15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration

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Regardless of our best intentions, there will always be times when even the best marriage will experience problems and issues. Instead of running away or refusing to face these problems, we should instead run to God, who can make things right.

And since the institution of marriage is His product, it, therefore, makes perfect sense that the maker and designer of this great product be consulted when there’s a problem. God is the one who knows what is wrong with your marriage and how to fix it.

The power of prayer cannot be over-emphasized. Prayer can repair any relationship, no matter the level of damage. It can bring spouses together, no matter how sour their relationship has gotten.

Prayer can mend any damaged bridge, clear any confusion, straighten any heart, resolve any conflict, and heal any hurt. It can bring reconciliation to your marriage.

All you have to do is call upon God. Believe in his ability to answer your prayers, and remove any doubt from your heart (Mark 11:23).

It doesn’t matter if your own situation is that of a troubled relationship; a spouse who has left the matrimonial home; infidelity; confusion; breakdown in communication, or a marriage heading towards divorce.

God wants to and is able to heal your marriage. Nothing is impossible with God.

Marriage Restoration - Love is Patient

How to Use This Marriage Prayer Guideline

God has given man free will. He will not intervene in the affairs of man by forcing him to go against his own will. Neither can we control the behavior of another person.

What God does is to bring a change of heart and mind. And what we can do is pray to God and ask Him to touch the heart and mind of our spouse. God will go to places we cannot, and do things that we can only dream of.

Use these prayers as guidelines for how to pray for the resolution of all that ills your marriage. When making these prayers, back them up with the Word of God. Engage the power and potency of the Word against the power of the enemies (Hebrews 4:12).

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Personalize these prayers by replacing the parts of the prayers with your name and that of your spouse where applicable.

After praying these prayers, believe that God has answered and consolidated your victory by thanking God for the changes you hoped to see and the restoration of your marriage.

Below are the fifteen (15) prayers that will help you bring back your focus on God, who alone is able to permanently heal and restore your marriage.

Love - be kind and compassionate

1. Prayer For God’s Blessings On My Spouse And I

Heavenly and Merciful Father, I thank you for who you are and for the promises that you have made concerning me and my spouse.

Your Word is forever true. And your promise of blessings and multiplication that you have given me throughout the ages (Genesis 22:17; Hebrews 6:14) is forever mine, in Jesus’ name.

You have promised to bless me exceedingly and it is your heart’s desire to enlarge my coast. Every satanic covenant that is going against your continual and uninterrupted blessing in this marriage, I command the rain of fire to consume them, in Jesus’ name.

I pray against every spirit of lack and wretchedness. Oh Lord, let your peace, joy, happiness, and comfort saturate this marriage, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Proverbs 3:33-35 The LORD’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed. The wise inherit honor, but fools get only shame.

15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration

2. Prayer to Remove all negativity from the relationship caused by external people

Lord, I come to you with this petition because I know that you have made me one flesh with my spouse and you have said that no man should come between us (Matthew 19:6).

So I take authority over every outside influence that is polluting our marriage. Every foreign power that’s manipulating this marriage is dealt a heavy blow in Jesus’ name.

Oh Lord, reveal their evil agenda. Expose them and bring their plan to naught. I pray that their seed of discord, hatred, malice, and separation that has been sown is uprooted by fire, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Malachi 2:16 For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.

3. Prayer: No weapon formed against our marriage shall prosper

Heavenly Father, I give you all praise and adoration, because your word is ever true. I give you thanks because no weapon that is formed against this marriage will stand (Isaiah 54:17).

I declare that every arrow shot to destabilize this marriage is broken to pieces, in Jesus’ name.

With the spiritual authority given to me through Christ Jesus, I command the fire of God to consume every wedge that is meant to be put between me and my spouse, through bad and ungodly advice and false teachings.

Every evil hand of demonic manipulation is crushed, in Jesus’ name. I retrieve my marriage from the jaws of the evil one, in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Abba Father, because IT IS DONE, in Jesus’ name.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

4. Prayer For The Holy Spirit To Draw Us Closer To God And Each Other

Oh Lord, I believe you are working in my life and that of my spouse to reconcile us back to you and to each other.

Lord, stir my spouse’s thoughts with the same good and loving thoughts that existed when our love for each other was still very strong. Let my heart and that of my spouse burn in love for you and for each other.

Lord, rekindle our love for one another. Wherever my spouse needs understanding to be drawn to you, give him/her that understanding.

Lord, heal each one of our emotional wounds and cause our hearts to be drawn towards each other in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Corinthians 13:7-8 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

5. Prayer To Re-Build Trust And Honesty In My Marriage

Lord, it is your will that we are reconciled together and that our love for each other will grow and blossom, no matter what has happened between us in the past.

Lord, heal our marriage of all spiritual attacks and manipulations. Let this healing start with me.

Lord, have mercy on our relationship and rebuild the trust and honesty that has eluded this marriage. Remove and break all ungodly soul-ties.

Lord, I command seven-fold restoration of the trust and honesty that the evil one has stolen from us, in Jesus’ name.

Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

6. Prayer to remove bitterness, anger, and all manners of negative emotions from my marriage

Lord, deliver me and my spouse from the evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, anger, bitterness, and abuse that is poisoning our minds and relationship.

Fill up every space in our hearts with your peace, love, joy so that there’s no room for negative emotions.

Lord, teach us to treat one another with dignity, love, and respect. I asked for grace and emotional strength to avoid the use of anger and unforgiveness as a weapon to fight against my spouse.

I pray that we will no longer allow our emotions to be manipulated and used to drive a wedge between us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Romans 12:19 – Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.

7. Prayer For Strength To Work Through Our Differences

Lord, thank you for the good work that you have started in my marriage. I know that you will do mite to the end. I ask for the strength to stay courageous and strong in your promises as you work out things in our marriage.

Replace every negative feeling with love and help us to work through our differences. Every man or woman determined to scatter thus marriage will not succeed. Their evil plans will scatter in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to be tempted to try other alternatives. I will not be discouraged even if it seems that nothing is happening at the moment. Your word is greater and surer than any other power. So I choose to trust in you. Amen.

8. Prayer For Strength For Forgiveness Between Couples

Heavenly Father, I pray for forgiveness between me and my spouse. Lord, we have hurt each other in so many ways, but we have hurt each other mostly by refusing to forgive each other.

Lord, I’ve tried my own way but realize I can’t do it on my own. My God, help us forgive ourselves and heal our hurts.

May we totally and completely reconcile ourselves to you and your word. Give us a testimony that we may be able to help other couples struggling with these issues as well. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name I pray, Amen.

9. Restore Love In My Marriage

Please God, bring restoration to my marriage. The vows we gave each other, let us yearn for them, and each other, once more.

Let him realize that no one else is there for him as I am. May he leave all and everyone behind and understand that they are so toxic for our relationship, in every way.

