God Honors Faithfulness – Serve, Bless, and Rejoice

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The Bible reminds us time and again that God honors faithfulness. Colossians 3:23 exhorts us to “work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.” Though our efforts may go unnoticed by those around us, we can take comfort in knowing that our faithful service does not escape the Lord’s watchful eye.

He who “sees in secret” has promised to “reward you openly” (Matthew 6:4,6). Whether in our vocations, ministries, or personal endeavors, let us remain steadfast and diligent, laboring with excellence as unto the Lord Himself.

For just as the Scriptures affirmed in ages past, so it remains true today – our faithful God delights in honoring those whose lives reflect unwavering faithfulness to Him and His ways.

The Best In The Field

My good friend and co-worker has been working in a particular position for many years. This young lady developed herself to the point where many of us consider her to be the best in the field. Any time someone needed help from that area, I would recommend they go to her.

Matthew 6:4 That your charitable deeds may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.

So, too, would many others. She has such a pure heart and is always willing to go the extra mile and willing to help others. I have watched God develop such character in her.

I have also noticed that she always prayed about everything and will always be in the word of God. This caused her to speak differently, as she always spoke the Word of God into her situations.

We would gather together when in need of prayer

Recently, a position that she was interested in was advertised and she applied. There was a time when we were all working under the same person. There were three of us in particular who were Christians and oftentimes we would gather together when in need of prayer.

This was one of those moments. We felt the need to share the word of God and pray that God would bless each of us on the next leg of our careers.

Sure as God’s Word is true, we all moved, one by one, from the department. This friend was selected for training for the position which she had applied for. Her training was unusually difficult (and we often wondered why).

But in all this, she kept her disposition and served God with wisdom. She took every opportunity to learn all she could, under the circumstances. She got along very well with the people around her and they all appreciated her.

When we heard the news we were so excited for her

Recently, she was chosen to act in the position, as there was an opening. When we heard the news we were so joyful and excited for her.

We took the time to praise God for His complete faithfulness, as He honored her for her hard work and kind heart towards people, in her previous position.

This is the important fact. She wasn’t chosen because she had completed the training. God blessed her, because of her faithfulness to Him, in the execution of her duties, while in a lower position.

Colossians 3: 22-25 has the best advice on how one should work:

Colossians 3:23-25 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

In All Faithfulness, Put God first

Today I encourage you to put God first in what you are doing. Remember that serving God does not mean going to church on Sundays. It means you let His word guide you in your everyday life, and please Him in all your ways.

May God’s word guide your every step today as you put Him first in your life, Amen.

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  1. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise You,I give You honor and glory.I worship You.I seek You first in my morning.
    I stand firm on God’s Word.
    Let The Word of God guide me to do everything in my life or let His Word guide my everyday life.
    I will put God’s Word guide my everyday life and put God first in my morning.
    I will do the best to please You,Father,Amen.
    I thank You,Father,for purify me and renew a right spirit within me and cleanse me with Your blood,and fill me with Your love.
    So today,I will put my trust and belief in God’s Word,because I know His Word is Truth,that guides my life. Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  2. Thank you sometimes we feel lonely and oh so cold
    I will follow you Lord wherever you lead me, I give my life to you Lord Jesus, I can do nothing without you.
    Thank you for your tender mercies.
    I Love you and need you, and I am never alone cause I know you and your Guardian Angels are right here with me
    Thank you Jesus.
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  3. Dear Father God
    Today,dear Father God.
    I praise You,I seek You first in my morning.
    I follow Your will and Your word to do everything in my daily life.
    I will do my best to please You,dear Father God. Amen.
    I thank you,Father,for You cleanse me with Your blood,purify me and renew a right spirit within me,and fill me with Your love.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for guiding me to walking in Your truth and follow You way in every step to start my day.
    Roman 2:6-God will repay each person
    according to what they have done.
    In Jesus mightty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  4. Thank you truly a blessing as is this site and all of you
    God is so Good everyday
    He is worthy to be praised!
    Amen & Amen

  5. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven.I love You and I adore You dear Father God.
    I just want to be that person God created me to be.
    From this day forward, I will follow God’s word in my everyday life.
    I am happy to do Your Will.
    Thank you Lord,for You cleanse us with Your blood,purify us and renew a right spirit within us.Fill me with Your love.
    I am so please for everything in my everyday life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  6. Keep it up guys on working for God almighty. Love to read your encouraging words. May God bless you and your family.

  7. It’s truly a blessing to have found this site. I was depressed, wondering where’s God. Needed some strong scriptures …

  8. I’m extremely thankful to the wonderful, caring, loving LORD for always “watching over us” each second, minute, etc of the day OR night! I especially LOVED the part where she “spoke differently” because she was “smart enough” to speak the “Word of God” in EACH situation she was “facing!” I’m thankful because she’s such a beautiful “example” of “how” someone should always “be” concerning serving God, the Holy Spirit, and His Son, Jesus! Absolutely! NO doubt! NO arguments! May she always be “blessed and greatly encouraged” by her LORD, her family, and all us “fellow CHRISTians!” May we ALL strive to “be” like her with the daily help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit!