Best Morning Prayer To Start Your Day With God

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What a wonderful habit to get into! Starting every morning with the Lord in morning prayer! The first hour of your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Taking time in that first hour to spend in prayer and worship, and studying the Word of God gets you to a place of peace and inner joy. It sets you up to really appreciate the blessings of the Lord throughout the day.

Even Jesus rose early to spend time with the Father. Mark 1:35 NLT – Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

Dave Jackson of the School of Podcasting has Jeremiah 29:11 on his website. It’s a daily reminder to him that the Lord has great plans for him, despite whatever may be his present situation.


Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have in mind for you, DECLARES THE LORD; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you A FUTURE FILLED WITH HOPE.

The Lord does have great plans for your life. But you need to take the time to listen to him and allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Producing Success

Brandon Gaille of the Blog Millionaire in his article 21 Personal Development Strategies that Produce Success writes about how he devotes time every morning and evening to prayer.

“I start everyday and end everyday with a prayer. I take five minutes during my prayers to visualize what I am grateful for. As I pray for my wife, my son Grayson, and my son Branson, I visualize the moments of the past day that I am grateful for. This includes the hugs, the laughs, high fives, and the “I love yous.” By the time I am done with my prayer, I am smiling ear to ear and am filled with pure happiness.”

Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 92:2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.

Let Us Pray: Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Oh Heavenly Father, as I start this day, I dedicate it all to you. Take me and guide me, Lord. Lord, I am forever grateful for your abundant blessings on my life.

Thank you for the prayers answered and the directions given throughout my trials. Lord, I know that even though weeping may last through the night, your joy comes with the morning.

I look forward this morning to an overflow of abundant joy and blessings. Thank you for your powerful Word. Protect me and my family throughout this day. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 5:3 “My voice shalt you hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto you, and will look up.”

Prayer for Gratitude and Acknowledgment of God’s Blessings

Heavenly Father, as I wake to this new day, I start it with a heart full of gratitude. Thank You for the gift of life, for the breath in my lungs, and for the peace that greeted me this morning. As the sun rises, so does my thankfulness for the countless blessings You have bestowed upon me, both seen and unseen.

Let me not take this day for granted but recognize it as an opportunity to love, serve, and honor You. Help me to see Your hand in every part of my day, from the simplest moments to the complex challenges. May my heart remain grateful for all things, acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from You.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Prayer for Guidance and Wisdom Throughout the Day

Lord, as I embark on the activities of this day, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom. In decisions both big and small, lead me in Your righteousness. Make my paths straight and clear, steering me away from temptation and ill-advised choices.

Let Your wisdom permeate my thoughts, conversations, and actions, that I might reflect Your grace and truth in all I do. In moments of uncertainty or indecision, remind me to turn to You, the source of all wisdom.

Teach me to rely not on my own understanding but to seek Your will in every aspect of my day. Guide me with Your loving hand, that my steps may align with Your purpose and bring glory to Your name.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Morning Prayer For Success

Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you for this new day, a fresh start to pursue the goals and dreams you have placed in my heart. As I begin this day, I ask for your guidance and direction in all that I do. Help me to stay focused on you and your will for my life.

I pray that you bless my efforts and grant me success in all that I undertake. May I glorify you in all my actions, and may my work be a reflection of your goodness and grace.

Oh Lord, I pray for strength and wisdom to overcome any obstacles or challenges that may come my way. Help me to persevere through difficult times and to trust in your provision and protection.

As I step out into the world today, I ask that you surround me with your love and favor. May your blessings overflow in my life and may I be a blessing to others as well. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Now Over to You

What is your morning routine like? Have you been able to incorporate daily morning prayer and worship? How has it helped your day? Join in the conversation! We would certainly love to hear from you!

