Prayer Against And Overcoming Attacks Of Satan

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One of the most important ingredients in overcoming the attacks of the enemy is nutrition: nourishing the spirit by feeding on the Word of God. Someone said to me: “I have problems when I study the Word. I don’t remember most of what I read.”

Well, you may not remember everything you ate for the past year, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your body was not being nourished.

Get To Know God

Spend time with His Word and in His presence. Spend time in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. Prepare yourself to overcome the small battles in your life so that you can take on the Goliaths.

David wasn’t afraid of Goliath because he had previously overcome the lions and other creatures through his faith in God.

As you overcome the smaller battles, your faith grows. As you learn to listen to the voice of the Master, you understand what to do and when to do it.

Are you still afraid of the lions in your life and therefore unable to face the Goliath ahead of you? Or are you a giant killer, moved by your faith and trust in God? Let’s pray.

Prayer When Attacked By satan

Gracious and Merciful Father, I magnify Your Most Holy and Precious Name! Even as I try to praise You, dear Father, I am tormented by thoughts of some past situations.

These thoughts have left me completely broken and have stolen my inner peace. I feel totally defeated. Today, I bow before You in desperation because, even when I try to think positive thoughts, I am facing continuous ATTACKS by the enemy.

Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

1 John 5:4-8 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.

The Power of Jesus’ Name

Lord Jesus, Your name is powerful. At Your name, every knee shall bow. Satan is no exception. When I invoke Your name, darkness trembles. Chains break. Strongholds shatter. The name of Jesus is my refuge. My weapon. My salvation. Satan tries to cast shadows. But in Your name, I find light. In Your name, I find hope.

The battles may be fierce. The road, challenging. But with Your name on my lips, victory is near. Satan may try, but he cannot win. For in You, Jesus, I am redeemed. I am protected. I am victorious.

Philippians 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.

1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Prayer To Overcome Attacks Of The enemy

Almighty God, I believe that by worshiping and honoring You, I WILL overcome the attacks of the enemy. I tear down everything that the enemy has stripped from me.

Today, I bind up every evil force that is attempting to penetrate my mind, heart, soul. I declare according to your word that whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven. If I have not yet forgiven, Lord, give me the grace and strength to forgive. Help me to trust again.

James 4:7-8 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Standing on God’s Promises

Father, Your Word is filled with promises. Promises of protection. Of victory. Of eternal love. Satan tries to sow doubt. He whispers lies. But Your Word, Lord, speaks louder. Clearer. I stand on Your promises. They are my foundation. My assurance. In the heat of battle, Your Word is my guide.

Every Scripture, every verse, is a testament to Your might. When Satan attacks, Your promises shield me. They uplift me. They remind me of who I am in You. A child of God. An heir to the kingdom. Victorious in Christ.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Choosing To Stand Against The Attacks Of The devil

Abba Father, I declare that today is MY DAY! I choose to stand against the attacks of the enemy! He will not have further control over me.

I also declare that I will renew my mind with the things of You, as the battle has already been won. My confession is that, by the FINISHED work of Jesus, I can claim VICTORY over my life.

I have the peace of mind and the assurance that the Holy Spirit continues to dwell in me and grants me peace. In the name of Jesus, I renounce those thoughts that hold my mind captive. These things I declare in Jesus’ name, SO BE IT…AMEN!

Matthew 18:18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Being Attacked by the enemy

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  1. Good morning God break every thing that has been put against me me God break every evil spirit that she has done against me lord stop the enemy attacks against me breaking all money blocks against Lord only you lord can stop the enemy thanks god

  2. GM and blessing to every one give all the glory to our father because he is good. I would like for you to pray for me to be delivered from demonic strong hold in my life. They came to steal kill and destroy but that not what my father in heaven said. He came to renew us, restore our mind body and spirit and to start the new year off with a new walk with Jesus I’m God master piece and no weapon form against me shall prosper. In Jesus Name Amen

  3. Lord Jesus my God my king. I thank and praise you for everything you do for us. I give you glory honour praise and all my life’s work in this request. I claim Philippians 4:6 wherein it says that I should not be anxious snd submit my requests to you. You have already heard me just as I speak life into this dead and vengeful situation which we need to get thru soon. Our soon is on your timeline and everything that we are is because of you. You always plan for our good and have everything planned out since the day we were in our Mother’s womb.

    I am very sorry to not have taken my life and those of my loved ones seriously. This seems to have caused untimely sickness and death to my family, my dad.

