Prayer Against Racism And Prejudice

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Messiah, Majestic King, Creator, Ruler of the land and everything that dwells within it. We praise Your holy name, for there is none like You in all the earth. You created us each uniquely in Your image and likeness, in all shapes and sizes and complexions.

We pray with faith and belief, that You will heal the land of the infectious disease of racism that targets many even today.

John 13:34 – A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

Remove Thoughts Of Racism And Negativity

Help us to not participate in any racial acts against our brothers. Clear our minds of all negative thoughts against them. Free them of any racial injustice that may cause them bondage, break every chain!

Remove all separations of skin colour in our land. Help us all to live in peace and harmony with one another.

Remind us that we are all created equally and we are all children of Your mighty kingdom. Help us to be meek and humble, for those are the ones who will inherit Your earth.

Galatians 3:28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Clear All Negative Energy

Negative energy and thoughts dealing with racism will not consume our minds. Purify our tongues to not speak ill against our brothers. All bitterness, resentment, hatred, prejudice, malice, jealousy and pride will flee, in Jesus’ name.

We will experience Your unconditional love at this very moment and be able to spread it like a wildfire across the nation.

Cleanse our minds, bodies and souls as we go out to represent You, Lord, in love’s purest form. In Jesus’ holy precious name we pray, Amen!

Deuteronomy 10:17 – For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe.

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  1. I pray against discrimination of Christians in particular throughout the world the martyrdom of any people and the end of all holocaust by those in high places. You say you can turn the heart of kings God I pray for the kings and the rulers over this world right now knowing that you have predicted all these things in your word. I pray the Bible will be distributed into many hands and read for many people as the Internet fails.

  2. Thank you my father
    All Glory be unto you
    I am grateful for all you’ve done and your doing and will still do for me and all the children of God. In Jesus mighty Name Amen.

  3. God you know everything that I am going though in my marriage. I got married to a man who never loved me till this day. 30 year of our marriage he never respected love or care for me. Dear God, I am putting this hopeless case in to your hand and hope I get my self respect back from the hand of same person who dishonor my entire life. I pray to God.

  4. Blessed Be To Our Lord,The Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit.
    We are all created equally and we are all children of Our Mighty God.
    Dear Father God,
    Help us all to live in peace and harmony with one another,do not see the skin colour. Amen.
    Dear Father,
    If I am wrong,right me.
    If I am lost,guide me.
    If I am start to give up,keep me going.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,lead us all to walk in Your way,in Your truth.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  5. O Lord, acknowledge my weaknesses. Give me strength to fight this battle through the blood of Jesus. Amen.

      1. God made us all fr his blood, red, yellow, black, white, orange, its a ugly world out there by Precious Jesus love we all come together
        United we stand, divided we fall
        What would Jesus Do
        Thy will be done.
        Amen & Amen

  6. God Is Good… and Jesus has already defeated death and every sickness and disease with along with it… I rebuke Satan right now in the Name of Jesus Christ…

  7. We give You many thanks and praise You our dear Heavenly Father.
    Dear God,
    Grant us the knowledge and understanding of Your word.
    Help us always to follow our Lord Jesus,how to love others and do good to everyone.
    Help us all to live in peace and harmony with one another,do not see the skin colour. Amen
    We are all created equally and we are all children of Our Mighty God.
    Dear Father,If I am wrong,right me.If I am lost,guide me.
    If I am start to give up,keep me going.Lead me in light and love.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen.and Amen.

  8. God Is Good… and Jesus has already defeated death and every sickness and disease with along with it… I rebuke Satan right now in the Name of Jesus Christ…

    E.Hill#49 “Impossible Is Nothing”…

  9. Amen!
    We pray never to participate in any racial or religious conflicts
    May we in our example and prayer
    Move non – believers to see us in a special and unique light
    That they may be curios to know You Lord the One above all greatness.

    1. Jesus took all sickness and diseases to the cross. Racism is a disease, a sickness. This spirit is already defeated. God through His Son Jesus Christ, gave us (all who are saved) authority over the atmosphere, over demonic spirits, over sickness and disease. To accept them is a sin. Jesus did not separate one sin from the other. He gave us weapons to use against these things, and these weapons are HIS WORD. He has given us everything we need to sustain and maintain life in Christ.

      Father, I thank you for this day that you made, and for allowing me to be a partaker of it. I thank you Father for another opportunity to get it right. I acknowledge your finished work, and I, on purpose, chose to walk in it. It’s not about me, but you Lord operating through me. IN Jesus NAME I PRAY. AMEN