Narine’s Testimony – Overcoming The Demons

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This testimony is a candid account of my battle against the devils and demons that once clouded my existence, a narrative of struggle, redemption, and profound transformation.

I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of sixteen, that decision would forever define my life. My drive and desire for God and for His church has always been my heartbeat since that day.

I was not prepared for the testimony ahead

After surrendering to the Lord and following Him in water baptism, I was not prepared for the events that would unfold. I had renounced my Hindu faith and accepted Jesus Christ as my new Lord, Master and Savior.

The first conflict arose when my grandmother died and I was told to follow the Hindu rights, by being a part of the ceremonies and shaving my head. I was not prepared to compromise my stand for Christ and return to the past.

I was put out of my home and sought refuge in the house of a member of the church. Brother Junior Ferriera and his family embraced me even in their own dire circumstances. I was ever so grateful.

Shortly thereafter, my mom and sisters would suffer the same plight, as full chaos broke out in the home.

The demons of physical and domestic abuse

My mother suffered physical abuse at the hands of my dad for all the years of her marriage. Broken bones, scars and hairline disfigurements are testimony to the pain of the past.

Gender inequality, and the accompanying discrimination, disadvantaged her. The religious and cultural biases served to entrap, by extolling the virtues of submission through violence against women and domestic abuse.

I have no fear, or remorse, in saying that the devils and demons of Hinduism, were a part our lives.

I have no fear, or remorse, in saying that the devils and demons of Hinduism, and the oppressive forces of satan, were a part our lives. The many men who claimed to be pundits, only seeking their own gain, fueled religious fervor by powerless prayers and innocuous incantations.

This time, the full fury of the devil was at work, seemingly determined to destroy me. I was unaware at that time that he (satan) knew of the call of God upon my life and the fact that my ministry-gifting would be used to deliver many from the diabolic destruction of demonic forces.

My mom showed up one day in the back seat of a car. She had been beaten, battered and bruised by my father.

She showed me her hands and how swollen they had become because of the dog-like manner in which my dad attempted to bite off the wedding ring from her finger.

Having gained Christ, I lost it all

My family was scattered. We were suffering. Having gained Christ, I had lost it all. My life became a struggle for survival. But I did not stop serving God, nor did I ever absent myself from church. Whatever my state, I was prepared to stand.

My sister and I returned one day to get some of our clothes which we left behind. My dad saw us walking in a distance and came out to meet us, hurling threats and terror.

As we got closer, he forbade us from entering the home, launching a barrage of boulders. The stones shattered and we were only bruised by the fragments that connected with our feet, ankle and heels.

It was only a ploy to get my guard down

I subsequently moved to an uncle’s home. My father came looking for me one day and I was happy to see him, but was confused that he was there.

I was home alone. He spoke of reconciliation, but it was only a ploy to get my guard down.

Subtly, his continence changed and he reached across the table and grabbed me. I was in shock. From his back pocket came a “claw hammer”. It was to be the instrument of my demise.

Frail and weaken by the lack of food/nutrition, I was unable to fight back. It was an unexpected ambush. In and out of consciousness, in my attempt to escape, I ran into the bedroom. I collapsed on the bed from the blows to my head.

I remember feeling the hammer hitting my knee caps, again and again and again. I crawled out of the room as my aunt rushed in and restrained him. I fainted in a nearby drain where I was rescued by neighbors.

I remember lying in back seat of Brother Ferriera’s car being taken to the hospital. I survived, I was alive.

The many bruises and hammer imprints and the limp with which I walked were signs of the attack that nearly took my life. However, the unseen maiming that occurred in my mind would not be so easy to heal.

“Do not go home, go to church”

One day while returning home from school on my way to enter the taxi, the voice of the Lord spoke to me directly and clearly, “Do not go home, go to church”. Tired, hungry and weary, I submitted to the voice of the Lord.

I did not know the reason or why the Spirit of God ministered to be so mightily in the prayer meeting.

When I arrived at the place where I was staying later that night, I learnt that my dad was parked in a secluded corner of the road, sharpening his cutlass and apparently waiting for me.

One night, I gained access to his room and found some books, candles, spells, incantations and other items. I bagged it all up and took them away.

I was shocked to see, in my father’s handwriting, spells of destructions, directed at me! In the end, he committed suicide, found hanging from a tree in Toco. He had killed himself.

My story does not end here. There are many things that have been omitted.

The details of hunger, suffering, shame, humiliation and lack, the spiritual and demonic forces that tried to kill and attack me, the battles that I fought against demonic principalities in the midnight could fill many books.

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  1. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord,for You always be with me,so that I can throughout every trying times in my life.
    I thank you dear Father,for You never give me the trying times likes this story.
    The story touch my heart very deeply.
    It is a very wonderful testimony.
    Thank You Lord,for deliver us from all evil.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen

  2. I praise You dear Lord God Jesus Christ,the Father in Heaven,the Son and the Holy Spirit.,for never give us the trying times likes this story.
    The story touch my heart very deeply.It is a very wonderful testimony.
    Thank you Lord,for always with us all,so that we can throughout every trying times in our lives.
    I know that,Our Lord Jesus is for us all.
    Dear God,thank you for deliver us all from evil.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  3. Amazing story, God grace amd mercy be forever on you, knowing this happened in trinidad shocked me a little. Continue being a faithful man of god.

  4. I have recently been re-united with my father after 34 years of him being absent in my life but had to quickly cut all ties with him. He also tried to practice spells and cast down demons on over my life.
    I have lost my job and my car because of him. He wants me to feel helpless so that I can go to him. I’m apparently a special child and I can see right through his demonic evil ways. He is a church Reverend but he also uses demonic spells on people. I’ve been through hell since meeting but he doesn’t know that I serve a mighty God.
    I don’t even want to talk about the dreams I have been having but I quickly realized that my father wants me to give up. He wants me to be helpless but I will never give up on God.
    God promised to never leave me nor forsake me. He promised me that no weapon formed against me will prosper. I’m going through a storm right now but I know l will come out a victor. I seriously need prayers right now as sometimes things get too much!

  5. That’s pure horror that you’ve suffered, those men were real devils. But Blessed Be Our Rock Of Ages, you are alive. Thank you Jesus. “Because you have known my name, I’ll deliver you n protect you”, so says the Psalmist. Jehovah God is Alive. Amen

  6. Wherever we go, whatever we do, God is alwyz with us. «» God is amazing en he has plan b to every person. Just like you u suffer from abuse, malfunction etc in life but God he will never abandoned you nor forsake you. We have all to hold on to God no matter what. Sometimes it’s not easy but we have too. God Bless Us All «»

  7. I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet! Your story touch my heart its how Almighty God mold us. You are God’s vessel. God is always in control! !

  8. Wow. I have suffered a lot in the hands of the enemy through my relatives, but nothing like you suffered. I’m grateful to God for your testimony cause if you can stand for your faith through all that. I can overcome in Jesus