Bring him back to a full love for your word and may what you have joined together be fully restored. May he cleave to me, this very moment, in God’s Mighty name I humbly pray. Amen.

1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God, and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

10. A Wife’s Prayer For Her Marriage

Heavenly Father, the stresses of life often make my marriage feel burdensome. In the past, I’ve lost my inner peace and struggled with issues of trust.

I hate the person I have since become. Help me, Abba Father, to love myself again. I love and adore my husband and I yearn to be the wife You created me to be, one who my husband would truly love, admire and cherish.

I pray Father that our emotional and physical connection will be to each other only. When I fall short on areas of intimacy, connect me to my husband in that special way and bind us together, in love, with cords that cannot be broken. In Jesus’ name, Amen! – Beverley

Peter 3:1-2 – Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.

11. Prayer For Husbands

Almighty God, in the name of Jesus, I command every mountain that has come against our marriage be torn down! Holy Spirit, speak to us and help us to recognize Your voice.

Continue to bless us with the marriage relationship You intended for us to have. May my husband seek after you in all things and be the spiritual leader of our household.

Remove anything he may be struggling with. May he be guided by the Holy Spirit and seek your counsel every day. I declare that our marriage is preserved to eternity. In Jesus’ name, SO BE IT…AMEN! – Beverley

Ecclesiastes 4:12 – A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ephesians 4:2-3 – with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

12. Spiritual Warfare Prayer For Marriage Restoration

Heavenly Father, I pray to our God Almighty creator of the whole universe, to whom my marriage restoration is not a big problem at all. Oh Lord, when David faced Goliath, he was tiny. But, behind him stood a great, big God.

My lord, I know that this big God, the God of David, the God of Jacob, the God of Isaac and Abraham is with me and my family. And I know You have heard my humble prayer.

I will stand firm, like David, and praise God for His grace! Heavenly Father, open the spiritual eyes of my spouse that they may see where they belong, and where’s the true joy, peace, and love they are seeking after.

Oh God, fill their heart with truth and discernment, and courage to make things right. Heavenly Father, when we break the beautiful plate of marriage, no matter how good the adhesive we use, we will see the scars.

But when we bring our broken marriage to you, when you restore, when you repair the broken dish, there are no more scars. You make it whole again, better than ever before, stronger than ever before! That’s how you work.

I pray that Your will be done in our home. I thank you and praise your mighty, glorious name. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

13. Prayer For Marriage Under Attack

Oh Heavenly Father, my marriage is under spiritual attack from the enemy. There are those who are jealous of the relationship we have.

Please, Lord, I pray for the restoration of my marriage. Bring us back together. Remove the wedge placed between us.

Lord, remove all persons who come between our union and try to destroy God’s perfect plan for our life, family, and marriage. I pray for the strength, courage, guidance, and wisdom that only You, God, can provide.

Oh Lord, I pray for an open heart and mind to receive God’s Divine Word and understanding. May my spouse and I draw ever closer to You first, and to each other, second. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

14. Prayer To Stop Divorce And Restore Marriage

Oh Lord, My God, my heart has been ripped into thousands of pieces. The love of my life is seeking to file for divorce. The pain I feel is beyond any I could have imagined.

But You, oh Lord, is my healer. You can restore what the enemy is trying to destroy. You strengthen me at my weakest moments.

It is your will that marriages be sanctified. I pray that you soften the heart of my spouse. Restore the true love of our early relationship. The devil is trying to destroy homes and families, but nothing can separate us from the love of God.

I pray that no weapon formed against me and my family will prosper. Every tongue of lies and deceit that rises up against my family will be cut down, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

15. Prayer To Bless My Marriage With Pregnancy

Heavenly Father, You are the God of my fertility. Lord, we have struggled to become pregnant but now I lay it all at your feet. Hear my humble prayer, Oh Lord.

Bless my marriage with the fruit of the womb. Remove this barrenness from me. I beg that You plant a seed into my womb Lord. Not just any seed, but a holy and healthy seed of God.

Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same for me today. I have the faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!

7 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration


  1. Recline my marriage please pray for me and my and my husband and family

  2. Thank you for this pretty work. May God bless you with more wisdom to bless our hearts and marriage.

  3. Please pray for me and my husband as of right now me and my spouse is separated and their is no communication..We have hurt each other and I want reconciliation and restoration and I know My father i the only one who can repair and restore what has happened I love God ,my husband and I hope everyone can join me in prayer for a total change of our love ..This is so hard and exhausting But I know to Be still and Know that my God has promised tat no weapon formed against me will prosper …

    1. As we are co-labors with God He will see both of you of this present course in the name of Jesus.

    2. Please can you pray for my family and marriage. I recently found out that my husband has been having an affair and then soon afterwards, he asked me for a divorce. My heart is shattered by his betrayal. We have both hurt each other in the past but I do love him and I would like restoration of our marriage. God has blessed me and I have been able to forgive him, but the pain of the betrayal is unbearable. Your prayers would be truly appreciated. 🙏

  4. Please pray for restoration upon my marriage, as my husband claims he is out of our marriage that he only see us as partners to raise our lil boy. Sunday will be our 3rd year anniversary

    1. Thank you for the unusual prayers I need them every day and I ask you to pray for me and my wife Tiffany Richard and Tiffany Relationship with God And each other

  5. Thank you for these prayers. I will be and am using them as guidelines everyday. Please pray for restoration in my marriage. My husband claimed he wants divorce. He has since neglected me emotionally, physically and financially without any contact, as well gaslighting and stone walling. The last time I saw him his eyes were bloodshot and he was unrecognizable. We made eye contact for one second before he hurried away to leave. Spiritual attacks are real. I am waiting patiently on the Lord and trusting Him. Please pray for me and over my husband. I seek reconciliation.

  6. My husband of 20yrs isn’t being honest with me I think he has someone I pray that he funds hus way back to me.

  7. Please pray for my family and my marriage is broken help me to restore it back together please pray for us

  8. To all my fellow prayer warriors. I am going through an extremely major storm. My wife of 23 years tomorrow has indicated she wants a divorce. She is still at home but has talked with an attorney. We have a very challenging 15 year old daughter that has put a tremendous strain on our marriage as we have both focused on her rather than nurturing our marriage. I don’t want to divorce. There’s nothing that God can’t heal and restore and I’ve got to believe that. My wife is a good Christian but I believe her brokenness and bitterness has convinced her there’s a better way and that is divorce. I’m trying to give her space and some days are very difficult. Please my fellow brothers and sisters. Prayer that our marriage be restored and stop this talk of divorce. Rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus. Stay blessed to all. Amen

  9. Father GOD I pray for the restoration of marriages in Jesus Name Amen. We are trusting you. Remove the wedge standing in the way Father GOD. We come to you Father YOU HATE DIVORCE. Your word never return void. My husband is back with the woman he started having an affair with. My trust is in YOU Father. Praying for his deliverance and salvation. Touch His heart Father GOD. Remove the pride hate . We trust you Lord .

