Working Out Your Salvation

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I can still remember the day I received God’s gift of eternal life, salvation (giving my heart to Christ and accepting Him as my Lord and Savior).

I was scarcely a teenager. As long as I had known myself, I was going to church. Yet still, I never actually gave my heart to the Lord.

That was until I went to one of our church-crusades and realized that though I knew about Him, I didn’t know Him for myself. My heart didn’t belong to Him until I said yes that night. It was such a beautiful experience, second to none. It’s an experience I will remember all my life.

The Bad Habits Remain After Salvation

Strangely enough, some of my bad habits remained. Of even more concern was that I was developing some new ones. I really thought I was saved. But then why did I have all these issues and habits that didn’t glorify God?

Listening to Pastors preach and from reading the Word myself, I came to realize that God had saved my spirit. It was my spirit that belonged to Him. He then gave me the responsibility to get my soul and body in order.

Philippians 2:12-13 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

The Blaming Game

It took me a long time to realize this and to come to terms with it. I blamed myself for not being strong enough. For not loving God enough to change and to walk away from bad habits that I had developed over the years. I felt that I hadn’t really given my heart unto the Lord.

Thank God for His Word. And thank God for His servants who hear His Word and preach what He asks them to preach.

He will give me the strength and courage to be made whole. When I came to know this, I was then able to allow my spirit to be subservient to God’s Holy Spirit. This is the act of working out my salvation. Am I perfect? No. Do I get it right all the time? No.

But now I know that when I miss the mark, that I have places in my life that needs to be controlled by the Spirit of God. And, once I open my life to His leading, He will give me the strength and courage to be made whole.

Acts 16:31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Maybe you’ve given your heart to the Lord but you’re having a difficult time controlling yourself and being in control of your soul and body. You know what, without God working in you to give you that power, you don’t stand a chance and really all you can do is fail.

The key is to allow God to do the changing. You just have to be willing and open for God to take charge of your spirit so that your spirit can control the rest of you.

Give God the opportunity to do His job of infusing you with strength. Then you can obey His word and work out your salvation today, Amen.

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