Just Between You And God

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Between You And God

There are moments in your life when you can’t explain what God has done for you, how much you were rescued by Him because of His mercy and goodness toward you.

You think that there are no words that could possibly describe the overwhelming gratitude you have towards God, because, if it were not for Him, you’d be in a whole different place right now.

I have had a few moments like this. When God had to save and deliver me from my own self – that’s the way I see it now.

I have had my moments of working very hard for things I could never get without Him. I’ve had my moments of wanting something so much that I lowered my standards to get it.

And, I have felt that God had forgotten me and so I placed myself in situations where God Himself had to walk me out of.

I’ve felt I needed to be in the in-crowd, so much so, that I didn’t care that I was changing in order to fit in with them. And, I wasn’t changing for the better. Yes, I have had these moments.

What I Love About God

Do you know what I love about God? He never rushes you. Although I am sure He would rather you be obedient to Him.

And that you would trust that He can take care of your every situation.

Yet still, He will never rush you, or be a big bad wolf to you. In all my misunderstandings and impatience with God, He stood by my side. He kept making ways for me to see His good intentions towards me.

Though I went through pain, it wasn’t because of God. It was because of my own lack of faith and trust in Him. I knew in my head that I should trust Him. But my heart was far from God.

Romans 14:22 So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves.

God’s Blessings, Regardless

Yet, through all my little situations and difficulty, God showed Himself to be true, kind, loving, and merciful to me. He not only blessed me when I had faith in Him, but He also blessed me even when my life wasn’t so great.

He showed me His mercy by standing by my side and walking me through some of the difficulties I got myself in.

I could never understand the love of God. What man would give His son as a ransom to save me, and what son would willingly do so?

It is impossible for me to describe the mercy I have felt from God. It’s just between Him and me, you see.

Only God understands my ‘thank you Jesus’ and my ‘amen’ sometimes. Because it’s only Him who walked with me through some of the fires and the floods I had in my life. Because some things are just between you and God.

Open Up Your Heart To God Moments

In Genesis 3:2, Jacob was all alone (having cheated his brother out of his birthright). That night as he was left alone, he wrestled with God until God changed his name and his walk.

The conversion of Saul to Paul is accounted in Acts 9, where God had to blind Saul to get his attention so that he could have a life-changing experience with God. He would go on to be the greatest Apostle there ever was.

Many other people in the Bible had these great life moments with God: Abraham, David, Moses, the disciples, and many more.

Today, I encourage you to open up your heart so that you and God can have those life moments, as He changes you, more and more, to be like Him. May God’s grace and love flood your life today, Amen.

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  1. Powerful message, every word resonates with my own situation each sentence read. Thanks for sharing Zoe, I’m feeling much better and so motivated, may your blessings continue to overflow!

  2. In all my little situations and difficulty, God showed Himself to be true, kind, loving, and merciful to me. He not only blessed me when I had faith in Him, but He also blessed me even when my life wasn’t so great

    Amen , we serve a mighty God, and his love is greater Always.

    God give me faith to trust what you say.
    Because your good and your love is stronger.
    May your spirit keep strong in me.
    Amen and Amen .
    Thanks Zoe for sharing this message. Thanks for the song

  3. Dear God,
    I thank You,Father God for this blessed day.
    I thank You for bring me the Word of God,each and everyday.
    I thank You,Father God,to give me the peace of God and filled my heart with peace.
    Yes,Father God.
    A Heart at Peace give life to the body.
    Dear God,please give me the grace and wisdom.
    I need to serve You today.Amen
    Thank You Lord,for You always be with me,making a way for me to through out my day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  4. Dear Father Almighty, I want to you thank you waking me up to see another day. Without you Father i would not be here. Father Almighty I know I have had some low points in my life where I turned back on you. I was to busy putting others before you. I was to busy listening to others instead of being still listening to you. I should have turned to you Father. With all misunderstanding and impatience with God, one thing I know for sure he never turned his back on me. God been by my side but I was,to blinded to see the things he was doing for me. Because of my own lack and trust in God I went through pain. In my head I knew I should have trust God and dedicated myself to only him. But my heart was far gone from God. I know I am a sinner. I repent for all my sins. I praying that God give me a pure clean heart. I prayed that my relationship with God gets stronger everyday. Being closer to God is my main focus. Father God I open my heart to you today. Father God I prayed that you filled me with your Holy Spirit and blessed me with your divine favor. Father God, I prayed that you watch over me and family today. Father walk with us and talk with us, show us that this shall pass over. In Jesus name , Amen

  5. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I thank You Lord,for blessing me with a new day.Your mercies are made new every morning.
    So that,from this day forward I can have a good moment with my Lord Jesus Christ,
    My relationship with my Lord Jesus,is my first focus. Amen.
    I don’t know what is going to happen today,but You do.
    So,I give this day to You.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You fill me with Your Holy Spirit,and bless me with Your divine favor and mercy to strengthens me,and to starting my day. Amen.
    So today,I open my heart to follow You,Lord Jesus.
    May You,Lord Jesus,be please with me today,Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  6. Thank you Jesus! Only God knows the relationship we have with Him as it’s between you and Him. Only God knows our hidden secrets, pains, hurts and onlyHe who can heal our wounds, our broken hearts, souls, minds and bodies so let us continue to trust Him and have faith that His will be done in our lives. Amen

  7. Dear heavenly father I thank you for this day, I thank you for my life health and strength on this day. I rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus on this day. I ask forgiveness for my sins, I repent now, for I know I have said or done things that were not pleasing to you. Father God I ask that you continue to look over my family and my life, continue to walk with us and talk with us and show us the right way for this too shall pass. Lord Jesus I love you and I listen and follow your word. I love you, I pray this prayer Amen.

