Prayers Against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Prayer to remove fear

Heavenly Father, thank you for this new day. Thank you for waking us up this morning in our sound mind, as we are privileged to worship you. We proclaim your reign in our lives and our nation and all the earth. We give thanks as always to you Lord. You are in charge of this day.

We pray for wisdom for our policymakers, our leaders and those in authority, for the safety of our front line workers, for healing of those who are affected with the Coronavirus disease and their families. Remove all fear, Lord, and replace this fear with affirmation from your word. In Jesus Name, Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB: “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (Glemma Bartholomew)

Prayer against Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Jehovah-Ropheka, my Healer, the Great Physician, we bring before You those who are sick and afflicted with this virus. We pray for healing, total and complete. We bind the spirit of disease and illness. Heal your sons and daughters and revive them.

Heavenly Father, protect and shield us from this disease. Cover us with the blood of your son Jesus Christ. Remove the spirit of fear and dread. Because you have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound, well-balanced mind.

Lord, we will not be afraid of the terrors by night or the arrows that fly by day, nor of this virus that is threatening the resources of this world. Whatever the enemy plans for evil, You will turn into good for your children.

Matthew 18:18 “I assure you that whatever you fasten on earth will be fastened in heaven. And whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven.

2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Praying for Protection for Covid-19

Coronavirus, we cast you out in Jesus’ Name! Lord, we give you all praise and glory; You are marvelous wonderful. You are our refuge and my fortress, in You we confidently trust.

I hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart. The enemy has no hold over me. In fact, right now, in the name of Jesus, I cancel the assignment of the enemy.

I forbid any sickness or disease to enter my body. I declare that every organ, tissue, cell in my body is functioning as God created it to function.

The weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God in pulling down strongholds. And so, I cast down everything of the enemy and forbid it to operate in my territory.

Matthew 8:26 But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Matthew 18:18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Prayer for Healing of those afflicted with Coronavirus

Heavenly Father, be with those who care for the ill. Bless the doctors and nurses and all the medical practitioners who are putting themselves on the frontline to bring healing and comfort to those afflicted.

Give them hope. Protect these nurses and doctors around the world as they face patients daily, often without adequate protection. In Jesus name, Amen.

Mark 5:34: He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

Pray Also: Inspirational Prayer for Healthcare Workers

Praying for Healing from Coronavirus

Lord, my heart and prayers go out to all those being affected by the Coronavirus. Bring healing and comfort to those who have fallen ill. May they be strengthened and brought back to full health.

1 Peter 2:24 Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

Thank you, Lord, that your love has been poured out in my heart, by the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I declare that I am blessed, made whole and set apart for your use.

This is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Father, You are wonderful and glorious and through You, I am able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think or even dare to imagine according to the power that works in me.

A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but nothing will harm me. In the name of Jesus, I thank You for keeping me safe! So Be It, Amen!

Read Also: How are you coping? Prayers and discussion during the COVID-19 pandemic

More Prayers

Prayer Against Coronavirus Pin
Prayer against the Corona virus and for healing for those affected and blessing and protection for the nurses and doctors tending to the sick and afflicted

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  1. Praise the Lord and God bless everyone who minsters at Christians TT. I truly appreciate the prayer your ministry made available during the pandemic. I have no problem praying at all, but during the pandemic I was a little unsure.
    I began searching for prayers to pray for people who got the virus and having something that was all ready written out was very helpful and as I was led by the Holy Spirit, I became more free in commanding the virus to leave and for healing.
    One of the msin reasons I’m contacting you is I was wondering if you would send me a copy of the prayer. I’m 73 years old and I tried to figure out how to print it up from our computer, but I couldn’t figure it out.
    I would appreciate a printed copy of your prayer when people are affected by the virus very much. That way I will have it on hand if for some reason I’m not able to access the prayer online. God bless you and all that you do for the Lord and the Body of Christ. You are a blessing.
    Thank you,
    Sheila Allen

  2. I have a tax bill due tomorrow and I don’t have the money to pay it right now. I pray I don’t have to go to court over it and God gives me mercy along with grace to get it paid with my first pay check when I start working next Monday! I pray for God’s favor over this situation in Jesus Name Amen.