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  1. Dear lord
    Thank you for a new day.
    Iam struggling with a decision to change my course .
    Please give me direction that whatever I do , may be in alignment with your will.
    Bless my every step that in all I do your name will be glorified.
    Thank you for the one that has made this prayer for us today.
    Bless him or her aboundantly

  2. Dear God, I thank you for another day in your arms please put a head of protection around my family, loved ones, people and animals struggling. please give me peace that only comes from you. Guide me through the day draw me close to you Lord show me stir me in the right direction and give me the strength and courage to fight off all evil. Please Keep the women I love and her family safe put them before me God in your powerfull name I pray Amen 🙏

  3. I have a routine each morning where I wake up early as 3am -7am most days to pray and lift up the name of Jesus, my family’s and friends. My favorite scripture daily is Psalm 118:24 and I also repeat
    This is the day the Lord as made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
    I take authority over this day, in the name of Jesus.
    I draw upon heavenly resources today, I’m the name of Jesus.
    I Decree that all the elements of this day will corporate with me in the name of Jesus.

  4. Dear God thank you so much for another wonderful day you have given to me. I woke up with no pain and with a sound mind I don’t take this for granted. Thank you 😊. My creator I rebuke all evil dreams I dreamt last night 🌙 I have this reoccurring dream of losing my hand bag or a purse or even a phone. I don’t know what this means. Dear God reveal to me what this dream means 🙏 🙌 whatever it is I rebuke it. In my own interpretation its Satan trying to steal my belongings I rebuke it in the name of Jesus christ. Whatever belongs to me is protected and covered by the blood of Jesus christ 🙏 ✨ 🙌 🎶 ❤ Amen Amen 🙏

  5. Every morning i talk (pray)to My Father in heaven 🙏 Enter His gates with praise & Thanksgiving.
    I go over my day with Him in the evening. These two things i have done for yrs.

  6. Thank you father fir this day . Thank you lord you are amazing thank you fir hearing my prayers . I love you lord I worship you I am greatful and blessed to have you in my life . Thank you for taking care of me and my family father today I just came to give you praise and worship for everything that you gave me I trust you . I love you . I know you are preparing a great door to pigments in my life father god while am waiting pls give me your abbundance peace love and still ness . Take care of my energy thoughts hearts etc . Am completly in your hands living by faith and not by sight . Let your holt spirit look after me and my family in this time in Jesus majestic name I pray amen amen amen . So it is . I love you father god . Forever and always

  7. My Lord my God, I thank you for giving me another day to my life. Happiness in my family is maintained for they have me today. I pray for more days in my life. Days of joy, happiness and lots of your love & blessings. My lord thank you for my wife, children, brothers and sisters. Bless them with wisdom , health, wealth and your Love. Those in need of jobs, life partners and wealth, grant them Oh Lord. you are the giver. Thank you for what you have done to them this far and what you are about to give them now and forever. In the great name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  8. Iam grateful Lord Jesus for who you are in my life I don’t take it for granted that am alive and healthy this morning. Thank you father for keeping me and my family healthy and safe..I will forever be grateful for everything that you do. Amen

    1. Hey good morning Lynette my name is Kristi byrd !!! I’m from Tampa Florida . I just want to give you some encouraging words that God is good he is so good and he answers prayer on his time I pray for my daughter too when I remember that her salvation gets redeemed and it will be reconciled back to God I want her so much to love God, so whatever it is, you were praying about for your children and your grandchildren you will be in my thoughts and prayers

  9. Glory be to God Almighty. This is the day the Lord has made and I shall enjoy and be glad in it. Thank you Lord for giving me yet another day. Thank you for keeping me in good health together with my loved ones, my neighborhood and all those connected to me. Thank you for providing for us and blessing us so much.Thank you for protection and your love. Thank you for loving us. Love you Jesus. ❤

  10. Lovely prayer to start the day, I’m thankful for this prayer app and all the blessings of Almighty God, also Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favoriate bible vs.

  11. Thank you lord for this day and my health. Please forgive my sins. Please grant favor in my circumstances and thoughts of having a successful business and may I follow through with your guidance. Bless my life with a happy marriage and my better half that has the same expectations as me.

  12. Good morning father god thank you for another day thank you for your night watch and I ask you to protect me and my family today as we doing our daily duties . Thank you father god for all the blessings that are coming into my life . Use me as a vessel to help people for your glory in jests name amen dear spirit of god take your will in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  13. I give thanks and praise to God Almighty for making us find our way back to Him again. I am so grateful for being able to see this day and to enjoy all the blessings. I thank God for directing me to commune with Him always especially at His own time when the world is quite and peaceful; at midnight or dawn.At first when I couldn’t sleep much at night, I would be worried but when I came to realise, by His grace that I need to pray or commune with the Father whenever I am awake and find it difficult to sleep.I am at peace and refreshed after spending time alone with our Father .I thank God so much for His love and care for us , may He grant us the strength to pay heed to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we stay in His presence always in the precious name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving.

