Prayer in times of Crisis (Dealing with crisis)

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Sovereign King, the rain is pouring down on me heavily, the ocean rises up against me as the thunder roars. The winds are pushing me to and fro. I feel so weary and weak.

Lord, give me strength. In the midst of this storm, this crisis, Oh Lord, I still have hope. Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war rises up against me, in this will I be confident.

Luke 18:1 – Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Philippians 4: 6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but, in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer in a time of crisis

I chose to dance, rather than be broken

Father, I know You are going to bring me through this, for You never fail and You won’t start now. I put my eternal faith and trust in You as You uplift me.

As I emerge out of the storm strengthened, renewed, and confident, I will bless Your Holy name. I praise You, Lord, in the midst of this chaos.

I chose to dance in this rain, for what I thought was made to break me actually made me brand new. You make all things work together for my good each and every time.

Philippians 4:13 – “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

James 1:2-3 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

I rebuke this crisis

As I arise out of this storm victoriously, I shout out “You are Glorious for that is what You are. You powerful for that is how great You are. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords for that is who You are”.

And I rebuke this crisis I am currently facing. I declare that I have been set free in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Amen!

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 – pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

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  1. I have been so blessed and encouraged with the content of this group. The prayers of many has made me stronger. I pray for more fresh oil from above over all contributors. Thanks for ever more.

  2. Father GOD in the name of JESUS I give you praise you and worship . I lay at your feet knowing that you are my GOD and saviour . Thank you for loving me even when I didn’t deserve it . Thank you for protecting and guiding me in every step of my life . Father pls take care of my family I believe you will in every circumstance that they face . Provide for them and deliver them from evil in JESUS name amen father send me Devine help right now I need financial assistance from heaven father pls I beg you help me now today . I will praise and worship you forever . I love you lord help me teach me on how to serve you for your glory . I pray all this in the name of my saviour JESUS CHRIST amen amen amen . So it is thank you father for listening to my prayers . I love you praise GOD

  3. Good morning father god thank you for another day thank you for your night watch . Thank you father god you are amazing . Thank you for keeping me and my family safe . Today father god for a friend who is battling cancer pls heal him give him strength and good health again . Stay with him in this difficult time I pray also for his family to be strong and positive for him . Use us and give us strength to support him and be the light in this dark tunnel for your glory in Jesus name I pray amen

  4. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise and give You thanks to give me the strength to through all my trying times and the crisis.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
    I have been set free from the crisis,the trials and the midst of the storm.
    I rebuke this crisis,in Jesus mighty name,Amen.
    Today,I declare I have been set free.
    So,let Your will be done in my life.
    Thank You Lord,for You make all things work together for my good.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  5. Dear God,
    Today,I stand firm on God’s Word.The Word of God is the foundation of my faith.
    I choose to mediration of God’s Word.
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight oh Lord my strength and redeemer.Psalm 19:14)
    Lord Jesus,You are powerful and mighty,You are my strength,my fortress and my strong tower.
    Today,dear God,I ask You,for strength.Please give me the strength to through all my trying times and the crisis. Amen.
    So that today.Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
    I have been set free from the crisis,the trials and the midst of the storm.
    Thank You Lord,for take control my life and lead me to walking in Your way of righteousness.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen.

  6. Gods going to restore your family I stand in agreement with you am going through this now too but I trust god with everything keep praying God bless you

  7. Thankyou Lord God that I know you only allow me to go through circumstances that seem impossible for me to get through with out clear confident safe outcome for me and my family unless I put my trust in you and your word that promises that all who come to you for help you will hear our cry and guide us , that you can show your great power.

    1. And it is to teach me to continue trusting that you are in control and allow difficulties to come our way that we may seek you for refuge

  8. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,in the midst of this trials,the crisis,the midst of the storm.
    I thank You Father,to help me to overcome this crisis. Amen
    Thank You Father,for everyrhing You have done for me,You always make all things work together for my good each and every time.
    In Jesus blessed name:
    I rebuke the crisis,as I arise out of this storm.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.
    I am set free from all situation.
    I am blessed.
    I am healthy and I am victorious.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You give me the strength and hope,to throughout this trials,this crisis.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  9. Thank you all for your unending love & support, I feel so blessed & revived in this group. Let’s all keep that spirit. Thank you Jesus Christ for uniting us??

