Prayer Against Masturbation and Pornography

How do I pray for forgiveness for masturbation?

Go before the Lord with a repentant heart, acknowledging that you have sinned and that you do want to change this behavior. Ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins and renounce them.

Let Us Pray: Asking for forgiveness of sins of masturbating and watching porn

Dear Lord, I admit that I have sinned against you in my heart, mind, and actions. I have thought about, and done things that do not please You. I feel guilty, dirty, and sinful. My God, I have been in this circle of pornography and masturbation for too long.

Lord Jesus I ask your forgiveness for my sins of masturbation and using pornography. I confess my sins and I turn away from them.

I have tried quitting by myself, but it was to my own disappointment. I keep going back to watching pornography and masturbating, and the more I do it, the more I’m trapped in the act, and in shame. (Prayer Of Repentance and For Forgiveness)

Jeremiah 33:3Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Galatians 5:16 – I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Prayer to Purify and Renew

I repent of my sin today, and I receive your forgiveness through Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Purify my mind, my soul, and my spirit. Create in me a clean heart, renew within me a steadfast spirit.

Remove from me any ungodly thoughts. Restore your Holy Spirit to me. Let your blood purify and renew my conscience. Set me free from guilt and shame. Give me a new identity in Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against The Lustful Desires)

Hebrews 10:22 We have been sprinkled with his blood to free us from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with clean water. So we must continue to come to him with a sincere heart and strong faith.

1 Corinthians 6:18 – Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

Prayer To Stop Pornography And Masturbation

Lord, I invite you into my situation. You are my only hope. Come and do what only You can do. Set me free from watching pornography and masturbation.

Every feeling of loneliness and lack of fulfillment making me watch pornography, let it break now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every spirit monitoring me and influencing me to watch pornography, be broken in the name of Jesus Christ. You evil spirit fighting my salvation, break now in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m redeemed and set free.

I am the apple of God’s eye and God’s jealousy is on me. God, who does not sleep nor slumber, is watching over me. I am an obedient child of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen! (Prayer To Overcome The Flesh)

Matthew 5:28 – But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Psalms 121:4 Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.


I DECLARE there is an anointing of ease and cleansing on my life.
God is going before me, making crooked places straight. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

I will not continually struggle. I will resist. I will overcome with the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.

What used to be difficult will not be difficult anymore. God’s favor and blessings on my life are lightening the load and taking the pressure off. This is my declaration. (Now break those chains of temptation: Prayer for Overcoming Temptation)

Need prayer or help at this time?

Additional Resources

Sexual immorality opens the door to numerous sins such as deception, manipulation, and lying. You can experience victory! For more free resources, visit to help you on your road to recovery.

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  1. Lord Jesus i thank you for setting me free from the sprit of masturbation i pray my prayers shall be answered in Jesus name i pray amen 😢😢🙏

  2. Thank you for your prayers thank you very much.. The devil has been using me but now I’m free from watching porn and masturbation also watching porn movies… All the bad spirits be broken in Jesus name I claim amen

    1. I pray to God Almighty to set me free from the hand of evil spirit, who makes me to watch pornography and masturbating, I cancelled it out of my life, I’m set free with power of Jesus Christ, no evil harm shall come into my way, because I’m the apple’s eye of the lord

      1. I have been a slavery of watching porn and masturbation,my life turned miserable, Thank you lord for your grace and the prayers of this page. May they lead me to a new change today. Kindly give me a breakthrough in my health, spiritual, and social happiness…My Father My Father have mercy on me and be upon me.Amen

      2. Thank you Jesus, i am heal from the spirit of masturbation, as i Read and pray i feel something came out of me and i believe am Free… Thank you Jesus

  3. Thank you so much for this prayer I really needed it. I believe I am free from lust. Fornication and musturbation.

    I just came across this website as I needed to seek for forgiveness. These prayers made it easy for me. Thank you

  4. I believe I need help tremendously. I have always been trying to quit, but I always end up in the same cycle. I just want it to stop.

    1. Lord Jesus forgive me all wrong things I have been doing, now free me from this kind of act I want to live as per you wish I pray in the name of Jesus amen 🙏🙏🙏

  5. This has completely helped me with my porn and masturbation addiction. I pray these prayers daily and they seem to really work, there is real power in Jesus.

