Please Pray For Me And My Family

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I need your prayer support for both my family and I. I have been struggling for a few years with my faith. Please pray for me to strengthen my faith. Please join me in prayer as we pray for each other.


Heavenly and merciful Father, you are so worthy. Even as I come to you today, I look back at the many times you have shown your love for me.

Lord, yes, I have so many unanswered prayers, but I know I have been weak and lacking in faith. Take away my doubts and fill me with your encouragement. Help me to trust in your words and promises for me.

1 John 5:14 – And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.

Mark 11:24 – Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Prayer for my marriage

Lord, I bring my marriage before you. Bring restoration to my marriage. Heal the hurt I’m feeling inside. Wipe my tears, Lord. I’m suffering depression and I feel lost.

Please bless our marriage with prayer and love. May the words we speak to each other uplift and not pull down. May honesty and trust grow and manifest itself in our marriage.

Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Galatians 6:9 – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Pray for me and my job

And Oh Lord, I pray that I get this job I so desperately need. I have applied for several jobs and all I have received was they have moved forward with another applicant.

It’s been months that I’ve been unemployed. But I know you will provide all my needs. So, oh Lord, I bring before you my debts and creditors. Lord, I’ve reduced my spending as much as possible. Please bless my family that we will see our way through this period.

Psalm 90:17 – “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.”

Matthew 7:7 – “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Pray for me and my home

Oh Lord, I have been praying and trusting. After being retrenched a few months ago I haven’t been able to find work yet. I am struggling to pay my rent and my child’s university fees.

Lord, I will be kicked out my house if I don’t honor my responsibility. But I know that you will not let your faithful go homeless. Bless my home and my family with you blessings.

So, Lord, I bring it all before you and lay it all at your throne. Lord, bless your child. Bless my family. Bless my home. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!

Isaiah 32:18 – My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

2 Samuel 7:29 – Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, Sovereign Lord, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever.”

Please Pray For Me And My Family

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  1. Pray for my Daughter and Grandson…He was involved in a 3 car rear-ender several months ago. it was not a bad accident(no one was hurt) but, all of a sudden the front car guy says “he has not been able to work” … he was offered a lot of money by the insurance Co. but he wants more and is getting a lawyer… please pray that maybe he will rethink the insurance offer and end this…

    Thank you Jesus and all who will pray for them…thank you

  2. Lord I need you to act. To free my mind so your Holy Spirit can lead me and bring hope, protection and love to my wife and children.
    Change my defeated, corrupt and evil mindset to one that speaks Hope, love and life into my self, wife, three children and wider family. Set my mind on you and all that is good. Forgive me for my wrongdoings and set my feet on the path you have set for me, starting with being an effective father for my children. Let your love reign down on me and flow onto all around.
    Allow my mind to effectively plan and think through different situations so I can confidently return to work.
    I invite you Lord to be Lord over every area of my life starting with my mental health, spirituality, marriage, parenting, wider family life, friendships,
    financial life and productivity.

  3. My husband and I have lived with many and extreme pressure, depression for many years. We have been awful to each other as we didn’t cope. We have changed. He has had enough and wants to leave me. He no longer loves me. We have been angry, physically hurtful, distant etc etc. I have given everything to him, constant support, even when I disagree. I have not given him the physical love he yearned for. I am exhausted from being everything else. I have failed. My poor children are heartbroken and will soon question. I already question… what has this meant to be for? 23 years and now for what??? I love him. I love my family. We have moved and should have a new start…perfect. but his idea of new start is without me. I pray please for one more chance. Let this new start be our new start. Please pray. I am broken. I’m alone. Lost.

  4. Please pray for me and my family. We have fallen on hard times. I haven’t been working for 3 months and by the end of this week we won’t have a cent to our name. I owe money to everyone and we are behind on our bills. Don’t know how we will pay for rent, electricity, buy food, my wifes chronic meds etc. We have a 2 yr old and it pains me to know that I can’t provide for her. I can’t even sleep at night. All I have now is the hope for a miracle but fear also overcomes me when I think of what are we going to do. Please pray for us.

  5. Please pray for me. I pray for my finances, my son and family. I pray for a partner. Everytime i meet someone, they leave. I stayed with the father of my child for 16 years and brike up three years ago but it still hurts. I pray every minute for healing. It made me isolate myself from people. I have low self esteem. I cry all the time. I have no peace. Everything in my life doesnt go well. I want to be delivered form curses. In Jesus Name. Amen

    1. Father outside of me, i boldly come to your throne of grace and pray for dorothy and her family. Lord you know whats best for her in her life. Lord you can make the impossible possible. Help her to align herself with your word and keep your commandments. The battle is not hers to fight. Lord bring peace in her life . Bring blessings upon her and family keep her unser your wings. Let her turn to you and cast all her burdens at your feet because you are an uunderstanding and loving God. How faithful is your word. Let her know that your are a friend in deed. In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!

  6. Dear Father,
    I am your child and only you know the suffering I have gone through for over 40 years now – please save me from this latest one and let it not be a prolapsed womb or similar. Or, at least, something that can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. I have so much wrong with me and I do not think I can take any more. I have tried to bear my burden and cope well and still keep a smile on my face. But Lord, I really need your help big time now please. I ask that, if need be, you send me an angel to give me strength. And Lord, please, please deliver me from evil – he’s still there despite the promises. Please don’t let me have yet more health issues and spare me from a prolapse. I ask this in yours and your son Jesus’ names. Thank you sweet Lord. XXX

  7. I need someone to agree with me in prayer that God is going to fix my car and restore it and he’s going to send someone to purchase the three storage units that I have are the option him for me God has given me so many great things and he didn’t give it to me to put in the trash forgot just finished two of you shall agree as touching anything it shall be done so I believe in God for a miracle and I’m asking someone to agree with me in Jesus Christ name

    1. Lord i pray for Anthony to be delivered from cancer. That if there’s anything that is hindering him from being cleared that he humbles himself and turn from ways thats blocking his blessings. Lord you know his body and you have healed the sick and raised the dad. Theres nothing too impossible for you. In Jesus name Amen

  8. THANK YOU Jesus ,PRAISE YOU Jesus…bless all the children of the world….HALLELUJAH increase our faith Lord,AMEN

  9. Heavenly Father, I come before you to pray for divine guidance for my sons situation today, that You will bring forth unto him a victorious outcome so that he may be spared his life being turned upside down. He is a child of Yours God, and I pray for your Mercy upon this situation put forth against him. I pray that no evil can harm him for you God shall cast it out in Jesus’ name Amen. We are grateful for all of Your blessings Lord, and we give Thanks to You for this beautiful day! Prayers for all who are in need of the Heavenly Father’s Devine Help?? I pray for your divine help, Oh Lord, for my son’s situation today. In Jesus’s name, Amen