Prayer: Overcoming And Resisting Complaining

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Breaking the Spirit of Complaining

Father in heaven, I approach Your throne of grace humbly, recognizing the times I’ve given in to the spirit of complaining. I acknowledge that, despite Your countless blessings and mercies in my life, I have at times allowed discontent and ungratefulness to overshadow my heart.

Instead of cherishing the countless blessings You’ve provided, I’ve sometimes focused on what’s lacking or on circumstances not aligned with my desires.

Lord, I seek forgiveness for these moments of weakness. Let me not be enslaved by the trap of perpetual dissatisfaction. Infuse my heart with a deep sense of gratitude that anchors me, regardless of my circumstances.

Free me from the chains of discontentment and negativity. Replace this complaining spirit with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise, ever-conscious of Your abounding grace and favor.

Philippians 2:14-15 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Overcoming Complaining

Lord, I can sit here complaining for hours about everything that is happening in my life. But today I choose to step out in faith and see the victory before me.

I have so much to be thankful for, Oh Jehovah Jireh: food on the table, a roof over my head, loving friends, and a beautiful family.

There are others who are struggling way more than I can ever imagine. I pray that You reach out to them, Oh gentle Savior, in these difficult times. I have no idea what they are going through but yet I still complain about the simplest of things.

Philippians 2:14-16 Do everything without complaining and arguing so that you may be blameless and pure, innocent children of God surrounded by people who are crooked and corrupt. Among these people, you shine like stars in the world because you hold on to the word of life.

Seeking Transformation of Mind and Tongue

Lord Jesus, I need Your transformation in my life. The tongue is a small part of the body but boasts great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And yet, You have given me the power through Your Spirit to control my tongue and my thoughts.

Help me, Lord, to take captive every thought and align it with Your will. Transform my mind that I may see things through Your perspective. Let my speech be filled with praise, gratitude, and words that build up rather than tear down.

James 3:5-6 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Prayer To Stop Complaining

Dearest Savior, I come before You with the genuine desire to eradicate the habit of complaining from my life. It’s a drain on my spirit and a hindrance to witnessing Your goodness every day.

When I complain, I recognize that I am not walking in the spirit of faith and gratitude that You desire for me. Instead, I am choosing to focus on the negative, allowing it to eclipse the many ways You are working in my life.

Jesus, I ask that You transform my heart and renew my mind. Let my words be those of faith, hope, and gratitude. Let every thought be taken captive to Your obedience, and every word I utter bring glory to Your name.

Whenever I am tempted to complain, remind me of Your goodness, and let the Psalms of praise fill my mind. Grant me a spirit of contentment in all situations, trusting that You are in control and working all things together for my good.

James 5:9 Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Cultivating A Grateful Heart

Omnipotent God, I recognize that gratitude is the antidote to complaining. When I focus on Your goodness, on the blessings and provisions You have showered upon me, complaining loses its grip. Help me cultivate a heart that is full of gratitude.

Let me always count my blessings and not my troubles. In every situation, may I find something to be thankful for. Teach me to be content in all things, finding joy and peace in Your presence and relying on Your strength in all circumstances.

Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

1 Timothy 6:6-7 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

The Enemy Is Defeated

Today, Lord, I choose to smile in the midst of the chaos. Complaining is no longer a part of me. I choose to sing on the rough waters and I choose to dance in the middle of the rain, all for the glory and honor of You, my King.

The enemy is defeated, in Jesus’ name! The battle is already won in Jesus’ name! Victory is mine, in Jesus’ name! I am free in Jesus’ name! I am healed in Jesus’ name and I have overcome just like You overcame the world, in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen and Amen!

James 5:9Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door!

Numbers 11:1 Now the people became like those who complain of adversity in the hearing of the Lord; and when the Lord heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.