  6. Thank you ChristiansTT. I believe because of those prayers l repeated after, my life will never be the same..🙏💙

  7. I been battling this struggle with pornography and masturbation for years and I need it to stop NOW so I can fully use my body as His temple and receive everything God has in store for me and my family. I am thankful for this prayer and I pray for deliverance for all my brothers and sisters out there going through this same addiction. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over our mind body soul that we will break free from this addiction. In Jesus name I pray! Amen

  8. Heavenly father I know you can help me out of this sinful act… Pls give me the strength to stop watching porn and masterbation, I can’t do this alone I need your help in Jesus name Amen… Please add me to your prayers I need help I beg you in the name of God. 🙏 🙏 🙏

  9. Thanks for your help I believe with this prays I’m delivered in the mighty name of the lord Jesus Christ amen
    I’m free for ever thank you Jesus may God help and strengthen you guys God bless you 🙏

  10. My name is James, this has been a year now!! And I feel very shamed of myself and life.. I feel depressed and sad that nothing is working out for me. I have tried to stop masturbating and watching pornography myself but still yet the spirit come back…. I don’t want it… it’s not myself. Please I really need prayers against this evil spirit of masturbation and pornography please!! My body is for almighty God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

  11. I FEEL A SHAME OF watching pornhub and you porn prayers too overcame sins in my life in God MARK 12:30&31 I REPEANTCES TO GOD IN HEAVEN AND EARTH TO BE IN SPIRIT OF GOD BLESS YOU FOR THE LORD GOD OF MY SAVIORS ARMS

  12. Please pray for continued strength so that I do not keep falling into the temptation of pornography and masturbation! It has been going on for far too long and I cannot go for more than 2 weeks without being heavily tempted and not even being able to think about anything but that at that moment please pray fervently for me I know God has great plans for me and the devil has placed interruptions

  13. I struggle every day. Since I was 16 I have engaged in sexual sin. The temporary pleasure overwhelms my sincere desire to abstain. I feel depressed, dirty, sinful and helpless.
    I am in a Bible study with 3 other men. I don’t confess as I feel shame and embarrassment.
    I have not been able to seek help.

  14. Thank you for the prayers 🙏 to help me stop watching porn and engaging in masturbation. I am fifty-two years old and single. I want to get married soon, attend Christian college, and engage in good Christian works. I believe that God our Father Jehovah, Lord 🙏 Savior Jesus Christ, and the Helping Holy Spirit have prepared me in advance to do these works in Christ Jesus, for His Glory and Kingdom’s purpose…

  15. hi my middle name is Len please pray that I stop watching porn and masturbating, its been a sinful act I keep doing on and off since I been 7 years old and I do want to be set free but this evening I just prayed against it that God help me set me from doing that and I know I need to be set free, I been ashamed of it and felt guilty but I feel like by you praying for me in this area and I am no longer hiding about it that God will help me stop doing this and I thank you in advance for praying for me to stop, and I thank God that I am now set free through the blood of Jesus.

  16. oh Lord have mercy on me and deliver me from masterbation in Jesus mighty name Amen. thanks Jesus for delivery me from masterbation in Jesus mighty name Amen. a thanks Jesus for restoring my wife Jojo osayande and and my manhood and sperms and wealth and glory back to me in Jesus mighty name Amen. thanks Jesus for joining Jojo osayande and Chris together as husband and wife both physical and spiritual in Jesus mighty name Amen

  17. My perverted boyfriend has issues with pornography, sexting women, divorced 3 times and is a retired Army Vet. We have not been intimate if the almost 2 years we have been dating. He also Agnostic and grew up Baptist. He is a Trump supporter and believe African Americans deserved police brutality and he is African American. He lies, cheats and has a lot of health issues. I am in the church and pray for him daily because I am in love with him. He needs Salvation.

  18. I will pray with you guys . I come out of agreement with the devil who says i and you cant break away from porn and chains of sexual pervesion i believe in Jesus to save every individual including me from the chains of sexual immorality and pervesion. 1 Cor 10:13 ; No temptation has overtaken you except what is comon to man-kind. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyong what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also povide a way out so that you can endure it.

