How to Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart When Life Hurts

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How many times have you been hurt by false hearts? Where do you place your trust when all around you is crumbling? Where do you run when all things fade?

During times of pain, sorrow, or confusion, it can be challenging to maintain our faith and trust in the Lord. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that trusting in God becomes most crucial.

The Bible teaches us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Here are some ways to deepen your trust in God when life hurts.

There is only one place that gives us water in the desert. Only one way to a firm rock when the storm passes. Just one person that can give unconditional love. A love that is true, pure and that sustains us.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

First and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings. God created us with the capacity to experience a wide range of emotions, including pain and sorrow.

The Psalms are filled with David’s cries of anguish, fear, and despair, showing us that it’s okay to bring our entire selves before God. He is not intimidated by our feelings, nor does He turn away from us when we are brokenhearted.

In fact, Psalm 34:18 tells us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Remember God’s Promises

In times of trouble, cling to the promises of God. The Bible is filled with God’s promises to provide for us, to be with us, and to give us strength and peace.

For instance, Isaiah 41:10 encourages us, saying, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Remembering God’s promises can help us to trust Him even when our current circumstances seem bleak.

Seek Comfort in Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool for maintaining and strengthening our trust in God. It allows us to communicate our fears, desires, and pains directly to Him.

Philippians 4:6-7 instructs us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Through prayer, we can find comfort and peace in God’s presence.

The Source of Happiness

God is the source of all happiness. I spent many years chasing after things that I thought was worthwhile. I followed teachings that I never understood.

But yet, I conformed because I thought it would pay off eventually. I wasted money for help, when help from Jesus was free.

I ignored Him because I didn’t believe He was the God that could have changed my life. When the troubles knocked me down, there were no “gods” around for me to pray to.

There was no amount of money that could help me. No rituals kept my life going.

Trust and God’s unmerited favor brought me through

But it was the grace of God, God’s unmerited favor that brought me through. Though we fall short of the glory of God, His grace is upon us. Sometimes it takes trials and tribulations to bring us where he wants us.

Sometimes we try everything and every way but we refused to try God’s way. Our will and God’s will are not always aligned. So sometimes we have to let go and let God take control.

Don’t Be Discouraged!

Do not be discouraged despite what you face because there is a mighty deliver behind your problems.

Sometimes we feel the problem is so big. But I want to let you know that our God is bigger. No mountain is too big for him to move and no sea is too deep for him to part. Trust in God always!

How to Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart When Life Hurts

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  1. Dear God,
    I trust in the Lord in the Lord will all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.(Proverbs 3:5)
    My God is good all of the time.
    His mercy is everlasting.
    His truth endures to all Generations.
    Psalm 100 : 5).
    Today,I start my day with praise and worship You,Lord Jesus.
    I pray for peace in my daily life and help me,Lord Jesus, not let any one steal my joy.
    The trial I face today bring me draw closer to You. Amen.
    So today,I am truly blessed in Christ Jesus,Amen.
    I thank You Lord,to open my eyes to see the truth,open my ears to hear Your Word,open my heart to gain understanding Your eternal wisdom.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  2. Type here..Good morning everyone, please pray for me as i will be praying for you too
    my husband and i are always in disagreement, we don’t have proper communication these days and when i followed that closely someone told me that his other woman who they parted ways has everything to do with this, She has gone to an extent of consulting the powers of witchraft and sorcery so that my husband and i will part ways.
    please pray for my relationship for the last 3 months we have not known peace in our lives because of it.please pray fo r me so that we can be freed from the power of witches let us also put that woman in our prayers so that she can turn away from worldly gods and turn to our heavenly Father instead
    i believe that today and forever everyone else going through the same will know peace and love in their relationships.