    While I choose life and want to move on further the devil has a hold on me thru a soul tie with my husband. The Lord has removed him from my life but the trauma remains. The pain lingers and the emptiness is more than a void. It seems like a crater of lava and overflows everytime I hurt.

    Lord, please help me find a better way to come out of all this pain. I don’t quite know what to do. Please quicken the heart of my husband or help us to communicate somehow to clear any misunderstandings. I claim Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

    Lord Jesus please show me the way. I need clear direction to get thru. I need financial sponsors or a miracle. I command the angels, your ministering spirits in your most mighty name to go forth and find me sponsors for when we do the separation deal. I am so hopeful and know that my faith will make this possible. You will make a way there seems to be no way. Thank you for keeping us and my mom safe and protected. Amen.

  4. I pray to wear the full armour of GOD, anointed with the Spirit of the Lord and his righteousness. That we enter the Kingdom of GOD and his righteousness. As I continue to press forward and make straight the way for the coming of the Lord, in Jesus Name, amen

  5. In the mighty all powerful blessed name of Christ Jesus ~ AMEN – AMEN –

  6. Blessed day to you Abba Father, I glorify you and thank you for waking us up to see another wonderful day, wit all your blessings, love, health strength and happiness. I pray our day be fruitful in Jesus Almighty Name Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️

      1. Pray for me and my family. I have a evil lady that keeps bothering me. I moved away from her, she ended up moving near me again in some apartments. She is into witchcraft. She came into my life pretending to be in a Christian but ended up being evil. I’m at my breaking point cause she won’t leave me alone..

  7. Please pray for me and my family members because of demonic attacks. Last year my wife suffered from Partial stroke and she is now recovering. I am in debt. My children are yet to have a breakthrough irrespective as we tried. Please kindly pray for God’s protection breakthrough for my children. They worked very hard but fail at their points of breakthrough. We prayers for open doors and God’s protection against spiritual attack against my family. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. May the GOOD Lord you all Amen.

  8. Hello I sincerely need your prayers in my life. For many years now I have been having all sorts of evil dreams and nightmares like having sexual intercourse in the dream, demons attack at night, swimming in my dreams, eating in the dream, seeing my self in my former college always taking exams, and so on without really knowing what they meant. About a month ago I read an article about dreams and their meanings, that was when I realized that the evil dreams that I do have in my sleep have been manifesting all this while in reality in my life. Despite working very hard for several years I have been experiencing setbacks, slow progress, disappointments, Stagnation in almost every area of my life. In fact not just me, but every member of my family. This is as a result of evil influences which are frustrating my star, destiny and purpose in life through evil dreams. In a week from now, I will be a year older. Most of my goals which I set at the beginning of the year, I still haven’t achieved any yet despite working very hard towards achieving them. But i’m still very grateful to God that I’m alive, cause he who has life has hope. Despite everything that has been happening to me and my family, my faith in God havn’t and will never deviate.
    And also, ever since I started praying very hard for a change of situation in my life and family and realizing that everything we have been experiencing in my family are as a result of series of demonic and spiritual attacks, I started receiving death threats in my dreams. But I know for sure that I will NOT die but live to testify the goodness of God. I also want you to pray for me against the spirit of backsliding. I really want to live my life to the glory of God almighty. But I always fall for temptations against my wish. I sincerely need your prayers as I’m believing God for a wondrous miracle in my life and family. My time of supernatural turn around and Breakthrough has come. God bless you all and grant each and everyone of your hearts desire in Jesus most Potent and Powerful name Amen!!

  9. Thank you for this new day Father God, I rebuke the Devil and his wicked ways, I am a child of God
    I have the full body of armor on
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
    Peace be still
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  10. Dear God,
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me,I will overcome the attacks of the enemy.
    I choose to stand against the attacks of the enemy.
    He will not have further control over me.
    I declare that I will renew my mind with the things of You,as the battles had already been won.
    I pray for peace in my daily life and I confess that by the Finished work of Jesus,I can claim victory over my life. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for lead me into Your way of truth and I believe that no enemy can come into my way.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  11. Father God I come boldly before Your Throne to ask that you destroy this corona virus in Jesus Name pray for all those passed on those suffering those on front lines during this time. This too shall pass in Jesus Name. It is done. Amen

  12. Dear Father God,
    Today,I choose to stand against the attacks of the enemy.
    I confess that today,by the Finished Work of Jesus,I can claim victory over my life.
    I pray for peace in my life,in my mind,body and soul. Amen.
    I declare that,today is my day,and the battles has already been won.
    Today,through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.
    I will overcome the attacks of the enemy.I will walk in righteousness,and I believe that no enemy can come into my way. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,to give me the strength and lead me through this trying times.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  13. Father God, I thank you for giving me the strength to forgive. Father, I pray that you give me the wisdom and guidance to deal with the attack of the enemies. Father, you know the pain, aches, stress and depression I am facing in my life. Father, I ask that you take full control of my life. And give me the strength to get through this storm. Lord, I surrender myself to you.

