Prayers To Let Go And Let God

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Prayer: Let Go And Let God

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for giving me the opportunity every day to learn a little more of how to let go and let God. I trust in You, my Creator, to look over all things on my behalf. Thank You that I can call upon You wherever I am and whenever I am in need.

You are amazing! Thank You that I live in a place where I am free to worship. I can call upon You even when I do not know what to say, or do. You, Oh Lord, are dependable and always there. Amen!

1 Peter 5:7 – Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Prayer To Surrender All

Father in Heaven, I give you all the praise and glory that is due to Your name. You are great and I thank You for the many blessings and marvelous works You have done. Great and Mighty are You My Lord.

I cast all my burden unto You, Father, because You care for me. You grant me the desires of my heart. As I surrender my all to You, help me to always remember that I can let go and let God. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Let Go And Release My Worries

Dear God, daily I am confronted with a myriad of worries that threaten to steal my peace. Concerns about the future, my family’s well-being, finances, and health loom large. These worries, if allowed, can shadow every good thing You’ve given me. I want to release them, Lord, to lay them at Your feet and not pick them up again.

Guide me in this act of surrender. Whenever I am tempted to dwell on these concerns, remind me of Your faithfulness. Let me remember that every single detail of my life is in Your hands and that nothing takes You by surprise. With each worry that I release, fill that void with Your perfect peace, reminding me that You are in control.

Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer- And Declaration!

Thank You for Your guidance and grace, which is always steadfast and true. I surrender all to you. I declare that I am a Redeemed Child of the Most High God and in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray, So Be It., Amen and Amen!

Luke 1:37 – For nothing is impossible with God.

2 Corinthians 4:18 -So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

# Prayer: All Things Work Together For Good

Help me, Oh Loving Father, to remember that, as a child of God, everything in my life happens for a reason and You alone knows why. For You make all things work together for my good.

Every detail, every event, whether big or small, is all part of Your plan to shape and mold me into the person I am meant to be. Knowing this now, I declare that every situation that makes my heart heavy, be released… In Jesus’ most precious name, AMEN!!

Letting Go And Surrendering My Plans

Father, I confess that often I’ve tried to direct my own path, making plans and setting goals without seeking Your guidance first. While planning is prudent, I realize the importance of submitting my plans to You, ensuring they align with Your will and purposes for my life.

Teach me to seek You in every decision, to prioritize Your kingdom over my ambitions. As I lay down my plans at Your feet, guide my steps and reshape my desires to mirror Your own. When doors close, help me to see Your protective hand. When they open, embolden me to walk through with confidence, knowing You lead the way.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Trusting in His Timing

Oh Lord, patience doesn’t come easily to me. In this fast-paced world, waiting feels like wasting. But I understand that Your timing is perfect, and what may seem like delay or denial from my perspective is part of Your grand design. Help me to trust not only in Your plans but in Your timing for them.

In moments of impatience, when I am tempted to rush ahead or force things to happen, remind me of the many instances in the Bible where Your timing was key. Grant me the peace to rest in Your promises, knowing that while I await, You are working things together for my good and Your glory.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

# Prayer To Fully Release All And Forgive

Oh Jesus, be the center, let everything else fall away. I will not allow doubt/fear to overwhelm me: I release it! I will not allow my bitter past to consume me: I curse it out!

Those who have wronged me, I now forgive and set aside our differences, as I allow the example of Christ to be my guide. I forgive every situation and every person I once held in my mind. And, as I release it into Your hands, I am set free. Amen!

