Morning Prayers For The Lord’s Blessings

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Seeking Divine Favor In A New Day

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of a new day. As the morning sun paints the sky with its radiant hues, I am reminded of Your steadfast love and mercy that are new every morning. I come before You with a humble heart, seeking Your divine blessings for the day ahead.

Lord, Your word declares that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Therefore, I submit this day into Your hands, knowing that Your blessings are not just material but spiritual, bringing peace, wisdom, and joy that surpasses understanding.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.

Morning Prayer Of Praise

Heavenly Father, I come to You this morning to give You all the praise and honor that is due unto You alone. Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness towards me. Father, let Your presence be felt in my life today. I give You all my cares and burdens, and I trust that You will take care of me.

Help me, dear Lord, to keep my mind and heart focused on You today, so I will be able to receive Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Today, I choose joy despite of what may be going on in my life. Lord, strengthen me in Your power and might so that I may be a blessing to others who are hurting.

Psalm 16:8 – I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 90:17 –May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us, yes, establish the work of our hands.

Prayer For Blessings At Work

Father God, I bring before You the work of my hands. I pray for Your blessings and favor in all my endeavors today. Grant me the wisdom and understanding I need to make the right decisions and the strength and courage to follow through.

Let the work of my hands be pleasing to You, Lord, and may it bring honor to Your name. Where I may encounter challenges, provide divine solutions. In every success, let it be known that it is by Your hand.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Morning Prayer To Pull Down Strongholds

Lord, we release Your cleansing blood over our minds and hearts. We declare no weapon formed or fashioned against us will prosper.

We rebuke and pull down every stronghold that seems to exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We take every thought captive to obey Christ. Cleanse us with your blood. Purify us and renew a right spirit within us.

Help us to position ourselves to hear You because Your Word says Your sheep knows Your voice and we follow only that voice. Quiet the noises around us so we would know it’s You.

Psalm 86:11-12 – Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.

Morning Prayer To Overcome Trials And Tests

Lord teach us how to worship You in the midst of our pain. Help us to understand that when these test and trials comes, it’s a testing of our faith and it’s only to make us stronger.

I pray that while we are going through these trials, that You remind us daily that you are with us. Wrap your loving arms around us, shield us and protect us from the evil one.

Thank you Lord for loving us and having the patience with us. Even when we mess up, You continue to love us and be faithful to us. Thank you Lord for your mercies and grace toward us. We love You sweet and precious Jesus.

Psalm 119:147I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.

Psalm 5:3In the morning, O LORD, hear my voice. In the morning I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait.

Prayer For Blessings In Relationships

Dear Lord, I pray for Your blessings upon the relationships I have. May Your love be the foundation of my interactions with family, friends, colleagues, and everyone I encounter today. Teach me to love as You have loved us, unconditionally and sacrificially.

Remove any strife or misunderstanding that may attempt to breed discord, and replace it with understanding and harmony. Above all, help me to exhibit Your grace and forgiveness in all my relationships.

Ephesians 4:2-3 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Praying For God’s Blessings Today

Lord, I thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us. I declare good things, blessings, abundance, favor, opportunities are coming our way today.

And at the end of the day, You Lord will be given all praise because we know we cannot obtain these things on our own. I thank You, Father. I love you. Amen!

Philippians 4:6-7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.

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  1. Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins and guard me against the evil one. I am sorry for what I have done in the past. Amen.

  2. Lord father I await my blessings patiently for all the good things that I have done and I one day that blessing will come right back to me in your name I pray amen 🙏

  3. Father, thank you for blessing me and my loved one everyday. I thank you for the new day each and everyday. thank you for blessing us with promotion, health, happiness and your love. we thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and we believe in your name that you are the father’s son and the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ that was rose from the dead for our sins. lord thank you for blessing us with shelter, food, clothes, education, support , financial, help us from our debts.

  4. Pray that Sue will trust God and wait patiently for her breakthrough.
    Will intercede for her as she waits on our Loving Father.