  10. Father I ask that you remove the hate in Joe’s heart. Let him contact me so we can restore our marriage. In Jesus name amen

  11. me and wife have been married for 10 years the only problem we have is my wife dont trust me she is insecure when half naked woman appear on social media pages she tend to say i surged for naked woman yesterday we checked something on facebook from her phone she got angry frustrated cos a woman laying naked on her bed came up and she immediatly blamed me its because i surge these things i was so shocked i dont know where it came from please pray for me i love my wife my marrige my family let GOD Reveal the truth in jesus name i can never take the blame for something i did not do.

  12. Lord I lift my marriage up to you today 🙏🏼 I’m scared my husband is giving up on us. We are separated but living in the same house until we sell it. I just pray it won’t be sold anytime soon & we can take this time to rebuild our marriage & love. Lord hear my prayers 🙏🏼❤️

  13. Lord I know when you said when one or more come together your will shall be done. Myself and wife had been together for 16yrs to date. And last year she started back dealing with the same guy she had an affair with her first time. Now our marriage is on the break. She wants divorce, I don’t but what hurts me more is that she tried moving on with him. But also says she don’t won’t to be married but talking to him. It’s been a year next month we have been separated she moved out our home and still talking with other men as so call friends. We have 3 kids together and yes our marriage hasn’t been the best as I don’t think too many has but it’s all about how you fight for it to last. I need help praying for her repentance, deliverance and mental help for her. It’s been hard I’m at my wits end and ready to give up. But my good friend keeps me encouraging to stay strong. God will restore and reconcile our marriage better than ever. I know my wife is prideful she made up her mind and sticking with it. But god is in control so God change her mind and soften her heart.

  14. Am going through the same thing after 26 years of marriage Satan has ripe our marriage apart his working on my husband right now make him hate me , but I believe that God has more power to save this marriage

  15. Please pray for my marriage. My husband left five months ago. I have been praying and fasting. We had a beautiful marriage and I still don’t know how the enemy got in. Please pray that God will touch his mind and he will come back home.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    1. My husband and I separated a little over 5 months ago. It came out of no where and has broken me. I pray everyday for him to reconcile. We have been together for 14 years and there isn’t anything we can’t work through. I need more prayers for us.

  16. My marriage will bless the lord
    Holy spirit bring me And my husband closer than ever before.
    May there be a rekindle of the first love, kisses, smiles, respect, hugs, pecks, text messages, affection
    That I will miss him while he is near or away and he will feel the same.
    That all he will think of how to make me happy each day and I Will do the same.
    Thank you Jesus because it is done..
    Thank you Abba father.
    It Jesus’s name I have prayed and believed.
    Amen and Amen.

  17. Please pray for me and my husband. We have been under attack by Satan and are now separated. Lord, I implore you to bring my husband back to me. Open his eyes today, in the name of Jesus. Open his eyes and heart to me. I know it’s your will since we were married in your name, Lord. I beg you, Jesus, please bring him back to me safely, and let him remember his love for me. God, please, in Jesus’ name, bring him back to his wife. Amen.

    1. May the Lord restore your home. May he change the mind and heart of your husband and fill your home with peace, love and happiness. Bless the Lord for your reunion in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  18. Lord, please look down on my broken marriage and restore it. My wife has fallen out of love with me and is teetering on divorce. Please soften her heart and let her remember the love she once had for me. Please send angels to look after her and to guide her heart back to mine so that we may be one again. I ask this in your sons name Jesus Christ.

  19. Please help pray for my marriage of 33 years, and 3 years separated in the edge of divorce in my husband side. I am praying for God to give him a new heart and a new spirit for his emotional healing, so the Lord Jesus Christ will restored our marriage covent back better than before, only in Jesus Christ time. I know that by faith in heaven He has our marriage in and family perfectly aligned as it supposed to be in the earth.

  20. Am asking and believing God to bring back my husband home he went without my knowledge and he keeps telling me that he is coming back and he has not come back yet, its now two weeks going to three weeks. Pray with me that he comes back home we reason together in Jesus’s name Amen.

  21. My husband left the house 2 weeks ago and he has not come back. I pray that God should touch him wherever he is to come back home in Jesus’s name Amen 🙏

  22. Prayer for money in abundance , financial break throughs and My relationship restoration

  23. Lord please help me to restore my broken marriage, my husband has left our matrimonal home, and hardly even calls me, our marriage was attack by the enemy, out forces entered our marriage and destroyed our happiness, and has left me broken and very depressed my desire is Just to be with my husband again to start over fresh, i love him dearly and i Just want a chance to be a proper wife, please help return home soon please

    1. My husband went and get his own apartment in Arima, and has left our matrimonal home, lord please i beg and plead to take him out of that apartment and bring him back to his matrimonal home

  24. Dear prayer family,
    Please pray for my husband to return home to me. He had secret contacts with women at his work place and also secretly contacting his sister to make fun about me trying my best to go back to church. I found the messages and was devastated and sent him away. But now, he won’t fight for our marriage even if he was wrong. He had gone to another province and has switched off his phone altogether and doesn’t want to return to us. Please pray for him to come back to me and his three kids. We’ve been together for 11 years, this year should have been 12. Please I need your prayers. Thank you.

  25. I found out that my wife had an affair last year and I believe that she was unfaithful again a few months ago. She has admitted to the first affair but completely refuses to tell me the truth of what happened a few months ago. Everything was hidden and erased but she wants me to believe that nothing happened. I’m asking for prayer for the Lord to deal with her heart and to bring restoration to us and for healing of her mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She was saved a long time ago but has not lived her life in that way. I ask you guys to pray for us that the Lord will completely restore her to him and draw her heart to him so that she would desire to live according to his word.

    Thank you

    1. Tim I am praying for the reconciliation of your marriage. That your wife comes to full repentance and her desire is for you alone. I pray to bind up any strife and discord and any plans of the enemy to cause separation of you two is consumed by the zeal and fire of Jesus Christ. I pray love forgiveness understanding joy and peace are your portion ! In the matchless name of our savior Jesus Christ

  26. Incredible stories, this shows that life is not easy and we need God first in this world to conquer. My husband sleeps outside almost every weekend he cheats on me with different women who stays around our community. No respect for me and the kids as he does it around where we stay with people i know some i go to church with them its very sad. my prayer is for him to change his ways i love him i want God to rescue my marriage from this calamity, 25 yrs of marriage oh Lord please heal my marriage i want peace, love, respect and trust. Assist me to pray on this battle.

