Devotional – What can Separate Us from the Love of God?

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Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

Sometimes in our lives we feel all alone. Even though people may be around us and events may be occurring, we still feel a sense of loneliness and separation. In my moments of loneliness, I have come to realize that we have never been separated by God, even though at times we feel so. At times, our friends and loved ones may be leading us right out of the purpose of God. There are many occasions that we are so busy and caught up in the fast pace of life that we have no time to hear what God is saying or to listen to His gentle nudges and tugs at our hearts.

When you feel Alone

Even when we feel alone, He is there so we can be saved from some disaster that He sees down the pathway we are walking. At other times we just need to take time so we can hear Him, understand the next step He wants us to take. And sometimes so we can have a closer walk with Him. A walk He knows will benefit us for the next leg of our race.

According to Hebrews 4: 14 – 16 Jesus completely understands:

We have a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us hold firmly to our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses. But he is One who was in every sense tempted like we are, yet without sin. Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

He is the God that came close, so close He lived this life and went through many difficulties. He exponentially knows what we deal with daily. God feels our hurts and understands our needs even before we mention them. In all of this He never sinned.

Nothing Can Separate us From God’s Love

Romans 8:38 For I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot!

The word encourages us to be fearless, confident and boldly approach God so that we may receive mercy and help when we need it. So the next time you find yourself alone or lonely, or you feel separated from the love of God,  remember that He knows. You can approach Him with all of your concern. Be confident that He will stand by your side and bring the right people, at the right time, with a timely word, to cheer you on, while you take each step of faith in the place He has called you to be.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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  1. Our Father in heaven,Thank You for the love You have for me. And l truly believe that nothing can separate me from Your Love,in Jesus name l pray Amen.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration written out for me to see . The Almighty Father is all I need when I am alone or feel like noone is there for me. Through Him I feel a sense of security within my soul. In Jesus name Amen

  3. Very encouraging words! I’m so glad that Jesus knows and cares about what we go through and that he is more than able to help us..

  4. ya but its been 9yrs with no real companions and in a very bad area..i got faith in God but am lonely for humans too am thankful for my critter pals that come by and my cat (im handicapped so I cant go anywhere) I keep praying for a good friend irl could u pray too?

  5. this is so true really happens sometimes I thank GOD for knowing him and receiving him in my life.