  3. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness and mercies everyday! I praise and honor you for your faithfulness to us. Praying also for everyone who are affected by the virus and may you restore everyone to full health. Thank you for the blood of Jesus covering us from all diseases. I pray with thanksgiving and reverence to your sovereignty and reign toward us your children. In Jesus name I pray. Amen So be it Lord!

  4. Lord Jesus, I ask you to heal those affected by Corona virus. Touch them with your precious hand an cleanse them in your precious blood. I plead your blood on all affected and all hospitals. I plead your blood on every door post of every household. Your blood is life and protection. Help all affected to believe in you powerful word that heals,that delivers and that makes whole.
    Thank you Jesus for listening and answering our prayers. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray

  5. Heavenly Father,
    I ask for your protection and healing for those affected by Covid-19 and those who are exposed to them because of their daily work. I seek your mercy and grace to bring forth your healing touch Lord to cure those who are struggling to recover from this virus. Please Lord Jesus have pity upon them and bring healing and comfort and bring them back to full health.
    I plead and ask for your mercy Lord Jesus. Amen

  6. My dear Father in Heaven,
    Today, I pray for healing,total and complete. Amen.
    Please protect and shield us all from the coronavirus disease.
    Cover us with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,I ask,
    Please bring healing and comfort to those have fallen ill with the coronavirus.
    Would You be so kind bless them,bring healing and comfort and back to full health.
    Heal them and make them whole again. Amen.
    No illness that is incurable in.Your blessed name,dear Lord Jesus,
    I have great faith in Your Words.
    “Believe and you shall receive,only believe”. Amen.
    I also pray that this morning,
    I am vaccinated by the precious blood of Jesus Christ,
    No virus can touch me. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for heal us all from the coronavirus disease.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  7. Amen !!! Hallelujah
    I receive and I believe
    Thank you lord almighty for this beautiful new day, for breathing me with my family
    In the name of Jesus Amen

  8. I claim healing for all those suffering from the Coronavirus, God be with them
    And help us all to spread your love and light everyday
    I love you
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  9. I receive this prayer
    And I declare it over my children
    According to my faith
    It will manifest
    In the name of Jesus …. Amen

  10. Dear God,
    I pray that this morning.
    I am vaccinated by the precious blood of Jesus Christ,my Lord and my Savior.
    No virus can touch me.
    In Jesus mighty name,

  11. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,I praise You,I thank You Lord Jesus,for You always take care me,bless me with Your love.
    I love You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    Today,I give my life into Your mighty hands.
    I thank You Lord,for take control of my life.
    Lord Jesus,I ask You today.May You Lord,bring healing and comfort to those have fallen ill with the coronavirus.
    Please bless them,bring healing and comfort and back to full health.
    Heal them and make them whole again. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for heal us all from the coronavirus diseases.
    No illness that is incurable in Your blessed name,Lord Jesus.
    I have great faith in.Your Words.
    “Believe and you shall receive,only believe.”Amen.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen and Amen.

  12. Please pray for my baby. A household individual who has been in serious constant contact with someone who subsequently was dismissed with CoVid19, deliberately came downstairs and picked up my baby and started kissing and talking to him breathing all over him before I could get him and take him away. It was a deliberate and evil act. Please pray for and with me for my baby’s immunity, health and healing. And pray for this individual that they would be loosed from every evil demonic force that influences them.