  27. Please remember me in prayer. To heal my marriage and bring our hearts back together again. To love each other unconditionally , once more. To fall back in love with each other and to strengthen the bond we once had. To take away “ALL” the negativity we may have with each other and the disrespecting, dishonesty, doubt, etc. For us to be whole again and not fall. For him to stop considering divorce. To forgive each other completely, without hostility. To help my spouse “BARTLEY”, accept his daughters death and to stop feeling resentful, empty, angry, insecure. Along with any other stage of grief he has. To stop Satan from winning and beat him at his own game. That his spirit be lifted and his heart to heal. That the thoughts of suicide, be taken away. Please pray for our marriage…. and to put his heart back into our marriage. And to take away the evilness, that Satan may be putting in his heart and mind. Whatever it may be. To put “LOVE” back in his heart, and stronger love. With the bond we once had. To destroy any unfaithfulness in him and replace it with trust. To put the past behind us completely & anything to do with it. “REBECCA and BARTLEY”.

    1. Rebecca and Bartley I pray that any holes you all have in your heart from your daughters passing is filled to the brim with Gods absolute love adoration and concern for you. May He embrace in you comfort. May you be given His peace that surpasses all understanding. I am praying God intervenes on your behalf and that your prayers are answered speedily. I am praying your husband will return to you as the prodigal son returned to his father. I am praying bartleys affection and desire will be for you and you alone. Praying everyday you become closer and grow in trust faith lovingkindness. May God bless you and you experience the overflow of abundance He has for you until
      The end of days. Amen in Christ name I command this prayer

  28. Please remember me in prayers my marriage of 7 years is about to break. And for my husband to stop cheating on me

  29. Please pray for my marriage not to be broken and also for my kids not to grow up in a separated home. I Want God to come in and solve my marriage problem and also to fill me with the spirit of love and spirit to always put God first in my home and my family second. I love my wife and I’m willing to let go my ego and bring back happiness. Amen

  30. I am being left after almost 20 years of ups and downs, great times and amazing times. I love you but Im not in live with you. Lowest point in my life. I did do wrong and was forgiven and now it is being thrown in my face many years later. I am not alone as I was also hurt. Maybe not to the same extent. But just to overnight leave me and the family after a bad argument is so hurtful. I am almost at a point of not wanting to live with this pain anymore. It is far more then anything ever felt before.Please brothers and sisters pray the we can heal in God’s name… I am so broken and desperate!!

    1. T I am praying Gods sovereignty over your life. May you not be riddled with guilt or hurt or confusion but all feelings of doubt about your marriage may be replaced with absolute confidence in the matter. I am calling down on Gods heavenly angelic assistance to heal you in broken place and water you in dried places. God is still the commander in chief over your life ! I am casting down and sending back to hell every suicidal thought every negative emotion any seed the enemy has planted against your life ! I am casting down any imagination that is trying to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and who you know Him to be ! He is faithful ! Above all ! He is a sure foundation !! May you cleave to HIM ! May you come to experience His promise ! He said for I know the plans I have for you ! Plans to prosper you and not to harm ! Plans to give you a hope and a future ! He said I came to give you life more abundantly ! Receive the abundance of Christ ! In Jesus name amen it is done

  31. Please pray for me my husband said he cant Love me like a husband should love his wife and has filed divorce after 22 years of marriage. The hurt and the pain I’m feeling is overwhelming, let god reconcile this marriage and stop the divorce!! In Jesus name Amen

  32. Please stand in agreement & pray for my marriage for marriage restoration please. Pray that my husband Rico’s heart to be turned to the Lord. For Rico’s heart to be softened toward his wife Kristan. For Rico to be a faithful God fearing husband. For our marriage (Rico & Kristan) for love, trust, & honesty to be put back. For Rico to love Kristan unconditionally. For the OW to be cast away fast and forever. For ungodly soul ties to be broken forever. For Kristan to be a good wife/mother. For god to give Kristan Devine Wisdom. For God to give Rico a new heart and spirit to fight for this marriage. For Rico to be unconfused. For Rico to communicate with his wife Kristan. For forgiveness & intimacy to be put back in the marriage. Thank you

  33. Please pray for me my wife said she wasn’t happy anymore and want a divorce she want even respond to any of my messages or calls and the hurt the pain I’m feeling is overwhelming let god reconcile this marriage

    1. Tremaine,
      Surrender your marriage to the Lord. Continue to lay your cares at his feet. Pray that God softens your wife’s heart as well as yours. I pray with you in agreement for healing of your marriage. I pray that He lights both your paths back to each other. To line up resources and community to assist you with healing your marriage. Be Still and Know that He is God. Listen for guidance from the God through the Holy Spirit for the steps that He wants to to take for your healing as well as your wife’s healing. God makes beauty from our ashes. God will show up and show out. Delcare out your mouth the healing of your marriage. Go before God Boldly to heal your marriage. I plead the Blood of Jesus over you and your family.

  34. Lord,
    I submit my marriage with my wife & family to you. I pray for the Holy Spirit to be within in my wife’s heart, mind, body, & soul. May you bless her & fill her in all areas of your words only & the truth of your words on marriage, family, love, & forgiveness. May your Holy Spirit reign strong within her that your words are the only truth. May she forgive me for my wrongs/sins against her, may she seek forgiveness of her wrongs/sins to you, & put our past behind us to step into the new light of your glory in front of us. May you cast out all Satan’s attacks of spiritual warfare, the lies & deceit placed with us. All mental curses of her traumas, guilt, fear, & anxiety. All generations curses cast against us. All thoughts, feelings, & emotions influenced that may misguide her from all this of self righteousness or cast against us & our marriage. Give her peace, mercy, grace, forgiveness, & love within her heart & mind. Free her of all other things in her mind & heart to just hear your voice & your Holy Spirit with your own words. May the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from this & release us from our past. Cast out all wrongs, obstacles of this world, sins, people who misguide or tempt us into sin. Free us from Satan with your angels. May our hearts, minds,,& should be convicted & instilled with only you God, our marriage as husband & wife, our love, our family, & forgiveness. May our love be strengthened with our hearts. Give her the strength to want our marriage, fight for our marriage, & commit to our marriage. Put upon her heart & mind the importance of our marriage for our children lives as husband/wife & father/mother. That we lead & teach them during time of separation &?reconciling, trusting in God, his words, & their futures in life. I pray that you reconcile & restore us & our marriage with our family in unity & stronger than before. You are all powerful & only by you can we be save .I lift up my prayer, my marriage, & my family united under our home to glorify you in your name, Jesus Christ. Amen

  35. I pray the Lord will make me a better wife I love my husband with everything but I struggle with his mental illness bipolar. Im praying for him to get healed but in the mean time if we can just both remain completely stable togather and prosper and God teach me how to be a good wife to him. Also pray he finishes his degree and he gives his life entirely to God permenently and we get to have children. And the enemy will stop attacking us.