  10. Thank You Lord for your Grace,Thank You Lord for Your Mercy,Thank You Lord for Your Forgivenss, Thank You Lord for Your Protection, Thank You Lord, for Your Guidance, Thank You Lord for your Friendship, Thank You Lord for Your Peace,Thank You Lord for Your Unfailing Love, Thank You Lord for being my Savior.


  11. Please pray for my mom Carmencita Francisco who has been getting double visions and headaches. She was diagnose by the doctor with probable diplopia. She was recommended to go though an MRI and some test by monday. I pray for a miraculous healing for my mom and all the results are normal. I pray for good health for her in Jesus name. Praying for strength and protection for her.Thank you

  12. Dear Father God,
    I thank you Lord,to give me the strength,to throughout the crisis,the midst of the storm in my life.
    I thank you Father,to help me to overcome this crisis,Amen.
    I thank you to set me free from all this trials,the crisis,the midst of the storm.
    In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I rebuke this crisis,as I arise out of this storm.
    So today,through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.
    I am blessed.
    I am victorious.
    I am set free from all situation.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Thank you so much Cheryce for another wonderful prayer. I humbly ask my Sisters and Brkthers-Christ to stand with me in prayer for healing from the terribly severe nerve pain that I’ve suffered from for 3 years. I have it from head to toe and since my breast-surgery it has gotten to the stage where I cannot bare my clothes to touch my skin. Anyone who suffers like this knows exactly how discouraging it can be.
    Thank you in advance for your prayers and compassion.
    Yvonne Miller

    1. Praying for your complete healing. May you have the grace of strength in times of difficulties. Our Lord, who is the great healer will heal you and bless you, as He is using your illness for a message and for a greater purpose.

  14. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I thank you to give me the strength,to throughout the crisis,the midst of the storm in my life.
    In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ:I declare that,
    I have been set free,from all this trials,the crisis,the midst of the storm
    I rebuke this crisis,as I arise out of this storm.
    Through Christ Jesus,Victorious is mine.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  15. I need prayer tonight as I have a strange feeling all over my body it started from the feet now extending to my entire body God please bless me
    Provide me with your total healing please pray with me in Jesus’s mighty name

    1. My Dear Evelyn,
      Please know that I stood with you tonight in strong prayer for your absolute healing. God said; Where two or more stand together in prayer there am I.
      Whatever is going on with you my dear your Father in Heaven knows what it is and will not let you suffer more than you can bare.
      I too suffer and also go to Him in prayer every night. Please don’t give up and try not to fear Evelyn be strong and remember your ‘words have power’. They can build up a person or tear down so speak out loud healing words over yourself every day. Trust in the Father who loved you first.
      Love and Hugs.
      Yvonne Miller English Lady in USA

      1. Good morning
        I thank you for partnerning with me in prayer i recieve total healing in Jesus mighty name
        The word of God says by “his stripes we are healed”
        I thank God for you
        Be blessed

  16. Im just needing prayer for my children, my partner and myself. Im struggling finacially, i dont have a job at this time im a single mom of 4 children. My fiance is incarserated my son is 11 and out of control very angry disrespectful dont follow the rules distructive and hits his sisters raises his hands to me potty mouth screams and yells at me and says very hurtful things. I need help I need prayer. I need a differant vehicle. Please pray for my family and I. Thank you! God Bless You All and you are all in my prayers

    1. Please know Katie that I stood with you tonight in prayer. Asking pur Father in Heaven to move in the life of you and your children and send help to you in this very difficult time. God is good and He does have a plan for you and He takes no pleasure in our struggles. The evil one comes against us in all kinds of ways but try to stand strong and fight for everything Jesus died to give you.
      Do not be discouraged go to Him in prayer, be thankful and ask the One who loved you first for help. I will continue to pray for you Katie.
      Love and Hugs

    2. God i come on behalf of this family and i decree and declare restoration breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus amen God bless you