  13. Hi can I get a prayer for my grandson and daughter my grandson has been going to his other grandmas and they just found out she is infected with covid 19 and he’s been going over to her house and I need a prayer hoping he has not caught this virus thank u and God bless

  14. Father God I come boldly before Your Throne to ask for this Coronovirus be eradicated now in Jesus Name.Father I declare and decree it is done in Jesus Name. And Your children that turned to their gods will call out to once again Amen

  15. I claim Divine Healing to all involved in this Coronavirus epidemic. God bless the Doctors the nurses, the Scientists, help them to Stop this Awful disease by the precious blood of Jesus. all Women Children, Mm end Homes Families Friends all over the World I claim healing by The 39 stripes of Jesus
    Thy will be done
    Thank you, Lord for your Marvelous Mercies
    I give my life to you
    Amen & Amen

    1. Dear Father God. I come in agreement with all these prayers asking for your divine mercy and grace. Lord we are in the midst of a devastating pandemic with global proportions and we know that only you can stop this virus and destroy it completely. Bless our policy makers our President and all the doctors nurses paramedical practitioners and scientists studying this virus activity within our nation to give them great strength and energy to not tire and to continue with their work to curve the spread of this deadly disease. Bless every family affected and give them your comforting embrace and please give them your peace to those who grieve of their loved ones who passed. Thank you God for everything you do for us. We need you Lord. In Jesus name. Amen!

      1. Jesus we know you rebuke winds and storms we come before you knowing that you’re above everything in heaven and under.We recognise your divine power our kind and loving master asking you to calm the sea.Let’s get to understand that you’re the master of everything we humble ourselves before you knowing that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to you and without your intervention we can’t get a vaccine, heal us both spiritual and physical and let’s draw closer to you during this period in Jesus name.

        1. I know Lord you have this, it has been a very scary, lonesome time in our world
          Thank you for always being right here with us precious father
          I claim healing by the blood of Jesus
          Thy will be done
          Amen & Amen

  16. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I am in Christ Jesus,
    I am a child of the Living God.
    I give my life into Your Mighty hands. Amen.
    For this Coronavirus,Lord Jesus,I really have no idea.
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for You take control of my life.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Help me,Lord Jesus,to have great faith,to humble myself before You at all times,and bringing before You those who need Your power of healing.
    May You,Lord Jesus,bless us all and heal us all and make us all whole again.
    Heal us all from the Coronavirus diseases.
    No illness that is incurable in Your blessed name,Lord Jesus.
    May I always remember and have great faith in Your words.
    “Believe,and you shall receive,only believe,”Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for everything.
    I have faith and trust in You,Lord Jesus,everything will be going well.
    May I rejoice and give God all the glory.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Amen. God please take control, heal those who has fallen sick with this virus. God please put your protective shield of armor around my children, grandchildren, sister, neice and me so that we will not succumb to the coronovisrus or any other disease or viruses. Thank you God.

  17. Dear father
    U said in chronicle 14-15 If my people who called by my name shall humble themself and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then I will hear them from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land,Dear Lord we humbly asking for forgiveness for our sin and for our grand parents,hear our prayer today,we need u more than before,ur God of miracle,your the God who release your children in the hands of the Egyptian with a miracle,you made this name for yourselves,and today we bow before your throne,because ur alfa and omega ,the beginning and the end,we know that this covid 19 is nothing before u,my u heal our land dear Lord,send your angel father like u send Moses in Egypt,send your angel like u send Elijah into the house of the widow.
    Our precious heavenly father we thank u for your intervention in this virus,thank u for your word because we know our brothers and sister are heal by his stripes and our land will be heal and protected
    In the name of our love Jesus Christ

  18. Lord I know that you are mighty and worthy to be praise. Father I come before you asking for healing for the people who have the covid 19 virus,I’m asking for complete healing for them Lord . I pray also that you spare your children who have not gotten the virus lord. Father I know that we are weak but lord you are our strength. You said that you have plans for us and that fear is not of that plan so father keep us close to your mighty healing hand during this time and all other times in Jesus’ mighty name Amen

    1. Good morning, my name is Carol Clark. I would like for you to pray for me. I am having a lot of pain in my ear, a disorder in my jaw. Thank you. I enjoy your daily scriptures, it’s a blessings to me.

