Prayer to become more like Jesus

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As we all strive to become more like Jesus, we do encounter bumps and obstacles along the way. Remember though that the race is not for the swift but for those who endure to the end!

The following is a quote from Rick Warren:
Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth. Spiritual maturity is neither instant nor automatic; it is a gradual, progressive development that will take the rest of your life.

Referring to this process, Paul said, “This will continue until we are . . . mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him.” (Ephesians 4:13 CEV)

You are a work in progress. Your spiritual transformation in developing the character of Jesus will take the rest of your life, and even then it won’t be completed here on earth. It will only be finished when you get to heaven or when Jesus returns.

Prayer to become more like Jesus

Almighty Father, Creator of the universe, I approach Your Heavenly Gates with a grateful heart. I bless Your Holy Name and submit the honor and praise that is due unto You.

Beautiful Lord, I was created in your image, fearfully and wonderfully made to be the light in this dark world.

Father, please guide me in a plain path of righteousness, according to Your will and glory. You are the Omnipotent Potter and I am the clay. Shape me, mold me, use me and fill me each and everyday to become more like Christ.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Praying for strength and wisdom

Heavenly Father, Jesus was the perfect example of how I should live my life. Allow me the strength and wisdom to follow in his footsteps.

Love truly came down when He was sent to die on the cross and save an undeserving sinner like me.

Grant me the power to be pure, peaceful, loving, considerate, submissive, merciful, impartial and sincere toward my fellow men.

Isaiah 40:31 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Take complete control, Lord

My Sovereign Lord, I boldly choose to live for You and You alone. Infiltrate into my heart, into my soul and into my life so I can be transformed into Your image.

Father, please take complete control. Increase as I decrease, as Jesus becomes the center of my heart and my life.

Draw near Oh Lord, as I step out today into this unholy land. Let each and every step I take be a step closer to You as I begin the journey of thinking and acting as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Jeremiah 29:11 ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’

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  1. Dear God, as I try to live more like your son Jesus I ask you to guide me through the rest of the day not worrying about what’s going to happen in the next hour, day, months, or years but live in the moment knowing I have you by my side and everything will work out just fine as long as I seek you. Remind me the best drug or high I can get is from you that there is no drug or substance that can provide that natural peace, courage, strength and power that you can provide in you your mighty name I pray Amen 🙏

  2. Good night father god . Thank you for today . Protect me and my family while we sleep and give us a peaceful night and sweet dreams in Jesus mighty name I pray amen amen amen

  3. Dear Father God, I want to thank you for waking up this morning to see another day. Father I praise you and bless your Holy name. Father I love you with my heart and soul. Father you are my everything. Father God teach me to live a righteous life and teach me to be more like You. Father God,allow me the strength and wisdom to follow your foot steps. Father you are the potter and i am the clay. Shape me, mold me, use me and fill me each and every day to be more like Christ. Let each and every step i take be a step closer to you Father God. Father show me your will and purpose for my life. I come before you saying i am thankful for you. In your name i pray Amen??❤❤

  4. My dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I praise and bless You Holy Name.I love You with all my heart and soul.You are my Lord and my Savior. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for giving me more faith,more strength to follow Your way in my daily life.
    Dear Lord,please teach me to live a righteous life,and also teach me to be more like You,Lord Jesus,Amen.
    I pray that today,dear God,
    May every steps I take be a step closer to You,Lord. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for You take control of my life,never leaving or forsaking me.
    I want to follow You,Lord,to speak kindly,to hold my tongue in every situation.
    I want my action and reaction to please You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  5. I put all my trust and heart and soul in to my mighty heavenly Father in heaven I know I need him ever hour of the day, night we him all things are possible with the love of Jesus

  6. Lord Jesus I am the clay , you are the mold, make me more like you.
    Thy will be done!
    Amen & Amen

  7. Am Kenyan christian praying for consistency in prayers and reading his word and more so revelation.May God bless you for the good job and encouraging words

    1. Dear Father God.
      I thank you Lord,for this morning,it is peaceful day.It is the day You gave me to make my own.
      Lord Jesus,I seek this day for Your light to guide my step.
      Every step I take is ordered by You dear Father God. Amen.
      As I begin this day.
      I need You Father,to guide my step.
      Help me to follow Your will and Your word in everything I do.
      Dear God,Help me to follow my Lord Jesus,to do good to everyone and to love others.
      Help me to live a holy live and grow in goodness.
      Thank You Lord Jesus,for Your word,it teaches me how to love You,Lord,and how to love others,and how to love myself.
      In Jesus mighty name I pray.
      Amen and Amen..