    In your name, I will overcome the attack of the enemy and the battle is already won. In your name I claim victory. Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit leads me through the storm. The enemy has been attacking my faith, my body, my thoughts, my finances. The enemy has broken me down. I lost everything.

    I am coming to you Father God. I praying harder and harder every day and night. Father God, I put my trust in you. Father God, I let go and let God. Father God, I decided to be still and listen and lean on you. Father God, I ask your forgiveness for letting the enemy come into my life. Father God, I come to you repenting for all sins and wrong doings. You are fortress, my refugee, my savior, my healer, my provider, my everything. In the name of Jesus, Amen!!!!!

    1. Amen Amen Father I thank you for all you have done doing and going to do in my life I need you Jesus my God my protector,big brother and Saviour Haleluyah you are a faithful God there is no one or thing like you that is able to do or bring(give) the peace that I need thankyou Jesus for helping me

    2. Ms. Tasha Mack…our Abba Father is an amazing Father…when I start reading your replayed I though I was reading to myself. Your prayer when straight to my heart. I thought I was the only one going thru very though time. I know I’m not the only one…several of us going thru tremendous times. However with your permission I will copy this prayer and make it my personal one. It covers everything. Thank you Father for Your amazing love to us.

  14. O God my saviour my father my everything father Jesus i come before you this morning father you know all my pains my stress & my struggles father please take full control of my life this morning i beg you father ease this pain & give me a safe delivery father my lord i surrender all to you i cant do this on my own lord please dont FORSAKE me i come as a HUMBLE child asking for forgiveness of sins & have mercy on me father am very stress out father please help me to know that you are God of your words & you will not give me more than i bear father i leave my life in your hands please take full control in Jesus precious name I pray AMEN

  15. The battle has been fought and won. We are all victors not victims as Jesus died and paid the price for all.. Praise be to Hosanna in the Highest. We give You all the Glory Father ~ AMEN

  16. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for You give me the grace and strength to forgive,give me wisdom and courage to deal with everything that comes my way.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ,who strengthens me.
    I will overcome the attacks of the eneny.
    The battle has already been won.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    Victory is mine. Amen.
    Great Father,today,I glory in Your presence. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,for fill me with Your love and lead me through this day.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  17. Thanks lord for the prayers. Help me and my son to be free from the enemies at school. Hep the teachers to stop persecuted my son. Protect my son from the exams month. Amen

  18. Dear Father God.
    I thank You,Father,for this morning,it is the peaceful day.It is the day You gave me to make my own.
    Today,dear Father God,You will be my refuge and my strength,and my hope is in You all day long.
    I thank You,Father,for all the blessings in my life,to give me the grace and strength to forgive,give me wisdom and courage to deal with everything that comes my way.
    I will overcome the attack of the enemy.
    I declare that today.
    According to Your word,dear Father God,
    Whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Who syrengthens me.
    I will renew my mind.
    The battle has already been won.
    Victory is on the way.
    Today,Great Father,
    I Glory in Your Presence.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Keep the strong prayers coming. My household needs every bit of them. Surrounded my home inside and out from top to bottom. Its time for all evil souls and spirits to flee. I need my house and children back in order. Not tomorrow but right now. I need Jesus present to show up and out. I need my marriage on the same level. I need Jesus to take the wheel. Jesus name.

  19. Amen, Glory to Jesus. He promised us in His word that we must be strong and courage’s. Thank you for your prayers, may God bless you all.

  20. I thank God for your ministry. My family and I have been facing a ferocious attack from the enemy but your devotionals have been very timely and encouraging. I know the battle has already been won.

  21. I thank God for His gift of grace and mercy a new each day. His everlasting love. I give God the glory and praises

  22. Amen!!! I receive it in Jesus precious name. My enemies have been defeated for no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Thank so much for this prayer. More grace to you.

