Praise God For His Goodness!

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In the warmth of His grace and the boundless expanse of His mercy, we find countless reasons to praise God for His goodness. Every sunrise is a testament to His enduring love, and each breath we take is a gift from His generous hands.

God’s Goodness In Provision

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

In moments of need, we witness the provision of the Lord in ways that remind us of His attentiveness to our lives. Whether it is the provision of daily bread or the unexpected blessings that grace our paths, God’s goodness is evident in His care for us. Let us praise Him for His provision, trusting that He knows our needs and meets them in His perfect timing.

God’s Goodness In Salvation

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

The ultimate expression of God’s goodness is found in the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. In His mercy, He made a way for us to be reconciled to Him, bearing the cost of our sins on the cross. Let us praise Him for this indescribable gift, allowing the reality of our redemption to fuel our worship and drive us to share this good news with others.

But God!

It’s easy to forget that God will never let us go at times. Especially when the situations come upon us without a moment to recuperate. – BUT GOD. I often remind myself BUT GOD.

Because though the situation may be difficult, and you may not see the end of it yet, GOD is still in control. He still sits on the throne. He has all the power to bring us through every difficulty.

Responding to God’s Goodness

How, then, shall we respond to such overwhelming goodness? Let our lives be an offering of praise, our words filled with gratitude, and our actions reflective of the love He has shown us. In every situation, may we choose to magnify the Lord, recognizing that every good and perfect gift comes from Him.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

In the Good Times and the Bad

Today I want to encourage us to praise God for His goodness, in the good and in the bad. Praise Him because He is mighty. He is good. Our God is gracious.

Our Heavenly Father is kind-hearted toward us, He will never let us go. He stands by our side and knows our ending before the beginning.

Our God thinks about everything that we need. He is concerned about every little thing in our lives.

Take the time to praise God today for His kind intention toward us. May the grace and peace that Jesus died on the cross to obtain for us, be with you all, Amen.

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  1. Thank you for these scriptures. I am waiting right now. My car tomorrow either needs major repairs or I find a miracle car to replace it. The bottom of the car is so rusty to put it up might be difficult and rejected.
    My brother I found has lied on my mortgage papers and I have been to the police. They are suspecting criminal activity too. He took my house away and it looks like he bought It himself under a lawyer from the states not Canada. Mom doesn’t know she co-signed with me and he didn’t get my name off the document, and he is power of attorney for Mom’s finances. It’s messy and I am praying God gives me the impression that my brother is doing something wrong and I have to persevere through it to find the truth. Oh! God is good I just have to trust and rest in him.

  2. It is easy sometimes to doubt that our Heavenly Father walks with us when we feel so alone, but we CAN be sure in our hearts that He is with us,walking along beside us or standing strong with us where ever we go. The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

  3. Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

      1. Good Afternoon Troy, I am following your posts in the Community with great interest, thank you for them. I find this whole Community a wonderful place of learning for me, which makes me think of the Scripture below and I believe its from Philippians 4:9.
        “The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you”.
        Take Care and Be Safe Troy.

        1. Hi Evie,
          I hope you’re having a nice Sunday.
          I enjoyed reading the prayers you made for others. Prayer has to be one of our most valuable and neglected privileges. Maybe you might consider starting a conversation about it .?
          We are called to defend the faith and lately there’s been some of that here. Encouraging the saints is much more pleasant. There are some really good people here. Now, I think, there’s one more. : )

          1. Troy, thank you for your welcome! I enjoy coming into ChristiansTT and love being one of their Author’s, we have a wonderful Moderator called Martin who just today encouraged me to keep my Articles, Devotional’s and Prayer’s coming in. I was very blessed by writing Personal Prayer for other’s when I was involved in Ministry so when I joined ChristiansTT Martin thought it a great idea to have them edited by him for CTT. I do enjoy seeing my work in print on here as an Author, and it is a privilege to join other “Author’s for the Lord” whose Prayer’s are just so wonderfully encouraging that I find myself praying some of the prayer’s often when I am in need.

            1. I love working for the Lord!

              When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. Deuteronomy 24:19

  4. Father in heaven,
    We Your people on earth are poor and needy. We are deaf and dumb, but You rouse us every day and call to us, We thank you for this, in gladness for all you do for our sake. Please help us to become united in expectation for the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ will come, when before all His people He will be proved your Son, the Savior in whom You, the Almighty, come to meet us. Through him You will say again once again, “Let there be light! Let there be life! Let life break free from the darkness of death so that Jesus may come as the Savior of all, the Savior even of those who are still in deepest of darkness.” Praise to Your Beautiful name,dear Father in heaven, we Adore You and Love You beyond measure.. Amen.

  5. I love this. God knows just what I need and your devotionals mean so much to me. They are right on time. Thank you and God from the bottom of my heart,