing this with us, please know that you were held up tonight in strong prayer for whatever trial you are moving through. Please do not look down, look up, and never give up or be disheartened, Trust in the Mighty Power of your Holy Father and He will bring you out of that darkness in to the Light for He is the One that loves you the most.

        1. Adeola, you must follow whatever is in your heart to do and if you truly do not want to follow the Rules of Islam do not convert, your personal religion is your private affair and no one should pressure or bully you into following a faith that is not in your heart. God Bless You.

          1. Dear Evin, God is my strength for His name is Holy.. Eccleciastes 4:1says , ” Then I looked at the at all the acts of oppression which ere being done under the sun. And behold I saw the tears of the oppressed and they had no one to comfort them, and on the the side of their oppressors there was power, but they had no one of comfort them.” May the LORD remember me when He opens His own Book of Remembrance , for Jesus Christ is His Son for you and I both know that it would be worse for me had I not known the way of the and then turn against it. May His Blood prevail against all that has been done to me by man with my” own bible” against me as they said that they may know He truly is the Word of God come in the flesh. Amen.

  11. What a bless word, things have been really tough and when l taught it could not get worse,it did, cried out to God because l have learnt he never fails, even when people and situations fail and l don’t understand, l must not give up but always look to him even though it hurts.

    1. God is a Sun and a shield no good thing will He withold from those who have put their trust in Him. I have since discovered that people are people, fickle and fairweather, am I supposed to then say that God is the same, no. It is in times like this you know who you are in Christ. He uses situations like this to grow us up in our faith, we may be crushing under the pain of the uttermost betrayal but God is faithful even when we are not. Our flesh and our heart may fail but God is the strength of our heart forever. I bless you with His peace, His Shalom, His sozo, it doesn’t matter what they have called you, or said about you, rest in His love and know that the name of His Son is higher than every other name and that it’s throughout all eternity. No one can take you from His hands, no one.

      1. God Bless you my dear for your words to Adeola Lisa,for their is much wisdom in them, may he find comfort reading them.