Prayer – Letting People Go

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Guided By The Holy Spirit

How are you when it comes to letting people go? I am the kind of person that tries to believe the best in everyone. It’s probably very naive of me, but I also think it’s a very good quality, once it’s guided by God’s wisdom. And so, I try not to judge people by other people’s experiences.

I haven’t always let the Holy Spirit guide me in choosing my friends and the people I have become close to in the past. I will always remember this particular co-worker.

She was so easy-going, and always ‘willing’ to assist in just about everything – not just work, your whole life. Wouldn’t you think that was a great co-worker and friend to have?

Well, a part of being friends is that you end up telling people your business. I am by no means a proud person, but I do hold my head up high when I walk.

One of my favorite managers told me once she loved the way I carry myself – she termed it ‘tall’, as in I walk tall.

You Are The Light Of The World

Well, while I was busy ‘walking tall’ people were snickering behind my back and the general universe knew about a particular situation I was speaking to this person about.

I was the talk of the town – I wonder how all of a sudden (and I didn’t talk about my personal life much) everyone seemed to know about the difficulty I was in.

I can’t tell you how crushed I was, I really wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, right there and then.

Blaming God

Actually, I had the audacity to blame God. You see, I felt that if I served Him that He should have warned me about this so that I would have known the personality I was dealing with and know that I couldn’t trust this person!!!

Thank God, He really is merciful and kind that He didn’t strike me down for it, He really is a wonderful and kind God.

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I’m glad that even in situations you put yourself in, God in His merciful goodness comes to your rescue.

I don’t even remember how at this point, but God let me ‘drop’ this unhealthy, unholy and unsound relationship. And it was done so easily that I can’t remember much of it.

Today the only reason I speak to that person is about work. God even physically moved me away from the person, so we don’t work in the same environment. What a really wonderful God we serve.

Letting People Go

In Genesis 12: 1-5 God asked Abraham (Abram then) to separate from his family and go to a foreign country. The Amplified version says ‘for your own advantage’ (verse 1).

God separates us, for our own good, not because He doesn’t like family or friendships, but some of our relationships are keeping us back from fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives.

The Word says in 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. That you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

You Are The Influencer

When people don’t add to your life, don’t set yourself so closely with them that you are influenced by them. You are the salt. You are the influencer, not the other way around.

If you’re in any situation today like that, and you can’t seem to find the strength to let go, ask God. He will find a way out for you.

Letting people go (the negative influencers) allows God to then bring the right people into your ‘world’ for your advantage. May God’s grace and strength overwhelm your life today, Amen.

Prayer To Let People Go

Heaven Father, thank you for your love for me. Thank you for watching over me. Your guidance and strength fulfill me. Lord, my heart is both heavy and hopeful. There are people in my life whom I’ve held onto tightly, sometimes out of love, loyalty, or fear of being alone.

Yet, I sense Your gentle prompting to let them go, to release them into Your care and trust Your plan for their lives as well as mine. This act of letting go is challenging, Lord, but I acknowledge that Your ways are higher than mine, and Your plans are always for our good.

Grant me the strength and courage to release these individuals, knowing that in doing so, I am not abandoning them but entrusting them to Your infinitely capable hands.

Help me to understand that sometimes love means letting go, allowing You to work in their lives in ways I cannot.

Lord, continue to purge my life of those who should not be here. Give me the strength to release them and to trust your word. Remind me that your will for my life is all I need. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

James 4:14-15 – Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

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  1. Amen! I can most definitely relate to this person. I have recently stopped talking with a friend of over 15 years. We worked together for a long time. We were what I thought best friends. But, people change. I’ve changed, she changed. God didn’t let her go overnight, he tested me, over and over, bIt by bit, further and further apart we grew. I always think that I’ll keep holding on so that I can tell them about Jesus and they can give their lives to Christ, but this doesn’t always work. I’ve learnt to be patient and listen to the Holy Spirit. It’s hard and I’ve learnt over and over.
    I haven’t seen my mum or brothers for nearly 8 years. My dad died of cancer prior to that and I hadn’t spoken to him for 7 years. But God was merciful and I spent the last few months of my dad’s life speaking again. I thought it was all my fault, but that was the enemy making me think it
    God stopped it! All of it!
    Psalm 27 V10: ‘My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in’.
    Over and over he’s proved faithful. His grace saved me from their demonic influences. The calling on my life and my live for Jesus is and will be all worth it one day. It’s worth suffering for.
    Giving up my family and having to loose long term friends has been one of the hardest things for me.
    My husband and daughter and mum in law are my closest family now. We have no close friends. It’s very lonely at times. But, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and remember he will never leave you or forsake you.
    God bless and Happy Christmas.

  2. Amen. Kind of in that situation at work. Father separate me from nagging, gossiping, self entitled coworkers that disrupt my peace. Please father protect me from them in that seek to devour me. Amen

  3. Lord thank you for always being there for me in my time of need. Today I need your help ,I urgently need a place for myself ,my mum and my son. The Landlady to my eldest son does not want illegal people (that is us) living on her property due to her lease agreement with them, I am financially unable to provide a roof over our heads and I pray my situation will change soon. Lord please guide my steps and help me find a solution to my current situation. I hand this over to you Lord and Guide me into the direction I should take because I know you will never leave me or forsake me. Amen