    Brethren we have victory the enemy cannot continue to this tho himself we are victorious in the Mighty and most Precious name Jesus Christ.
    I confess so the devil can be ashamed. He dragged me into this mess in 2014 upto date but i want to break away from this day henceforth!!!

  19. Heavenly Father, I come to you, I am ashamed. I have been suffering from addiction from substance and of the flesh. I tried to quit on my own but I disappoint myself constantly. I need strength and guidance from using drugs and watching porn and masturbating. I need you ever hour. I repent my sinful ways. Please guard me in your son’s mighty name. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, MY LORD AND SAVIOR, I PRAY, AMEN.

  20. Please 🙏, I need your support in prayer 🤲 I have been an addicted masturbating and pornographic watcher since my 17 years till now (24+) and I see this destroying my life and relationship with GOD … I’ve tried to stop this act on my own but find it difficult

  21. God please at the age of 17 years and this spirit of masturbation and I have been doing it up to this age and I really want to stop but I can’t. So God help me.

  22. Hi, masturbation and pornography is destroying my life since from my teenage. And am now 27 year old university student.

    After masturbating I always felt ashamed and disappointed. I prayed and fasted for several times for God to save me out of this sinful act but to no avail. I’m very weak now and now suffering from low sperm count. Please help me with the prayers of deliverance. I really need repentance and healing.

  23. Please, pray for my liberation, since my adolescence I have been tied to this passion with perverse thoughts and acts; that, if I did not know a little about God, and the grace of his gospel, long ago I would have decided to commit suicide; how, at the age of 30, I thought or plotted suicide fearing it would go from bad to worse. Today, 41 years later, I regret continuing the same and even worse, fearing to sadden and even anger the God in whom I am placing my hopes of life. Thanks.

  24. I’m suffering from scrotum hernia, at the same time my wife and child left me after a quarle, now I’m all alone with this illness..
    Please guide me with your Powerful Prayers 🙏
    For HEALING &FAMILY REUNION thank you 😊 💖

  25. I’m a 33 divorced and weak guy. It started with porn when I was younger. I go to web sites to look for people to masturbate with, doesn’t matter the gender. I spend hours masturbating and taking and sending nudes of myself online. I’m a lonely man and I crave company, I crave the human touch. I had been meeting with anyone available to masturbate together. I feel this addiction is consuming me. I hate myself daily for being a disappointment and because of my failure. I cry daily after the act is done, as I don’t want this behavior to ruin my future. I failed to my ex wife as I went out to masturbate during my marriage. I wish I was never born. Im unclean and I begged many times to have the strength to stop. Please add me to your prayers…

  26. Hi im 36 years old male, single, I’m 100% fully deaf, I can’t hear, I can talk, I took 8 years speech therapist, I have a cochlear implant but i never wear it, never been married, First porns i’ve saw when i was around 10 years old.. because of the video game i’ve played called Diablo, how i found out about porn sites? Because of Diablo internet game i went into, i found in the chat room that someone posted porn links and i clicked the link and took me to the porn sites then I went extremely horny and crazy about women’s body for years… I’ve been watching porns my whole life until 36 years old.. I’m 36 years old now.. I feel guilty and worried I’ve been watching porns since i was 12 or 10 years old i dont remember.. still watching porns. I really need your prayers. I’m kinda getting tired of it. Still having troubles staying away from porns. You guys have no idea how extremely im worried about myself and God, I don’t want to go to hell. Any advices would be appriecated, I dont know if u can see my email or not but please pray for me. Thank you

  27. Heavenly Father, I have been watching porn and masturbating. since I was 13, until age of 36. I need prayers and healing to keep my mind clean, keep my eyes focus, and ears to listen more. I’ll go back to church go to confession and Pray. Not to masturbating while watching porn. Jesus name I Pray Amen.

  28. Please pray for me. I’m in a sinful life and I’m trying to escape the ways of sin. I want to continue following The Lord but the wicked keep on getting to me. Pls pray for me. I keep on falling into temptation and my anger shouldn’t be reflected on others.

    1. God I am begging you please heal me from this sin of masturbation and porn. Sometimes I feel lonely and that’s why I masturbate sometimes. I know it’s not right but I do it out of boredom and to fulfill that empty space in my heart. I understand it’s not right and I ask for your forgiveness and help. Please grant me self control or send a husband to me to fulfill my desires.