  5. I know Lord you have great purpose for my life, teach me, tell me show me, your Peace. I surrender my life to you Lord Jesus
    Thy will be dine
    Amen & Amen

  6. Asking for prayer for healing for my family who has lost a loved one and healing for a long time friend who lost her son in a tragic motorcycle accident, both this month. And please pray for me and my children. Thank you

    1. May the Good Lord..give you peace and understanding.and make the pain easy for the family…God bless you and your family…

  7. Thank you dear lord God, for everything including my health. Please forgive my sins. I pray for k to forgive and talk to me today. Please let me have a good day, no extra stuff and peaceful day . AMEN

  8. Good morning father God thank you for another day of life. I worship you father thank you for everything you are a good god. You never let me down you are a present help in times of need. Thank you father strengthen my relationship with you make me stronger and confident in your word. Change me father god make me just like Christ put godly love in my heart and make me humble. Protect me and my family today as we go on doing our duties. Keep us away from harm. Let your holy spirit guide us towards the light towards what’s godly. Pls father God reveal our purpose in this life. And we owe everything to you father. Glory is all yours. In Jesus mighty name I pray amen amen amen. Thank you father God for always listening to my prayers

  9. Thank you father for another blessing waiting to be discovered! Please guide my steps in love for your glory in Jesus name amen ✝️❤️

  10. Dear Lord & Heavenly Father, please we pray for anyone who has been charged & wrongfully CONVICTED of a crime that they did not commit!
    What a terrible thing to have happen to you when you know that you are innocent.
    In Jesus name, AMEN.

  11. Dear heavenly Father. I give thanks to you for guidance and love that’s understanding kind and true. You are my one and only true God. I thank you for your son Jesus giving us another chance forgiveness to be reborn again as true Christian . I know the day is getting close to judgement day . I love you my Lord and to all who has you in there hearts will be walking threw them golden Gates of everlasting life. Please be with all the inmates who are incarcerated behind prison & jail walks. All the missing women and children being mistreated, sex trafficking. Our world is full of hate and evil. Be with All the people that are sick, addictions homeless, lost love ones to this covid. I ask you to watch out for all our enemies who have hate against each other. Your our true King. Bless this sinful world give the people understanding your our Lord. Amen

  12. Thank you lord for this day and life, please give me a peaceful no drama week. Please guide me in your presence and let me rest on your spirit. Please. Control my anxiety, and understand that i will need to patient to make my prayers come true, please make it happen soon this year.

  13. What are you grateful for?

    “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18

    Regardless of what you face, God’s goodness and mercy will never leave you. In fact, He even prepares blessings for you in the midst of difficult times. But these truths are not always easy to remember, so giving thanks is important.

    Gratitude helps us focus on the One who is able to transform our problems for His glory and our good. So, right now, let’s take a minute to pause and thank God for all that He has done in our lives.

    A Prayer of Thanks

    LORD GOD of Israel and my GOD, You are good, and Your unshakable love endures forever! Even in the most difficult times, I always have a reason to worship You.

    Thank you for giving me victory and abundant life in Jesus Christ! Although I do not deserve it, You pour unconditional love and forgiveness on me.

    And no matter what the future may hold, I will shout for joy because You are with me. You comfort and bless me in the presence of my enemies. Nothing compares to You and no weapon can prevail against You. In all things, I am more than a winner through the Lord!

    Be glorified through me, God. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart magnify Your name.

    I want my life to bring praise to You.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  14. Thank you god for this day, please let me have a good day. With your favor I get a new job I’m comfortable doing what I know best and working in a friendly environment with a lot more pay. I pray I get that new job real soon and don’t look back. I also, pray he’s the one for me and will fall in love. Please I ask for your favor

  15. Dear God,
    I thank You Lord,for today I still have the chance to see another day to see the sun rises in the morning.
    Lord Jesus,I ask You for strength to stand strong to through it all my trying times.
    I pray that today,dear God,please remind me daily for You,Lord Jesus,are with me,while I am going through these trials.
    I declare good things,blessings,abundance,favor,opportunities,are coming my way today.
    Thank You Lord,for You bless me to walking in Your way of righteousness and take control my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. I declare good things, blessings, abundance, love, peace, health, happiness, joy, I praise you Lord, I Love you
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  17. Thank you for this lovely,uplifting and humble Prayer, thank you once again Natadia. God Bless You. Yvonne Marie Miller.

