Devotional – More Than My Wildest Dreams!

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I have often given to persons in need. I have even given ‘loans’ to persons who never paid me back – and I felt that it was so unfair. I have always been faithful in my tithes and offerings to God as He has actually been my very source of life in every way.

I never do it out of obligation but rather love and admiration. Really, God has always been the source of my promotions and positioning. So I give as an act of remembrance of His faithfulness and goodness towards me, and an act of faith on my part that He would always honor everything I do.

Financial Stresses

In my final year at school, I had to take a loan. The loan had to be repaid over a period of time. Every time I looked at the outstanding value I’d be so annoyed that I couldn’t just pay this loan off and have this weight off my shoulders. It at times actually depressed me.

Then one day a close relative of mine heard about my outstanding loan and asked a few questions. Really I was surprised about it and felt maybe the person was being a bit out of place to ask about my finances.

I had a visit from the person not very long after that and as we sat talking about things, my relative pulled out an envelope and handed it to me, and said ‘by the way, this is for you’. Thinking I had gotten a small gift, I opened it only to find money in the envelope.

To Repay Debts – Fulfilled Dreams

I do believe my jaw hit the floor, and I looked at my relative confused. Then the person said “Read the other side.” So I turned the envelope around to read my name and the exact outstanding balance on the loan and the words ‘to repay debt’.

Instantly my eyes went teary as my relative explained that it bothered them that I hadn’t paid off the loan yet. They had checked their finances and realized they could assist me.

“Thank you!” could hardly come out of my lips. It wasn’t a small sum, and I just couldn’t believe that someone would bless me like this.

I’ve always heard stories about persons being blessed like this and never thought it would happen to me. More than my wildest dreams had come through!

I was so grateful to God for the way He paid off my loan and the obedience of the person. I felt so free and light when I paid the loan off.

Psalms 136:23 says “Who remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endures forever.” I continue to be convinced that God and His words are true and I encourage you to do the same.

Maybe you don’t have a financial burden like me, but He is the same God. It doesn’t matter what your need or situation is, God can intervene and resolve it in ways you would never think possible.

May God’s unmerited grace and favor abound in your life today as you continue to trust in Him, Amen.

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  1. This was a nice to story to shared.That is a blessing to have a relative to come through you and bless you.That was God speaking to your relative. If i had it like that to bless someone i will do the same. Good people is hard to come by now days. God will make a way out of no way..?

  2. Dear Father God,
    I give You many thanks my dear Lord Jesus Christ,for Your great plans for my life,and You always working all things for my good.
    Today,dear God,
    I thank You,Lord,for the many blessings You have given for me,bless me to through all my trying times.
    I believe and trust in You,Lord,that the day will come when all this pain and the trial I am facing right now, will turn into blessing.
    So,dear God,please give me the strength,to through it all this trying times.
    Because I know that this is just a part of my journey.
    So,today,dear God,
    I give it all to You,Lord,Amen.
    I embrace Your grace and power to boldly move forward into the blessing You have for me.
    Thank You Lord,for Your mercy endures forever.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  3. That is Beautiful Honey, I too am in debt, I have no water, no Gas, but I have Shelter and Gods Grace, I pray for a Financial Blessing Through the Precious Blood of Jesus.
    He knows my needs.
    Thy will be Done
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
    I know God has great wonderous plans for me
    Thank you Jesus
    I love you soon much!
    Amen & Amen

    1. Denise i will keep you in my prayers. I am in a situation to. I am praying that God gives us both a financial break though. One thing i know for sure when i get my blessings i will make sure i help those in need. Denise you will be one my friend. Pray for me. I got you in my prayers. I know God will make a way for us.

  4. I desperately need some help with my finances and I trust God our Lord Jesus Christ that he will lift me up out of these mess I’ve created to myself in His time. I firmly believe that with God all things are possible.

  5. This message come just in time I am having a camp I need sponsors for the camp I have to pay for the classroom and I do not know wher the finances coming from but I know god has given to me he said have faith I would work all things out ths came just in time to lift my faith to believe God is still there I have to believe he would work it out.

  6. Hi, I fully understand that God was resolving your financial tribulation through your relative, however when you were out of debt and in good financial condition, did you repay the amount to your relative for expressing gratitude? Please reply.

  7. God is the source of my life. Even though life is not what it is, but I do believe there’s a God