  36. Bring back restoration for my daughter’s marriage now.God visit their home now and heal them.My daughter is going through alot she dont deserve this.Pray that the angels may touch them,bring back the love and the peace right now.Let the husband realize his mistakes and make ammendment.Soften their hearts do they can forgive each other.Oh the children.Lord intervene now

  37. Please pray for my marriage and my family, that the divorce process is stopped and my husband comes home. Pray to remind him the love we share and beautiful family & life we have together and our marriage is saved & reconciled! I Jesus name I pray

  38. I’m seeking prayer for restoration of my marriage to Celeste Box, my name is James, and I love my wife but my marriage has been under attack and now my wife wants a divorce I believe that God can turn it around and save my marriage I just ask that you guys pray with me in Jesus Christ mighty name to save my marriage!!!

    1. I will pray with you for the restoration and healing of your marriage. Please do the same for me.

  39. Please pray for me and my children. My husband walked out on us and filed for divorce. He doesn’t think this marriage can be saved. Please pray for forgiveness for any wrong doings in this marriage. Pray to soften his heart, to find the love for me he once had and to bring us back together.

  40. Please pray for me my husband doesn’t love me anymore please pray that we can reconcile our relationship and that God can heal his heart to love God first and Me second
    Thank you for your prayers

  41. Please pray for me and my husband to work out our differences and to find our true love for each other make it stronger then ever make our relationship stronger and better then ever I love my husband so much and I know he loves me we just need help getting back to us and for him to not be tempted to cheat or talk to other females behind my back to stop all the secrets and lies. To help me to forgive him and for us to show the love and respect and affection we both badly want and deserve..

  42. These prayers are such a blessing and really helped open my heart in communicating with Our Heavenly Father to bring my happily ever after home!! GOD IS BIG! AMEN! BLESS U ALL!! KEEP PRAYING!

  43. Please pray for me and my husband. He wants nothing to do with me. It is like he has become a different person overnight. He wanted our dissolution papers filled out immediately and says our marriage is over even if papers aren’t official because a marriage is about the bows we say and he’s done with those vows. I still pray that God will open his heart and mind to what the devil is doing to our marriage. Please pray with me that God will open his eyes before it’s too late.

    1. I will pray for your marriage under attack by the enemy. I am in the same situation! Please pray for us.

  44. In mid September 2021 I received a text that was not meant for me a very innocent text but when I asked about it my husband reaction made it not so innocent so I questioned him about it again and all he could say was I didn’t send a text to anyone and because of that he decided he wasn’t coming and hasn’t been home since. He also told me he wanted a divorce cause he wasn’t in love with me anymore just like our first separation a yr and a half ago. And finally did admit to me about the text message Nad how it was to someone he has been talking to since our first separation and has been off and on over the last yr and a half he has been home. Here I thought we have been very happy this whole time but he has told my best friend he hasn’t been happy for a while shocked me and her with that but it has been a little over 2 months and at first we had no contact and slowly he has texted me off and on. He has told me once he loves me but all he says is he needs to fix himself before he can even think of coming home. I don’t know if this is because of the female he has been in contact or if there is something else. And he won’t open up and talk to me about any of it that breaks my heart
    I Love my husband with all my heart and it breaks my heart every day we are not together. And I have decided to put this in God’s hands and I recite these 14 prayers everyday hoping my prayers are answered. Please I need all the prayers I can for a restoration for my marriage.

  45. Dear Lord, I come to you in desperation. My husband wants a divorce and is not in love with me anymore. He has so much hatred and anger in his head and in his heart.
    Please, help soften his heart and mind and remove all negativity and evil from him and fill him with positivity, hope, and God. Help us to reconcile our marriage and our love so we can be reunited as one the way God intended.
    Help us with forgiveness, trust, understanding, respect, love, happiness, and communication and make us whole and stronger like never before. Fill up every space in our hearts with your peace, love, joy so that there’s no room for negative emotions.
    Help me to love unconditionally like in the scriptures and become the wife he deserves and needs. I pray Father that our emotional and physical connection will be reconciled in our marriage and it will only be for each other.
    Open his heart and eyes to see that with the Lord’s help we can withstand what the devil is trying to destroy. Bring him back to a full love for your word and may what you have joined together be fully restored. I pray that our marriage is preserved to eternity. In Jesus’ name, AMEN

  46. Please Please fix my marriage Me and my husband stay into for some reason Allison we start arguing with each other we can’t be in the same room normal say a prayer for me for my son and mom

  47. Thank you so much for the prayers I feel touched by the Lord, they have really changed me spiritually.

    Please pray for my spouse who is very upset with me because of few misunderstandings not that I cheated but he says I’m selfish, disrespectful and other things and now he wants us to end our marriage that it’s too much maybe I’m not the one.

  48. Please pray for our marriage. My wife is very hurt – no adultery, addictions abuse or abondonment – but she does not trust I will treat her better. I need her true forgiveness. I hope she will also repent of her sins against me. She wants me to leave. We need a miracle to change her heart.

  49. Please pray for my wife’s heart. 2 months ago today, She said she didn’t love me anymore. Then I was thrown in jail when she called the cops. I will always honor our covenant before God. She does not seem to care. Our 3 children have a magnificent destiny in the Lord that is being threatened by divorce. When my pastor told her by phone that what she was doing is unbiblical, she changed churches. I am kicked out of the house and have not seen my kids (6,4,2) in 2 months. Her dad moved in with us last year and it seems she uncleaved from me and rejoined to him, with our kids. This is backwards.
    God told me our marriage will be better than before. 12yrs in November.
    Many hurdles we’ve overcome, 2021 cannot be the end, but its the 1st time dissolution was filed with the court. I’ve not been apart from her this long in over 13 years!
    I pray that the Lord draw her heart to Him. I am growing closer to God, and if she is doing the same, reconciliation is guaranteed.
    Thank You for your prayer,
    blessings to you

  50. Please pray for my son Chase, his wife Kara, and my precious 2-year old grandson, Hudson. They are separated at this time. She left and is filing for divorce. A day before, she told my son she loved him. I know that this is from the enemy. I know she is confused and being influenced. I’ve kept my grandson for the past two years. Kara has put him in a daycare and it has totally broken my heart. I have Covid on top of all of this and haven’t eaten anything in over a week. I am experiencing Great Depression and cannot accept that they are getting a divorce. Please pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, that Kara and Hudson will come back home and Chase and Kara’s marriage will be restored completely. Please cover them with many prayers. Thank you and God Bless you.

  51. Please pray for my husband to repent and come home to me and our daughter. Pray for his healing, his deliverance, his faithfulness, his sound mind and body, his spirit to be strong in the Lord again, his passion to return to me and adoration of his daughter. Pray protection on finances. Pray healing for me so I am not a burden. Pray protection for my daughters heart from anger and rejection. I am fighting constant evil attacks like never before. Pray all people coming between us would stop it or go away. Pray we get Godly counseling and complete forgiveness and deliverance. God has a plan for our marriage and family!