  23. Amen. Lord help us to defeat our enemies with prayers. Always keep me and my family safe from them.

  24. Thank You Jesus for forgiving my sins. I choose to forgive the family member who hurt me most. Even after forgiving I get the hurting feeling caused now and then. Sorry Lord. I bind the satan reminding me of those thoughts. I pray for the family member to repent of the sins and ask for forgiveness from You. I bind the satan stopping from confessing the sins and deliverance. I pray that he will meet someone Godly and touched by You. Lord I pray for salvation and commit his life to honour You and live a life to glorify Your precious Name. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus. All things are possible for You. Amen and Amen

  25. I have the full body of armor on , I am healed by the blood of Jesus, if I have not forgiven, let me forgive
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  26. I never talk about my marriage because of guilt but know I have the victory through Christ Jesus .Guilt is one of the devils device that he used I am know fight with the word of God (1John 5:2Cor10: Heb 4:12) if God be for us who can stand before us we have the victory In Jesus Christ.(my testimony be encourage in the Lord and his power).

  27. Dear Father God.
    I thank you Lord,to give me the grace and strength to forgive,and bless my everyday life.
    I believe in You dear Lord.
    I worship You and honoring You.I will overcome the attack of the enemy.
    I declare that today is My Day. Amen
    So today,I choose to stand against the attacks of the enemy.
    I know that whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
    I pray that today:
    Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.who gives me the strength.
    I will renew my mind and the battles has already won.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for bring peace in my heart,in my mind,and in my soul.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  28. I was looking for a prayer to use as a spiritual force against the enemy. He has been attacking my family for years. I cant and wont stand for it any longer! I am so glad the Lord woke me and led me to your page. I prayed the prayer and read the comments. I am feeling stronger already.Please keep my family in your prayers as we are dealing with serious warfare. My older son struggles with Schizoaffective disorder and has ended up in prison because of it. He was on the brink of suicide a year ago, but God intervened. He is still facing serious charges. I am sole caregiver for his nine year old son, and he suffers from mental issues as as well. My other son suffers from severe panic attacks. I have been divorced five years and this is quite overwhelming to deal with. I would certainly be grateful for any and all prayers and words of encouragement anyone has to offer. Thank you for taking time to read this and God Bless!

    1. I’m praying for your situation. I pray for your sons to be delivered from the demons of rejection and pride. The veil to be lifted so they will see the light of the Gospel and their minds will be able to comprehend it. The demon of pride is bound so that they will humble themselves before God and find salvation. In Jesus mighty name,Amen!

    2. Beloved, the Lord is in control as soon as you turned to Him. Take heart, keep on trusting and everything will be fine in Jesus name. God bless you.

  29. Thank you for your teachings i found this site at just the right time. The Enemy has been attacking me in my body and my finances and also my thoughts. he has attacked before but this time he is relentless and it is discouraging so Im glad found your site and look forward to reading more

  30. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I believe that,by worshiping and honoring You.
    I will overcome the attacks of the enemy.
    I choose to stand against the attacks of the enemy.
    I know that whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
    I thank you dear God,to give me the grace and strength to forgive,and bless my everyday life.
    I pray that today,In the name of my Lord Jesus.I will renew my mind and the battles has already won. Amen.
    Thank you Lord,for bring me peace in my heart,and give the strength to face my battles.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  31. I praise You my dear Father in Heaven.I believe in God the Father Almighty,the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    I declare that today is my day.I choose to stand against the Ttacks of the enemy.
    Thank you Lord,to give me the grace and strength to forgive and bless me with Your love.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  32. Lord Jesus,
    Thank You for making the ultimate sacrifice for us, so our sins can be forgiven. Amen.

  33. I am the woman of God. I am blessed by the best. The greater is he that is within me. I will seek my Lord in good times and in trouble time.I love you Lord.I humbed my self before your throne. Your name is above all names..Every situation in my life shall bow into your name Jesus..I trust you that you will supply all my needs and fill each and every void..Heal my heart and give me peace Lord.

  34. I am lifting up my daughter in prayer , she is 19 yrs old she has a way of getting herself in a mess n realizes it but some times she hurts people along the way, she suffers from depression, she is away from college now ,I often feel like I can’t seem to find peace .

