Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against The Lustful Desires

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Prayer Against Lustful Desires

Exalted Creator, I bless Your holy name. I give You all the praise, honor and glory You deserve, for You are Holy and Righteous.

I come before You, gentle Saviour, seeking Your help in battling temptations. Cleanse my mind, my body, my soul, of all lustful desires. Deliver me from the evil one, Yahweh. Protect me from his deceitful lies. 

Galatians 5:16 – I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Matthew 5:28 – But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Building A Closer Relationship

Help me in becoming righteous, pure, and holy. Help me not to be consumed by lustful thoughts. Let my mind focus on praising and worshiping You and You alone, for my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost.

I bind and curse out every evil entity that prevents me from building a closer relationship between us, Lord: lust, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, and sexual immorality. 

1 Corinthians 6:18 – Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

Romans 1:26 – For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Overcoming Lustful Desires

The only thing I crave, hunger, and thirst after is You Jehovah Nissi. Almighty God, everlasting Father, I know You will help me through this.

I may be human, which makes me weak at times. But I will not yield to temptation or lustful desires, for yielding is sin. I know that I am strong through Christ who gives me strength.

Satan shall not prevail! The works of the wicked shall not prosper, for we are healed, delivered, and saved, through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen! 

Romans 8:6 – For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Galatians 6:8– For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.


I DECLARE there is an anointing of ease on my life. God is going before me making crooked places straight. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I will not continually struggle. What used to be difficult will not be difficult anymore. God’s favor and blessing on my life are lightening the load and taking the pressure off. This is my declaration.

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  1. Kindly, pray with me for outgrowing all lustful desires of the flesh but to remain pure and holy, as my Lord Jesus is holy.

  2. Lord, protect me from the vengeful sexual temptations people my age experience. You are more powerful than the Devil’s desires. Please help me focus on what’s right, and free me from the effects of these sexual desires. My wish for you is to free me from my masturbation addiction, which has been ongoing for 3 years now. I know You will help me beat my sickness as long as I stay faithful to You. Blessed be His name now and forever. Amen 🙏

  3. Good morning, my God. I thank You for taking me through the night. I pray that You bless me today with the divine riches of Your wisdom, knowledge, understanding, strength, joy, peace, guidance, courage, and love. I seek Your mighty healing, blessings, kindness, wealth, good health, safe travel, and joy. I praise You for being a miracle of faith, unique and unparalleled. You deserve all glory and honor. Lord, I lift my hands to worship and glorify Your name. I pray to You, acknowledging Your miracles and unmatched power. I declare that there is an anointing of ease on my life. Amen. God, You are going before me, making crooked paths straight. Amen. Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. Amen. I will not continually struggle. Amen. What used to be difficult will no longer pose a challenge. Amen. Your favor and blessings on my life are lightening the road and easing my load, taking the pressure off. Amen. This is my declaration. Amen. Thank you, my God.

  4. Lord Jesus I believe you are truly present in your word. My body mind and spirit has become a magnet for miracles. I am so free off all those in this world that keep looking cute to the cause and on the back thrust a huge knife of jealousy and animosity. You have taught me how to bypass that with the gift of prayer. I’m so very thankful for that.

    We may not have much but we have you. We know we will always fond abundance in you. We will always find strength in your word. Continue to make me stronger bolder and sharper just like your word. Let every step I take in faith only prove to be an arrow a fiery dart into the enemy’s mouth. Every lie we hear be turned into a great thing for our good and your will alone. I am committed and focussed on you and forever I will be through to eternity. Slash away every temptation the evil one puts in my path through people. I am the body of Christ Satan sickness infirmity sin self doubt fear double mindedness misjudgement does not have any power and place in me. My daughter and I are becoming stronger and stronger each day. You are preparing us for bigger greater and happier in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Please let the vision that we are seeing in our hearts come true for your greater glory and kingdom building. Amen. Yours is the power glory and honour forever and ever Amen.

    Take away the infirmity in my body and set me free. Amen. I have commanded it to leave and the fire of the holy ghost has burned it down and it’s dead. Amen.

    We have wonderful and absolutely healthy bodies minds and spirits.

  5. Thank you God you are my declarations for everything positives and good things in my life.
    Help me to walk according your righteous way.
    I might loose track but God i need strength and comfort from you.
    To have faith and remembered you God in every day of my life on this earth.