  4. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for the wonderful life that You have given to me.
    Help me to see the good in things,for You bring the right people into my life,and to let go the negative people.
    I thank You Lord Jesus, to help me always see the best in people and to forgive the worst,and never losing faith in God.
    I will follow You will and Your word to do everything in my life,to teach me to letting go of all my angry and my tempted. Amen.
    I surrender my all to You,Lord.
    I will do the best to please You,dear Lord. Amen
    I love You,Lord Jesus,You are the reason,why I am still breathing,without You I am nothing.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  5. I’ve been struggling with this dream I had. I was in a place looked like a gathering with family and friends. While I was sitting there I felt so uncomfortable as if I don’t belong there. I told my sis inlaw that I’m leaving cause I don’t feel comfortable with this people. I left and went and sat far from people. While sitting there with my back towards this people on my right side I saw a river and above the river I saw a bright light shining over it and I saw people are thrown out from heaven into the river. I was so shocked and tried to ask people but no one saw it. And then I saw revelation 16 flash in front of me. After having the dream I was so worried about the meaning I spoke to my pastor and after a while it started bothering me again. I fast for God to help me understand this dream and all I get is letting go. Now for me to let go is leaving my family my marriage and my kids. It’s sad to just think about it but I’m in a toxic marriage husband is abusive and these days my kids does not listen to me. As if the devil is now using them too. It’s a had decision to make to let go even if I’m not happy but at some point if its Gods will I will eventually have to let go like abraham had to. And this message is also leading me to my answers. Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness, for your grace .

  6. Thanks dear Father for helping and guiding me to let go negative people and bring the right one in my life

    Help me to forgive the worst


  7. My dear Heavenly Father.I thank you for this new day.I thank you for bring the right people into my life.Helping and guiding me to let go the negative people.Please help me always see the best in people and to forgive the worst. And never losing faith in God.I will follow the word of God,to teaching me,to letting go of all my angry.I place all my trouble in Your hands,dear God. AmenMay You be pleased with me today.Dear Lord Jesus.I need You to stand by me,because without You,I cannot stand alone.You are the reason why I am still breathing.Without You I am nothing.In Jesus mighty name I pray.Amen and Amen.

  8. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ.I always love You,and put my trust in You dear God,Amen
    I always pray to have eyes that see the best in people.
    Have a heart that forgive the worst,a mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses
    faith in God.
    When I am angry.
    Help me to let go.
    When I am trouble.
    Help me to find God.
    We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    In Jesus mingty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  9. I took drugs for half a lifetime 16 years.. I was in prison…I used cocaine heroin and ecatasia. I started to read the Bible for 30 years. I got a christian wife and I have a child for several years I have nothing to do with drugs. But right now I blame God for that allowed me to happen? I can not find the job and I need money. I pray to him, but nothing is worse and worse. I did not want to pray anymore.

  10. Thanks for always inspiring us,i feel honoured being here,please pray for ny financial breakthrough,im trying to start a project but the financialer is taking too long to offer whats needed,my first born just moved for marriage with someone of a different race,)pray they have a happy and respectable relationship and try and put God first!

  11. I needed this, today is a bad day. All I can do is cry…
    because I know I have to let him go but we been together for 7 years. He is all I know and want to know but somewhere our communication got lost and we started falling apart.. he hasn’t cheated but I have. He doesn’t know. I just wanted things to get better but all we did last year was fight…

  12. I give thanks and praise You our Father,and the Lord Jesus Christ.I thank you for Your grace and peace and strength overwhelm my life today.
    And thank you for always help me to choosing friends and people become close in me.
    I pray today,May the Holy Spirit guided me
    and protect me to choosing good friends
    and the people become close in me.
    And thank you for protect me and comfort
    me with Your love and Your mercies.
    Because our Lord Jesus is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.
    Thank you Lord for this beautiful prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  13. Please pray for my son, so he let go of his ex girlfriend, she has moved on, but now he insisted in going to the city where she lives and stay for about 2 or 3 months, please help

  14. I am going through rejection from work and my relationship. I pray for strength to go through each day. I can’t face my daily duties. Everything is extremely hard all of a sudden. The pain is unbearable and I cry all the times. Praying for strength and Grace from God to carry on through this season

    1. Let go and Let God
      Walk by faith not by sight
      Help me Lord Jesus thru this storm I ask forgiveness from the bottom of my heart
      Please help me
      Thu will be done
      Amen & Amen

  15. I am going through a break up. I’ve prayed and prayed God put us back together. This person is meeting people on sex Web sites. I’ve asked God to protect them and lead them back to him. All I want to do is stay in bed. I am praying God lift me up and get me back into a good Christian life. PLEASE PRAY FOR US BOTH TO LOOK UP TO GOD.

  16. What do you do when it is a child who hurts you so bad. It’s Mother’s Day and my first son who’s 18 doesn’t speak to me and doesn’t even acknowledge I’m alive.

    1. Pray for him, the enemy is using him to hurt you. The enemy seeks to destroy you. You have to counter satan by drawing closer to God in prayer! And yes thank satan for making you smarter and your relationship with Jesus Christ stronger. A mother’s prayers to Jesus for her children are very powerful. Ephesians 6 says we wrestle not against flesh and blood…

      You have to remember they are not the enemy, they have been captured by the enemy. Get on your knees, mom and pray for this child to be protected from and bind the spirit that is over him. Satan means it for evil, God means it for good.
      Choose God.

  17. Family, I need prayers a lot, the resentment I feel towards my husband is growing daily. He betrayed our vows, he betrayed me, betrayed our marriage. Its been a year since he asked us to fight for our marriage again. I thought I was ok but I can’t seem to let go. I thought I forgave him, but the trust issues are rapidly growing daily. We meant to renew our vows on our anniversary in June but I am in doubt family.. I am so in fear that I didn’t even get the dress, I’m not taking interest in anything. I am confused about it all, I don’t even know how to ask God for help, please help me to come back home, I need Jesus back in my life.