God Will Help You – Victory Over Mistakes!

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Everyone makes mistakes. And God isn’t at all surprised when they happen. But, even though His love and acceptance of us never changes, we allow our weaknesses and insecurities to keep us from engaging in a closer, more intimate, relationship with Him.

You can bounce back from every mistake you will ever make, without losing your Joy and Peace, if you trust in His Love for you.

God will help you to understand the difference between “condemnation” and “conviction”, and help you to be at peace with yourself and enjoy every step of your spiritual journey with Him.

Battling with Mistakes

Make the decision today to relax and stop struggling! Because no matter how many times you mess up, God is always on your side. Don’t ever let the lies of the evil one cause you to question where you stand with God.

We all have battles in life. From problems with people, to health and financial difficulties. But Jesus Christ has given us the power to win them all. Many times though, we still take things on in our own strength, which only leads to anxiety, frustration and eventually defeat.

When Tough Times Come

When tough times come, please don’t panic or worry. Don’t turn to addictions to alleviate your anxiety, or even try to take matters into your own hands. All of these responses will make matters worse, leading to unhealthy behaviors and maybe more trouble.

Psalm 13:5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

You don’t have to be filled with fear, doubt and hopelessness when difficulty comes your way.

God wants to help you pass your tests with flying colors. You can learn how to live worry-free every day, through the power of Christ Jesus which lives within you. Trust in His Love and Care for you.

It’s Time For Victory

Our Heavenly Father wants to step into the mist of your battles and bring you victory. And, as you experience honest and heart-to-heart intimacy with Him, you can learn how to let God do the fighting for you. In that way, you can really enjoy living the abundant life He wants you to live.

Just Trust in His Love for You

Trust in His Love and you will develop a deeper, more trusting relationship with Christ.  And He will help you to release the past and embrace God’s plan for your future. Don’t allow your past mistakes to bog you down.

He will also cultivate new attitudes of humility and gratitude within you. He will teach you to speak and act out of the truths of Scripture. Your Heavenly Father will show you how to exchange negative thoughts for thoughts that are positive and that renew your mind in Christ.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

God Will Help You, Trust in His Love For You

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  1. That is my main problem trying to do things on my own! It never gets me anywhere until I cast all my cares and burdens down at His feet✝️

    Thank you Yvonne from the Scottish woman here also living in USA.

  2. I praise You and glorify Your name my dear Heavenly Father.
    I thank you for answered my prayer,and teaching me to pray and obey You in all things.
    Dear Father, We trust in You with all our heart.
    Thank you Lord,for always be my side,so that I can find way to way out all my problems in my daily life.
    Thank you Lord,for Your unfailing love,everlasting mercies and blessings.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen

    1. Amen!!! I really needed to hear this. This is my biggest problem trying to fix my own problems. I am praying and asking the Lord to forgive me and help to learn how to be still and listen to him. I want to change and become a better person. I had lost my joy, peace last year. I was in a relationship that was not god fearing and it was not healthy. Now this year i want change. I want to get closer to God. I let my anger, unfaithness, bitterness, resentment, weakness cause me to not have a close intimate relationship with God. Instead of me being thankful and grateful i was giving God a lot of my time. I realized without God i would have not been here. I trust God and his love for him. I surrender myself to God. I cast all my burdens on God and leaning on him for understanding. No matter the situation God is always on my side. Panic and worrying and trying to matters in your hands is not solution. I am learning just letting God handle everything. Getting an eye for an eye is not the problem solver. I am ready for my spiritual journey getting God back in life and living for him. I am ready for the victory God has for me. I know God is going to see me through these trials i am facing. In Jesus Christ name, Amen

  3. very true, i actually needed to hear this and be reminded to leave my troubles at his feet but lately i have found myself picking them up again from his feet. this couldn’t have come at a better time than today when i remembered to place my burdens on his shoulders.

    1. Thank you Chris for taking the time to leave a post here, it was very kind of you. Please do come in here often and be uplifted as their are wonderful Prayers for almost every situation in life.. Take Care and Stay Safe. Evie