  52. Wife left me with 4 kids and has been cheating on and off for 9 years. She lately had a sexual affair for the long week and it’s hurting me so much. My kids are very hurt and angry as this is there mothers pattern. Shr refuses to return, talk or show concern ovr our marriage. We are now separated. I beg for the community for prayer support thst her eyes open to the lord and returns healthy to our marriage with God as the focus. Please take the time to pray for Sasha my wife- a wonderful person with deep wounds from childhood. She is emotionally numb and holds no empathy or kindness. Court is current and its very ugly and full of selfish intentions and lies. Please pray for the safety of my kids as I hsve a protection order against her sexual partner. My kids have been victims of her past sexual partner. Please pray for God in our life to intercede as were desperate for God. Please take the time.

  53. Please pray for my family. My husband is seeking a divorce. We have three young kids. My name
    Is Ellery. His name is Stephen. It would be a miracle!

  54. On May 28th, I posted a prayer asking for your prayers for my husband and I. We got married November 14, 2020 and the enemy has been trying to destroy our marriage since the. Just this past Saturday, we had another big disagreement, and he I asked him to leave, it has been 4 days since we last spoke and he sent me an email this morning asking to get his things out of the house and me not to be present, he does not want to communicate by phone but only email for his records. I solicit your prayers at this time and ask for full restoration and my husband come back home. I also ask that God opens his eyes to see things through His word and not his flesh or my flesh. Thank you and God Bless you!

  55. I hate divorce but I don’t know what to do regarding my marriage. I have prayed, trusted, believed and expected God to move on what I have asked. It seems to be getting worse. I could really use sound counsel, prayers and a friend.

  56. Please stand with me to pray for my marriage. We got married in Feb-2012 and the enemy attacked us immediately on our wedding night. My husband did not have any feelings for me that got me concerned. From that day he grew so cold towards me, I held on hoping that things would get better along the way but instead things got worse, he kept leaving home and only return after someone would intermediate our reunion. Over time I got fed up of his departures and I also grew cold towards him. Along the way we have had 4 children whom he says he Loves so much but he does not take care of in any area of their life. I carried the cross until last year in November when I felt I was tired of the trauma and I asked him to leave us. He left and I could not pray anymore about our relationship. After 5 months of his departure, I was able to start praying again and realised I need him. I have had days of prayer and fasting and he slowly started to show signs of interest in us but still hard hearted to say he is sorry and wants to come back home. The children have started asking me about their Dad and many times I do not have an answer for them. Please pray for us for God to soften his (Benon) heart and that he will be a changed man after this reconciliation.

  57. My husband and I got married November 14, 2020 and on November 16, 2020, our marriage has been under attack. He gets upset and says “I’m done, I’m leaving” like a kid. I have also asked him to leave out of the house when we have heated arguments, then he antagonizes me with phone calls and text messages, threating to turn off utilities in our house and other things. He is not doing it God’s way by praying with me as we should do. When he comes back home from being away a day or two, he tries to convenience me that we should get a divorce, we argue too much. I ask for your prayers in this matter for FULL RESTORATION and HEALING in our marriage. I don’t want to get a divorce because there has NOT been adultery on either one of our parts. I am asking for your prayers at this time for full restoration and my husband come back home. Thank you and God Bless you!

  58. May I suggest something that has been very helpful to me. Watch the movie WAR ROOM. Very powerful movie on prayer. I know it’s on Amazon prime

  59. I’ve been praying for the last 11 days & things were looking better, until this morning, I let my insecurities & anxiety get the best of me. I hope these prayers help bring my marriage back to where it was. My heart is broken and I’m so hurt. I need more prayers and comfort dear God please hear my prayers.

  60. My husband and I have been separated 2 months and he is seeing another women. I started praying these prayers yesterday. We have 5 children together and we are all suffering. I pray he returns home to our family and remembers the vows we promised. I pray that the other women will end the affair also. Please keep my family in your prayers.

  61. I declare that God returns my husband back home and my marriage is restored in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! I pray that he softens his heart and reminds him of the vows we made in the eyes of the lord. I pray that he returns home to his family and he is freed from the pride and anger and negativity he has.

  62. Thank you for these prayers which are comforting. My husband is having an affair- midlife crisis and he is deeply confused. We still live together, have started marriage counseling, and I am standing for my marriage. Please pray with me for our reconciliation, that he will return to our love, and that he and the other woman will end their affair. I pray for God’s plan to work a miracle.

  63. Prayer for my husband Elijah he has already brought another woman in our matrimonial home. Heavenly Father, I’m praying that you unite us back spiritually and physically. I also am asking for God to do a new thing in us. Breath life back into our marriage. Lord restore my marriage back.

  64. I need prayer for my husband. He is walking in deceit. I’m praying that unites us back spiritually and physically. I also am asking for God to do a new thing in us. Breath life back into our marriage.

  65. Thank u very much this was helpful prayer, it lifted my spirit up in my stand for victory over my marriage

  66. I am praying and fasting for all our broken marriages and families! Don’t be discouraged for God is working even if we dint see or feel it! Be faithful as He will soften all our spouses hearts and open their eyes once and for all. Let’s pray fervently for one another, pay it forward as God blesses us in His perfect timing!
    Please pray for my unsaved spouse Alannah to be saved, delivered and our marriage/family to be restored.

    God bless everyone!

    1. My wife (of nearly 38 years) and I have been separated for nearly 4 months, and a divorce is pending. I have a restraining order so I’m not able to communicate with her. From the song, Waymaker, I agree with you that even if I don’t see it or feel it, God is working in our midst.

      1. Amen! You are absolutely correct, we cannot think as God do as he says he ways and thoughts are much higher than ours.

        I can relate to your situation, i had a few months of separation from my wife the love of my life after 31 years of marriage… we have 3 beautiful kids and I can honestly say that I started backsliding in my walk with the Lord I really don’t know what happened but my wife who is faithful to her family out off the blue decided to separate from us all.
        That 5 months felt like 50 years as we been together since she was 16 and I was 19 my high school sweetheart.
        My heart was ripped in thousands of pieces as we both I never been with another in our marriage. People looked at us as the perfect couple, perfect family.
        I also had restraining order on me which I broke as I couldn’t let her go knowing something isn’t right.
        Went to jail 3 times for breaching that . First time in my life I have been in jail but felt nothing no pain only concern was the love for my wife and my faith in Jesus kept me alive . Almost lost my family, home and more but nothing can compare to love true Love for each other.
        During the times in jail God had me witness forgiveness to others inmates who was definitely wasn’t going back to their spouses for different reasons, I met some who thought they can control all things and get away . I saw God love manifested in this huge guy with tattoos all over one that everyone feared. He broke down in tears and hug me and thank me saying to me that he was going to do such and such when he got out, I don’t know what happened but I felt God presence in the midst of those cold walls in the winter months.
        He says to me I don’t know what happened after I witnessed God love to him but he was definitely going back home to his wife and kids and make things right.

