Testimony – Trusting, God, Where God Provides

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About two years ago, I started believing God for a promotion, trusting Him, for our God provides. In April of the following year, I was given the opportunity to go to another office for one month. I was required to hold on for a colleague who was on sick leave.

While there, I prayed that I would get an opportunity to provide relief on the higher position. It was even my desire to be promoted in that office. God however had bigger plans!

The Interview

In November, I was told that I had an interview for a position in Port of Spain (I live in San Fernando). While I was thankful for the opportunity, I knew that I preferred being promoted at the East office.

When I arrived for the interview on the morning, I was told by a friend who is based in the Port of Spain office that she was also being interviewed for the position. My immediate thought was, “Lord, why did you make me journey all this way when that job is hers?” I interviewed anyway.

About two weeks later, I was told that I was successful at the interview. Again I asked, “Lord, why don’t you send me to the East and send the person in East to Port of Spain?” I left that thought there!

Oh, How God Provides!

As people found out I was being transferred to Port of Spain, they told me how difficult the manager was to work with. The more I heard the negatives, the more my anxiety grew!

I confessed daily: Be anxious for nothing. But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God!

I then prayed for a healthy work relationship with my new boss!

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. And if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. James 5:15

On my way to the new job in Port of Spain, I was chatting with Jesus and thanking Him for His favor upon my life. Yet I was still hoping in my heart that I would be soon transferred.

God’s overwhelming peace

While in communion with Jesus, I felt an immense and overwhelming peace that filled my soul. I became emotional, but continued praying. My prayer was, “Father I’ll be in a new environment from today. I pray that You will guide me and help me to be as loving as You and as patient as Christ. May I always be grounded and rooted in Christ.”

Since I’ve been at my new position, I have no doubt that I will be confirmed at the end of my probation. You know what, God knows best and He always has our interest at heart. Going to Port of Spain via the water taxi is far easier than having to drive to the Trincity area.

I believe that I have an excellent work relationship with the management and staff. I continue to give all praise and glory to God. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for your continued guidance and protection!

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  1. God is able to do abundantly above all that we ask of him. Continue on the battlefield brother..

  2. In early January of 2007, I was rushed to hospital, after having a bad heart attack. While in the hospital, I had a 2nd heart attack. My heart stopped, I had no heartbeat and no pulse! The doctors tried all they could to restart my heart but could not get it to restart. My soul was out of my body watching them with the shock pads trying all they could and they said “it’s no good, he’s gone.”

    I then walked through a tunnel of light. It was a light that I’ve never thought possible, it was so bright! I spent some time in heaven. It’s so special, words just don’t do it justice. It’s that special. I had to have a trial first before being shown heaven. I was truly sorry for past crimes in my lifetime. I asked for a 2nd chance to put right my wrong and I said if I am to be sent to hell for all eternity, I deserved it, as I had the choice of to do crimes or not. So I would only have myself to blame.

    I was truly sorry on a massive scale. I felt so ashamed of what I had done at times in my lifetime. I got that 2nd chance and was permitted to return, on the condition that I had to watch old friend of mine for me to learn not to go back to my old ways and it worked to perfection. I had 5th watch someone who I was friends with when I was in my early 20s. He passed away in the year 2002, so 5 years before I did he pasted from HIS. He slept around with a lot of females in his time, one cost him his life. His name was Roger Collins. I had 5 watch for a time of were he is.

    Let me explain- Roger was not sorry at his trial, on his judgment day and used foul language. That was a massive mistake, so Roger was sent down to hell for all eternity. I had to watch him in that place for a time so I would not even think about going back to my old ways. I would tell you what happens in hell, but I don’t want you having nightmares. it taught me a massive lesson. I can tell you, I certainly don’t ever want to go down there. One single second would be to long! It’s that bad.

    I will never forget what I was shown and told in the afterlife. When I returned and kicked back into life, they were just about to start a postmortem on the exact course of death. It was that close on timing of kicking back into life. When I did, it gave the people working in that department the shock of all shocks. They almost fell over, as they said that was a first for them.

    In less than a month after returning, I did a lot of thinking and I repented of my sins in my body. I’m like a new man, a better man in every way. I cannot thank the good Lord enough for what he had done for me. I’m a very lucky man not to be in the same place as Roger, Amen. Please share my testimony with others, as it might just help people turn to the good Lord after they read it. I try to tell as many people as possible as it’s so special. Thank you and God Bless.