Prayer For Favor With Family Court And Child Custody

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Seeking Divine Favor And Justice

Heavenly Father, I come before You today with a heart heavy with concern, yet full of hope, as I face the challenges of family court and child custody proceedings. In this time of uncertainty and legal battles, I seek Your divine favor and justice.

May Your wisdom guide the decisions of the judges and all involved in the legal process. Let the outcomes be aligned with Your will, prioritizing the well-being and safety of the children involved.

Grant me the strength to navigate this difficult period with grace and integrity. Help me to present my case with honesty and compassion, trusting in Your sovereign hand to work everything out for the good.

Psalm 5:12 Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

Favor in Family Court

Heavenly Father, please watch over your children in this family court custody battle. I pray that the judge will see that I’m best suited to take care of the children, in a home of God’s love and blessings. I pray that I am granted full custody. But at times I get hopeless and fearful, and full of anxiety.

Cast all fear, worry and doubt out of my heart. Let no false witness that rises up against me prosper, but their deceit be brought to light. I pray that the truth comes out. That all untruths are brought to light.

Psalm 5:12 For you bless the righteous, O Lord. You cover him with favor as a shield.

Take Control Lord In This Custody Case

I know that my God is going to see me through all of this. Because I’m born again and I am walking in the light of the word of God. I thank You in advance, for with You by my side, the battle is already won. I pray that You will grace me with Your favor within the courtroom.

Read Also: Prayer for Favor in Court Matters (Legal Battles)

Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong. And you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Prayer For Peace And Reconciliation

Heavenly Father, in a situation often marked by conflict and strife, I pray for peace and reconciliation. Soften the hearts of all parties involved, leading us towards amicable solutions that honor the needs of the children and respect the roles of each parent.

Help us to communicate effectively, to listen with empathy, and to approach each discussion with a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.

Where there is bitterness, bring healing. Where there is misunderstanding, bring clarity. May Your spirit of peace prevail over every conversation, negotiation, and decision made.

Colossians 3:13-14 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect harmony.
Philippians 4:7: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Praying For Others Facing Custody Battles

And now I bring before the Lord those brothers and sisters in Christ facing custody battles for their children and grandchildren. May God bless you and keep you.

May you have good health, pressed down, shaken together and running over. And may he give you the desires of your Jesus NAME AMEN.

Read Also: Prayer: Dealing with Difficult Persons

Prayer For Favor With Family Court And Child Custody

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  1. Prayers for my husband and my family to get custody of the twin girls who belong to my husband niece cuz she suffered domestic violence and drug abuse! Hoping everything goes on our favor for next week!! bless us with the miracle of providing them a happy, healthy, stable, safe, Godloving, home and they enjoy their childhood as we have been the only ones fighting to get them that help! And may God not let no false witness or lies that may rises up against me prosper, but their deceit be brought to light and instead my prayers be answered. Amen 🙌

  2. Please pray for my eldest son, he’s fighting for dual custody of his one year old son.He is so down on himself and also has health issues.
    We are hoping things go in his favor tomorrow morning.His fiancé is belittling him due to his physical health issues.
    His son is the Light of his World , they have been apart for a week now , yet it feels like a million years. We NEED Gods grace to shine down on us during this difficult time .

  3. I just wanted to leave this little reply.. I needed this so much and tonight it has lifted me so. and after this especially I can feel the presence of the lord and my god he is moving ! praise god and thank u for this <3

  4. Prayers for by daughter to have favor with court granting custody of my granddaughters from an abusive father & home situation.

  5. Please pray that the Lord sees me thru as I start the process and help it go quickly and easily of obtaining custody of my grandaughters taken from my daughter and bless us with the miracle of providing them a happy, healthy, stable, safe, Godloving, home and they enjoy their childhood as we have been the only ones fighting to get them that help! And may God not let no false witness or lies that may rises up against me prosper, but their deceit be brought to light and instead my prayers be answered. Amen 🙌

  6. On June 9th my Grandson will be fighting the fight of his life for his son who was taken out of the state. Last time we saw my great grandson, he had IV’s in his arms. His mom has never been a mom. I’m not sure if she knows how. So let’s pray for her, as well as my Grans 🙏🏽

  7. Please pray for my son as he is going to court Thursday over false allegations of DV. He is a wonderful husband & father. Because of these allegations against him he has lost his job of 8 years. My son is 27 years old. This was his first job & only job right out of high school. Also pray that he will be able to see his only son that is 9 years old. He & his son are very close. I’m asking God to protect him as he stands before the judge, & for the judge to see he isn’t a violent man, but a humble and loving man. I’m asking God to open the judges eyes to see the truth & see that she has lied on my son. I pray the judge dismisses the case against him in Jesus name I pray 🙏

  8. Please pray for my Grandson as he is in court right now trying to get full custody of his daughter, my great-granddaughter. Her mother gets mad at her dad and refuses to let her see her dad. She is really hurting her by not letting him see her. When she does see him she crys and doesn’t want to go back with her. There is a lot more to this story but is so long that it would be long. Please pray that this outcome is in his favor. 🙏 🙏

  9. Hello. Please pray that my son will win his parental visitation court case. The mother and grandmother have kept our granddaughter away for four years. She now 7 years old. They are spring lie after lie on my son and are hell bent on denying him visitation. Please pray the judge have favor on my son and restore all rights to my son who is my only child and that we get my only grandchild back effectiveimmediately. In Jesus name, thank God Amen and thank you Holy Spirit.

  10. I pray for my granddaughters that my son may win custody. I pray the judge understands that their mother is neglectful and emotionally abusive. Please help these children that they may be safe and cared for.