        Similar events happened all three times in different ways it’s like I was there for a reason I didn’t look at my pain I was concerned about other people. I see first hand why Jesus attracted certain types of people that society looks down upon rather than giving them a chance to redeem themselves.

        I thank Jesus my Lord for bringing my wife Mala back home with her family and continue to restore like never before. I am in love with my wife daily and all the Glory and honour belongs to Jesus our Savior.

        Don’t ever gave up guys NEVER
        God strengthens us in our weakest moments his strength is made perfect. Amen
        This is the power of the love of God almighty through Jesus Christ my Lord.

        I don’t know what the future holds but i do know this!
        God NEVER FAILS it’s not in him as he CANNOT LIE equally.

        It’s his will that marriages be sanctified as it is a true covenant.
        He heal the broken hearted, softens any heart. Wrapped our wounds and heal and totally restores all marriages that we are willing to and desperately want to heal .
        We all are unique so I cannot talk for another but Jesus made us all and would work according through whatever you and I are going through I don’t care how big or small it is . We must always remember that we are talking about The Almighty, All powerful. All knowing, omnipotent and omnipresent power and love of the king of the universe that holds us all in the palm of his hand.
        My prayer is with all of you all including myself.
        We must know that the Devil is trying to and is destroying homes mainly marriages, he is after our mine , don’t give him a single inch he would take a mile.
        Nothing I mean absolutely nothing can separate you and I from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus as you can read as Paul wrote , this is mine experience that there isn’t a thing in this universe can separate us from the one who loves us unconditionally just as we are.

        I prayer in the mighty name of Jesus that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rise up against us all shall but cut down In Jesus mighty name for we are the servant of the most high and are vindicated declares the Lord God ! That is final.
        By the power and force of the precious blood of Jesus every marriage be totally restored, every pain be annul and every plan of Satan be nullify brought to nothing vaporized in the mighty name of Jesus. I prayer that God will be done and he uses all of us as a testimony of Jesus Christ the breadth of life mater and creator king of the universe. The Alpha and Omega.
        Praise the Lord. Amen
        Love you all and praying for you all.

        Never gave up I have to tell myself this as well.
        With all humility
        Thanks for hearing just a small part of what our Lord can do .
        There is much more but would take books to share what God has done in our life his mercy, love. His POWER WOW .

  67. Am from Philippines but been here in NZ for 22 years. Am 54 now. I got married to a kiwi and have 3 boys. I got divorce 10 yrs ago. Losing our house and taxi business was the reason we got divorced. Lots of arguments and misunderstandings. The boys are still little by then. Because of the divorce, we moved to Waimate then Oamaru. Moving lots of times and changing schools didnt have a good impact on my second and youngest son. They developed anxiety & depression. My life has become so stressful . Because of stress, I had so many ills as well. IBS, eye problems and high blood pressure. We moved back to Chch. My ex husband also left me a big debt in my name which I got nothing to do with because he run the business himself.

    Am just trying to digest all these and am not getting ahead, I got no job, I homeschooled the 2 boys as they cant take High School in Oamaru. Nothing is going right in my life. I felt some kind of curses, spells & witchcraft has been casted on me and my family.

    On top of that, I am in a long distance relationship. He’s from Utah. We been communicating for 3 yrs. We met once but just 3 days in America. All is going well but when I’m supposed to see him again this June, it didn’t happen because of covid. We are both Christians. We didn’t even have sex when we met because we both believe in getting married first. But my world came crushing down one month today when he emailed me saying that our relationship is not working. The covid might take years. I didn’t see it coming, we are so in love. We video call everyday. Emails and chats also everyday. he is my only joy while going through all my trials. Now its slowly going. He still message me but very seldom. He did say, he’s started dating this lady and he is not rushing into making decisions. So thats why he still messages me very short messages saying he is still thinking of me.

    Please pray for me in all areas of my life. Supernatural healing for me and my boys, financial miracle as we are really struggling ( we don’t even have a car & just renting). And relationship restoration. Am not getting any younger and I dont want another man in my life, Troy is amazing guy. Kind, generous, very loving and caring. he also lost his job during this covid and has not found one as of now. He lost it 3 months ago. He’s also in deep depression having lost his job. I want us reconciled and bein harmony with each other and eventually get married next year. I dont think he can just shift his feelings for another woman in just a month or two. I was just thinking could that other woman put a spell on me and my Troy to break us up. Please pray for me and my boys. I believe that when 2 or more people are praying then its more effective.

    Thanks for listening to my story.

    1. May God give you the best, just trust God and believe that he can do all things for you, May God bless you and your family. I pray it all works out for you.

    2. God will grants your heart desire and restore love to u and your family. You shall find a man who will love you unconditionally and give you joy forever in Jesus name

  68. My husband is leaving me
    Saturday for another woman. I have pushed him away, but I’ve realized I love him more than I knew. I want him to realize what our marriage meant and leave this woman. Please pray for me

    1. I come into agreement with you, sister. Pray Psalm 91 over you and your husband every day aloud and boldly. Immediately buy “The Power of a Praying Wife” Stormie Omaritian today and proclaim these prayers boldly! Do not stop even if it looks like everything is getting worse. I am in the biggest battle and my husband has been following Satan’s lies in trying to destroy me. I am canceling the assignments off of my marriage, my husband and me because WE have authority in Christ! Satan cannot win unless we give up! Stand firm on His Word!

  69. I love this site. I said these prayers during our separation. There is a God. I will continue to pray with these prayers. This really helped me through everything. I wish it was an app.

    1. Not “There is a God.” GOD IS GOD and He is good, Holy and 100% faithful! I encourage you to read aloud the Word of God boldly over yourself and your husband daily if you aren’t already doing so. Allow the Word to penetrate your every thought so you are careful to apply truth to your life. Destroy the works of the enemy through praise and worship and He will strengthen you even more and give you more freedom. HE IS THE GREAT “I AM”.

  70. I will be fasting for three days, My wife filed for divorce Aug. 20. 2019 and will give me a reason why. We went to mediation on Oct. 1 and was force to leave our home. I wrote her letter asking that we should give our marriage another chance. She refused. She said it’s over. Her mom, sisters and her best friend are a big part of what’s happen. They demand so much of her time that It would get her to the point where she would drink, Then I would get the wrath of it when I got home from work. My mother in law moved in our home and she would demand so much attention from wife that she would call her to her room multiple times a day, Her sister call her cell phone 6 to 8 times a day and her best friend lost her husband to a heart attack and ever since she been telling my wife to leave me, we were all best friends until his death. I love my wife very much. I moved to California from Texas on Oct. 14, 2019. I had no place to go, I have family in California. I regret leaving Texas, I feel that I abandoned her. And now she doesn’t want anything to do with me. All I do is cry and pray. I am praying for a miracle and looking forward to that miracle. I hope trough this comment we can all come together in agreement. When two or three are gather in my name, I am there with them. thank you all in advance for all the prayers

    1. Blessings John A.,

      My situation is similar to yours. I am praying for your marriage as I am praying for mine. My husband and I have been married for 11 years. We have both cheated but we never got the help that our marriage needed in order for our marriage to make it. Well I moved from Chicago to California in August because I thought that my husband would follow because I truly believed that’s what our marriage needed. I thought we needed to get out the state where we had done all our indiscretions.