  6. Just found out my girlfriend who I have been with for seven years has had a lesbian affair with her supervisor for a year. I am devastated and she keeps denying that she has not had a lesbian affair. She left her old phone and I found texts of them talking about how good it was and her desiring to be with that woman and her lesbian friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will pray daily to free her of this abomination.

  7. I have a prayer request, to I press the prayer button, but I didn’t seem to get anywhere with that, it is for my self, I ask your prayers to be free from lust

  8. I do not know what my earthly purpose is. I am running out of options. I need to find the light to show me the way.i feel darkness resting on my back.

  9. My prayer is to drive the lusting of the female body from my eyes and thoughts. I just want peace in my heart. The love of jesus has been long waiting.

    1. Amen.. Brother. I pray the same prayer as well. I will pray for you and that God will continue to make us strong and righteous.

  10. I want prayer against failure at the point of breakthrough.
    I want my flesh to be fully crucify to the cross.
    Freedom from long old addiction

  11. PRAISE you ABBA Father I thankyou through my precious savior JESUS CHRIST YESHUA yes LORD please deliver me from every sexual dreams that come to hinder me in the night these dreams seem so real Papa and I Rebuke with the blood of JESUS YESHUA LORD let not these Demonic unclean Spirit not Manifest in my life please continue to Cover me and my Family with your wings In the Natrural world and in the Spiritaul world i know that your making me stronger all that Happens to me you will always get the Glory in my life and the Life that all your Children that you have call unto yourself Blessit are those who Trust in you Papa and always Plan a way of escape for us out of the snares and the trips of the wicked in the Spiritaul world and the physical world In JESUS CHRIST YESHUA Matchless Powerful Name ! Amen Amen Amen!Thankyou Adoni!

  12. I am strong through Christ who strengthened me The Devil shall not prevail
    I walk by faith not by sight
    Peace be still
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  13. Pray for me i have problem i want God to help to overcome lust desire and self control and to have respect towards other people amen

  14. As I’ve been reading through the comments and seeing that i am not alone in my transgressions. I realized that if God can heal you, he can heal my too, i’m not perfect im a sinner, but i’ll no longer use this as an excuse. I love God, and i long to get closer to him, but in order for me to do that i have to break these chains of mine this stronghold that’s held me captive for years. And as i close this out, i beg you all to please pray for me and i mean really pray im pleading for a change. Im pleading to walk with God and be high and mighty with him to be of my father’s business. But i need help, so i ask my brothers and sisters pray for me please with all your heart as well as everyone else on this page and the world that’s dealing with their demons and strongholds. I love you, all and i claim in the name of Jesus we are all going to make to that city holy new jerusalem. And in order to see him we gotta get ourselves straight and in order to do that we have to give all our burdens and sins to him. Have a blessed day, thank you for the prayers to the world, the sinners, as well as myself, Thank you,and have a blessed and wonderful day.

  15. I have recognized I have a generational curse. None of my family recognizes it. The curse is anxiety and for some, desires of heart and mind. I have started lately going through my body from head to toe, seeking in the Name of Jesus to remove these curses. These curses have placed me in sin long enough! I ask for prayer and support for my family and myself for these curses to be removed Forever! Thank you and God Bless!

  16. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    Today,I come to You,in praise.
    I need You,Lord Jesus,to help me in battling temptation.
    Lord Jesus,please lead me to walking in Your way.
    Protect me when I am tempted.
    Strengthens me in my weakness.
    Advise me in my doubts.
    I pray for today,dear God,
    May the works of lustful,satan shall not prosper.
    Satan shall not prevail.
    Yes,Lord Jesus,
    I am strong through Christ Jesus,who gives me the strength.
    I know that,I am saved in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    I am blessed,I am healed.
    I am delivered.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,to give me the strength to through these hard times.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray
    Amen and Amen.

  17. I have been living a celibate life as an act of penance fro 15 years. Today I looked at a fully clothed woman with lust. I had no sexual experiance at all but feel tremedous guilt and remorse becouse Jesus said if you look with lust it is just like audultry
    I will spend the next 3 hours praying for forgiveness
    I am writing to make my self accountable and experiance shame so I will not sin again

    in-love peace and penance

    1. I get strong urges for older men and I have been struggling with this for a very long time.
      I am tired of doing the wrong things..I have full trust in Jesus and only by faith God has kept me reasonably clean.
      I love Jesus very much but I really need lots of prayers so that I can be set free from my lustful ways and pornography.
      I really want help now..
      Many thanks..