      1. You are a child of God and a sister through Christ Jesus… I know this world can be unfair and dark… Let me share the power of Our Lord and Savior and how much He Loves His Children… This is a true story and it opened my eyes. When I was a young teen I was told I couldn’t have children. I was only 22 and I had found out my first blessing that I was pregnant with my only daughter . She had her 1st birthday and Easter in the same weekend mom was a busy bee… she started walking 4 months before she turned one. I started noticing her limping and she went back to crawling alot more and she cried in pain when changed her diapers. I took her straight to the ER I thought she might have sprained her ankle they took a X-Ray put her in a brace and sent us to a specialist the next day… the day they told me she had bone cancer and only had a couple of months at best.
        At first I was asking God why would he bless me with this beautiful child if he was going to take her away from me? I saw a circle appear in a swirling dark but smoky hole of a dark depression like I was in side of this unexplainable sorrow I heard all the mothers who were crying, yelling, whelping some in the distant some were closer I felt awful for them… and then the fact that I would become part of it… I was scared everything the doctors was telling me about this condition and treatment options for my only daughter became overwhelming for me. My husband was there the hole time I never even realized he never left our side… family would come in to visit us and still to this day dont remember anyone being with me. So I prayed and prayed for a answer for God to tell me or show me the path I needed to take… the Doctors surgeons came into our room was telling me that amputation maybe the only way for us to fight this cancer handed me papers to sign and they would be back in the morning for the papers. Really they gave me no options just cut off the leg. I tried to imagine her not walking again how her whole life would change never run and play at the parks, riding a bike and even if she grew to love sports she could never do them how could I keep telling my child no honey you cant do those things. So I prayed the hardest prayer of my life “Lord give me the strength of Abraham if you need to take her away then let this be your will Lord not mine, Father I am weak I cant make do what their asking of me…Please Lord take this deep burden away from me..” I just fell to sleep and ….. woke up with tears running down my face my daughter woke me up with a biggest smile, she asked me mommy why are you sad, as she cupped both hands around my cheeks… I told her sometimes mommy’s cry but mommy would always be here, she didnt know what was going on only that she had a booboo… she looked at me and said mommy dont be sad… as she wiped the tears running down my face, well if it’s my booboo it’s all better now. I looked at her and said your booboo stopped hurting you that’s good baby she said nope I saw a Angel and he kissed my booboo and all better now… at that sec. The doctors walk in for the papers and I told them they were not cutting a toe nail off my baby ripped up the papers they were trying to change my mind and I would not hear of it no longer..
        Let me ask the main doctor my creator my God.. and I’ll let you know… but it didnt go without a trail per say … after a long hard battle they X-Rayed again and found nothing was there… she is about to turn ten years old soon. My daughter is running riding bikes, fishing even in gymnastics for a while she made cheer caption at cheer camp and so proud of her! And everyday I wake up and she her growing… the Love of our Heavenly Father has for his children is some kind of healing power… no man or virus can touch the work of our creator! Keep praying I know we will be for all of you and then be still and let God… this is my story so let this become yours.
        All is Well…

      2. In Jesus mighty name I pray for my family and vaccinate us with the precious blood of Jesus.No corona virus or any deadly diseases shall come near our tents in Jesus name. I pray for divine healing for all who have been affected by this corona virus or any deadly diseases to be healed by the precious blood of the lamb. I pray for all frontline workers to be protected by the blood of the lamb I also pray for all the scientists that are working night and day to find lasting medical solutions to corona virus to be blessed with wisdom and knowledge as they strive for humanity . I pray for those that have lost their love one,that God will console and comfort them and for the souls of the faithful to rest in peace .Prayer is our only weapon. God please hear the prayers of your humble servant and grant my heart desires in Jesus name.

    2. Heavenly Father,
      My prayers to this nation and all who are infested by the Coronavirus. I pray for guidance and healing by the power of your blood and your protection in Jesus precious name amen. Thank

    3. Precious lord Jesus please hear our prayers for this evil virus that’s trying to harm us , pleases deliver us in Holy Gods name.

