Prayer Against Domestic Violence and Abuse

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Almighty God, there are so many people who live in darkness as a result domestic violence and abusive relationships. Help them, Father, to recognize that abuse can take many forms, not just physical, but mental, verbal and emotional as well.

Enlighten them and provide them with wisdom to see when things are not right within their relationships. Where frustration and confusion exist, and even when they feel powerless or fearful, Lord, grant them Your peace. Uphold them with Your mighty and victorious right hand.

In the name of Jesus, I stand against all types of domestic violence and abuse within my family. I bind every evil spirit associated with them.

I command anything and everything that destroys a person’s self-respect, self-worth and confidence and leaves them with feelings of low self-esteem and depression, to be removed from my family relationships.

1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

James 1:19-20 – So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Healing for victims of domestic violence

Allow them to heal and forgive. Show them that, as a person, they deserve to be respected, to feel safe and valued.

Abba Father, help those being abused to recognize that when they feel dominated, disgraced and even dejected, that they need to stand up and declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper because they are delivered by the blood of Jesus and are children of the Most High God!

Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:12 – Lord, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done all our works in us.

Praying for abusers

I also pray for abusers, Heavenly Father. Have Your way with them, so they will not have the desire to control and manipulate their partners. Lead them to Your Word, where they will purified and made right in Your sight.

Embed Your Word in their hearts so that they will live in harmony and have perfect and constant peace within themselves, and in turn, with their partners.

I pray for complete healing and restoration of relationships and protection of my brothers and sisters in Christ! In Jesus’ merciful name, SO BE IT…AMEN and AMEN!

Psalm 11:5 – The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.

Colossians 3:19 – Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.

Ephesians 4:26-27 – Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

Prayer Against Domestic Violence and Abuse

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  1. I ran across this website, today. It was pretty inspiring because I work with women who have been victimized by someone who supposedly loves them. Past generations have made domestic violence within a home a “norm”. I am not saying our mothers or fathers embedded in us the techniques of abuse, they only demonstrated it in front of us as children. So, what we learned and how we deal with abuse is in the same manner as our parents. We also have around us many individuals that believe they are helping by telling women that “divorce is not an option”. It is an option if it is your child. I believe when a woman is being abused, she needs to run so that she can live. We are not Jesus, and we need to understand that abusers do what they do because they can. They believe they are not doing anything wrong. Also, why should they stop abusing if they are getting the right stimulus for their existence?

  2. Please, dear God, send Your angels to protect my best friend who is suffering so much as a victim of domestic abuse! Amen

  3. Oh most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of Heaven, blessed mother of the Son of God, Immaculate virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me, show me herein that you are my mother. O Holy Mary, mother of God , Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity (my request to change any blasphemy I have made in the last ten years to good, not hurting Jesus and to protect my soul from evil. Also please stop humans being cruel to children and animals and grant the good prayers I have made to St Theresa and St Jude.). There are none that can withstand your power.

    O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times)
    O Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (3 times)
    Please pray the above prayer for 3 days then publish, it may also be of help to others
    Thank you

  4. Thank you for this inspiring messages and prayer.

    Almighty Father, be our guide and protector. Save us from domestic abuse that makes our life miserable. Lead us O Lord to the right path which will bring us to happiness and make our life truly fruitful. In Jesus name. Amen.

  5. 1/20/19 I also for 34 yeas of marriage have gone through emotional, verbal , and some physical abuse. I have left a 1970 square foot 2 story house we bought in 2010. To protect my sanity and well being I left. February 12. 2018 was the day I left. I stayed with a friend and paid her $150.00 a month for a room. I saved money and now live alone in my own apartment since June 23, 2018. I filed for divorce and soon he will be served. Long story short he got into my apartment while I was at work and damaged some areas in the apartment. Mind you with out a key, and I never ever told him or anyone where I lived. I know he followed me from work one day. I have finally come to understand he is a narcissist. What is worse he is several months from turning 70 and has caused me so much pain. During our marriage he sabotaged my clothes, my bible, my car, other personal effects. I don’t understand any of his behavior. I know God is greater than he and I pray God convict his heart and vindicate me. I recently came across a very important psalm, it is 91. I will continue to pray for Gods protection and that I will overcome this. In Jesus name. To all out here continue to pray with psalm 91 everyday. Listen to the words.

  6. “I praise You dear Lord Jesus Christ,I put my trust in You,my hope all day in You. As we go throughout this day,keep us out of the hands of the enemy.
    I pray today,I stand against all types of domestic violence and
    abuse within my family.
    I pray for complete healing and restoration of relationships and protection of my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for Your unfailing love,for my life and blessings You bestow upon me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.”

