The Call To Submit Yourself

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“Likewise, you who are younger, submit yourself to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'” 1 Peter 5:5.

The Battle Cry Of Humility

The battle cry for spiritual revolution thunders through these words of the apostle Peter! A radical call to uncompromising humility that shakes the very foundations of our culture’s arrogant self-obsession. Listen, oh you young soldiers of the cross – submission to spiritual elders is not optional, it is a divine mandate!

Adorning Ourselves With Submission

Adorn yourselves daily with the powerful garments of true humility before God and one another. For the battlefield is the human heart, and our enemy is the cancer of pride that malignantly seeks to sever us from grace.

Make no mistake, the eyes of the Lord burn like fire against the arrogant who exalt themselves above His wisdom and ways. But to the humble? Ah, to those who bow their heart’s knee to Christ’s lordship – upon them, grace rains down like a regenerating flood!

Submit To Spiritual Elders

And you who have been granted the mantle of spiritual maturity – blaze like beacons through this inverse darkness! The young longingly search for elders whose lives robustly manifest the character of Christ. Rising above this vapid generation of self-worship, let your example roar of joyful submission to the King of kings and self-sacrificial service.

The Pursuit Of Humility

Where do you stand, church? Is there any among us who does not desperately need the refiner’s fire of humility? Cast off the pride that assails – in our families, our workplaces, our homes.

Surrender deeply to the lordship of Christ and the wisdom of His Word. Pursue humility in obedience to authorities, in preferring one another, as living extensions of the One who stooped humanity to crush pride underfoot.

For we have been bought with the price of a humble Savior who triumphed through the cross. Will you not take up His mantle of humility and grace?

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  1. I thank God this morning for the gift of life upon myself and my family,
    For his grace upon us and myself as I journey with him through my spirituality
    I also pray lord that in this my Celibacy journey your grace will abound in me..The flesh is weak but the spirit is willing..Help me through this journey of remaining celibate till marriage.. I thank you for the answered prayers.. In Jesus name amen!!

  2. Children need to learn to obey their fathers en mothers. Parents need to Love their children. Embrace with one another’s love en.compassionate. God is for both parents en children.