    1. All the evil spirits attacking your family be rebuked and cast out in Jesus CHRIST’S NAME and peace of CHRIST be with you AMEN

  3. Dear Father God,
    I will praise You,oh my God,with all my heart.
    I will glorify Your name forever.(Psalm 86:12)
    For the Lord is good.His mercy is everlasting.
    His truth endures to all generations(Psalm 100:5).
    I am so grateful to start my day,with praise and worship You,dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    I thank You for all the blessings in my life,and answered my prayer.
    I love You my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    Help me to be more like You,and less like the world,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    I pray that today,dear Lord.
    The trial I face today,will bring me closer to You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  4. I am a backslider from Seventh Day Adventist Church for 9 years. I have wandered around enough and would like to build a relationship with my God. I have face so many problems in Life and have tried to handle them without God. I have even look for Sorcery people to help me. Have pay them money for my relationships, job and other things. I realised that I have wasted my time and resources in doing such. I now want to return to the Lord who is the source of everything. He knows the plans he has for me and he will lead and guide me through the storms of Life’s Journey. My God is not deaf and blind. He will be on my side to lift me up so I can be a prosperous person.

    Thanks to the author of this devotion. It really have impact in my life. I am blessed.

  5. Dear People of God, I really have a burden for my children. There characters does not align with God’s will for them. Sometimes the complaint i received about them really troubles my heart, especially the eldest. Their father is late please help me pray for them. I want them to serve God and loves more than i do.

  6. Good morning people of God,

    Please pray for me as I pray for myself seeking the Lord strength as I’ve been suffering with back pain for 12 years now. I was diagnosed many times by many doctors and specialist and placed on many different medications. It was since last year October before I was fired from my job I held for 5 years, that I was really diagnosed again with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis in my lower back. Then the same doctor told me it was saceoiliitis. The medications I’ve been placed on doesn’t seen to be helping because every single day I woke up in pain and go through the entire day in pain. Some are more manageable than some so I’ve decided to stop taking those meds which have caused me more pain with all the side effects.

    Since couple weeks now I’ve been in excruciating back pain, it never stop and causes me sleepless nights which leaves me tired all the time. I just started a new job in January and I’ve been having episode of back pain there too, I know my God is in control and He’s able, by His stripes I am heal. After all, He is the head doctor above all doctors. God knows my heart and He sees how I go through each day with a big heart and loads of smile on my face which brings joy to others because of my circumstances. I will stop here for now as I am in loads of back pain even now laying on my floor trying to find comfort to rest.

    Thanks to this amazing site and to all you wonderful child of God for your heartfelt prayers and encouragement through prayers. May God continue to shine His light upon you all.

    Be blessed.

    1. I don’t know how you feel about taking medications, but I had the same pain (and others). After 7 years of trying different ones, I was prescribed a medication named Ultram. It changed my life. Maybe you can ask your doctor about it. Be sure and tell him/her that someone referred it to you in a group site while you were asking for prayer about the back pain. If you just ask for it without explaining, they may label you as a “drug seeker”. Praying for you.

    1. Gm praise god thank u for another beautiful day…God I’m confused at this point opportunity came my way I need ur answer and decision what to do…I have a job that I’m at for 18 yrs working at the hospital food and nutrition. This opportunity I always wanted to help others mental field ..I just dont know what to do with my options….I know Father God u will lead me the way like you have been doing in Jesus name… Amen….I love you Father God I know u will lead me the way i need faith no fear please I know u are able …Father God protect my family as well and my son Daiquan he is going through some legal situation prayer up for his children as well..prayers for my son Dwayne as well in his journey at school and success and my strength and courage….

  7. Amen in Jesus name. I am asking for prayers for opening doors in my life. I recently got baptize but I am in a relationship I need to get out of. Thank you for adding me . I really find peace and joy on this site

    1. Windilla Cross ,
      I will say this it’s a good start to know when you need to get out of a relationship with a person that is not right to be in : You need to have the soul ties broken off .

      I come against the soul ties of this relationship in Windilla’s life and I break the the soul ties and it’s power off of her life now , in Jesus name .

      This will help you to get over the person and to be able to break things off easier.

  8. I thank you to my dear Heavenly Father,for Your word and will,ever be our guide in my daily life.If I have a problem,I always put my trust in God,and wait patienly for His answer.
    My dear Lord God,I know You are always be with me.If my Lord Jesus be with me,all of my problem will go away.
    Because my Lord Jesus is the Fullness of
    our joy.There is no other name under the sun
    in which you will find the Fullness of joy.
    Jesus is our joy.Believe in Christ, it’s Your time.Jesus is the Fullness of our joy.
    Thank you Lord for this awesome prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen