Prayer For Breakthrough To Get My Job Back

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Seeking Divine Intervention Get My Job Back

Heavenly Father, I come before You today with a heart full of hope and a spirit seeking guidance. I find myself at a crossroads, longing for the breakthrough needed to reclaim the job I’ve lost.

In this moment of uncertainty, I turn to You, the source of all wisdom and power, trusting in Your ability to open doors no one can shut. Lord, You know the desires of my heart and the necessity of this job for my livelihood and purpose.

I ask for Your favor to rest upon me as I seek to be reinstated. Guide my steps, prepare my path, and align my efforts with Your divine will for my life.

Lord, evil voices have risen up against me, mixing truth with lies to defame and destroy my name at the workplace. But you, Lord, will raise me up to be the head and not the tail.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Prayer For Favor And Job Restoration

Gracious God, grant me favor in the eyes of those making decisions about my employment. Soften their hearts towards me, and let them see my dedication, skills, and the value I bring to the team.

Restore the relationships that may have been strained, and create a new opportunity for me to contribute and thrive within this role once more.

I pray for the wisdom to navigate this process with integrity, grace, and professionalism. Help me to present my case effectively, trusting in Your timing and providence to bring about the best outcome.

Psalm 90:17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!
Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.

Trusting in God’s Timing

Heavenly Father, in the waiting and uncertainty, I seek Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, preventing anxiety and fear from taking root.

Help me to trust in Your timing, knowing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf, even when I cannot see it.

Strengthen my faith to believe for a breakthrough, reminding me that what seems impossible to man is possible with You. Let me rest in the assurance of Your love and care for me, confident that You are orchestrating everything for my good.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.’

Prayer for Strength and Resilience

Oh Lord, endow me with the strength and resilience to face this challenge head-on. Whether the path leads to the restoration of my former position or guides me to new opportunities, I trust in Your goodness and sovereign plan for my life.

Equip me to emerge from this situation stronger, wiser, and more aligned with Your purpose for me. In every conversation and interaction, let my words and actions reflect Your love and grace. May this journey draw me closer to You, deepening my faith and reliance on Your unfailing provision.

Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
James 1:2-4: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

Breakthrough To Get My Job Back

Restore my name. I pray for a breakthrough for me to get my job back. And not just the former but better, for you will bless your child, dear Lord. I trust and have faith that my God is a prayer-answering God.

He will never leave us nor forsake us. Therefore I know and have faith that our God will restore, reinstate and vindicate me into my job that I loved and did with a passion.

He will never let me lose all that I worked, studied and trained so hard for to go to satan. Lord, It’s my season and I am declaring it over my life. I serve an awesome God, Jesus Christ. He is almighty and powerful. He will deliver me. Amen.

Psalm 71:20-21 Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
You will increase my honor and comfort me once more.

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Prayer for breakthrough to get my job back

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  1. This prayer is so sufficient and so right on time. It was just yesterday that I went to a former job to ask to be rehired. Being that the manager was busy I’d have not heard anything yet. And I’m glad that I had the time to pray first. So believing and trusting God for the outcome.

  2. Dear Lord Jesus Christ Son of God;
    I made a very foolish and costly mistake that saw me get terminated from my work place. I have been outside from that job today marking the very 4th year since my termination in 17/May/2020,
    Lord I have learnt the hard way and my family has been affected by my loss of that job. I have repented of my sin and I pray to you Lord who hears prayer to work out my reinstatement. Since that time Lord I have stagnated on the same place and have learnt the consequences of disobeying you, please Lord, have mercy on me and work in the hearts of my superiors to reinstate me back to work, do not allow satan to rejoice taking away what you gave me strength to learn and train so hard for. Though you wound, yet you heal, though you kill yet you make alive again,
    I promise never to fail you again Lord.

  3. Wow that prayer was tailored for me. Everything that was said wase. I believe and trust that God will vindicate me. He will prepare a table in front of the people who lied on me, and that CPO, AND HR, will believe me and offer me my job back in Jesus name AMEN.

  4. Dear Lord,

    I made a foolish mistake and have had plenty of time to think about it and repent. I am ready to make the necessary changes in my life to ensure I never go back to drinking again. The job you blessed me with was a perfect fit, and I did it well and had a bright future. Please dear lord bless the the decision makers in my company to have forgiveness on me and bring me back.

  5. I want to thank you my lord so much. I got my job back on the 13 of sept. My union rep Al from atu local 1704 did a awesome job. 🙏✝️😊😊😊 Our lord is fantastic! God bless everyone and may the same happen to all.

  6. Lord I want to ask for your protection .that my job be given back to was taken unfairly. There blaming me for something which was not my fault. All I want is my job back my lord. I love you lord.protect me and on Sept 13 they will return my job.thank you lord.amen

  7. Pls pray for me for God almighty to restore me back to my job. I made a mistake twice and the ward doesn’t want me anymore. I love my work because caring for people is the only thing I find fulfilment in

  8. Please pray for my reinstatement of my job… I got terminated for following a directive from higher up. And even tho that’s the case I take full responsibility for my actions and hope for a different resolution instead of my termination. I’m in the process of disputing it but I know the enemy is attacking and trying hard to prevent me from going back to a place where I can make a difference and win souls.

    1. Please I’m asking you , Please pray for my reinstatement of my job… I got terminated they said because I was late. But I was not late, I went to my medical appointments which my manager’s were fully aware of. I hope for a different resolution instead of my termination. I’m in the process of disputing it but I know the enemy is attacking and trying hard to prevent me from going back to a place where I can make a difference and win souls.

  9. I did something foolish and it cost me my job. I loved my job and it paid me very well. I love the people that I worked with and I want to go back to it. I worked there 7 days a week and drove an hour to get there and another hour to go home. When I go hired there I had a great sense of accomplishment and my wife and daughter were very happy and breathed a small sigh of relief. Now we struggle week to week and all I can think of is that I have let down my family. Please dear Father reinstate me back to my job.

  10. Dear God, please return me to my former place of employment. I need my job. Please protect me from the evil doers who are out to harm me and keep me from getting my job back. I pray this in your mighty name. Amen

  11. Please from pray for me
    My boss gave me termination letter for no reason…….
    Even when I meant him, I ask him why he terminates me, and in the termination letter,he didn’t said reason for my terminating me. One month notice of termination letter from 1-12-2022 to 01-01-2023
    I felt it was an evil conspiracy conspire against me.
    Please pray for me, I want my job back,am the Breadwinner of my family…..
    Since 1st of December 2022
    I can’t so much dying in silence😭😭i have no one to tell my predicament,😭please pray for me. Am typing this and tears can’t stop rolling from my eyes.

    1. Be strong and be courageous the Lord is with you. He provide for the birds of the air and he will supply all your needs. God is your refuge and strength and a very present help in time of trouble. I know it’s rough, but God will make a way. Just trust him and lay your concerns at his feet, God will may a way when it seem as if there is no way. God is your burden bearer restorer and problem solver. Lean on him because he knows what’s best for you. Depression is not to be taken lightly. It’s a spirit of heaviness so you need to rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Remember God has ordain a pathway for you, so he already provide all your needs according to his riches in glory. You will get a better job, be of good cheer. Don’t let negative thoughts cloud your mind.

  12. Prayer for me to get my job back I was terminated and can no longer work for this company ever again I really liked this job I am a very shy person and this job made me feel comftable and I was permanently terminated for violating the rules. I understand I did what I did but had a good reason to do so and an excuse I have a disability and that’s what made me do what I did and I felt terrible after I got fired because I really liked this job and never thought this was going to happen to me the person that never speaks up and always keep to myself. I even thought about doing drugs as my only option to accept my defeat but I know God id good and he will help me get through this I just need a lot of prayer.

    1. I’ll pray for you and you pray for me. God restores things we ask supernaturally. So have faith. Pray for others and your blessings will come. Believe I. What you asked for and God will do the rest in Jesus Christ Name. Amen

  13. Please pray for God to restore my job back to me. He has opened the door for me twice before to have this job. I loved my job, it was the best job I ever had in my life, it suited me and I worked very hard at it. I am 62 years old, have been looking for another job, but there is nothing. I have, thru much prayer and petition, asked Jesus to reinstate me without any restrictions (covid or otherwise). I am also want to work at the office and NOT from home. I don’t want to retire early, as I know that will not be enough money to sustain me. My job kept me from poverty. I love working, I have no family, no friends, this was my only outlet. I have faith but I need a breakthrough. I know God is in control. I know God can turn this around. Please stand with me, I am no longer looking for other employment, standing in faith that I will get it back. Please stand with me. God Bless Eunice

    1. I understand what you are going through. I have experienced this myself, and am never giving up. Remember that everything in this world belongs to God and he knows the beginning and the end. It’s difficult but maybe God has a better plan for you. Stay connected and trust God he will never leave you or forsake you.

      1. I am going through the same thing right now. The pain often feels unbearable. I know how you feel. I will pray for you <3

  14. Please pray for God to restore my job I have faith but I need a breakthrough. I know God is in control. I know God can turn this around.

  15. Please pray for me to be FULLY reinstated back to work from part-time to full time in JESUS Almighty name through the Holy Spirit, AMEN.

    Thank You!

  16. I just want prayers to heal a broken heart
    Healing for my mom and sis
    Prayers to get my job back after this long break
    Prayer for good health

  17. Prayer for God’s help with my financial problems and I request my job back that I loved and did with so much passion at the beauty therapy salon. Amen, I receive, in Jesus name. Thank you for gearing my prayers.

  18. Please pray for the job God created me for as I move I to this next phase of my life and Gods provision in the meantime to glorify him. The righteous don’t need to beg for bread, pray I remain righteous through Christ. Many thanks.

  19. Please pray for a breakthrough for me to get my job back. I trust and have faith that our God is a Prayer-answering God. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Therefore I know and have faith that our God will restore, reinstate and vindicate me into my job that I loved and did with a passion. He will never let me lose all that I worked and studied so hard for to go to satan. Due to illness I had to leave my job to recover. I am completely recovered and healed by the grace of God. It’s my season and I am declaring it over my life. I serve an awesome God, Jesus Christ. He is almighty and powerful. He will deliver me. Amen.

  20. I want to restore my job, I left the job for family reason, I need God’s intervention.
    No man can be great like our God in Jesus name i pray for restoration of my job so that they call me back.I promise that I will work with full dedication .
    Thank You Lord
    Thank You Jesus.

  21. I pray for restoration of my sis in law job. As she was newly joined and there was only one mistake she called the boss and due to which she lost her job. No man can be great like our God in Jesus name i pray for restoration of her job so that they call her back.