      1. Make sure and repent of your sins to the Lord you might have done this but you won’t be sin free but you also now after your saved need to read scriptures and feed yourself as I am now

  18. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father,creation of Heaven and Earth and Jesus Christ my Lord,Amen.
    I need You,Lord Jesus,to help me in battling temptation.
    The works of lustful,satan shall not prosper.
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for guiding me to walk in Your way.Help me to through these hard times. Amen.
    Protect me when I am tempted.
    Strengthens me in my weakness.
    Advise me in my doubts.
    I am strong through Christ Jesus,who gives me the strength.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You guiding me to walk in Your truth and take control in my life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

      1. I will not be tempted by the flesh, I bind up and cast all the old out into the Sea
        Thy will be done
        Help me Jesus
        I am set free
        Amen & Amen

  19. Thanks for all the prayers and mind altering blessings associated with them. I truly believe that if we think differently our world changes. I see God Work every day in my life. I am eternally grateful

  20. Christian TT has done so much for me I am a recovering alcoholic and I haven’t been going to meetings or utilizing a sponsor or any of those things yet however I have been clean and sober for over a year now only obstacle in tools that I have been using to keep me a straight is God in Jesus Christ and through Christian TT is bringing me closer and closer to him and learning the ways and the true Spirit of the Lord however I am praying daily and ask you all to do for me in helping me finding a sponsor a soulmate I am seeking a wife to the decision of God I am also seeking the right Temple Church to be placed in just pray that God help me with these things as well as he already have I thank you Christian and God bless

    1. Dear Brother thank you so much for sharing your story I know it will help many who read it. Keep on asking the Lord to direct your steps to the right church for you and He will. I believe strongly in the power of prayer because I’ve seen the successful results of it countless times in my life.
      Please know that I will remember you in my prayers tonight. Englishlady!

  21. Dear Father God.
    I praise and seek You first in my morning.
    I thank you Lord,to help me in battling temptation.
    The works of lustful,satan shall not prosper.
    I thank you Lord,for guiding me to walk in Your way.
    Advise me in my doubts.
    Strengthens me in my weakness.Protect me when I am tempted.
    I am strong through Christ Jesus,who gives me strength.
    We all are saved in the hands of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.

  22. Lord you alone have the solution to every situation. We are nothing without you in our lives. We love praises and glorify you in Jesus name amen and amen.

  23. Dear Father God,I put all in Your hands dear God.I thank you for my health,love,family and most of all this life. Amen.I will do great things in Your name.I thank you dear God,to help me in battling temptation.The works of Lustful,Satan shall not prosper.We are all are saved through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.In Jesus mighty name.Amen and Amen.

  24. I praise You my dear Almighty God everlasting Father.Every morning,I wake up ,I will be thankful for the wonderful life that You have give meI thank you dear God,for You always be with me,guiding me to walk in Your way.Advise me in my doubts.Strengthen me in my weakness.Protect me when I am tempted.Yes Lord Jesus,I am strong through Christ Jesus,who gives me strength.Thank You Lord Jesus,to help me in battling temptation.The works of the Lustful,Satan shall not prosper.Through our Lord Jesus Christ.I am blessed,I am healed,I am delivered and saved.We are all are saved in the hands of our Almighty Father,the Son,and the Holy Spirit.In Jesus mighty name I pray.Amen and Amen..

  25. Our Savior Who sits on high at the right hand of the Father I prostrate myself before You asking for deliverance not just for myself, but for those who are battling alongside me for deliverance once, and for all from lust, fornication, adultery, and everything else in our lives that sets it’s self up against You. Please give us to reach out to Your our stretched hand to set us upon Your firm foundation, and make us humble to receive Your answer to our prayers, and help no matter who it is that You send to help us, and encourage us not to give up.

  26. I to need prayers in lust, pornography ,masterbation! I’m in Recovery for drug use and an been clean for 4months! Find myself lusting an I don’t want to struggle with this! God has blessed me with my life back really want to stop lusting

  27. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I thank you so much for
    Such strong people and powerful prayers. I ask that you lift each and every prayer up to you because you will answer them all. I pray that lust will not consume my mind, and that I will control my thoughts because you have blessed me so much. Please forgive me for stumbling just now, as I think about the past. What you hold for me and my family is far greater in the future. I love you and praise you lord. Humble and head bowed.

