The Little Things Do Matter!

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All of us generally believe that God is concerned about us and has a plan and purpose for us to accomplish. I imagine that he has certain milestones for each of us to get to at specific times; even more importantly, if you have some ‘big’ goal in life to achieve. These are all very huge specific moments in our lives. It’s easy to understand that God walks us through to those moments.

I’ve been learning something else about God lately, and that is that the little things in our lives also matter to God. I know it may sound foolish, but I really am being convinced of this more and more.

Everything Goes Wrong

Not too long ago, I missed the water taxi to Port of Spain. You won’t believe how frustrated I was over it! When you’re late to Port of Spain, you’re not just late, you’re really late. Then I really struggled to get to the water taxi on time. But, just about everything went wrong that morning. I also had an issue with the tickets for that morning.

The evening before I bought several tickets. Somehow the salesperson had mixed up my tickets and given me two tickets for the evening and no ticket for the morning. She also gave me too much change.

I decided to sort the matter out and really it seemed complicated and took a while for this salesperson (apparently they work shifts and this was another salesperson). I really think they were just too stunned that I came to give back the money. When it was finally sorted out the lady thanked me for my honesty and I had to now purchase a ticket for this sailing.

God sorts it out!

I heard someone call out to me. It was a co-worker who had also missed the boat (I had passed her straight while I was on the phone explaining to my boss I’d be late)! Well we started chatting and I said to myself at least I had company.

I messaged a friend to say my day had started out all wrong, and I complained of being hungry and not having a breakfast shed here and us having to wait so long for another boat. Would you believe my friend was dropping off someone close by and bought me breakfast?!

Blessing others

That’s not all though, later that evening a few of my closest friends were getting together for lunch (we were late and almost missed the reservation). It was great meeting, eating and just spending time with each other. When we were leaving most of us were heading back south, so I suggested we take the water taxi.

One of my friends said she didn’t have a ticket, as she didn’t come up with the water taxi. Well, guess who had an ‘extra ticket’ to give to her? Yes, the ticket that the salesperson gave me in ‘error’!! Now do you believe me when I say – God cares about the little things? He does, I’m really convinced of it.

His Word says in Matthew 10: 29 – 31 Are not two little sparrows sold for a penny? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s leave (consent) and notice. But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, then; you are of more value than many sparrows.


Matthew 7: 11 If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!

Be blessed today in your going out and coming in, and know that God also cares about the little things – to Him they are all important! Amen.