      1. Please help me against masturbation and pornography, it’s killing me and making me far from God. Please, pray for me.

    2. I had a masturbation addiction during the years I was in college. I tried abstaining from meat, quitting video games, praying in tongues, and prayers such as Psalm 51 and it helped with self control.
      In fact, I remember stopping masturbation, but after many months, I had a relapse. When I did it that time, I had a psychosis that lasted 7 months before I went to the psychiatric hospital to receive medication.
      During the whole time, I had visions of demons, especially connected to masturbation. Its been 2 and a half years since the hospital incident, and I had a few lustful relapses but no masturbation.
      Although I avoid masturbation, I get dreams about demons and sexual sins. I still suffer from nocturnal emission. But what I discover is that after many years, I finally do not get erections in public anymore.
      I use to get erections even as a child. Now I feel detached from it. I still suffer from lack of custody of the eyes. But I feel healed in many areas pertaining to this.
      What I want to say is: do not give up, there is hope. God will get you through this and He will miraculously heal you. Pray many deliverance prayers, and watch what you eat, especially before going to sleep.

  29. Heavenly Father,
    Please forgive me for my sin. I’m sorry for disappointing You by giving into carnality. I want to do right by You. Abba, help and free me from this sexual bondage. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10. Thank You for Your redemptive power, in Jesus Name, Amen.

  30. Lord Jesus, I beckon on you to come to my aid and save my soul so I can be free from the sins of the flesh and every torment of sin.
    I am free, in Jesus name.

  31. Lord God of all. I have tried mass, confession, counseling but nothing works. Help me, I’m lost. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

  32. Lord, Heavenly Father, please save me from the strong desire to masturbate, watch porn, read erotic and twisted perverted porn stories, and to have online kinky affairs. I wish to be more faithful to you Lord, and have a healthy, strong sex life with my wife.
    Please Lord, save me and let me grow closer to you. I wish to be closer and live in heaven with You forever. I know I’m stronger than this. Help me repent and help me want to repent from this affliction. Amen.

  33. Thank you for this wonderful prayer. May God bless you for helping people with this issue. May u be blessed, in the name of Jesus Christ. Now I know my problems will be no more, in the name of Jesus Christ.

  34. Lord, please I need your help and intervention in my life. I have tried to stop this masturbation and porn but it’s been difficult for me to do. Please oh Lord, help me to get my freedom and liberty from this sexual bondage, Amen. I am free.

  35. Heavenly Father,
    Please help me and save me from the desires of masturbation. I know that with each act of this sinfulness, I’m only separating myself further from you. I’ve tried, and tried to stop giving in to this sin, but I’m weak when it comes to my flesh Lord.
    I don’t do what I want to do, and that’s to not sin with the act of self gratification, but instead, do that which I hate, and that’s giving in to the devil’s lies and deceptions.
    God, please, cleanse me, wash me, create in me a new heart and a right spirit so that I can be set free of the chains of sin that have me bound.
    I need You Lord.

  36. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I ask of you to help me with my masturbation and porn addiction. I know it’s a sin and I understand you don’t want me to do it and so I ask of you please give me the strength to overcome my worst sins. I love you Lord, Amen.

    1. My name is Dwight Jack. I am a Christian, a minister, but I am addicted to pornography and masturbation since I was a little boy. I know it’s wrong. I prayed, fasted and everything is but I still can’t quit. Pray for me. God bless you.

      1. Heavenly father I know you can help me out of this sinful act… Pls give me the strength to stop watching porn and masturbating, I can’t do this alone. I need your help, in Jesus name Amen… Please add me to your prayers. I need help. I beg you, in the name of God.

        1. Heavenly Father I am ashamed to have sinned with masturbation and or pornography! – I am not always quick to ask forgiveness immediately after sin – because I feel I do not want to take your forgiveness for granted – it’s like the child who does bad and cannot look daddy in the face . Imagine me deliberately contemplating sin – and knowingly choosing bad acts. – I come to you lord god with a true desire to stop this evil act ! Please forgive me as I am weak. I never want to take your grace for granted and fully accept any punishment you see fit ! You deserve more of me and I will try with all my might to not commit this sin again. Pleas give me the strength to resist such temptations. Thank you for your love and forgiveness! Amen