  28. I praise You my dear Almighty God,Everlasting Father,for You have protect me and keep me safe from all evil.
    I am strong through Christ Jesus,who gives me strength.
    Dear God,I ask You to help me in battling temptation,for You cleanse me by the blood of Jesus. Amen
    The works of the Lustful,Satan shall not prosper.
    Satan shall not prevail.
    We all are healed,delivered and saved through Our Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Thank you Lord,
    I trust in You daily.
    I place my faith to You and surrendering all to You,with holding nothing.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.

  29. God bless you sister. May God Almighty bless you and take you to greater heights in Life as you journey with the Lord daily. May God Almighty continue to make His holy face shine upon you. Stay blessed

  30. A life in Christ is a life unwasted. It is a life worth living. I pray that God be with you always.

    1. God is always there to help us when we cry out to Him for help in faith. He is our only hope and an everlasting source of help when we are faced with critical problems in life. He is our shield and rampart. God be praised at all times!

  31. I really need help in quenching my lack of control over pornography,masturbation and fornication.. Please pray for me brothers, and I need spiritual advice on how to be strong against it’s temptations because I usually find myself weak in such situations

    1. You’re not the only one man…nustbstay focused on God and try to read his word…more…fill your mind with his desires…when you want to do it…you shoukd already feel convicted to not want to do it…but sometimes we still flow with our flesh but we HAVE to learn how to crucify our flrsh and our wordly desires!!

    2. Prayers in Christ Jesus name you shall desire to overcome & live a holy life for yr body is the temple of God.. we come against you demons right now of ponography, masterbation & FORNICATION.. u shall flee n no longer keep him in bondage…he has mentioned u..u are no longer a hidden secret, you 3 have no authority here in his body u will no longer take control of his mind, body n soul YOU SHALL FLEEE ALL RIGHT NOW IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF CHRIST Jesus & NOT COME BACK,.. AMEN!

    3. Dear Brother, I believe strongly in the power of prayer because I’ve seen the successful results of it countless of times. Satan knows us Ceejay and he knows our weaknesses so he attacks us strongly in those areas. Christ Jesus also knew temptation. Can you remember when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness asking Him to feed Himself or cast Himself from a high place then ask His Father to save Him. One of our strongest weapons against adversity is Prayer and Jesus knew this that is why He prayed so much. Next time lust decides to pay you a visit pray boldly and ask for help. God Bless you.

  32. What an amazing God we serve.. Who knows everything about us. We believe and now we receive. Jesus is our rock, our deliverer, Our Lord and all. He will mever fail those who trust Him. The Lord got us.

  33. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the person who prayer be this prayer and shared it with everyone. We thank you for spiritual men and women, for the wisdom, knowledge and understanding You give to all who will seek You face. I thank You for this prayer, may it become the prayer that will change the heart and mind of everyone who reads and share it, through the power and might of Jesus Christ. Amen

  34. Thanks God, for everything you to me and my family i can’t stop thank to you,,i ask you Dear God for continue guide us for this temporary world,,thanks you for this daily pRayers.. Amen.

  35. Thanks you for your daily prayers,they are always on time.I try and block my mind from this sinful habit.Give ne strength to resist the devil,keep us free fr all evil ,Thanks for you blessings ,to you dear Lord I submit my all to you,help me continue to follow and obey your command ments in Jesus mighty name,Amen, Amen

  36. I praise You Dear Heavenly Father,to bring Your love and building a closer relationship with God. And thank you bring me close to each other in my family.
    Thank you for this beautiful prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    1. Thank you for this prayer. I pray for continued strength and deliverance from all temptation. Thanks be to God that he is with us and for us. So he is right there when we stumble so we can lean on him to prevent a fall.

  37. Father I thank you for giving your angels charge over me. You know what I need before I ask. Your mercies are new every morning. I also thank you for sending my Chistian family members to share their strength and struggles letting me know I’m not alone. Thank you Jesus and Thanks to
    Christians TT and all my brothers and sisters and a special blessing over your house.

  38. Those of you, me included,worry that certain ‘sins’ cannot be forgiven. However with time and effort and prayer, everything is possible by knowing Jesus CHRIST as SAVIOR from sin.

  39. Lord help me to not be consumed by thoughts of lust. Let my mind focus on praising and worshiping you and you alone, for my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost. Amen!

  40. Amen, Galatians 5:16 – I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Remember, you can’t fight lust on your own, so ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

  41. Loving God I thank you for the victories over evil in my life.
    In the powerful name of Jesus, under the divine law of grace I pray for all of us. I thank you for the unconditional love and help that you continuously provide to us. Thank you. Amen.