  35. Petunia you must understand that those are the works of the enemy!Do you not understand!The enemy wishes to only turn you against the father Almighty.God of Abraham,but know he has heard your prayer and he is listening and remember that God the father loves you and knows you are suffering!We are harassed by the enemy,stalked and hounded.Haven’t you ever heard the Devil never rests! Remember what is done too you shall be done on others! Venages is mine through christ!Pray to the holy spirit until you feel it come!At least 3 times and kneel and cry out to thy father for he shall surely anserw you!Do not be afraid!!!For he is with you!Bless you child.Just see with thy eye’s and listen be silent and still.There are many ways the lord speaks too you!Through your surrounding’s and you shall see the truth.Maybe you are a solider of God!Which is why the enemy works against you!See this,feel this!The enemy knows,Petunia!He is after all that serves and loves the Lord!You could be called to serve!Know that the father of lies,the serpent tries to rob,kill and steal.Do not let him to this to you and your family!Pray!Pray!Ask God to forgive you and help you understand thy word.Go in peace!

  36. It is extremely difficult to forgive, when the words and actions of the one who lied on me for many years have had such a negative impact of my life – my reputation, my health and my income. Almost everyday I am confronted with situations that cause me to remember the liar, the persons who still believe the lies, the ones who do not believe them but yet spread them, and the ones who acted on the lies, some knowing that they were lies. I have not even been given a hearing, just swept aside like garbage. God has to help me to forgive as I’m incapable of forgiving them on my own. God please help me, in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving, Amen.

    1. Petunia I can relate to your struggle, you worded your plea to God wonderfully. You must be strong and forgive the enemy, its the only way. I still struggle with the enemy, but praying eases my frustration and anger. I will pray for you too, God be with you, Amen

    2. Ms Petunia I pray all is well in your life for I too have been attacked by Satan and his angels, my child . It’s been hard but I had to first confess my sins one by one to God, then humbly ask his forgiveness and repent..after that I felt my burdens just fall to the ground…. my burdens were lightweight .. then I started a prayer life and attended prayer worship with a group that prayed over me and my situation… i felt God’s spirit..then I got into The Bible for myself and God led me to scriptures that I needed… i attnd bible study and from there I receive more instructions from God and oh what a difference in my heart … believe that’s why I can testify as I am doing now. Remove self from the situation , be still and Let work his wonders in your life. Read psalms 35 that Talks about the enemy
      Love you and I’m praying for your deliverance

    3. Petunia you have to forgive to be forgiven! Let go and let God, It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord

  37. The prayers and testimonies have been uplifting. Gods goodness and mercy have followed me. I have continued to.see Gods work in my life even when I felt I do not deserve it.

  38. Dear Lord I receive everything that you have plan for me for the battle is not mine Lord it’s your thank you Father for your grace and mercy

  39. I praise You dear Heavenly Father,I keep my trust and my hope in You all day long.
    I believe in God the Father Almighty.He blessed me with His love and His mercy,and always be with me.
    I am full of grace and walk in righteousness,and the Holy Spirit of God stay in my heart.
    There is no enemy can attack or over power in my life.
    Thank you Lord,for this beautiful prayer.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  40. I will love to read the bible evwry morn and night i do not have ni comments to make mt sprit is filling with rhe prayers i livw it

    1. Amen. “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Deuteronomy 20:4. God bless you and your family Tanya. 🙂

  41. Father.
    I declare to stand against evil thats consume me…the attack from those who are supposed to love me respect ,protect. And help find your glory….especially in this time of illnesses and i put my trust father and you you i trust. Amen

  42. Thank you Bevjoy for the wonderful prayer above, I will pray it often because it comforts me and helps me to feel that I can with God help overcome the evil one’s torments.

    Please Father make Your ways known to all of us and lead us in the way of truth, and help us to hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally, we commend to Your Loving, Fatherly Goodness all those of us who are any way afflicted, or distressed, in mind, body, or spirit by the evil one and that it may please You to deliver comfort and relieve us, according to our heavy needs giving us patience in our suffering, and out of our pain Lord please bring Your Mighty, Holy Deliverance and Your Compassionate Understanding, so we may know, that just like in Bible times You are still able to Heal the Sick and bring Your Glorious Peace to any defeating situation. I am a Child of God bought and paid for, and the evil one may not touch me.

  43. Almighty Father,
    Bless this person who leads us in prayer.
    May she and family be blessed with all joys and looked upon with favour in Your sight.

    I pray too that
    Let us each one in the Christian walk
    Believe no enemy can attack or overpower
    When we are filled in Your spirits
    When we are armed with Your word and walk in righteousness.