Read also: PRAYER: LETTING GO and Prayer: Let Go of Unforgiveness

Prayers To Let Go And Let God

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    I still looking for prays to help in this fight with cancer and also looking in to studying the the good book BIBLE. as you know I have no voice and its hard to read for any time
    due to the pain with in my head so I an thinking going on Amazon looking in to one that set up for kids to study I dont know for sure But I do know I talk to Our God a lot not just to heal me but what I would like to do after h does so give up no way were all on there time line I do not know if you can make any of this out as I cant tell you how much sleep I get but I asked God to Pleases let me each night
    so this way I can stay awake in the day some times I make it other times I nap and sleep
    cancer this cancer is something I wish God would keep from all
    any why I for give all in my past days and hold not a bad feeling on any one and I forgive them all of anty and all I did to them or they to me
    I pray for him wish m with his blood and I ask to him to do hands on
    send his word to me and head by. the blood from his back

    jc is the son of God and God is his father an he did walk out of his tome iafter 3 days so yes there real so I have faith and love for them and will I give up on them no no no way at all as were on his time time so you see I do words that I know when I pray that are from my heart and I say prays that are on the net to only with my inner voice
    so there no way ill give up or in as prays are the power we need and thats way I ask all I can ask to add me to there’s so any way ill let you go do have the best day you can have and may Our God be with you all there
    thank you Don J Ivers

  2. Good morning Loving Father I am grateful for your love and goodness,kindness,joy,blessings,loving GOD ,I pray you bless,strengthen ,provide me ,fill my heart to the brim,please bless my studies ,may I understand fully concetrate and read ,do and pass my business law paper.i pray for financial success,good health ,good will .I trust in my Lord for he provides.i will never lack in my Lord .Amen.Thank you my Lord .I pray you keep my mother sober and blessed ,strengthened ,encouraged,blessed,strengthened,good health ,peace,guidance,understanding,winnings .Amen.i thank you my dear GOD .Amen.

  3. In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏 ————- I love how God uses his people to touch his people. This is just what I needed this morning. This has helped get my day started on a positive note and with the most awesome person ever 🫶 God. Thank you very much I appreciate this post it’s exactly what I needed and I come here daily to help strengthen my realishinship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

  4. I cast all of my cares upon You. I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. I thank You my precious God for always being there for me and providing all of my needs. In the mighty name of Jesus ~ Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️ ✝️

  5. Forgiveness set us free from bitterness and make we grow spiritually strong..Heavenly Father give us the strength to be able to forgive all those who have offended us. Father give a spirit of reconciliation and also one of understanding…to understand better our fellow people..Lord ..thank you very much for hearing our the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we’ve prayed..Amen. 🙏

  6. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for directing my path, thank you for helping to remove those that hold me back from you. According to your word good don’t associate with evil so I pray that you continue to work in my life. I Love you Lord. amen.

  7. Father God teach us not to worry about things that are beyond our control. Help us to recognise that as your children everything in our lives happens for a reason.
    You make all things work together for our good.
    Thank you Father God. Amen

  8. I feel very light and relieved after going through these prayers. I feel like I’ve been carrying burdens on my shoulders and they have now been lifted!
    Thank you for this spiritual upliftment

  9. Thank you father GOD for another day of life. I bless exalt your name I worship you praise you. You are a unique GOD. I love you. Pls protect me and my family today so we can fulfill all our work for your glory. Go before us father and set the road free from anything which isn’t sent by you. In JESUS majestic name I pray amen, so it is. Thank you father GOD for always listening to my prayers. I love you

  10. Help me, Oh Loving Father, to remember that, as a child of God, everything in my life happens for a reason and You alone knows why. For You make all things work together for my good.
    Amen and Amen

    God shall I remember and be content, that whatever comes in my life I will praise you and not cursing your name.
    Thank you because you give me the grace to stand strong
    Amen and Amen

    Be blessed for sharing this message.

  11. Thank you father god grant me and my family a peaceful night sleep . Protect us all under your arms in Jesus majestic name amen amen so be it . Thank you father for listening to my prayers . I love you

  12. Thank you Loving Lord. I truthfully needed this prayer. I now feel happy and over enjoyed. So many people have wronged me , so many have used me and I had all that on my heart.

    Almighty guide me show me the right way, show me the right path in life Father, open betters doors for me ,give me your favors Lord as am getting into my older life prosperity financial broke through, marriage and having at least 3children. Amen

  13. I needed this prayer to “Let Go and Let God”. I’ve been going through alot these past few weeks. But today, I was reminded to “Let Go and Let God”. I thank my Heavenly Father for reminded me of this through this website.