  18. The prayers that pop up on my screen are just the right thing for me…in this way, i sense the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and need it most! Each prayer comes to me like clockwork. Truly, I praise and thank God and ChristiansTT. I look forward to your prayers every day now….thanks again.

  19. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I choose to put my trust in God,because nothing is impossible with Him.
    Lord Jesus,I know that You have a great plans for me.
    And these plans are greater than I imagine,Amen.
    Lord Jesus,please grant me to walk in Your way.
    Bless me with patience to wait upon You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    Forgive my errors of yesterday,and help me to walk closer in Your way.
    Shine Your light through me,so that every person I meet will feel Your presence.
    Lord Jesus,take my hand for I cannot make it by my self.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Help me,Lord Jesus,to focus on Your way,Amen
    Thank You Lord,for bless me with Your love,Your mercy and Your grace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  20. Jesus says my peace I leave with you
    Thank you Jesus
    I will not be shaken
    Let go and let God
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  21. Dear Lord Jesus Father God thank you for everything. kindly, continue to guide us enligthen our way. We need you Lord. You are our strength, rock en fortress. Without you in our side we can’t do nothing. Thank you Lord Jesus Father God fr everything.
    Thank you fr this wonderful message:-)

  22. Thank you for your prayers.
    Please pray for me that I will not look back. I will continue to do God’s will. Please pray that I would be able to find good friendship with people to uplift me and help in my ministry.
    To God be the Glory for the things he’s about to do. Amen

  23. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Lord Jesus,I choose to put You first in everything that I do.
    Draw me close to You and empower me by Your spirit to fulfill the dreams and destiny that You have placed wirhin me.
    I declare good things,blessings,abundance,favor,opportunities are coming my way today.
    Lord Jesus,You are the same yesterday,today and forever.
    You are the one who never changes,You are always love,always peace,always.holy.
    I put my whole life in Your hands today. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,to hear and answered my prayer,and Have Mercy upon me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  24. Thank you for the beautiful prayers. It helps a lot when I have no words to express being thankful to God.

  25. So grateful I came here. I’ve been praying since I woke up this morning and I came in and found this site. No doubt, God brought me here. Thank you for comforting me and giving me the strength to face my day!

  26. I am so happy to be part of this group session. I love getting spiritual readings to reach every day. I been through a few ups and down. I am praying that god give me the strength, wisdom and guidance. I am praying that everything works out for me on my new journey of moving and finding a better job, getting into school and blessing me to get a car. I have lost alot along the way. The death of my aunt and my child was very hard. At times i fall into a depression state. I am working on getting back closer to god. I have difted away from him. I need to learn how to lean on God more and stop trying to fix my own problems and others to. God is a good all the time.

  27. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for the gift of this morning,for all the the blessings I have receive.
    Thank You for Your love,compassion,mercy,strength,joy,peace and comfort.
    Today,this morning,I am truly blessed.
    I pray that this day brings a smile not just in my lips,but in my heart. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,You are so good to me.Thank You,I praise You,I love You,You bless me everyday,You give me strength and comfort.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

      1. I will not allow challenges to overwhelm me The Lord is right here with me.
        My Prince of Peace
        Its you and me God, you and me
        No weapon formed against me shall prosper
        Thank you for another beautiful day Lord Jesus, I know you leave your peace with me.
        Thy will be done
        Amen & Amen

    1. Hi Nomvula, can I suggest that you visit Andrew Wommack Ministries, it will provide you with insight and comfort in what Jesus has already provided for us through the Cross. I suggest looking especially at Spirit, soul and body, You’ve already got it, as well as Your Imagination, and A better way to pray. Strongly believe this his teachings will give you great comfort.