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  1. i thank God for helping me stop complaining and be more thankful to God for everything, I thank God for listening to my prayers that I prayed for myself and others and I thank God for healing me of every area in my life
    I thank God for increased finances
    I thank God for healing others that I prayed for
    I thank God for removing evil altars in my life and closing doors of all evil in my life
    I thank God for Divine protection from day to day.
    I thank God for wisdom and understanding with revelation of Gods word whenever I read it.
    I thank God for all Victorious situations in my life and others I already prayed to God about.
    I thank God that God chose me instead of me choosing me
    I thank God for no longer being un-employed but to be employed
    I thank God for Divine transportation of the vehicle of my choice
    I thank God for his Divine help, in guiding me through my circumstances
    I thank God for the dream of me moving and providing ongoing provisions
    I thank God for everything, the good time and the bad times and the ugly times
    I thank God for sweet dreams and the interpe-tations of them
    I thank God that he refills me with the Holy ghost daily
    I thank God that with his help I am able to fast and pray through his strength and divine energy.
    I thank God for making a way when it seems to be no way.
    I thank God for leading me and guiding me continuously in all truth of Gods word and in which direction should I go once I moved.
    I thank God for making me whole and transforming us including household salvation praises be to God. I thank God for breaking my habitual habits and creating Godly habits
    I thank God for Divinely protecting me all the days of my life
    I thank God for his forgiveness and divinely helping me forgive others every second. I thank God for his Angelic beings performing Gods word that I pray on a continuous basis. I thank God for Victorious situations daily and days to come until Jesus returns.I thank God for healing and wealth in my life and removing poverty in my life.

  2. Thank you GOD for this prayer . FATHER GOD pls protect me and my family pls open closed doors and make our life safe prosper me and my family in every area of our lives and bring GODLY helpers to achieve our purpose all for your glory . Give us your strength love good health less of us and lord you . We invite you in every area of our life take control over us my LORD I pray this in JESUS MAJESTIC name amen thank you ABBA for listening to my prayers I love you

  3. Am blessed by this devotion.
    I choose to complain less and be thankful to God for what he has given me.
    Alot on my table to thank him for
    Thank you God for all the blessings.
    Praise and honor to your holy name.

  4. Father God good morning thank you for another day of life, another day to get it right with you. Father God, today I am here at your feet asking you to forgive me. I speak my mind all the time without taking into consideration other people’s feelings. Father God, let your holy spirit speak through me always and never allow me to hurt people’s feelings. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray amen. Thank you Father God for always listening to me I love you ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Thank you lord for this day, please forgive me for all my sins. Please grant me favor for my prayers. Please let him know how much this means to me in my life and love me forever. And seek the reward within me. To make one life forever.

  6. Thanks for the prayer please I prayer for my Lord to bless my soul for my soul to obey his command I thank you Jesus

  7. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I choose to step out in faith to stand firm on God’s Word.
    I happy to do Your Will and to follow Your Word.
    I declare I will do everything without complaining.(Philippians 2:14)
    I promise to myself,
    I am not complain anymore.
    I am so grateful for everything I have.
    I am greatly blessed and I am healed.
    Because A Mighty Living God stay with me,be with me.If a great God be with me who can be against me,Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for bless me to walking in Your way of righteousness.
    I have overcome just like You,Lord Jesus,overcame the world.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  8. Amen.
    I claim this prayer over my life morning.
    I proclaim it over my family
    It will be manifest on my family
    In the name of Jesus lord savior.?

  9. I really needed to hear this. Since things have been falling apart for me i have been complaining. I have been finding myself angry at people when i ask for their i can’t get it especially from my family. Which really hurts me the most. Father God i asked that you forgive me. Father God teach how to do everything and stop complaining. Father God i promise today i will not complain anymore. I promise to myself that i will follow and listen to your will and your way. Father God i am so grateful for things you have done me. Father God i know there is will there a way. Father God give me the strength and the faith. Father God i surrender myself to you. Father God i pray that this storm is over for me. Father God i need you in my life. Father God, I love you and I praise you in Jesus name I ask. Amen & Amen

  10. My dear Heavenly Father,
    Today,I am in Christ Jesus,
    I am the children of the Living God,Amen.
    I am happy to do Your will and to follow Your word in everything I do in my daily life.
    I promise to myself.
    I am not complain anymore.
    I am so grateful for everything I have.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    I will do everything without complaining,Amen
    I choose to step out in faith to stand firm in God’s word.
    So,let Your will be done in my life,as it is in Heaven Amen.
    Today,I am greatly blessed,because I serve a Mighty Living God,Amen.
    I thank You,Father,for guiding me to walking in Your Truth.
    Show me Your way,oh Lord,teach me Your path.
    So today,I can walk with You,Lord,through this world.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.