  8. Just between me and God………God is so good, simply awesome, God is LOVE. He is worthy of all praise in the name of Jesus,our redeemer who willingly came to save us for the love He has for us, thank you Jesus.

  9. God my father thank you for your blessings, health,food shelter and many more that I wont be able to count it all. Praise be thy name on high. As the Bible says if we believe in you we are more than a winner its my prayer that you grant me with faith and wisdom. Amen

  10. Dear Father God I want to thank you for your loving kindness towards me and my family is not of me but more of you. I receive the Prayer.

  11. I am real blessed with this nice word of God they real touch me every day when l read them. And the prayes blessed me so much.

  12. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord,for Your loving kindness and faithfulness in my life.
    I thank you Lord,for blessing me with a new day.
    Let Your will be done in my life,as it is in Heaven.
    Dear God,I open my heart to follow You,dear God,in everything I do.
    I will do everything good to please You,dear Lord Jesus.
    So that,from this day forward,I can have good moment with my Lord Jesus Christ,Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bless me with Your divine favor and mercy to strengthens me,and to starting my day.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Thank you Zoe I fully understand your testimony because I too had to be sat down by the Lord!
    Praise him!
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  14. I simply needed to hear this today as l was in that place where l felt God was not by my side.
    After reading this Between You and God l felt overwhelmed and so tearful as if this prayer had been written just for me as an individual. God speaks.
    ? ? ?

  15. DRA Lily Dahlia, I have read you and all the others beautiful prayers and words of wisdom to always seek God. I pray and I read his holy words, and when I don’t have time to get on my knees to pray or the time to read his word, I always get up with a praise in my heart to thank God for waking me and my family up and keeping us safe during the night, watching while we slept. And it seems like God just don’t hear or answer my prayers anymore.
    I have been praying for healing in my body, a financial miracle and been praying for a new and better home. I know how to pray. I used to pray to God and I could feel his spirit moving. But for the past two or three years, seems like my prayers are not going through. Got medical bills in two states and needs to be paid like yesterday. What have I done wrong? I know I am not the best Christian but I am not the worst one either. Thank you and God bless. Needing a word and help from God.

  16. Ya! Sometime is hard to use word to describe the grace of our Mighty God.
    He work something in our life is always far more than we can imagine, sometime we just trust and obey him no matter the circumstances occur.
    Just wait and see our Mighty God work it out for us. Amen

  17. I have devoted to trust in God as He alone is God and has the best interest of everything in my life. Even if I do not understand, what I am going through I still praise and glorify my Heavenly Father, who created me for a purpose. I will not let go until I have fulfilled that purpose that is only known to Him who created me.

  18. I praise You dear Almighty God Jesus Christ.
    I give thanks to You dear God,for blessed me with Your merciful love,and give me the strength to way out every situation in my daily life.
    I know that,only my dear Lord God Jesus Christ,who always help me,and walk with me through out my difficult times in my daily life.
    Dear God,I open my heart to follow You in everything I do,and give it all to You,so that I can have good moments with my Lord God.
    Thank you Lord,for Your grace and mercy for us all. And thank you for this wonderful prayer to start my day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  19. It is Good that one should wait quietly for the Salvation of the Lord. Lord ease give me patience. Thank you Lord for all your miracles you give me and mine everyday.
    Amen & Amen

    1. God is always right on time
      Yes its between you and me Lord Jesus, between you and me. Praise him
      Thank you for this prayer just what I needed Zoe
      God is so good, I’m set free
      Amen & Amen


  21. I am new to this site, and what obedient people of GOD to have many encouraging words with scripture! I’ve been praying the prayers that apply to my situation. Thank you MEN and WOMEN of GOD for helping me still have Faith, hope, and joy!

  22. There are times l ask that does God still answer prayers? Is He still merciful? But in all, God is good and faithful. All we need to do is keep trusting and believing Him in no time the dark cloud will clear and He will make everything beautiful. He can never never fail. OUR MEDIATOR, HE is Jesus, forever Hallelujah!

  23. Even on our worst days, God is still our best friend, looking out for us in ways we cannot even imagine or think.You see it is just who he is. A friend who loves at all times.

  24. So Good! What Are there moments in your life you cannot explain what God has done for you? In all things give thanks to God for his goodness and Mercy.

  25. I remember in the early 1980’s when my Dad denied and dumped us with our mum in the city. The church welcomed us as a family. I was 18 months old,the 2nd last born out of 8 children. God took care of us up to date. We are now grown up, serving God.

  26. Amen i we can never thank him enough but we can try wish some people here was like him to trust and have never ending faith in them