Prayer When Feeling Unappreciated 

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There are so many times in life when we feel totally overwhelmed, all stressed out and completely exhausted and unappreciated. We feel as though we are tumbling down a hole at break-neck speed and we’re carrying everyone’s luggage with us, as well as our own.

Feeling Unappreciated

These are the worst times… We are shattered, broken and feel totally inadequate and unappreciated. Life, it seems, is completely hopeless.

But it’s not. It never is. For we serve the most mighty God. He’s a loving God, a God who is with us wherever we go. He is there in times of trouble and He will neither fail you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Be Still!

Be still in knowing that the Lord will guide you. The Lord loves and appreciates you when nobody else seems to, and he is a powerful and almighty God. He gives and gives and cares and cares, even when we don’t acknowledge him.

Praise our mighty Father and give thanks, for he is always there.

And the Lord , He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Prayer When Feeling Appreciated

Heavenly Father, I come to you today feeling discouraged and unappreciated. I have been working hard and putting in effort, but it seems that no one notices or appreciates my efforts. I know that my worth and value do not come from what others think of me, but from the fact that I am your child and You love me.

Please, help me to remember that my identity is in You and not in what others think of me. Give me the strength to persevere and to continue to serve and do my best, even when it seems that no one notices. Remind me that my efforts are not in vain and that you see everything I do.

I trust in your plan for my life and I pray that you would use my gifts and talents for your glory. Help me to focus on you and not on the opinions of others. In the precious name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.”

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Prayer To Overcome

Heavenly Father, in the all-powerful and Mighty name of Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit. Remove that feeling of being unappreciated and ignored. Take away that consuming anger and bitter hurt. Dispel all forms of resentment and negativity.

Do not let my enemies even think they have won. O Lord, you give me victory over my enemies and protect me from violent people. You save me from my foes.

I need your everlasting peace. I cannot do this without You. May Your name forever be praised, because You alone deserve all the praise. Amen.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Dismayed, feeling unappreciated? It's time to overcome! 

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  1. Amen. I claim this prayer over my life and my family
    In peace I will lie down in sleep for you alone lord
    Make me dwell in safety
    Amen. ?

  2. I recently registered a business which I run out of my home, it’s a logistics business. I have asked God to take control of my business and to protect me and my family.
    In recent times I have been bombarded by criminals trying their very best to give my 8 month old business a bad name and to fast track my running afoul of the law.
    I can’t sleep most days, my heart is heavy with worry because I am being Falsely accused of things I know nothing of and persons I have never met in my life. Sometimes when I pray I feel a whole lot better but there are just sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by thoughts and a heavy heart. All of this has brought me closer to God, which I’m grateful for but I just wish I was strong enough to well just delete, delete, delete from my head.
    I know God will see me through all of this deep down in my heart but boy is the mind a very powerful one. ….sigh.

  3. Please for me for healing from sickness pain depression anxiety stress sleepless nights hardship unhappiness god I declare and decree permanent breakthrough restoration of my marriage my health my kids an family for us to travel back and forth soon overseas to see my husband and mom soon for my business to recover an life finally give me a breakthrough for my country and the world from covid and for all my youtube fren struggling in our marriages amen thank you Jesus Amen

    1. Amen! By the blood of Jesus and the power of his mighty and loving name I come into agreement with you that the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and yours.
      Nothing in this universe can stop the blessings for you and yours .

      Jesus never fails always on time never too early or never late. His timing is perfect.
      Don’t even gave up . He gave his angels charge over you to keep you up in all your ways!! He keeps you covered by his unthinkable powerful blood that breaks down all walls, crushed chains, removed your mountain and open new doors.
      Jesus got you and your family.
      Stay strong. In Jesus name Amen.
      Jesus has never failed us , through much persecution he always saves us .
      Time and time again. Daily. My wife and my kids including myself.
      We are redeemed by his promises through his precious blood. God protects his investment we all in Christ were purchased with and unimaginable prices.

      Believe me God protect his investments his children is. I love you Lord Jesus.

  4. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,You are my Lord,my God,my Savior and my Prince of Peace. Amen.
    I thank You,Lord Jesus,for You are always being there for me,when I need You,give me the strength to stand strong and take me out of my trouble times. Amen.
    So today,I serve the most Mighty God,He is a loving God,a God who is with me wherever I go.
    He is there in times of trouble and He will neither fail me or forsake me.(Deuteronomy 31:8)
    Today,I am not feeling unappreciated,because I have a great God stay with me,be by my side. Amen.
    If a great God be with me who can be against me. Amen.
    So that today,the battle of my mind will be overcomed.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You bring peace in my life,and give me victory over my enemies and protect me from violent people and bring me savety.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  5. I know Lord you will never leave me nor forsake me
    For the victory is ours
    Thank you Precious Precious Mighty Father
    He Is Worthy To Be Praised!
    Praise Him Shout it from the rooftops for all the world to hear. Thank you Jesus.
    Thy will be done.
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
    Amen & Amen ?❤❤

  6. Dear Father God.
    I thank You,dear Father,for You give me the strength to stand strong,and take me out of my trouble times. Amen.
    I am not feeling unappreciated,because I have a great God stay with me.
    He is always being there for me wherever I go.
    If a great God be with me,who can be against me. Amen
    Dear God,
    We ask You today,please bring pease within our minds,bodies and souls.
    So that the battle of the mind will be overcomed.
    Peace within our homes,so we can lives joyful lifes.
    And peace within the world.
    So that the raging war ceases.
    I declare that today.
    Peace is mine today. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus, for bring peace in my life.You are my Lord,my God,my Savior,and my Lord of Peace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  7. Even though I do everything for my sister, she is not grateful to me and always throws bad words at me. I am hurt and frustrated why she behaves like that. I want God to change her and makes her understand how much I do for her

    1. Praneetha, God knows everything you do and especially knows your heart. I know you prayed for God to changer her but I’m praying that God starts with you, giving you His grace in this situation. My old pastor told me one day that when I’m doing something for someone, always stop and ask myself why I’m doing it. We don’t do things expecting anything in return, even appreciation and reciprocated. Stay faithful in your giving and God will return it much more than you will ever expect and in ways you never thought He could. Love comes with many things so we must take both good and bad and stay faithful to the one Who loves us unconditionally. God bless you today and always as you continue to love and give.

  8. Father God I pray for my friend wismic to change he’s way I pray for his struggles he’s having a difficulty time right now I pray all his problems goes a way father I pray that he treats me nicer and give me a chance to see what kind of person I’m instead of him assuming things about me god help me show me the paths I’m going to take if is going to be good Lord I ask u to give me strength in everything I’m doing pls take away bad relationship around me pls bless me with godly people I pray u bless my child bless our temporary home Amen I hope u change the way wismic is someday Amen

  9. I give You thanks my dear Father in Heaven,for all You have done for me today and always.
    I thank you for my Lord Jesus for He is always there for me wherever I go.
    I ask You again my dear Father,please take me out of my trouble times. Amen.
    Thank you Lord,for all Your blessings today and always.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  10. Lord you are my guide in my whole journey of life.I thanks you for all you did to me.
    I ask you again to be with me take me outof the stress.

  11. After 34 years of marriage, 5 years post divorce and still alone, I feel very lonely at times. Please pray that God will send me a God-loving man. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone. Prayers to all who are struggling one way or another. God be with you all. Thank you for your prayers brothers and sisters. xoxo

    1. Dear Christina , you’re the daughter of the most high and trust me ,Yahweh will never forsake and he knows your needs be still and wait that he has seen your tears and brokenness he’ll send you the right man to love you and make you happier than ever than ever before and a godly man so that you can both share his word .Remeber his plans are not better than ours and never forget you’re not alone for he is always with us.I will pray for you my beloved sister .Shalom

      1. Thank you dear sister Myrna…Yes, a Godly man is worth the wait and I know Yahweh is searching for that special one. Amen! Thank you so much for your beautiful kind words and prayers. May God bless you. Shalom. Your sister in Christ.

    2. You pulled me OUTTA the darkness Lord Jesus and into your marvelous light
      Thank you Jesus
      Amen & Amen

  12. Lord Bless all those who are hurting physically and mentally Bless all finances of everyone in Jesus Name. Amen

    1. Amen, Dildred I pray with you on that as well for you may Yahweh bless you and your family for praying for others too.Shalom

  13. I feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. My life seems meaningless. I believe in God and I trust in Him completely, but the attacks wont stop. Please pray for me.hi

    1. Dear Hilda, almost a year has passed. I’m now seeing your comment and praying God’s blessings and strength through joy are being showered on your life and shared with others through you. Even when life seems meaningless, it isn’t. There is a purpose and perfect plan for your life dear sis. Breathe – and believe

      1. Indra,
        I am having a day like Hilda had a year ago. I am feeling stressed out and, unappreciated. Ànd I’m wandering am I doing what God has put me on this earth to do? Sis, I’m writing you to ask you to please keep me in your prayers. And I do know that I can do anything through God who strengthens me. I just need extra prayers today. Thank you!!


        1. Lord Bless your child remove the pain and hurt they feel Comfort them give your Peace Lord only can give. Meet everyone of they needs in the Name of Jesus. Amen

        1. Dear Father God, I feel so unappreciated at times when it comes to my family. I have always help them out when they needed something but at a time when i needed my family the most there is no one there. Father God help give the strength, guidance and the wisdom to move and let go. Father God i prayed that my mom opened up her eyes and get out that relationship she is in. Its something about that man gives me a bad sneaky vibe. Father God i prayed that my mom and I can have a better relationship. I don’t understand when that comes around she change with me. Father God i need you in my life. I am praying for better. Father God you are my fortress, my guider, my healer, my protector, my Savior. Father God give the courage to stand strong during my difficult times. Father God i pray that you show the path you want me to take. Father God removed all the evil people out my life and surround me with God fearing people with generous hearts. Father God i pray for peace, love and happiness within my mind, body and soul. Father God Take away that consuming anger and bitter hurt. Dispel all forms of resentment and negativity. I serve the Almighty Lord. He is there in times of trouble and He will neither fail you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). Father God give me victory over my enemies. In Jesus Name, Amen???

        2. God us my Rock and my shelter from the storm, There is a Blessing in the Storm, You know my heart Lord
          And I praise your precious name, Peace Be Still
          No weapon formed against me or mine shall prosper.
          Thank you Lord for loving a wreck like me
          I give my life to you, thank you as I gear the birds chirping, now as I am saying this
          Oh how I love you Lord Jesus, Thy will be done
          I claim Peace by the precious blood of Jesus. Rise Up. Amen

    2. I Pray God Blessing upon your Life God didn’t bring you this far to leave you keep Believing and Trusting in God Word. Be Blessed

  14. Only hope is to my Lord even if I have many problems. But I believe my Lord will never leave me alone. Thank you my Lord. You are with me always.

  15. I worry about my husband being the only one there for me if I am in urgent need of help. I have moved too many times and have friends all over the USA, but I have none in my small city because I work inside my home and do not get out to mingle much. i pray to Jesus that he show me the way to have a good strong support system in my town. It is a fear I want to give up…about being without good friends close by …I am in my early 70’s.

  16. The Lord says Be Still and know that I am God. I am with you wherever you may go. No matter what we may go through. God is not a man that he should lie. He will be with us and help us through whatever we go through, even when we don’t deserve it.. I Love you Father., I Love you Jesus.

  17. I Praise you Father God I Love you with all my heart and Soul.
    Thank you, let me be a witness , I have a testimony
    Amen & Amen

  18. I cannot begin to tell you how much I needed this TODAY. Thank you for reminding me of the truth. Truth beats lies. Every time.