      Well I moved and thought we wanted to work on our marriage but when I went back to Chicago in December, I found a receipt to Victoria Secrets and when I asked him if he wanted our marriage to work he said he does not want to be married to me. He would never look at me the same. I was hurt beyond hurt because I was upset that we never got the help our marriage needed. So I asked him can we try counseling for 6 months and really put effort in our marriage. I told him that if we tried and it still did not work I would sign the divorce papers and wouldn’t even ask him for court mandated child support. He still said no. I was crushed. I cried and cried and begged him for our marriage to at least try and his answer is still the same. Once I came back to California I called him everyday sent him 1,000 text messages because I could not understand how he could say the things he said and do the things he did.

      I do believe that there is an attack on marriages and satan is busy. I was listening to Joel Osteen earlier and he said something that really moved me. He said that instead of talking about the mountain speak to the mountain. He said when you talk about the mountain you become weaker and not focused on the power of God. I have decided to tell the mountain of strife, division, and discorded to be removed from my marriage. I also did not call him or text him today. I was so desperate for my marriage that I was even using my daughter to send him messages and I know that is not right.

      So on Sunday I am starting the Daniel’s Fast and I am going to pray these 9 prayers and watch the miracle of God work wonders in my marriage. I refuse to give up until the ink is dry on our divorce papers. We had a status hearing on January 8, 2020 and he went to court. I was hurt by this but I am still believing God’s word and will keep praying. The man that was speaking to me and saying the things that he was saying made it hard for me to believe that was actually my husband. I felt like that was some type of spirit on him. So as I am praying for my marriage, I will be praying for yours. I do believe that with God anything is possible. I believe that God would not join two people together just to divide them. I believe that most people end up in divorce court because they both stop fighting! So don’t stop fighting!

      1. Hi,
        I am going through a divorce as well. My husband filed just last week and already it feels like a lifetime of hurt and pain. We dont talk, if we do it turns into an argument. We are no longer intimate with each other. I’m not cheating and I’m not sure if he is cause he’s always home but he is on the phone with some female for a long time and I know it’s not his aunt’s. I have been with this man off and on for over 25 years. He’s been with me when my mother passed, 3 brothers an uncle and my grandmother. We have been married for 16 years but we were married twice, once in 2002 and the other in 2008. We have been through so much together. He has 11 children including our 3. He’s a good man, a helper and a provider. I have helped him take care of his mom who has Alzheimers disease, she’s only 71. But my husband wants a divorce, he says that he doesn’t love me any more and that if we haven’t worked everything out in 20 plus years it will never work. I moved from California to New Hampshire and now to Massachusetts and I left everything behind, friends, family, I feel like he’s totally abandoning me and our three children. My mom just purchased a house for her and our family , we all just moved now he wants me and the kids to move out. I cried, I prayed, I have fasted and read scripture, even shared prayer and scripture with him and he’s just cold with no emotion. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. We’ve had our differences but we’ve always seemed to work to them out. His family is from Massachusetts and we are helping a aunt who lives with us now and his whole family seems like they are taking his side so I feel totally helpless. I am a born again Christian and I’m not perfect, I’ve made mistakes, by not communicating with my husband when I should, not letting him be the head of the household by not listening to him and disagreeing with him in front of the children, I haven’t been unfaithful by any means and you would think that the way he feels about me now as if I have killed someone. I hate that we are going through this and I never thought it would happen to us. But it has and I dont know what to do. I realize I have to let go and let God, be still and know that he is God. But I always feel like I need to but in and that God needs my help when he does not. I need help . I still love my husband very much and if I leave I dont think he nor I will ever come back to each other. I will keep praying for each of you and your situation and please send a prayer for our family as well. Thank you in advance for your support.

        1. Hi my name Angela. I’m going through the same rejections I’m reading in all the prayers concerning our marriages. Is there anything to hard for God. Gods word is our solid rock to stand on when the situations seem hopeless. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. We have no one to fight judge or intercede on our behalf but God and Iv learned through experience we dont need anyone else. God is able to reconcile our marriages and we just have to believe it’s already done. Faith is not what we see but what we dont see. Let join together and give our father praise for not only loving us but for working on our behalf to restore everything that the enemy tried to destroy. I love you all and I thank God for his peace and assurance that everything works together for the good for those that love the lord that means we Win… Amen..

    2. I’m reading these comments and although I’m saddened that so many marriages are in trouble, it’s heartwarming that so many have turned to God and a prayer community for help.

      I walked away from my marriage and I’m filled with regrets.

      Instead of seeking God when I didn’t know where else to turn, I listened to outside influences telling me that if I was unhappy then I should walk away.

      I warred with my faith in believing that marriage is given by God and screaming at God “Why is this happening? It can’t be your intention that I should live my life like this?”

      So I left, thinking I was interpreting God’s message to me instead of evil influences.

      So my husband filed for divorce.

      Now I recognize what I should of done was seek God’s help, ask for his interpretation of my emotions; ask for his interpretation of faith.

      So although I’m divorced, I’m praying for my broken marriage with the faith that God is the way maker. He is the healer of all things broken.

      When we stood in that church and said our vows, we made a covenant with God and although we may turn away from that covenant, God does not turn away from us. God is faithful to all covenants he makes with us.

      So as I pray for healing and restoration in my broken marriage, I will pray for all our broken marriages. I ask for your prayers in return.

      Where two or more are gathered.

      1. I divorced my husband on the grounds of Adultry and the birth of two children outside the marriage. I never stopped loving him I was just devastated and broken. He has treated me with contempt and totally disrespected our over a decade relationship. I’m a Woman who believes in the God of miracles. I now regret giving up out of hurt and forgiveness. I join you in prayer for reconciliation because I realize we all need forgiveness and if God divorced us everytime we hurt or sinned against him we would be lost forever but thank God for covenant relationships that last to eternity never ever giving up on us. I love my husband. He is now with someone in a very toxic and abusive relationship. Please join me in prayer for Gods resurrecting power of the Holy Spirit to raise him up from the trap the enemy has him bound. God is able to do everything but fail. And I believe his will is already done in our marriages in Jesus Name. Amen..

          1. I had believed that God wanted our marriage to end because of the toxic environment my husband had created. He curses me and my family at every opportunity, then once day he told me to leave the house because he believed I am a witch.
            Please pray for me that God’s will be done.

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