  19. In the second paragraph of the prayer there is a huge misprint -“Heal your sons and daughters and revile them” – I’m guessing you meant to “revive” not revile. Please fix this, as people who pray this prayer word for word don’t add criticism & condemnation to those afflicted. The words we say are extremely important – the Word says they bring life or death, blessing or cursing. See the definitions & synonyms for each word below
    TO REVILE: criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner.
    Similar: criticize, censure, condemn, attack, inveigh against, rail against, lambaste, flay, savage, brand, stigmatize, denounce, blacken someone’s reputation, defame, smear, slander, libel, traduce, cast aspersions on, cast a slur on, malign, vilify, calumniate, besmirch, run down, abuse, knock, slam, pan, bash, take to pieces, take apart, crucify, hammer, lay into, slate, roast, skewer, bad-mouth, rubbish, slag off, monster, pummel, bag, vituperate against, excoriate
    TO REVIVE: restore to life, give new strength or energy to.
    Similar: reinvigorate, revitalize, refresh, energize, reanimate, resuscitate, brace, fortify, strengthen, revivify, rejuvenate, regenerate, renew, breathe new life into, enliven, stimulate, freshen

  20. Lord Jesus as Mark and I were talking last night we pray and claim healing for this disease Coronavirus we do not understand, through out the World here in Oklahoma and all the USA I claim Peace, Love Joy and healing as we come together to comfort one another in this time of distress
    But you God thru our walking by Faith not by sight, we can do all things thru Jesus Christ who holds me up and strengthen me, I claim healing by the precious blood of Jesus.
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    I live you Lord I bask in the glory of yoyr love and truth.
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  21. We are worried and afraid and God is saying to us trust me. I am the Lord Lord who heals all diseases. He tells us in Deuteronomy that these diseases that have come against te Egyptians will not come upon His people if we are obedient to His Word and does what He says. We pray for those that are sick from this disease and we should be cautious in the things we do and those who are sick around us, but let us, as children of God, not walk in fear when we know our God has us. We have not been aware that a little over a week ago 5,000 people died from the flu and the government is not saying anything about that. It is praying time and let us pray for mass conversion that even in this people will search for God and give Him their life. Dear Father heat us as cry out to You with repentance from the heart asking You to cleanse us from sin and wash us completely in Your blood. We understand the world is afraid but help us as Your children to pray for the world and live godly examples for the world to see You through is. We thank You for healing, salvation and the ability to make wise decisions. You said in Your Word to greet our brethren with a holy kiss and now we have gone from embracing to elbowing. Help us Lord not to be as the world but that we can be the example that we are suppose to be. Thank You for new revelation. In Jesus Almighty Name.

  22. I thank almighty God for his Devine healing, mercy and strength upon my house hold. Praise the name of the Lord.

  23. Dear God,
    I believe in God,The Father Almighty,The Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ,and The Holy Spirit.
    I have faith and trust in You,Lord Jesus.If God is be with me who can be against me.
    Today,I am in Christ Jesus.
    I am a child of the Living God.
    The enemy has no way come to my side.I ‘ve been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
    I declare that today,dear God,
    I am blessed and made whole.
    I am healed and set free.
    (In Jesus blessed name),Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May You,Lord Jesus,bring healing and comfort to those who have fallen ill with the coronavirus.
    May You,Lord Jesus,bless them,bring healing and comfort and back to full health,Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for blessed us all with Your love,Your mercy and Your grace.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

    1. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,I praise You,I thank You Lord Jesus,for You always take care me,bless me with Your love.
      I love You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
      Today,I give my life into Your mighty hands.
      I thank You Lord,for take control of my life.
      Lord Jesus,I ask You today.May You Lord,bring healing and comfort to those have fallen ill with the coronavirus.
      Please bless them,bring healing and comfort and back to full health.
      Heal them and make them whole again. Amen.
      Thank You Lord,for heal us all from the coronavirus diseases.
      No illness that is incurable in Your blessed name,Lord Jesus.
      I have great faith in.Your Words.
      “Believe and you shall receive,only believe.”Amen.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen and Amen.