  14. FATHER it is in your Gracious name that I come because you said I can cast my cares upon you for ur yoke is easy and your burden is light. FATHER thank you for loving me in spite of. Thank u LORD Jesus. I NEED YOU NOW! PLEASE DON’T FORSAKE ME. IM WEAK AND CAN’T SEEM TO SEE MY WAY THROUGH. PLEASE LORD DON’T FORSAKE ME. I CAN’T FIND U LORD. HELP ME! HELP ME!

    1. Almighty Father, please incline your ear to Mary, turn your face towards her and make your face shine upon her and bless her in Jesus name, Amen!

  15. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I choose to stay focused on You and Your word and continue to worship You. Amen.
    I whole heartedly seek You first in my morning.
    I thank You Lord,for bring peace in my morning. And let the light of God shiness through me today and always.
    I choose to focus on You and Your Word.
    I will keep my mouth to speak good to follow Your word.
    I choose to meditation of God’s Word.
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy Sight,oh God,my strength and my redeemer.(Psalm 19:14)
    I confess that today.
    I will remember The Word of God,as I open my mouth to speak a word daily.
    Thank You Lord,for Your word which is life to my soul.
    And thank you for guiding my every step.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. Thank you God for everything you do for me and my family and friends. I ask for your favor to get this new job I applied for. If it is your will I will get this new job. Thank you again for blessing me with daily life.

    1. Thank you god for another day of life I ask for your blessings in all that i do, my life is in your hands and you know my needs and wants asking for your favor and in my love life as well

  17. Thank you father for this great prayer you used your servant to share with us this morning, thank you lord for protection over my family Thank you for woke us up this morning
    This is the day you have made help us to be glad in rejoice in it
    In the name of Jesus Amen.

  18. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for this beautiful day,thank You for giving me the chance to see this day and thank You for loving me. Amen.
    I pray for Your guidance and protection,as I go out to this harsh cruel world.
    I am blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out.
    I thank You Father,to supply what I need,even before I ask,because You know what I need. Amen.
    Thank.You Lord,for You are always so good,give me the strength and comfort me with Your love.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  19. Early morning with God always pass me through all trials and temptations of the day and gives me strength to accomplish the days activities without stress. Thank You Jesus for this wonderful antidote to all things.

  20. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I choose to put my trust in God,because nothing is impossible with God. Amen.
    I pray for the good things are coming my way yoday,Amen
    Lord Jesus,I need You today,
    I know that Your way are perfect.I acknowledge I cannot do all.I depend on You to help me get where I need to go.
    Bless me with more faith and hope.
    I thank You Lord,for You are always be with me,never leaving me,nor forsaking me.
    Lord Jesus,with You,be by my side,I will forever find my comfort within You. Amen
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  21. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for this day,this blessed morning.
    Today,this morning,I am blessed.
    I thank You Father,for You are so good to me,for You always look after me,every minute cares for me,because every second You love me. Amen
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May God’s Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all day long. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You bless me everyday,give me strength and comfort me with Your love.
    I love You,Lord Jesus,forever and ever. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  22. Thank you for the prayers you send to us. Personally, the prayers uplift my spirit and helps me to pray more deeply using the Bible verses given.
    Thank you and God bless you for your powerful prayers and words of encouragement.

    1. Thank you Precious Lied for this new day as I bask in the love peace joy glory of your love, Thank you for loving me so much, there is no other love
      You are the alpha the omega the beginning the end
      God is Love, Love is God
      All that is good and true is you Lord, I surrender to you
      Mold me teach me tell me guide me
      I love you soooo much
      Peace be still
      Thy will be done
      No weapon formed against me shall prosper
      Its you and me God , You and me Thank you Jesus
      Amen & Amen

    1. I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord to comfort you, keep you at peace.
      Thank you Jesus
      Thy will be done
      Amen & Amen

  23. My day does not began until I get in the presence of the Father. I need the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my life, we need Help from the Father every second, minute and hour, prayer is the way we communicate with Him.
    The prayers that you send out are a blessing to me and others that I share them with, there are time when we are at a lost for words and a prayer from you comes at the right time.
    Thank you for being so committed to helping God’s people in times when we need it the most.