  28. I thank God for this site and the prayers we share. They all draw me closer to God… My dad has Stage 4 cancer and isn’t expected to live a year. I know God has the final say – no man can know what the future holds. But I admit I have fears. I do trust in the Lord but the enemy creeps in to destroy my thoughts and my emotions. I struggle to pray God’s will as he might take my dad home and while I realize the joy and awesomeness my dad would receive in the presence of Jesus, I admit I am not ready to let go. Lord, I pray for strength, patience and faith. I pray for a healing. And if it is your will to take him, I pray we allow your grace and strength get us through. My mom, who is blind, needs you near as well. But you know these things and I know you are already here. I feel you and that gift is amazing. I praise you Father, for never changing; taking me back (never leaving me) when I foolishly left you. Thank you for lifting the broken. Thank you for healing the sick. Thank you for this day and all the days of my life. (I am not the best prayer writer but you know my heart, Lord. I am here today because of you and I love you. AMEN!)

    1. His word is established in you. Peace is your habitation. He inhabits the praises of His people. We live and move and have our being in Him. His mercies are NEW every day. His thoughts toward us are more than we can count. ?

    2. I too Thank God for All His Blessings and I pray for answered prayer for All of here and for Martin God keep him. I get so much peace and love thru this site Glory to God and continue to pray for our marriage restored reconciled him moved back here in Jesus Name it is done. Amen

    3. May the Lord grant you the courage and strength that you need to be there for your Dad.
      Nothing is impossible with God.
      His word states that he has given us the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
      Take heart and remain focused on his promises.

  29. O Lord I give you praise and Glory this beautiful morning,thank you for the gift of life I don’t take it for granted. I know you have great plans for me. Amen.

    1. I agree with you Jecinta. I pray that God will open up opportunities to bless us with His unfailing love and grace. A blessed morning we face with joy and gladness even as we face trials and testing of our faith. God will always be on our side! In Jesus name. Amen!

  30. I want to thank you for all your encouraging emails. They all are a blessing to me. My prayer request is please keep me and my family in prayer. I know God hear all my prayers. May God continually bless and keep you all safe.
    Your Truly Mrs. Millie Williams

  31. God bless and Guide us.We love you so much Lord.God give us all that blessings and Grace that you want us to have.
    We Love you JEHOVAH

  32. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am a Christian. I love God but I still need to grow in Christ. I sometimes struggle to pray. I feel I have a doubt and fear I need help from that. Thank you.

  33. Thsnk you Lord for this new day. It’s Christmas day. A day to rejoice and proclaim your birth. Let’s praise the birth of our Lord. Amen.

  34. I enjoy reading this it brings comfort to my life and help to bless me with good thoughts.. My husband is having some health problems and l need all the help that I can get to bring peace to my mind and great blessing and healing for my husband.. I pray that the Lord blood cover him and heal him in the name of Jesus.. AMEN..

    1. God Father,. God son. God the holy spirit. I say thank you for having such people who burden themselves praying for everyone who is able to read their prayers. I feel a lot of change in my apiritual life because of these prayers i wish to say Thank you to all who are children of The most high God. Amen.

  35. Our Father thank you for favor grace and mercury over my life. I ask that you keep me in your healing hands over my body for a quick and full recovery heal my bones to be as strong as ever .I ask that show me what it us that you want me to be . I ask that you have favor over my sister she is still in the hospital go in her room sweep your mighty blessing in her touch her with your healing hands .I know you are a healer your healing use right now i ask that you have favor over use. Thank you for who you are thank you for what you done in my life what your doing and what you about to do glory to your name. Touch all those that post a post anything on there hearts you are our healer and you don’t change in the name of Jesus. Amen Amen Amen

  36. Father, thank You for the joy that You bring to our lives each and every day. We are so grateful for You presence with us. Help us never to forget the price that you paid with Your precious blood, that we may be free, free to praise You, free to worship You, free to love You, to have a relationship with You. We thank You today and always, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

  37. Father God, thank you for your son Jesus who died for us so our sins are forgiven and that we may have life abundantly. Thank you for Fathering us so dearly and lovingly. Thank you for your blessings. We pray for the sick and the wounded .We also pray for our brothers and sisters who are lost to seek and find you so they will find true joy and peace.We thank you for you have heard our prayers in Jesus Name.
    Love you Lord

  38. Almighty Jehovah i thank you for the gift of life you have given me and my family, thanking you also for everything you have been doing to my and my family, Father today is another new day, may you blessed my going out and coming in, protect me from the hands of the evi once in Jesus name… father please you know my heart, pls father help to overcome this taxes ahead of me in Jesus name your son i pray…amen

  39. Thank you for this morning prayer which is so beautiful uplifting and humble which make me more thirst for our living God, His presence and His word . We are so blessed to be born in Christ as God children. Amen.