  7. Lord god i come today praying for peace. The devil comes in many forms. I pray that you devour the hold he has on my family and release me and my children from his wrath. You are the alpha and omega and i trust in you … Thank you god for all … In Jesus name

  8. I have been in jail. I almost killed my loving girlfriend of 12 years. I gave her a brain bleed. I broke her nose. She lost sight in her left eye. Broke her arm. Took all of her family pictures and burned them and destroyed everything in our home. I destroyed her and now I am dying.

    1. It takes a lot Eddie for someone to take responsibility for their actions . God is forgiving and he will always forgive you don’t doubt him trust him always and just dedicate you life to him bcz after death there’s eternal life ❤️

    2. I have gone through a terrible abusive marriage. My husband is already polygamous. But hope against , l still hold on to it. Prayers

  9. I am currently on process of leaving my ex partner’s house. I am physically, mentally and socially abused by him as I write.
    As of now, he has finished eating, I will have to wait until the house maid and the dogs have already eaten and the food that was not consumed I will eat it when everybody is already sleeping. I only eat once a day when it is possible, often I drink water to fill my empty stomach. Yesterday I ate the food that was crawled by cockroach and rat – a joke made by his maid when she asked me what I ate, but since I have to fill my stomach, I have no choice.

    Last year 2015, he found out that he has HIV , I was blessed with good income and he was not so I supported his expenses and assured him that I will keep his secret safe. He blames that it was my fault that he got sick because I did not stop him having promiscous relationships. He’s praying that I may get sick too. But then I am keeping his secret from his family.

    I thought his abuses were caused by his disease but then I was surprised that he was able to treat other people well, I found out that during my birthday he had cheated with my former colleague. It got out of the office and I had to resign because of pressure from gossip.

    He’s been kicking me out of the house and been telling me to leave, he’s thrown my clothes almost everyday and I have been begging him to give me a little time because I still don’t have enough to rent another house. I don’t have my family to support me since they too have other priorities in life.

    Life wasn’t like this before, when I was earning a lot, we went out a lot, we travel together, eat together. Now I eat alone when he and his family sleeps. I hope that I have enough money soon to rent my own place as I transfer to my new job.

    1. God cannot lie … he sees and knows all, he WILL
      Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. Psalm 71:4, and execute the proper judgement on your oppressors. This I know quite well… Believe and Praise Him for it Now !

    2. Abandon soul, you should change your name, to something uplifting. It starts even at the way we currently view ourselves. I hope you have fled the scene and dont look back. YOU should not even hesitate. You life is important and it is important to GOD ALMIGHTY.

  10. Well , believe me , I thank the Almighty Father up in Heaven that I don’t go through domestic abuse , because I have been living by myself for 3 years now , in my own apartment. I do pray for all people who go through domestic abuse a-n-d any other kind of abuse. I have been going through emotional abuse from some people who act bad in the city that I live in. Even though I have been truly nice and kind to them , they still act mean towards me , in front of me , within hearing distance and when I’m not around them. I have prayed for them before and I still do. Yes , they do know that I’m a christian. They still continue to act mean though. They have messed up my reputation as well , them blaiming me for their wrong doings , saying that it’s my fault for how they act towards me. I honestly , truly have only been kind to them and the Almighty up in Heaven knows that too. Their meanness towards me was the reason that I started living by myself in the first place.

    1. I’m so sorry that happened to u. I’m also going thru something but I’m not handling it as well as you did. I’m so lost & I need help I don’t wanna hurt myself but I’m so tired of everything…

      1. Hi, there! The world is a battleground between good and evil. Amidst this, let’s keep our faith, that our Heavenly Father sees everything and is on our side. Pray unceasingly for those who offend you and do protect yourself if you can by keeping your distance from them. God be with us all! God has you in the palm of his hands. You are made in his image and likeness and you have the strength to cope. 🙂

  11. Amen! Yes domestic violence is not to be tolerated and I pray for deliverance for those who practise and are caught in this inhuman act.
    Almighty Father,
    Today I pray that all have the understanding that You gave them a freedom of life
    And I pray for Your deliverance of women who condone to abuse because of pure love or not having a choice in life
    I pray for Your deliverance of all those who abuse under influence of drugs and alcohol and those who abuse because of a tormented or bad past.
    Release them Lord all from such captivation and may Your great love be one that heals and delivers all these caught in such an inhuman act.

    1. You’re welcome Geevetha. Have a wonderful weekend!

      May God’s richest blessings continue to pour out to you and your family as well!

  12. Amen!

    Almighty Father,
    I earnestly pray for those abused
    In marriages, foreign workers and some who are weak in sight
    Many have no means to voice their plea
    For survival they succumb to this and more just to live.

    In Your great compassion and power
    I pray You release those caught in terror
    Turn Your wrath on those who hurt and abuse
    By their lesson may they learn what it is to love.

    1. 1 pet 1:7-13, v13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, selah!!!