    1. Dear Father God, Thank you for waking me up this morning to see another day. Thank you Father God for loving me unconditionally. I really needed this prayer this morning. I have had a lot of people that did me wrong but I let go and let God. I cast burdens on you Lord. I am leading on your understanding Lord. Thank you Father God!!!

  14. Dear God,
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for giving me the opportunity each and everyday to learn a little more of how to let go and let God.
    Today,I surrender my all to You,Lord Jesus.
    Because I know that You care for me and You make all things work together for my good.
    I release it all every situation into Your hands.
    Now,I am set free. Amen.
    I declare that I am a Redeemed child of the Most High God.
    So today,my focus is on God.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  15. Father,I cast my burden unto you,Lord,because you care for me. You grant me the desires of my heart. I surrender everything to you,help me to always remember that I can let go and let God.
    Teach me God to not worry about the things that are beyond my control. Amen

  16. Oh most gracious and heavenly Father , I bless your name I enter into your gates with Thanksgiving, and your courts with praise.
    Father I thank for who you are, thank for your kindness, mercy, and grace. I surrendered my life to you , you said you would never leave me, thank you Lord for guidance and direction in my life sending your Holy Spirit to dwell in me, to help me daily, I would be lost without you Father I need you. It’s because of you I live, breath and have my being. I love you Lord!

  17. I have been having physical issues since 2014. My Dr only recently decided I may have MS. I had the MRI No Conclusive evidence again. I’m at the point that if I have MS, ok if that’s in Gods plan for me then I’m all in! I can use this to lead folks to him. I just can’t keep going on suffering without some treatment to help me deal with it. I want everything in my life that God wants for me. I just need an occasional break–a good day without pain, weakness, etc. please pray that God will show plainly what is wrong with me. Healthy or sick–I’m all in! Thank you Almighty Father for my many blessings. I can do so much work for you from my bed or up on my feet. Show me how to listen for your still, small voice when you speak. In Jesus name Amen

    1. Hallo Sally
      Please visit healing testimonies. God’s will for us is to be always well. Many people have received miraculous healings through this Ministry. You can even watch them on YouTube, Andrew Wommack Healing Testimonies.

  18. Praise Jesus CHRIST my personal savior….and to the most almighty above us all for eternity…GOD.

  19. Father God in the name of Jesus thank you for waking me up this morning thank you for getting me started on my way thank you for my family my life my health my strength today and I ask that you continue to guide me and to give me the mind to Worship You Lord Jesus in your mighty name I pray; Amen

  20. Heavenly father
    Today I surrender it all to you. Everything is in your charge. I surrender my fears and my destiny to you.
    Father I thank you for hearing my prayer about my husband…your hands are at work in my marraige and I kind feel love again….thank you for the gift of resurrection in my marraige god.
    I want you to heal other parts of me. The adulterous affair that I had really weakened me. I spent a lot of money on this guy who I now believe used me. Heavenly father by the way of your mighty hands, show me what I need to see. Show me the truth about Daniel. I need to know the truth.
    Walk your way into my life and heal my pain. In your name I trust and to you be the glory.
    I love you more.
    Have your way in me.

  21. Thank you for your amazing prayers it’s helps so much . May god always bless you and give strength to share his word with this troubling world . I’m so appreciative you are taking your time and knowledge to empower us … many blessings to you and your family thank you I’m learning each day I’m a new Christian.

  22. This prayer helped me because I was falling into despair. This prayer was on time, I will let go of the hurt and disappointment of the fact that the job I was doing was given to someone else and now I have no job. The best way to share my story is like the story of Joseph, when he was casted away before he ended up in the Palace. I trust God will find me my permanent work, that he will rise me up like he did Joseph. But I must let go, forgive and let God be God and trust in him wit all of my heart, something I am learning to do.

  23. Thank you for this article & the enclosed spiritual-gold nuggets (GOD’s Promises). It helps calm & de-stresses me especially when hubby is no longer around & kitty-kid is whining…. Thank you for your website & all the spiritual food crammed into it that speaks to every individual need & every child of GOD,