  11. Please pray for me as i am going threw a hard time in pray that i win my child custody case and the judge is on my side and that the judge sees the lies and evil that everyone is doing .. Also ask that you pray for Miranda and her BBYs that they come back into her home ..

  12. I am asking for prayer. I need you to touch and agree with me that I win sole custody of my 1 year old.

  13. Please pray for my favor for sloe legal custody of my 3 year daughter, Scarlet Lee Rood. Pray the light of truth shines of her abusive father.
    Thank you
    In Jesus name I ask
    Rebecca Pope Rood

  14. I ask for people to make a prayer for my daughter so I can get her back from a fosterhome thanks and God bless everyone.

  15. I pray that I get my children back and that my family will come back together. Forgiveness and loving each other. Not holding grudges and learning to love each other, and forgive each other.

  16. Prayer for my daughter Melissa Gomez to have her daughters come back home the father of her children took her girls and now there in court trying to get custody of her girls I pray that everything goes well and she’s able to keep her girls she’s a great mother

  17. Prayer for my nephew AJ his x-girlfriend does not allowed him to see their 10 mo old baby girl .. my nephew doesn’t want to be with the mama but he wants to be a daddy to his baby !!his name is AJ n baby Malani

  18. Please pray for my granddaughter and daughter who’s 2 month old daughter was abused by her husband. He confessed and said it was an accident. Now the social workers are trying to take the baby away from my daughter because they are blaming her for not protecting the baby and saying she should have known he was doing something bad when she wasn’t home. They had even blamed me as a grandma for not recognizing it. We are both RN’s my daughter and I and I work with Babies in the NICU for 40 years . My daughter would never let anything and I mean anything or anybody hurt her baby if she had known . Pray for my daughters strength because this group of workers are out to really destroy our hearts. This case is now going to court we are spending all we have to fight for her rights as a mother .

    God bless you all and thank you

  19. Prayers for my daughter Brandy that has court this morning with Cps
    Lifting her up in prayer that the Judge James grants her favor custody of her children . Lord hear our prayers during this difficult time in Jesus name Amen i✝️

  20. Please say a prayer for my twins, they have a safe and loving home. My ex had to step up and help me with the children during covid and now he is trying to get full custody because he didn’t get the stimulus checks and I have a really good job and got a promotion and he wants me to pay him child support. My children are worth more than money, they are my life! If they live with him and his new wife they will be broken, I just need prayers for my babies.

  21. Please pray for my children and I we have court tomorrow to see if I get temporary sole custody until priority consultation. My children’s father has been incarcerated for most their lives and I’ve been all they have. He is violent and my children are afraid to be with him. Lord hear my prayer I need God with me even more so tomorrow

  22. My name is RASOAMANARIVO FARA JEMIMA. Pray for me that I will be liberated and delivered from the spirit of solitude, the spirit of celibacy, the night husband and the spirit of the waters and that I will marry before the end of this year 2020. Let the shame of celibacy end now. That I will have a converted husband who has already received Jesus as a Savior. A husband who has the same intellectual capacities as me. Please pray for me everyday until I have the answer to my prayer and WITNESS.

  23. On August 11, we will be going to court out of state for the my daughter to try and get custody of her daughter, Alana. We were told from the first when my daughter was getting a divorce that the judge in that state and county was biased and it has been a long hard battle. They have kept giving her ex chance after chance to do what the judge ordered and each time, they would come back and try to get my daughter in trouble by charging her with contempt of court. She has done everything that they have asked her to do. He has not. The GAL is siding with him because of school grade scores. Alana is 5 years old and she wants to go to school here with her mom and be with her mom. She is just to afraid that she will hurt someone’s feelings to tell them. Please pray with me that she will be with her mom. Her dad does not go to church and therefore will not teach her about Jesus or lead her to live a godly life. Thanks for all your prayers. Debra

  24. I’m praying to God for custody for a child who’s not biologically mine but I have cared for lovingly for 2 years and he loves me too. A woman claiming to be his relative is fighting against my application in court. I pray for God’s will to be done, for his wisdom to prevail with the judges and all lawyers. I surrender fully to God’s will. In Jesus’s name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

  25. Going through the saddest times of our lives my wife and i. Courts are trying to take our children who are safe and love us so much. Help Jesus be with the judges heart. We have complied fully.

  26. I Am asking for a healing prayer for my daughter sorana. I pray that God Would lay his healing hands on her and heal her in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord Jesus help my daughter get back her health so that she will be able to work as a normal woman and raise her children . i come kneel before your throne asking for your healing touch over my daughter and the whole family as well In Jesus Name Amen.

  27. Please pray that I get to keep my grandkids.. I’ve had my granddaughter all her life and, after five years, I was getting ready to adopt her and then her dad came out of nowhere. God please help me with my faith.

    1. May God Bless you to adopt your granddaughter..May God’s Blessings follow you both all the days of your life..
      Be Blessed

  28. Please pray for Tabby – mother of 4 children – being in a deep crisis.
    She has been travelling to India this week – following a kind of “guru”.
    Please pray Jesus helping and protecting her journey, that Jesus may help her and her husband and her children to come to faith in Him and to follow Him.

    1. Lashell i come in agreement with you regarding this court case. I ask for prayers for my son Raul 3rd he has child support/ child visitation court case where payments are ridiculously high! Hos my son supposed to live like this? its been a mess! as a mother i also feel like you at times Lord help us and others who may be going thru same situations in Jesus NAME!

  29. I feel your heart crying out of your babies and God hear you. I been going through this for years, but today God have delivered my grandchild to us Thank the Lord.For about a month and a half I have played psalms 91 and pleaded the blood of Jesus over the case and God have answered our prayers in Jesus Name. Be Blessed.

  30. Good morning, and I will be praying for all things to work out for you and your grand kids. Continue to trust in the Lord through it all! God bless you