Devotional – God Can, Trust God

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Crying Out to God

Ever wondered if God can? A few years ago, when I was studying, higher education was not as free as it is now. It was GATE-funded. Even with GATE, a lot of us couldn’t afford education. In being obedient to God (as I truly felt that God was leading me in this direction), I applied to study and was successful in my application.

I took most of my savings to pay for the first year. As I was working, I didn’t think much of financing my second year. I simply thought I’d get a loan.

The second year came around and, with some help and a bit of running around, I got my loan. However, when my final year came, I didn’t have the money to pay for the entire year.

I was a bit nervous and I wanted to question God. But I kept silent and paid the minimum for the year from my savings. When my final payment was almost due, I went to God, and I really thanked God that He knows my heart. I cried out to Him, because there was no way I could afford anything except probably books (and that too was so expensive).

God Can Do Amazing Things!

God can do such amazing things! Before the payment was due, the government made an announcement that tertiary education would be absolutely free!!! I tell you, my eyes filled up and I was in awe of a God who heard a little cry and made such a ‘big deal’ about it.

It wasn’t just the finance that God walked me through. I had a lot of other challenges.

One time I applied for ten days vacation, as I had four papers to submit within a few days of each other. I had the days available and received permission from the HR department. But, my own regional manager turned me down.

To make matters worse, that semester my brand new computer went dead one morning and it took me all day to get it repaired.

My boss eventually gave me two additional days. To say the least, I had the lowest grades that semester for the entire three years I studied. But, you know what? God didn’t let me fail, and I thank Him for that (by the way I still managed to graduate with honors)!

Trust God

Proverbs 3: 5-6 says “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.

If God has given you a dream, and there is no way possible you can accomplish it, cry out to God. It’s His responsibility to make these dreams come to pass, as long as you are being obedient to Him. His Word promises that He will direct your paths, and as you obey, He takes care of the rest. Our God Can!

May the God who is able to do all things continue to stand by your side! Amen.

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  1. I would like prayer for my friend’s children they have just lost their mother suddenly. Her name was Yvonne. I pray for them to be healed and strengthened in their grief. Amen

  2. God is indeed a good God, He is a way maker,a miracle worker we need to put our trust in Him knowing He is our good shepherd

  3. Whatever experience we are in now or in the future is designed to build us for His glory.
    Serving God requires absolute commitment and total surrender. We are designed to honour God with our lives and receive His blessing for yielding to His will.
    Remember always that God’s will is absolute. It has never been convenient obeying God and allowing His will to be done.
    His grace is sufficient to always energize us to submit to Him.
    I have being through flesh striping experience both in health and finances for the past eight years, but I am trusting in His faithfulness, knowing that He is a faithful God and can fix all things at the snap of His fingers.
    Jesus I love you, thank you for calling your own. You are my God and I am yours forever.

  4. Go to Him rest in His Loving Presence. You know that this day will bring difficulties, and you are trying to think your way through those trials, as you anticipate what is ahead of you you may forget He is with you…but He is there beside you now and always. Go to Him and relax in His Peace. He will strengthen you and prepare you for the day ahead…transforming your fear into confidant Trust. You are his child and He loved you first.

  5. I am going thru a test and I don’t know what to do. I pay my tithes and offering. But it look like every time I turn around my car break down my washer and dryer break down I don’t know what to do I don’t have money for that. Help

    1. Many of us can relate to what you are going through. At some time or the other we have been through this. But you are reminded of the words in the Scriptures in Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

  6. I am going through a faith moment as I write and, regardless of all you have gone through before, the present one always seems the toughest until it passes and the other one comes along. I am really inspired by your story and it has strengthen me to keep walking through this tunnel.