      1. I am thankful to the Lord for all that he does for me. I pray for healing in America and for the world. We have to remember that the Lord will never leave or forsake us. But we must humble our selves under his hand, repent if our sons and turn
        from our wicked ways. Then the Lord will heal our land.

  24. Thank You Father God for blessing me and my family withh another day of our lives! Thank You for all the blessings, provisions and favors that we will receive today. Thank You for Your love that sustains us everyday and through out the day. We love and honor You Father. We give You thanks and praises in everything, in Jesus name in unity with the Holy Spirit amen!

  25. Dear Father God.
    I Thank You Father,for this day,and for life and for Your abundant blessing,Your grace and Your love in my life.
    I thank you for Your perfect plan for my life,dear Lord. Amen.
    I thank you for Your grace to stand strong,no matter what I am facing.
    I choose to stay in faith,to keep praying,to keep believing.
    Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Victory is on the way for me.
    I know that even though weeping may last through the night.Your joy comes with the morning.
    Show me Your ways so that I can be a blessing every where I go.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for everything You have done for us all.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  26. Thank you Lord Jesus Thank you Father fr finding this site to encourage me more with my beliefs. Dear Lord kindly continue to guide me in every step of the way so I can follow you according to your riches in Glory. Bless this site to encourage more other people. May you alwyz be with all of us in Jesus migthy name I pray.amen

  27. If I don’t start my day with the Lord first, it’s as of something is missing. I love to end my day with the Lord also. It gives me peace.

  28. As I start my day with worship & prayer,praising God his word’s reminds me that the suffering at this time is not to compare with his glory .1Peter 5-10

    1. All Glory be to Jesus Christ ? I feel the same too, Prayer, Worship & Praise are the best either to start your day or at end of the day. Thank you

  29. I take time every morning to spend time with the Lord. Those days where I have to rush out the door to get to work are the ones that aren’t so good because I was unable to get into my Word. I do after I get out of work if I miss the morning. It really does set my tone daily.

  30. Dear Father God.
    I humbly thank you for this new day.I start this day with praise and worship You dear Lord,Amen.
    I thank you for being able to see and to walk this morning.
    I am blessed today,because You are a loving,forgiving and understanding God.
    I thank you for Your abundant blessings,Your grace and love in my life.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for keep me savely and rescue me from the darkness of this world.
    Help me Lord Jesus,to focus on Your way.
    Touch me and make me whole.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  31. I thank you for your Grace and Love In my life and families…. Oh Jehovah in Jesus name amen and amen.

  32. My dear Heavenly Father.I thank you for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life.I start this day with praise and worship You,my dear Father God.I pray that today.Every step I take is ordered by You,dear Father,Amen.Thank You Lord,for guiding me and protect me with Your peace and with Your strength.May the grace of our Lord be with us all. And thank you,for grant me the knowledge and understanding of Your word,dear Father God.In Jesus mighty name I pray.Amen and Amen..

  33. Oh yes! Upon waking my thoughts are on my prayers (My alarm goes off at 6am Mon to Fri. Sat and Sun, wake up times and alarm times differ. I also listen to my bible in one year plan in my phone bible app for the day). I also read the scripture for the day in my phone bible app. Then I follow it up with praying with my kids before we all leave the house. Doing this preps me and keeps me throughout the day. Gracious God He is! I love Him.

  34. Thank you for the powerful prayers. They bless me and others and help us to make it through our day and all that we encounter. Thank you and God bless you.

  35. I thank you dear Lord. I thank you for this lovely day. Help my daughter to have strength and courage as she has started her first year at the post secondary institution today. Bless her so that she will be able to cope with the lessons. Thanks so much my dear sisters and brothers for the lovely prayers. God continue to bless me and my family. Amen.