  40. Good Morning, I am a born-again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. I am 66 years old raising my 11-year-old grandson. today was his first day back to school from summer break, God has really been favorable to us this season and I am so thankful for the daily prayers so inspirational and encouraging for me and my family. keep up the great work and God continues to bless your Ministry. thank you so much!

  41. Good morning ChristiansTT family. I pray this morning to my entire ChristiansTT family, that our Heavenly Father will cover us all in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ to protect us all from all evil and all harm. No weapon formed or fashioned against us shall prosper. Jesus be a fence all around us all the days of our lives. Father God I pray that the Blood of Jesus will help us to Forgive those that have hurt us through betrayal, lies, and dishonesty. Nothing can last forever and I rebuke these things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Thank you Lord for the Power of Forgiveness. Thank you Lord for your Word that gives Life to us all. Your word is Living Waters to us all. Father God we want you in our lives, we need you in our lives all the days of our lives. In Jesus Christ Holy name I pray. Amen and Amen…I ? Love you Christians TT Family. Be Blessed

  42. We thank you, Lord, for a new day, a new day to serve You and honour You. Bless us, Oh Mighty One, guide us and lead us through this day. In Jesus name!

  43. When you think that you are alone, remember God is there. When friends forsake you, remember God is there. When things seem to get tough remember that God is there. God is about to do a new thing so dont give up now.

    1. God is taking you to the next level. Get ready for a breakthrough, get ready for blessings. Claim it, continue to praise it with thanksgivings. God is in control and is ordering your steps. He is your way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. It is done in Jesus name.

  44. God most precious, Most knowing, be exalted for you are excellent. Take all the praise and glory for taking of me, a single parent with three kids. Let your purpose for our lives be established. AMEN

  45. It is a good thing to give praise to the Lord. O God, how awesome is your name. mighty in battle. Thank you Lord for your unfailing love

  46. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven, for this beautiful bless day. I thank you for my Father in Heaven for today I still alive, still can see this new day.
    I bless Your Holy Name, for Your name in my strong tower.
    I know that, nothing is impossible for me, through Christ Jesus, who is my strength.
    We give thanks again to guide us and lead us through this day.
    Thank you Lord, for give us the strength, and fill us with Your love, and cleanse us with Your blood, purify us and renewed a right spirit within us.
    In Jesus mighty name we pray.
    Amen.and Amen.

  47. Father God, I come boldly to Your throne of grace thanking You for Your grace and mercy. Your word declares new mercy I see every day. Lord, thank You for another day, another opportunity to praise You and be a blessing to someone else. Father, I plead Your blood over my life and any other’s who may be going through marital problems right now.

    Father God, it is my prayer that Your will would be done in this matter because You know what is best for us. Give us strength as we go through this knowing by faith You have already worked it out for our good. Lord God, we ask that You would break all strongholds in our lives. Father God, You said we must lay aside every weight that so easily besets us. Father God, please order our steps.

    I decree and declare that the end results will be for Your glory and we will be stronger and wiser in the name of Jesus. Amen, amen, and amen. This is Your servant’s prayer.

  48. Thank you so much for making morning prayers easy. I don’t have to struggle to to pray in the morning. May the Lord continue to pour into you as you continue to pour into us.

  49. Thanks ChristiansTT. I love all the prayers and I thank God that I found this online. I am so inspired. I love how God guides me through these prayers.

  50. Amen & Amen
    Thank you ChristiansTT for these daily prayers
    They give me peace and praise everyday